The Russian Endgame: A Craig Page Thriller
A Craig Page Thriller: The Russian Endgame by Allan Topol (2013, Paperback)
But before this nefarious scheme can reach fruition When former KGB agent Dimitri Orlov orchestrates an alliance between two world powers bent on domination, he unleashes a powerful chain of events that will rock the Western World. But before this nefarious scheme can reach fruition, Craig Page is on the scene, joined by companion Elizabeth Crowder, ready to confront a painful past and the enemies that helped create it. But can the indomitable Director of Counterterrorism emerge victorious? Finding himself facing an old enemy unexpectedly catapulted into a lethal position of power, Craig is pushed to the limit in an effort to foil his enemy's deadly plans and keep potentially devastating military technology out of the hands of those prepared to destroy the world as he knows it.
Filled with thrills, twists, and danger, The Russian Endgame showcases best-selling author Allan Topol's talent for delivering electrifying, gripping expeditions into the world of international intrigue. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Russian Endgame , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Packed with action and dramatic twist-and-turns, it appears to be the final act of a three-part game of international conspiracy Craig Page series featuring daring and bold ex-CIA agent, Craig Page.
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Now EU Director of Counter-Terrorism, the former intelligence operative is called once again to thwart a criminal master-plan that could tragically overturn the political and military balance of our planet. Now and then, the action reaches its peak at a highly engaging pace - no wonder the author has been compared to masters such as Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy. But while I believe readers of hardboiled espionage stories will enjoy the fascinating premises and the tight plot of The Russian Endgame, I found Topol's writing to be wanting on a few counts. Sep 09, Kathy rated it really liked it.
In Allan Topol's The Russian Endgame , the quest for power leads to an unholy alliance between China and Russia and once again, Craig Page is locked in a fierce battle with his longtime nemesis, General Zhou. Coming full circle in this third installment, Craig and his girlfriend, Elizabeth Crowder, return to Washington, DC as they fight to keep critical weaponry plans out of the hands of Zhou and Russian President, Fyodor Kyznov.
The Russian Endgame begins just days after Craig successfully foils In Allan Topol's The Russian Endgame , the quest for power leads to an unholy alliance between China and Russia and once again, Craig Page is locked in a fierce battle with his longtime nemesis, General Zhou.
The Russian Endgame begins just days after Craig successfully foils an attack on the Pope and the Vatican-a plot that Page remains convinced General Zhou masterminded. Determined to bring him to justice and exact revenge for his daughter's death, Page spearheads a campaign to capture Zhou but, once again, Zhou slips through Craig's fingers. When Zhou finally achieves his long coveted position of power, he joins forces with ex-KGB agent, Dimitri Orlov, and together they set in motion a diabolical plan to catapult both China and Russia to super power status.
Shocking events leave them scrambling to uncover not only the perpetrators but the reasons behind the devastating acts of aggression against the United States. Unintentional revelations to a former foe of Craig's also hamper their efforts and in fact, put the entire operation in jeopardy. Not as action oriented as the previous novels in the series, The Russian Endgame is nonetheless a fast paced and compelling read. Allan Topol once again engages his readers with a thought-provoking and realistic storyline that is full of surprising twists and turns.

The novel's conclusion is unexpected, but upon reflection, it is an appropriate ending to Craig Page's adversarial relationship with Zhou. Sep 28, Kathy Martin rated it it was ok. This is the conclusion of the Craig Page trilogy and brings all the hanging plot threads to a satisfying conclusion.
The story is told from multiple viewpoints - Dimitri Orlov, Craig Page and General Zhou - which lets us see the plot unfolding. General Zhou is plotting to become the leader of China and lead China to world domination. Dimitri Orlov, whose sister is the mistress of General Zhou, is plotting for power in Russia.
- The Russian Endgame;
- Jos Triumph.
- Craig Page Series!
- 916,63 RUB.
He is being used by both the Russian President and General Zhou to fur This is the conclusion of the Craig Page trilogy and brings all the hanging plot threads to a satisfying conclusion. He is being used by both the Russian President and General Zhou to further their plots. Craig Page is still focused - maybe even obsessed - with bring General Zhou to justice because he had Craig's daughter killed.
This one had all the elements to make a heart-pounding thriller but, somehow, it missed for me. I don't know if it was the viewpoint switches or the fact that enough plot for pages was condensed into pages that did it. It felt, to me, that the story needed a lot more detail to build the suspense. I was also not a big fan of the main character - Craig Page. Others in the intelligence community describe him as a "cowboy" and a "loose cannon" which aren't characteristics that endeared him to me.
His obsession with revenge on General Zhou caused him to run roughshod over fellow intelligence people and to make decisions without consulting anyone. It seemed that he was apologizing to the President every couple of pages for his activities. Readers who started the series will want to read this one to find out how the story finishes. Fans looking for a thriller might want to look elsewhere.
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Sep 26, Stephen rated it liked it. Forces are afoot in both Russian and China to reconnect the two countries into an alliance which will dominate the world. Spymaster Craig Page must do everything in his power to thwart the ambitions of General Zhou and Dimitri Orlov in this the latest book in the series by Allan Topol. Orlov has received permission from Russian President Kuznov to have a direct meeting with General Zhou and see if the General is ready to combine forces in an attempt to change the world status of China and Russia Forces are afoot in both Russian and China to reconnect the two countries into an alliance which will dominate the world.
Orlov has received permission from Russian President Kuznov to have a direct meeting with General Zhou and see if the General is ready to combine forces in an attempt to change the world status of China and Russia and return them to world dominance. He also intends to utilize an interesting link to Zhou. Zhou's main squeeze is Orlov's sister, Androshka!!
Meanwhile although Craig Page is not aware of this potentially ominous meeting, he and his girl friend , Elizabeth are prepared to go after General Zhou and kill him. If for no other reason Page intends to avenge the death of his daughter, Francesca. Zhou was totally responsible for her death. Time is not on their side as the forces of evil intend to coalesce. And Page has no idea of Orlov's primary target??
The Russian Endgame (Craig Page, #3) by Allan Topol
Topal's writes as exciting an international thriller as any writer on the scene today. His chapters are short and he keeps the narrative moving at an exceptional pace. Pay attention and enjoy " The Russian Endgame "! Oct 18, Samuel rated it liked it. Entertaining read, provided you are in the mood not to think too much into the plot. Assumptions and how things fall into place seems almost too convenient. Greg Supplice rated it liked it Oct 10, Fran rated it it was amazing Sep 16, James Lynam rated it really liked it Sep 22, David rated it it was ok Feb 02, A Game of Thrones Set: Martin Paperback, A Novel by John Grisham , Hardcover The Crimes of Grindelwald by J.
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