The Adam and Eve Chronicles
Return to Book Page. Adam and Eve the Book by George Youket. Who hasn't read the biblical account of creation without entertaining imaginary thoughts and speculations of what might have taken place between the lines of the actual events recorded? This historical novel takes the reader into the Garden of Eden to experience what it may have been like to be Adam and Eve.
While weaving together the actual and imagined events, the author Who hasn't read the biblical account of creation without entertaining imaginary thoughts and speculations of what might have taken place between the lines of the actual events recorded? While weaving together the actual and imagined events, the author brings to light the meanings and truths behind the wonderful symbols and metaphors that introduce the themes of the entire bible.
The Adam Chronicles captures the pristine condition of Eden and the subsequent catastrophe to follow. It will capture your childlike imagination in the purity and perfection of God's creation and will draw you into the living hope that is weaved into God's ultimate victory in Christ. From the sensual joy of Creation to the shattering tragedy of the Fall, the bitter exile from Eden to the promise of ultimate redemption, imagining penetrates between the lines of the sometimes austere and forbidding language of Scripture, thrusting the reader into a personal, emotion-filled experience that suggests the way it was, dissolving the distance of thousands of years.
The Adam Chronicles transports readers into a realm where they can see, feel, touch, and smell the beginning of God's mighty journey with humankind. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Adam Chronicles , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
The Adam and Eve Chronicles
Mar 02, Elizabeth rated it did not like it. I was given this book as part of a goodreads giveaway. I was interested in this book from the perspective of a past religious studies student and as a person keen on science. I have to say that the story element was fine and really just as i expected However what made me score the book so low was the fact that I got annoyed.
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The two things that annoyed me were that the author presumes to know God's thoughts quite often whereas i would of thought that a believer wou I was given this book as part of a goodreads giveaway. The two things that annoyed me were that the author presumes to know God's thoughts quite often whereas i would of thought that a believer wouldn't really presume his thoughts never mind convey them. However the second thing which really annoyed me was in his introduction he states that this is a book not to change people's beliefs but to challenge them and make people think differently or perhaps be more tolerant of others beliefs This however was quickly ruined by a citation claiming without any information on where he got his information that the theory of evolution was impossible and that the creation story was reality.
This ruined the book for me. I feel personally that this book would of been better if it had been written more neutrally or purely retold the story without his citations where he could of simply pointed out the good morals to take from the story ,i. To me whether someone believes or not is irrelevant but as with all stories there is something to be taken from it.
This book actually showed me that I'm glad the author is passionate about his religion but for me it is more important that people are kind and good than whether or not they believe. Apr 01, Susan Walker rated it it was ok. This is a short book about what happens when Adam wakes up in the Garden of Eden. I am not a religious person and was fairly bored by this book.
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- The Adam Chronicles: Adam and Eve the Book: George Paul Youket: Books.
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Anwesha Goswami rated it really liked it Feb 13, Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez rated it it was amazing Mar 01, George Youket added it Jan 24, Frederick Rotzien marked it as to-read Jan 30, Lauren Pike marked it as to-read Jan 30, Nicola Fantom marked it as to-read Jan 30, An Illustrated Guide to Leaving the Planet. Apollo Expeditions to the Moon. A month-by-month guide to exploring the skies above Britain and Ireland. The Space Race Story. Kids Book About Space. Stonehenge - Cracking the Megalithic Code. Encyclopaedia of the Galactic Echo.
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The Adam Chronicles: Adam and Eve the Book by George Youket
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