The Butterfly Heart
He makes us listen. Sister Leonisa does the opposite, shouting and waving her arms around, sometimes even jumping up and down. With her we have no option but to listen but with Iwafwa we want to. She was with her mother who was drawing water. A black shadow came across them and her mother looked up into the sky as they had been waiting for the rains for many months. Then she heard her small daughter scream and turned around.

The Kongamato, the one they all dreaded meeting, was swooping down out of the sky towards the little girl. Its long beak was wide open and the mother could see its teeth.
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His huge wings blocked the sun. He was almost upon them when the mother reached up and grabbed hold of his tail. She held on tight; she did not want her little girl taken from her, but the Kongamato was too strong for her and he grabbed hold of the child and flew up into the sky.
The mother held on and he flew away silently carrying them both as if they weighed no more that a flake of ash. The overwhelmer of boats? A lizard with wings. A creature like no other, with a beak and teeth.
The Butterfly Heart by Paula Leyden - A Review ~ Seize the Moment
It flies slowly and has lived on this earth since time began. No one knows where it goes to rest but it always flies round the Benguela swamp. It causes floods by stopping the river and there is no boat in this world that can resist it. No person either; to look into its eyes is death.
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The Kaonde people make a potion to protect themselves against it and this poor mother and her child had forgotten to use it. Newer Post Older Post Home. October 19, at 7: Womanist agenda In your face, Zedbeats! Subscribe To Posts Atom. Subscribe Enter your email address: Eavesdropping 3 weeks ago.
The Butterfly Heart
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Diapers for your period? Every Woman for Himself. Fifty Shades of Grey? It's just a film. Search the site Search term is required. They are horrified when they discover her shocking fate - she is to be married off to her uncle's friend, who drinks heavily and is old enough to be her grandfather Desperate to help her, the twins seek help from Ifwafwa, the Snake Man, but he is notoriously slow and mysterious. Your review has been submitted successfully, thank you. There was an error submitting review. Name Please enter your first name only.
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