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Daniel puerto madryn - 25 sep a las Zenlon, gracias, muy bueno, llevaba un buen rato peleando con este virus, que se metio en mi usb en un cibercafe. Ery - 9 jun a las Geo - 19 nov a las Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de arturo. Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de juancho.
Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de eltalivan Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de betit. Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de Yafer. Yafer 7 ago a las JM - 27 feb a las Rdguez8 - Modificado por Rdguez8 el 3 mar a las Comenta la respuesta de Yafer. Ver los 15 comentarios.
Juancho - 17 oct a las Saludos hermano Dios te bendiga!.
Discusiones y opiniones
Bravo, eres un crack! Edixon - 13 feb a las JLC - 5 abr a las AlejaDuq - 30 ago a las KARI - 4 sep a las Denunciar Comenta la respuesta de Mario Bross. Mario Bross 23 oct a las Non-EU nationals employed in Commission. Notification exemptions for public service compensation paid to passenger rail operators.
Fungal infections devastating trees in UK and Europe. Status of European deposit guarantee schemes. Maritime spatial planning and maritime zoning in the Mediterranean. German social dumping is destroying jobs and the European socioeconomic fabric. Restriction to competition caused by closures. A European law to force profitable companies to find a buyer.
Impact of a transatlantic trade and investment partnership on Turkey's Customs Union agreement with the EU. Escalation of threats between North Korea and South Korea. Stomach cancer — new form of diagnosis. Eurostat report — People suffering social exclusion. Blood test developed by scientists to detect Alzheimer's disease.
EU legislation to curb pollution caused by gases used in air conditioning. EU official killed in an attack in Syria. Stepping up food safety system controls. Rare infection claims its ninth victim. The impact of the crisis on the narcotics market. Funding to fight multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. Participation of the Commission at industry-sponsored events on shale oil and gas. Towards harmonised taxation for wine producers. Withdrawal of trace elements such as copper-gold-silver.
Review of the EU-Morocco agreement on agricultural products. Potential health risks of electronic cigarettes and the need for regulation on the issue. Negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement with Thailand. Pesticide residues — report of the European Food Safety Authority. Adjustment programmes in response to the European debt crisis. Accession of the Republic of Iceland to the EU. Youth Guarantee — combating unemployment among young women.
Cuts to subsidies for the training of health workers specialising in transplants, in regions that do not meet the EU's budget stability targets. Construction of a wind farm in the German-Czech border region. The necessary incorporation of Ceuta into the Customs Union. Mandatory uniform identification of commercially licensed and operated lorries throughout the EU. Carbon capture and storage — NER first phase. Commerzbank comments on an enforced tax in Italy. Public works contracts for the Mont Blanc tunnel.
Gestational diabetes testing in the European Union. Application of unequal prices in certain areas to citizens of Malta and people from other EU Member States. Fraudulent activities of a cross-border nature. Negative impact of the social crisis on women. Regeling met betrekking tot uitstaande schulden voetbalclubs. Kan de Commissie meedelen welke de resultaten zijn van dit onderzoek en met name of het mogelijk gaat om staatssteun die dient te worden aangemeld? Kan de Commissie reeds uitspraak doen over de vraag of deze regeling het gelijke speelveld voor Europese voetbalclubs verstoort?
Dergelijke steun dient bij de Commissie te worden gemeld om niet als illegaal te worden beschouwd. Aangezien het onderzoek nog loopt en de Commissie momenteel bezig is met het analyseren van de informatie waarover zij beschikt, kan zij nog geen uitspraak doen over deze kwestie of over de mogelijke duur van het onderzoek. Can the Commission say what the results of those investigations are and in particular whether this is possibly a case of state aid which should be notified?
If not, can the Commission indicate how soon the investigation can be expected to yield a result? Can the Commission give its view yet on whether the settlement interferes with the level playing field for European football clubs? Such aid would need to be notified to the Commission, in order not to become illegal.

Since the investigation is ongoing and the Commission is currently analysing the information in its possession, it is not yet in a position to comment on the issues raised or on the time the investigation will last. Heeft de Commissie kennis genomen van de recente aanval op de christelijke gemeenschap in Lahore, waarbij o. Is de Commissie bekend met het feit dat leden van de provinciale staten van Punjab en een lid van het nationale parlement, onder wie leden van de regerende politieke partij PML-N, deel hebben genomen aan het geweld? Is de Commissie bekend met het feit dat het geweld voortkomt uit een geschil over landrechten, waarbij de blasfemiewetgeving is misbruikt om de christenen van het land te verdrijven?
Is de Commissie de mening dat het ontbreken van een goed onderwijssysteem, waarbij in het onderwijscurriculum een negatief beeld wordt neergezet van minderheden, vrouwen in India, als een belangrijke oorzaak kan worden gezien van de negatieve beeldvorming over minderheden? De EU heeft meermaals haar bezorgdheid geuit over de onverdraagzaamheid en het geweld tegenover christenen en andere minderheden, en is zich zeer bewust van de kwetsbare positie van religieuze minderheden in Pakistan en het mogelijke misbruik dat kan voortvloeien uit de blasfemiewetten.
Is the Commission aware of the recent attack on the Christian community in Lahore, in which, inter alia , houses were burned down? Is the Commission aware that members of the Punjab Provincial Assembly and a member of the national Parliament, including members of the governing political party PML-N, took part in the violence? Is the Commission aware that the violence arose from a dispute over land rights, in connection with which the law on blasphemy was misused in order to drive Christians off the land?
If so, will the Commission, during the next human rights consultations between the EEAS and the Government of Pakistan, call for the law on blasphemy to be amended so as to prevent its being abused? Does the Commission consider that the absence of a satisfactory education system, and the fact that the educational curriculum presents a negative image of minorities and women in India, can be regarded as a major cause of the adverse image of minorities which prevails in the country?
The EU has repeatedly expressed its concern about intolerance and violence towards Christians and other minority groups, and is well aware of the vulnerable situation of religious minorities in Pakistan and the potential for abuse that the blasphemy laws present. Allegations against individual politicians underline the need for continued EU support for democratic institutions and engagement with the government.
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They also underline EU plans to engage promptly with the next Pakistani government on the objectives of the EU-Pakistan 5-Year Engagement Plan in which human rights, is a priority. EU support for education in Pakistan is a major component of its development assistance. As for any other beneficiary, when the relevant international monitoring bodies report serious and systematic violations of core international human and labour rights continued enjoyment of these preferences may be challenged.
La primera reprimenda por parte del Tribunal viene por el canon que deben pagar las empresas por hacer uso de la red ferroviaria. European legislation lays down that the responsibility of determining the charges payable by railway operators should lie with an independent manager, whereas in the case of Spain, the State has both established the charging framework and set the actual tariffs.
The second inconsistency with EU rules which the Court identified concerned incentives. States are obliged to offer these subsidies with the aim of minimising the possible disruption experienced by a railway operator which has previously received the support of the administration. The Court in Luxembourg found that although Spanish legislation did provide for the possibility of granting such subsidies, this was not sufficient to actually implement the incentive scheme.
Current Commission practice is to enquire within one month of the Court's ruling which measures were adopted or scheduled to be adopted by the Member State to comply with the Court's judgment. On your second question, the Commission does not have any information enabling it to assess the cost of this infringement procedure. In view of the above, will the Commission say:. How does it judge international city rankings and what conclusions does it draw for European cities?
Does it have any tools and complete and up-to-date statistical data regarding the comparative rank of European cities with a view to highlighting best practices but also their weaknesses? The Commission is aware of the different surveys ranking cities referred to in the question. Rankings of that type are based on an assessment of the relative importance of indicators. The principle objective of statistics collected on social and economic phenomena, such as cities, is to provide a picture from different perspectives as objectively as possible.
The conclusions on the statistics obtained are left to users of the statistics. The Urban Audit is a statistical data collection covering a comprehensive set of themes and more than cities in Europe. However, due to the lack of a regulatory legal base the dataset is not complete. The perception survey on quality of life in European cities — now based on telephone interviews in 78 European cities — has also been regularly conducted since These tools allow for European comparisons and can serve as a base for analysis on best practices and weaknesses.
However, they have not been designed for ranking cities. The aim of the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities RFSC is to help cities apply the integrated approach and to facilitate the dialogue on sustainable urban development within and amongst cities. As an intergovernmental initiative, it has been made clear from the inception of the RFSC that it would avoid ranking of any sort — rather, it should allow urban areas to highlight their best practices and compare approaches and results through the networking aspect of the tool.
It is also known that their operations are based on profit-seeking without examining the root causes of default or its social implications i.
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There is therefore a real danger that distress funds may acquire a large share of Greek bank loans at a very low price and then seek to maximise their profits, going so far as to take legal action against borrowers who fail to pay their debts: Given the worry this has caused thousands of indebted households in Greece, and the Commission's obligation to protect consumers from profiteering and irresponsible practices, will the Commission say:.
What is its position on this matter? Does it intend to take measures to protect Greek borrowers and vulnerable groups from possible profiteering by distress funds? What leeway does the borrower have for renegotiating and settling the terms of payment when the creditor changes? Is any provision made for the creation of a legal framework for the transfer of non-performing debt portfolios from financial institutions to debt arrears management funds or companies? How are borrowers protected from speculative interests and controversial and illegal debt collection practices e. Will it put in place the necessary control mechanisms?
Households are facing a difficult financial situation due to the economic crisis in Greece. The Greek Authorities, in consultation with the programme partners, are seeking to find a balanced solution in the reform of the existing framework for indebted households to protect, through a moratorium on seizures and a rescheduling of non-performing loans, low-income families facing a significant loss of income which make them currently unable to observe their repayment obligations. The Commission is not aware of distress funds currently becoming involved in the management of non-performing funds.
The ongoing recapitalisation and consolidation of the banking sector will help Greek banks withstand the current high level of non-performing loans without having to resort to fire sale of their loan portfolios. Pursue further reforms to the mortgage and rental markets, financial regulation and property taxation to prevent excessive volatility and distortions in the housing market.
Will the Commission kindly explain what type of reforms it has in mind, especially with regard to property taxation? The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to these documents, which contain the Commission's views on possible policy action and reforms to improve the functioning of the UK housing market and to address the high levels of UK household debt.
It is in the best interest of the Member State to implement the country-specific recommendations addressed to it in the context of the European Semester. In this context, the country-specific recommendations are proposed by the Commission and adopted by the Council after endorsement by the European Council. Xenophobia means fear of strangers — a state of mind. How can you make a state of mind a criminal offence?
Racism is sometimes used to mean hatred or incitement to hatred. However, it is often used to refer to words that neither express hatred nor incite it in others. What do you mean by it? Will you please provide an all-embracing definition of both these terms, so that my constituents will know exactly what is meant whenever the Council refers to these words in its documents?
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If the Council cannot define what it means when it employs these terms, how can the public do so, and how can they constitute criminal offences? Are these words deliberately undefined in order to frighten the public and politicians away from discussing immigration or ethnicity? Such offences are constituted by the following conduct, when done intentionally: This conduct has thus been defined in a clear fashion in accordance with the principle of legal certainty and cannot be said to be undefined or unclear.
I am merely asking that you provide a definition of each term, as used by the Commission and as employed, for example, in the aforementioned Framework Decision. This is regardless of whether certain manifestations constitute offences or whether they are not currently regarded as such.
Will you please provide your all-embracing definition of each word, as the Commission understands them whenever it employs them? It is therefore apparent that fraud is a major problem and that more must be done to tackle cross-border fraud. Close and regular cooperation between all the competent authorities is an obligation in art TFEU. Two domains are currently in the focus: Fresh dialogue has produced a number of significant achievements thanks to the constructive engagement of both sides.
However, the international community must continue with the efforts needed to achieve further progress. The regular exchanges between the Prime Ministers as well as the first ever meeting of the Presidents have not only produced important political agreements but also shown the interest of both sides in normalising relations.
That agreement contains a set of principles and arrangements which give the Kosovo Serb community a new vision of their future by addressing their concerns and needs in a way that preserves the functionality of the Kosovo institutions and legal framework. Both sides have committed to and are currently in the process of implementing this as well as past agreements of the dialogue.
The Implementation Plan contains measures and actions that constitute a basis for translating all the elements of the First Agreement into reality. Work on the specific elements set out in the Implementation Plan is ongoing. Is there a credible link between the intervention in Mali and the spike in the number of kidnappings by Islamists? What is the EEAS doing to ensure the swift release of those individuals kidnapped, and what can be done to discourage such acts of kidnapping in Africa? In recent years, child poverty has reached unprecedented levels. Furthermore, it is absolutely crucial that a child-centred approach is taken to addressing child poverty.
Can the Commission explain what is currently being done to address the issue of child poverty? Would the Commission agree that a child-centred approach is the best way to help the most vulnerable in our society? Is there an EU-wide approach to preventing child poverty, or does the responsibility lie solely with individual Member States?
However, EU cooperation can complement their efforts, leading to a better understanding of the determinants of child poverty and successful policy approaches. In the recommendation, the Commission emphasised the need to recognise children as independent rights holders. The Commission believes that tackling the disadvantages that children face in the early years is an important means to address poverty, and that early intervention is essential for developing more effective policies.
Inoltre, si apprende che nei Balcani occidentali operano due grandi reti, albanese e panslava, costituite da piccoli gruppi di commercianti, attualmente indagati. Vengono commercializzati soprattutto bazooka, lanciarazzi, kalashnikov, bombe a mano ed esplosivi. Al vertice dei ministri della Giustizia e degli Affari interni con i Balcani occidentali, tenutosi a Tirana a novembre , i partecipanti hanno adottato una dichiarazione sul controllo della diffusione di armi di piccolo calibro. In addition, the article in question states that two large-scale networks, one Albanian and one involving nationals of several different Slavic countries, each of which is made up of small groups of traders, are operating completely unmolested in the western Balkans.
Arms are exchanged for drugs or cigarettes. Trafficking is becoming ever more widespread in Bosnia, where there are still large quantities of arms left over from the wars which took place in the s. The arms most commonly traded are bazookas, rocket launchers, Kalashnikovs, hand grenades and explosives. Issues related to the rule of law, including the fight against various types of crime, are at the heart of the enlargement process. For example, in the context of the visa liberalisation process, enlargement countries had to meet a number of commitments related to law enforcement cooperation, integrated border management, document security and respect of fundamental rights.
These substantially contributed to strengthening their capacity to fight cross border crime such as arms trafficking. The Commission is aware that the fight against organised crime including drugs, arms and people trafficking remains a challenge in the Western Balkan region.
The Commission continues to monitor the implementation of this declaration in its bilateral relations with the countries concerned. Il complesso comprende, tra l'altro: Quali sono le azioni finanziabili e i tempi per tale finanziamento? The complex included the Science Centre, Italy's leading interactive science museum whose exhibition area attracted around visitors a year; a business start-up centre with 34 companies operating mainly in the sectors of ICT, the environment and the creative industries; an advanced training centre and a conference centre.
Over people worked in the complex, including 70 employees of the City of Science Foundation. This is an enormous loss for Naples and its economy. The European Union has already, in the past, highlighted the importance of the complex, thereby ensuring that City of Science attracted attention and even funding, which helped to turn it into the centre of excellence that it was until a few days ago.
The same considerations have led the Commission to announce that it is prepared to look into the possibility of making a direct contribution to rebuilding the centre. Can the Commission state what kind of assistance it intends to provide, bearing in mind also the employment problem arising from the fire? What actions can be financed and what are the timescales for such financing?
Can the Commission confirm whether, in the event that City of Science is relocated within the Bagnoli district, it would be possible to use the resources earmarked for the reopening of the former steelworks? The Commission is working closely with the Italian authorities to identify the most appropriate course of action. Yet, the responsibility for identifying and launching such measures lies with the Italian authorities.
The Commission is ready to assist the region and the city of Naples in defining such measures. Is the Commission continuing to assist the Haitian Government in the relocation of displaced persons and in supporting livelihood incentives and providing water and sanitation services in Haiti? Has the cholera outbreak in Haiti been eradicated? Does ECHO assist in the treatment and eradication of cholera across the developing world?
With a remaining caseload of approximately displaced people still living in makeshift camps three years after the earthquake, one of the top priorities of the Commission is to speed up the relocation process in support of the Haitian Government efforts. It is also supporting neighbourhood reconstruction and rehousing efforts in Port au Prince through an urban development programme including access to basic services such as water and sanitation and livelihood opportunities.
The worst peaks of the epidemic seem to be over, but cholera is now endemic. Rainy seasons or any tropical storm or hurricane can trigger new outbreaks. When national authorities do not have the necessary response capacity, the Commission responds to cholera outbreaks worldwide with the objective of saving lives. The situation in Syria is further deteriorating. According to statements by the UK Prime Minister and the French Foreign Minister, however, London and Paris will be seeking the lifting of the European arms embargo in order to supply weapons to the insurgents.
If so, does she intend to raise the matter in the discussions on this subject in the Council? Such deliveries must be authorised in advance by the competent national authorities. So far there has been no consensus among EU Member States on further derogations to the arms embargo.
The issue remains on the agenda for discussions in the Council in May. A recent report by the European Commission has stated that there will be a further downturn in the eurozone, and that the economic deficit is likely to persist. As it is now evident that the eurozone economy will contract in , how is the Commission planning to restore confidence in the economy of the internal market? The Commission's Annual Growth Survey AGS laid out the economic priorities for Member States and at EU level to regain short term confidence and laying the foundations for sustainable growth and jobs in the future.
These include supporting innovation and investment in, and the use of information and communications technology ICT. Further action is needed to remove unjustified restrictions and improve competition in product and services markets, including in the areas of retail trade, regulated professions, construction, tourism, business services and network industries. The better functioning of the Single Market also requires action at EU level. For more favourable business environment, key reforms areas include judicial system and enhanced use of e-government and e-procurement.
For improving the resilience of the labour market, the tax burden on labour should be further reduced and employment legislation simplified. Furthermore, confidence in the Eurozone will be improved by taking ambitious steps towards a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union EMU , implying further development of fiscal, financial, economic and political union. It is very important to improve the human rights situation in Western Sahara.
Problems still persist with regard to freedom of speech and assembly. If so, what are they and how are they funded? The EU remains concerned about the implications of the Western Sahara conflict. The EU has repeatedly called on all parties to refrain from violence and to respect human rights. In the framework of EU-Morocco political dialogue, human rights are regularly discussed at meetings of the joint bodies established under the Association Agreement.
The EU Delegation in Rabat is in contact with regional civil society organisations to track the situation. The CNDH will be reinforced in terms of professional skills and monitoring capacity of the human rights situation. No other projects are co-financed in Western Sahara. Whilst this is welcome news for the whole of Europe, there is also reason to be concerned about the geo-political risks associated with these natural gas discoveries. The Commission recalls that offshore prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons should be performed according to international law, notably as regards the delimitation of maritime zones.
It is important to avoid that the newly discovered resources become a source of tension. Rather, the discovery of natural resources should contribute to prosperity and peace in the region. The Commission has been regularly conveying this message in its contacts with the relevant Governments. The issue raised by the Honourable Member also underlines once again the urgent need for a solution to the Cyprus problem and the Commission encourages all parties to treat it constructively.
A settlement would open up the range of options for the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources in the economically most advantageous way for the benefit of all Cypriots. The EU is currently working on ways to better assist the opposition, but at this point it is not possible to refer to any concrete amounts of possible assistance.
It has been claimed that the exploitation of shale oil would result in lower oil prices, resulting in higher global GDP. It would seem that there are sizable benefits in sight for the shale oil industry, not only in Northern Ireland but across the Member States. How is the Commission assisting and supporting research into investments in this new energy source? The exploitation of unconventional gas and oil is subject to an ongoing debate in Europe with diverging views among Member States.
The Commission is carefully studying the possible benefits and risks of such new sources of oil and natural gas and the need for further action. The issue of harassment in the workplace, in the sense of employees being assaulted by members of the public, is not a new phenomenon. Cases of such assault at the workplace have increased drastically in recent years. Is the Commission aware of this issue, and are there any EU-wide proposals to counter this rising threat at the workplace? The Commission regards tackling violence and harassment at work, whether it involves co-workers within the organisation or parties from outside, such as members of the public, as an important aspect of EU efforts to improve working conditions and health and safety at work.
The European social partners have since produced a report on its implementation. The European social partners will report on their progress later this year. With Kenyans going to the polls in early March for the first time since the violent clashes following the presidential elections, will the EEAS be observing the elections to ensure that they remain both peaceful and democratic?
After the elections, ethnic violence left over 1 people dead and internally displaced. How will the EEAS be ensuring that ethnic tensions remain peaceful and calm throughout the duration of the elections? The EU has been engaged in addressing the causes and mitigating the consequences of the post-election violence since this took place in The EU supported three projects in preparation of the election focusing on engaging youth and elders groups in effective dialogue, monitoring of vernacular radio broadcasters and Civic education. With rising youth unemployment across Europe, it is crucial that the Commission continues to assist young people who require guidance and assistance.
Has the initiative been successful in giving young people employment and educational qualifications? Many Member States have taken action to boost youth employment, developed youth employment plans, and stepped up education and training programmes. The proposal for a regulation on the ESF for the programming period includes a dedicated ESF investment priority for the sustainable labour-market integration of young people not in employment, education or training.
Member States with high youth unemployment rates are expected to gear their programming documents on actions to facilitate the transition from school to work and on Youth Guarantee schemes. I understand that Member States rely on transporting goods via roads and motorways. However, it is apparent that stricter legislation is required in order to ensure that pollution does not have an adverse effect on citizens.
The implementation of these actions is currently ongoing.
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This includes the development of technologies such as reducing emissions from traditional power-trains, designing new power trains, promoting e-mobility and more sustainable and cleaner alternative fuels. Other actions which will directly or indirectly reduce emissions are e. Whilst such turmoil is not unusual in Pakistan, which has a history of military coups and judicial intervention, there is cause for concern about the stability of the region as a whole following the removal of the Prime Minister.
Will the EEAS assist Pakistani authorities in their efforts to promote democracy in order to ensure that instability does not flourish? He was replaced in office by Prime Minister Raja Ashraf. This commitment is underlined in the new political framework for dialogue and cooperation agreed in — the EU-Pakistan 5-Year Engagement Plan. The aim is to build a strategic relationship by forging a partnership rooted in shared values, principles and commitments. The Engagement Plan provides for deeper cooperation and dialogue on, amongst other priorities: Pakistan is an important recipient of EU development aid.
This includes support to electoral reform and to the performance of the provincial and national assemblies. In , 14 mobile telephone manufacturers signed an agreement to work on standardising chargers. The Commission announced that the chargers would reach the consumer market that same year. Although universal chargers have been placed on the market, mobile telephone manufacturers are still matching their telephones with chargers which can only be used with a given model and which are incompatible with other telephones. This is a major environmental problem and causes inconvenience for EU consumers.
Is the Commission, as part of its monitoring of the mobile telephone market, investigating how manufacturers are applying the new technical standards? If not, does it intend to do so in the near future? A recent progress report provided by the memorandum of understanding MoU signatories has shown that they have met their obligations under the MoU.
This indicates that the voluntary agreement has been successful in delivering benefits for citizens. The Commission is convinced that consumers and manufacturers can benefit from an extension of the initiative on harmonisation of chargers to new categories of products such as the new generation of mobile phones while taking into account technological innovations and other small electronic devices, such as digital cameras, tablets and music players.
Therefore the Commission is preparing the launch of a study evaluating the results achieved with the MoU and considering options for appropriate follow-up including voluntary agreement and legislation. El desempleo juvenil ha alcanzado unos niveles insostenibles. Youth unemployment has reached unsustainable levels. The EU youth unemployment rate now stands at Measures such as the youth unemployment package and the youth employment initiative will help to remedy the situation. Encouraging entrepreneurship and youth self-employment should be a key element in tackling youth unemployment. The Commission has made tackling high youth unemployment a top priority.
Action to tackle youth unemployment is gaining momentum in most Member States. Its Action Pillar 3 stresses the need to reach out to various groups, including young people. The Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action programmes promote entrepreneurship among young people and help develop their entrepreneurial skills. A specific window for microcredit loans is included in this facility. It provides loan guarantees to microcredit organisations granting loans to micro-enterprises.
The Commission also encourages the ESF managing authorities to support young businesses starters. In september beweerde de krant Dnevni Avaz uit Sarajevo dat pro-Iraanse facties in de Bosnische regering para-intelligente groeperingen hebben gereactiveerd die verbonden zijn aan het islamitische regime van de voormalige leider Izetbegovic.
Hoe beoordeelt de Commissie de invloed van Iran en de Wahhabi-beweging op de westelijke Balkan? Vindt de Commissie dat deze invloed een destabiliserende factor is voor de veiligheidssituatie op de Balkan? De EU streeft een diplomatieke oplossing voor de Iraanse nucleaire kwestie na. De Commissie is niet van plan te speculeren over mogelijke gevolgen van hypothetische aanvallen in de westelijke Balkan. According to a recent article by Gordon N. These were encouraged by the former Bosnian President, Alija Izetbegovic. Furthermore, Bosnia and surrounding countries have experienced an increase in Wahhabi movements that have developed a network of extra-territorial, Sharia-run enclaves.
Do you expect this influence to be a destabilising factor for the security situation in the Balkans? On the basis of the available information, the Commission considers that the Wahhabi Salafist influence is rather limited in the western Balkans, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH. Some radical groups are present, like in several European countries, but they are small in numbers and do not seem connected to the official Islamic community.
Iran's good diplomatic relations with BiH are a matter of fact. The EU pursues a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue. The Commission does not intend to speculate on possible repercussions of hypothetical strikes in the western Balkans region. What action will the Commission take to ensure that Spain complies with the directive in force? Are the Member States implementing the best practices set out in that paper? No Commission sources have been asked to provide informal comments on draft amendments to the relevant Spanish rules of procedure.
So far, the Commission has not received information from the Member States on how they have implemented these practices. In addition, the Commission would like to point out that the political agreement reached on the Mortgage Credit Directive contains an article on arrears and foreclosures according to which Member States will have to ensure that creditors apply reasonable forbearance when being confronted with consumers in payment difficulties.
Once the text has been formally adopted, Member States will have two years to transpose it into national law and the Commission will carefully monitor this process. Does the Commission consider that, following on from extraordinary financing during , Greece should receive further extraordinary support in in order to combat the pressure from immigration on its maritime border with Turkey? The Commission is constantly monitoring, together with the Frontex Agency, the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, including the Greek external maritime border.
For the time being the resources allocated to the Frontex Agency cover the planned coordination of operational activities in the geographical area to which the Honourable Member of Parliament refers. In case the budget allocation would prove to become insufficient to address an unforeseen increased migration pressure at some parts of the Union's external borders, the Commission will, in close cooperation with the Frontex Agency, formulate an appropriate request to the Budgetary Authority taking into account the limits of the available financial resources.
Has it started granting financing to support projects provided for under the initiative? Is it in a position to say if Greece has benefitted to date under cross-border actions in the pilot programme? This is a complex process, but broadly speaking the steps can be considered to be as follows:. EIB assesses the suitability of the project and receives confirmation of eligibility from the Commission,.
EIB assesses the project further and develops a financing package together with the project developers,. The project developer or tendering authority, i. There are candidate projects at all these stages. The last step may take place later in for the most advanced projects. In its Blueprint for a Deep and Genuine EMU, the Commission considered that, in the medium-term, joint issuance within the framework of a redemption fund and eurobills could be possible elements of deep and genuine EMU under certain rigorous conditions. The guiding principle would be that any steps to further mutualisation of risk must go hand-in-hand with greater fiscal discipline and integration.
The Commission will establish an Expert Group to deepen the analysis, the results of which are expected in spring Given that, according to the latest government finance data, successful government policies and, more importantly, the unprecedented sacrifices made by the Greek people are bearing fruit and, in the first two months of , an unprecedented surplus was recorded in the Greek budget, will the Council say:. Does it have any immediate intention to propose a reduction in lending rates to Greece, so that the relevant provision of the Eurogroup decision can be applied?
The statement also stipulated that any decision to further reduce interest rates on the Greek Loan Facility loans under the first Greek programme was an option, together with other possible measures, and was conditional on Greece achieving an annual primary surplus and on full implementation of all conditions of the second programme. The above is without prejudice to the fact that it is not for the Council to take a position on questions which fall within the powers of euro area Member States acting within the ESM framework.
Gli organismi di controllo hanno riferito che un tribunale sudanese ha condannato un detenuto, Adam Al-Muthna, 30 anni, all'amputazione incrociata per un furto di 1 sterline sudanesi avvenuto durante una rapina a mano armata nel Punizioni disumane e crudeli come queste contrastano con i diritti umani fondamentali e violano i principi di etica medica delle Nazioni Unite riguardanti il ruolo del personale sanitario. Nel il Sudan ha firmato la convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura, ma non l'ha ancora ratificata.
The cross-amputation, which involves amputating the right hand and the left foot, was conducted by government doctors. Inhumane and cruel punishments such as this are against basic human rights and constitute a violation of the United Nations Principles of Medical Ethics For Health. As a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Sudan has given a commitment that no one will be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
Aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini riguardo all'importanza di una buona alimentazione e uno stile di vita corretto per prevenire le malattie. La Commissione organizza numerose iniziative per promuovere uno stile di vita sano. A partire dal la Commissione ha organizzato campagne informative e di prevenzione contro il tabagismo a livello europeo rivolte specificamente ai giovani. La Commissione ha avviato un'iniziativa comune con gli Stati membri al fine di incoraggiare la condivisione dei metodi migliori e di aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini sugli effetti negativi causati dal consumo di alcol.
Eating fruit, vegetables, fish and a limited amount of meat is the key to a healthy, disease-free life. In particular, extra virgin olive oil is excellent for protecting the digestive system and warding off breast cancer.
In Italy, it is established practice to raise public awareness through direct action in the street, where people can be undergo screening, arrange specialist check-ups and thus get an expert opinion, as well as receive information pamphlets and make donations to research, receiving a bottle of good-quality of oil in return.
The European Code Against Cancer recommends avoiding smoking and exposure to tobacco. Every year, leading world authorities on nutrition strive to encourage people to eat healthily without sacrificing the pleasure of eating. In Europe, the sedentary lifestyles of people of all ages is a widespread problem. Does it think it is necessary to further raise awareness among young people to always adopt a healthy lifestyle, in order to benefit future generations?
The Commission has undertaken many initiatives to raise awareness and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. The Code, which is currently being updated, is promoted on all relevant occasions, such as the European Week Against Cancer, held annually in May. The Commission has started a Joint Action with the Member States to exchange good practice to inform people on the harm caused by alcohol consumption. Data center che rispettino l'ambiente: Questi data center lavorano grazie a un algoritmo statistico che analizza in tempo reale il carico di dati, i servizi vengono distribuiti tra diversi blade server, che minimizzano l'occupazione di spazio; i server superflui vengono spenti e lavorano alla massima potenza solamente quelli necessari, mentre se aumenta il carico, vengono riattivati quelli spenti.
I risultati dello studio preparatorio consentiranno alla Commissione di contemplare, nel , l'introduzione di requisiti in tema di progettazione ecocompatibile e, se del caso, di etichettatura energetica per questi prodotti. Le iniziative di ricerca finanziate dalla Commissione nell'ambito del PQ7 incoraggiano l'aumento dell'efficacia ambientale dei data centre. Tra le iniziative finanziate vi sono progetti quali All4Green www. La Commissione sta inoltre negoziando diverse nuove proposte nell'ambito del PQ7 in relazione alla ricerca su data centre rispettosi dell'ambiente con un'attenzione particolare per l'uso di sistemi energetici rinnovabili, la connessione a reti intelligenti e il riutilizzo del calore prodotto durante il funzionamento dei data centre.
This should be seen against the wider background in which we are increasingly wondering how to reduce CO2 emissions and how best to protect the environment. Italy has given its contribution by establishing a data centre that has a low environmental impact and always uses a number of servers in proportion to the amount of work to be done, in order to reduce waste.
These data centres operate by using a statistical algorithm that analyses the data load in real time, the services are then distributed among various blade servers, which minimise the occupation of space; redundant servers are shut down and only those that are necessary work at full power; if the load increases, the ones that are switched off are switched on again. This innovative system provides significant energy savings and perfect service level management and capacity management, and can be extended indefinitely.
The data centres are located in the main Italian cities, Milan and Rome, and were designed to meet the need for flexibility and reliability of business clients. Does the Commission therefore not agree that it would be of the utmost importance to:. The Commission is aware of the rapid growth in the number of new data centres and of their relatively significant contribution in terms of energy consumption.
The results of the preparatory study will allow the Commission to eventually consider requirements for Ecodesign, and possibly Energy Labelling, for these products in Commission-funded research efforts under FP7 further support the increase of the environmental effectiveness of data centres. Funded initiatives such as the projects All4Green www.
Further, the Commission is currently negotiating a number of new proposals under FP7 for research on environmentally friendly data centres with extended focus on the use of renewable energy systems, connection to the smart grid, and re-use of heat that is produced during the operation of data centres. The new research projects are expected to start later in La lotta contro il virus dell'HIV ha sempre rappresentato una delle maggiori sfide raccolte dalla medicina. Questo ha permesso il blocco della formazione della riserva virale e, di conseguenza, nel sangue della bimba non sono state riscontrate tracce del virus.
Nonostante sia insolito che una bambina possa nascere con l'HIV in Occidente, dove le cure contro il virus sono di facile accesso a tutte le madri, il caso sembrerebbe suggerire che si tratti di un virus non invincibile. Rimane tuttavia sempre da verificare se i pazienti siano davvero sieropositivi o portatori di anticorpi trasmessi dalla madre.
Tale programma destina in modo mirato 74 milioni di euro a tipologie di cura nuove ed efficaci. Al giorno d'oggi si organizzano diverse campagne informative a livello nazionale al fine di sensibilizzare madri e figli alla tutela della propria salute. The fight against the HIV virus has always been one of the major challenges facing medicine. Recently, in Mississippi, a baby girl born HIV-positive was treated immediately after birth with antiretroviral therapy for 18 consecutive months and has apparently been cured.
According to the doctor who wrote the report on her young patient, this is a very positive outcome as it could pave the way for a new opportunity to treat and conquer this disease in the future. In this case, functional treatment was given, which is effective if the presence of the virus is invisible to standard tests but is found by using ultrasensitive methods.
This blocked the formation of the viral reserve and, consequently, no traces of the virus were found in the child's blood. As explained by the director of the relevant department of the Italian National Institute of Health, the use of antiretroviral drugs is common, but what is innovative is their use at the first stage of the most prevalent disease in the world — HIV.
Although it is unusual for a child to be born with HIV in the West, where treatment for the virus is easily accessible to all mothers, this case would seem to suggest that it is a virus that is not invincible. However, it should always be verified whether the patients really are HIV-positive or whether they are carriers of antibodies passed on from the mother. This is the second documented case of somebody being cured of HIV in the West.
In Africa, meanwhile, a high percentage of children contract the disease each year. Moreover, if the virus is not present in the blood it does not mean that it cannot be found in organs or tissues; this means that specific tests are needed. Information campaigns to raise awareness among mothers and children of the need to protect their health are currently being carried out nationally. Grappa — indicazione geografica italiana e obbligo di imbottigliamento nella zona di produzione: Contrariamente a quanto indicato nella tendenziosa interrogazione scritta n.
Di contro, si vuole evidenziare che l'art. La Commissione non ritiene che il degrado qualitativo di un simile prodotto come la grappa, imbottigliato al di fuori della regione di produzione, dovuto al realizzarsi dei rischi connessi all'operazione di imbottigliamento, potrebbe nuocere alla reputazione della denominazione? I servizi della Commissione potranno analizzare la base giuridica della questione solo alla luce dei chiarimenti ricevuti.
I servizi della Commissione restano vigili ai fini dell'esame della scheda tecnica delle indicazioni geografiche, in particolare per quanto riguarda l'inclusione di eventuali misure restrittive ingiustificate che potrebbero ostacolare la libera circolazione delle merci nell'UE.
Infine, per quanto riguarda i controlli, gli articoli 22 e 24 del regolamento CE n. These rules are an effective tool for exploiting traditional Italian quality wine production, since quality wine is one of the main national exports and contributes significantly to the success of Italian-made products abroad. The aims of the measure clearly comply with EU rules: The same reasons may thus be deemed to apply to the Italian geographical indication of Grappa, to assure consumers that all stages of the IGT procedure are implemented under the control and responsibility of the area of production.
Given that certain types of grappa, such as white or flavoured grappa, are better represented in Italy than in Germany, and given that there are few well-known brands in Germany, most of which are named after great Italian wines, does the Commission not agree that any deterioration in quality of a product such as grappa, when bottled outside its region of production, could harm the reputation of the product due to the risks associated with the bottling operations?
The Commission asked in particular to outline the reasons that led Italy to the establishment of such measure and to provide evidence that such measure is necessary to protect the quality and reputation of the geographical indication and based on objective and non-discriminating criteria. Italy sent recently a reply, which is currently being translated. The legal analysis of this issue, by the Commission services, will only be possible in the light of the clarifications received.
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Osteoporosi, donne e campagne di sensibilizzazione: La Commissione ha raccolto alcuni dati in proposito al fine di trovare una soluzione ai problemi associati all'osteoporosi. Si ritiene che le pubblicazioni seguenti siano particolarmente importanti:. Il riassunto sulle statistiche delle lesioni per il periodo , pag. Il rapporto sulla salute della popolazione femminile, pag. Spetta ai singoli Stati membri riuscire a garantire procedure adeguate di controllo e di diagnosi. Ogni Stato membro dovrebbe organizzare campagne di sensibilizzazione in linea con gli obiettivi e le esigenze regionali e nazionali.
Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterised by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk, especially in the hip, femur, spinal column and wrist. It is generally the most preventable chronic disease of old age: In most cases, this disease is underdiagnosed and undertreated, meaning it is important to develop targeted prevention programmes. That is why suitable awareness and prevention activities should be promoted among the female population.
In Italy, an information and awareness campaign aimed at women has been launched to promote adequate bone mineralisation in young people, to tackle the demineralisation that happens after the menopause and to stress the importance of an active lifestyle and a balanced diet at any age. It only takes a few pointers to enable everyone to adopt the right eating and physical habits to prevent diseases that develop in old age. After the menopause, an imbalance develops between bone resorption and bone formation, a process caused primarily by a lack of oestrogens which, in themselves, have a protective function in respect of bone tissue.
The Commission is aware of the regional diversity of the onset of osteoporosis in Europe including the epidemiology of the condition. In this regard, the Commission has gathered data to help understand the problems associated with osteoporosis. In particular, the following publications are of relevance:.