Made to Mistress (BDSM Erotica Book 11)
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She lifted her head enough to take a sip and placed the cup back down, snuggling against Georgia again. So she started lashing out at me. Georgia had suspected something like that. Just hearing all this made the anger bubble up. She had come into the office early and had found Bryony unconscious. She looked as though she had been hit by a car and was bleeding from the neck.
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Georgia had called for an ambulance and got the whole story. Tara had tried to come to the hospital but Georgia and a few of their co-workers had blocked her way. Tara had screamed at them and tried to attack Georgia but security had dragged her out. Twelve tales of dominance and submission…where mastery meets passion. In a world of power plays, and safewords, only the strongest can find pleasure in submission. From strangers passing in the night, to lifetime loves that spark with new life; join us in the intriguing world of BDSM.
No is not a safeword, and this deal is only available for a limited time! Submission Dance by Lori King.
Rick gave up the lifestyle when he fell in love with a vanilla woman. Maggie may be playing the role of a submissive, but he is not pretending to be a Dom. Can Maggie change from being a make-believe submissive to the real deal? Are you and Rick doing anything next Wednesday? Her heart started pounding so hard she was sure the others could hear it. She was trying hard not to think about living the lifestyle and seeing subs and Doms in action, which would just make it harder for her to ignore her own desires.
On the other hand, maybe a visit to the club would dispel some of her interest. You can watch people doing scenes, even try out a few things, under close supervision, of course. She would not risk her relationship with Rick for anything in the world. Maggie turned from Rick back to Amanda, knowing what she had to do.
If only he could keep his hands off of her. It should be empty and clean by now. Releasing her, he stepped away and waited.
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The way she worried her bottom lip with her teeth again made his balls tighten in need, and Lukas shifted his weight to gain some relief. Not if he allowed her to overthink this. Page, have you been watching me per chance? He winked at her when he uttered those words, and if it was possible, her blush deepened.
Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breathing, and Lukas found himself wishing the corset would give up the fight to contain that bounty.
Historical BDSM Romance
Noble intentions be fucked. If she was willing, he would indeed fuck her tonight, and damn the possible consequences. She surprised him again by her immediate turn around and the way she all but ran to the stairs. Or as much as a woman could run in heels. To his certain knowledge he had never seen her in heels before, and while the strappy sandals she wore were by no means as high as most women in his acquaintance, they still gave her a fair amount of trouble. They also emphasized the length and shape of her pins, and Lukas amused himself with the view she provided, as she climbed the stairs in front of him.
He fell back on purpose as that gave him the perfect view up her tiny skirt. The flashes of purple lace he glimpsed covering her pussy only served to make him harder. They also confirmed what he already knew. His little dove was turned on, the tiny crotch of her thong soaked through with her arousal. She paused at the top of the stairs, seemingly unsure of which way to go, and the self-conscious way in which she pulled at the hem of her skirt made him grin. He chose not to ponder on the tender feelings that made his chest feel tight, and instead nodded his head in the direction he wanted her to take.
He hid his grin when she took some tentative steps and promptly stopped as the first viewing window came into view. All the rooms on this level afforded on lookers a view inside if their occupants so chose and the first room showed none other than Lauren and Jake engaged in having sex. Their position so mirrored his own fantasies of doing the dirty with Jacqui that he had to reach into his jeans to adjust himself.
Not that Jacqui noticed. She was too busy inching toward the window. Naked as the day she was born, Lauren was bent over the desk, hands cuffed behind her back, legs spread apart with a bar, rendering her completely helpless. An equally naked Jake was pumping into her cunt from behind. His imagination worked just fine and an unexpected stab of jealousy assaulted his gut out of nowhere. There was something to be said for having your own woman submit to you so sweetly.
To have that right to top her whichever way you chose to, secure in the knowledge that she trusted you implicitly, and gave her gift of submission freely. Not out of idle curiosity, or to simply scratch an itch, but, because she too, needed this. Damn it all to hell and back. She gasped for breath, and put one hand on the glass in a seeming effort to support herself.
Going on instinct and the very real need to touch her, Lukas stepped up behind her. Putting his hand over hers on the glass, he grasped her hip with his free hand, and kicking her legs apart with his foot, pulled her flush against him. There was no way on Earth she would miss his raging boner, and, sure enough, another one of those cock hardening groans came from her. Lukas brought one of his thighs up and between her legs, and it was his turn to groan, as the wet heat of her pussy seared his thigh even through their combined clothing. She moonlights as a futon for four lazy cats, loves tabletop role-play games, and can spend hours pencilling naughty, sexy illustrations in her secret notebooks.
Brantwijn has two romance series currently in-progress with Champagne Books. She has author pages on GoodReads and Amazon, and loves to see reader comments on her work. Her short stories and audio readings occasionally pop up at Foreplay and Fangs , her blog at http: Finn expected a quiet birthday: But his two princesses, Nineva and Nerissa, have already planned a big surprise.
Before he knows it, Finn finds himself in a version of Wonderland, racing the Red and White Queens for his fondest birthday wish. Finn had no worries. The first answer had been tied to Spring and Autumn, the second to Winter. She had but one Court left to draw from. Nineva swept up close to him. It should make a pyramid shape with your middle finger knuckle raised. Next, try to tuck your pinky and your thumb as tightly as you can. Get your hand as tight and as small as possible. Tuck your thumb under your pointer.
You will make a shape similar to an arrowhead. Twist your hand slightly and be patient. She will open up for you.
Historical BDSM Romance (63 books)
Getting all knuckles in is cause for celebration. Make little circles with your hand, move it back and forth, gently in and out. Watch what makes her feel good. Dear Mistress, I am having a hard time understanding why a Dominant get off on humiliation? Is it just a control thing? Not everyone is into it. Some things you may not even consider to be humiliating, are in fact, just that.
A lot of people find it erotic or exciting. However, the act of treating someone in a petulant manner by putting them over your knee and exposing their bottom is a form of humiliation. Personally, I get off on it. I want to see someone squirm.