Matthew Pooles Commentary on the Holy Bible - Book of Nehemiah (Annotated)
Also to Zacharias, and Mary, Luke 1: God herein gives a great encouragement to prayer, and fulfils his promises made of old to his people in this behalf, Leviticus It shall come to pass, before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear. The Lord is quick in hearing and helping his people. The angel was made.
Or, to fly with flight, Habakkuk 1: The time of the evening sacrifice was a solemn and set time of devotion. Then God heard Elijah and did wonders, 1 Kings The commandment came forth: Yet was this but a type of the time of grace which was to follow after by the coming of Christ.
Bible Commentaries
Upon thy people, and upon thy holy city. Thine because thou dost own them, and art so tender of them, and so zealous for them. To finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. The angel discovers first the disease, in three several words, havh Nwe evk which contain all sorts of sin, which the Messiah should free us from by his full redemption, see Exodus The angel shows us also the cure of this disease in three words, le callee, le chatem, le capper:.
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To bring in everlasting righteousness, i. Christ brings this in,. To seal up the vision and prophecy; to abrogate the former dispensation of the laws, and to fulfil it, and the prophecies relating to Christ, and to confirm and ratify the new testament or gospel covenant of grace.
The Talmud saith, all the prophecies of the prophets related to Christ. To anoint the most Holy; by which alluding to the holy of holies, which was anointed, Exodus This typified the church, which is called anointed, 2 Corinthians 1: He received the Spirit. His human nature is therefore called the temple, John 2: All these were anointed and holy: Christ was anointed at his first conception and personal union, Luke 1: Know therefore and understand, i.
Seven weeks from the publication of the edict, whether of Cyrus or Darius, to restore and to build, we shall see anon. Even in troublous times; noting the enemy should create them much trouble in the building and reparations of the wall, city, and temple, which they did many ways, as we read in Nehemiah, which the Spirit of God doth premonish them of, lest they should think this their chief deliverance and redemption. These seven weeks are therefore mentioned by themselves, and repeated no more, because they contained the time of building the wall, city, and temple of Jerusalem, at the end of which seem to begin the sixty-two weeks.
After the threescore and two weeks. Shall Messiah be cut off; which word trk signifies cutting off, or cutting down, as a tree, Isaiah Secondly, it is used for cutting off by capital punishment, Exodus This foreshows that the death of Christ should be as of a condemned malefactor sentenced to death, and that justly. Yea, God himself charged sin upon him and the curse, Isaiah But not for himself; wl Nyaw which being abrupt, is variously rendered and read; some referring it to Christ, and some to the people: There was none to succour him; or that they would none of him for their Messiah; they set him at nought, and would not have him live, and therefore he would not own them for his people, but cast them off, for thus dying is expressed in short, not to be.
Thus Enoch, Genesis 5: But our English translation seems to hit the truest sense, i. He was innocent and guiltless, he died for others, not for himself, but for our sakes and for our salvation. The people of the prince that shall come; the Romans under the conduct of Titus Vespantianus.
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Desolations are determined ; God hath decreed to destroy that place and people by the miseries and desolations of war, i. All this is signified by. But some will query, why the angel who was sent to comfort Daniel should insert here this tragical business of destruction and desolation, being beyond the space of seventy weeks? That Daniel might be informed of the judgments of God upon that place and people, and the reasons of it, viz. I say then with Graser, Mede, and others, that this he is the Messiah, and the covenant he confirms is the new testament or covenant, called therefore the covenant of the people, Isaiah Of angels, Luke 2: By the saints then living, Luke 1: Pharisees, as Nicodemus, John 3: Shall confirm the covenant; rybgh he shall corroborate it, as if it began before his coming to fail and be invalid.
With many; noting hereby the paucity of the Jewish church and nation, compared with the great increase and enlargement by believing Gentiles throughout all nations and ages of the world, Isaiah With many Jews first and last, and with many more of the nations, yea, with the many whom the rabbins and Pharisees despise as the rabble, the common people, Isaiah For one week; by a figure, take the greater part of the whole, he shall, though rejected by the chief and bulk of the Jewish nation, yet make the new testament prevail with many in that time, i.
The sacrifice and the oblation to cease; zebach and mincha, bloody and unbloody, to cease. Yet is there more in it than this, viz. For the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate; desolate.
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This abomination was the Roman army with their eagles, and with their superstitious rites in approaching to besiege and subdue any place; and this is executed by Christ upon them, Matthew Even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate: This word shomen notes that this people were bewitched, sottishly superstitious, wanderers, banished, the astonishment and scorn of the world; all which did justly and dreadfully befall them, and they verify it to this day. Read also Joseph Med. This scripture shows the coming of the Messiah so clearly, his sufferings, and the wrath of God so severely upon the Jews for it, that it thoroughly confutes their unbelief; and fully confirms our faith in Jesus Christ.
Copyright Statement These files are public domain. Text Courtesy of BibleSupport. Lexicon Search Greek Hebrew Aramaic. Before Christ Edersheim Flavius Josephus more. The Quotation Archive Add a Quotation. Tozer Charles Spurgeon Voice of the Lord more. Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Verse 2 Understood by books; by sacred books, both of Jeremiah the prophet, Jeremiah Verse 3 Observe two things: Verse 4 By this it appeared he prayed in faith, to the true God, and his God. Verse 5 As if he had said, We are not only sinners, but our sin is wickedness aggravated to the height: And this shows, 1.
Verse 9 How did God show himself merciful, when he punished them so severely? Because it was less than their sin deserved, for it was rebellion. Verse 10 To be large in, 1. It shows the sinfulness and heinousness of sin, the breach of it. Verse 12 He hath confirmed his words which he spake against us: Verse 13 As it is written in the law of Moses: Verse 14 Therefore hath the Lord watched: Verse 15 Daniel mentions this deliverance now, that God would please to put forth the same power in this deliverance out of Babylon, according to his promise, Psalms How he would deliver them, as once out of Egypt.
Verse 16 As if he had said, Lord, according to thy righteousness thou hast punished thy people, as they justly deserved; now also, according to thy mercies, which is the other part of thy righteousness, save thy people, though they deserve it not. Here the prophet is most concerned for the sanctuary, and place of worship, a type not only of the church, and the worship of God, but also of Christ; because in all these the Lord is greatly concerned in honour, especially considering, 2.
The plurality of persons is expressed thus. Verse 18 Observe here, 1. Verse 19 Here, 1. The Lord allows and loves importunity in prayer.
Overview - English Annotations on the Holy Bible
By this we see Daniel used vocal prayer, pouring out his soul. The angel was made to fly swiftly, even unto weariness, as some translate it. Verse 23 The commandment came forth: Verse 24 Seventy weeks: After the Restoration, in a sermon of 26 August before the lord mayor Sir Thomas Aleyn at St Paul's Cathedral, he made a case for simplicity of public worship.
On the passing of the Uniformity Act he resigned his living, and was succeeded by R. Booker on 29 August Perhaps the only true rival to Matthew Henry! A standard for more than years, Poole's insightful commentary continues to be a trusted resource for pastors and laypeople.

Offering verse-by-verse exposition, he also includes summaries for each chapter and book, questions and answers, information on cultural context, historical impact, and cross-references. Practical, readable, and applicable. Though he occasionally preached and printed some tracts, Poole made no attempt to gather a congregation. He was one of those who presented to the king 'a cautious and moderate thanksgiving' for the indulgence of 15 March , and were offered royal bounty.
Early in he entered with Richard Baxter into a negotiation for comprehension, promoted by John Tillotson, which came to nothing. According to Henry Sampson, Poole made provision for a nonconformist ministry and day-school at Tunbridge Wells, Kent. In his depositions relative to the alleged Popish plot September , Titus Oates had represented Poole as marked for assassination, because of his tract on the Nullity of the Romish Faith. Poole gave some credit to this, reportedly after a scare on returning home one evening near Clerkenwell with Josiah Chorley. Poole left England, and settled at Amsterdam.
Here he died on 12 October N. His wife was buried on 11 August at St Andrew Holborn, Stillingfleet preaching the funeral sermon. He left a son, who died in In Poole published a tract against John Biddle. In he put forward a scheme for a scholarship for university courses, for those intending to enter the ministry.
Money was raised, and supported William Sherlock at Peterhouse. His Vox Clamantis gives his view of the ecclesiastical situation after The work with which his name is principally associated is the Synopsis criticorum biblicorum 5 vols fol.