Liebeslied für einen Fremden (German Edition)
German, French and Italian Song Classics
To cite a single instance: The text might be pastoral or amatory without being noticeably inappropriate to the music. But in the best art-lyrics text and music are inextricably interwoven, and of such is this collection.
Knowledge and use of the three languages in which such lyrics are commonest is needful to our singers for a proper knowledge and use of their own native tongue in singing. German songs are most numerous, as is natural in view of the high development and universal appeal of the German Lied. French songs claim a welcome by virtue of a lightness and grace all their own.
- Navigation menu?
- 6 Songs, Op.3 (Brahms, Johannes).
- German, French and Italian Song Classics!
- Guild Wars 2: The Unofficial Profession Guide?
- Handke, Peter: Song of Childhood (Lied Vom Kindsein in English)?
- Fudesaki - My Writings?
Students, and teachers as well, should remember that of these noble songs each is an earnest of like treasures which will reward any diligent seeker in the fields represented by the collection now offered for their use and guidance. Volume 3 tenor contents: The tenor volume appears to be identical in content to the soprano volume. This is an unusually good selection for books from this era, and songs in this collection which have fallen out of the mainstream repertoire are worth extra attention.
- Baby, Oh Baby!?
- Can you hear my song?
- Liederkreis von Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff.
- The Virgin and the Volcano (Lythande).
- Christmas in Battle Ground?
- Once Upon a Twice (Picture Book)!
- 6 Songs, Op.3 (Brahms, Johannes) - IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet Music?
- Lied | Oxford Lieder.
- Psalm Wie sollten wir des HERRN Lied singen in fremden Landen?.
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- Copo de Algodón (Ecos De Tinta / Echoes of Ink) (Spanish Edition);
- The Dance of Restoration: Rebuilding a Marriage after Infidelity.
In particular, the songs of Raff and Jensen are quite excellent. The editorial quality of these volumes is generally high, though there are bound to be some errors.

Songs from these volumes will be uploaded as song posts are created for them. But when I come along a matter like that, that particular poem, I am glad that I know German.
Hildegard Westerkamp
Cause in the end, although your version might be the best translation out there, there's just no way to really translate this masterpiece and make everything work just as the master intended. List of Translated Poems Reviews Thanks to Love Song From German. Foreman Click to hear me recite the original German How shall I hold my soul and yet not touch It with your own?
How shall I ever place It clear of you on anything beyond? Oh gladly I would stow it next to such Things in the darkness as are never found Down in an alien and silent space That does not resonate when you resound. But everything that touches me and you Takes us together like a bow on two Taut strings to stroke them to the voice of one. What instrument have we been lain along? Whose are the hands that play our unison?
Hörst du mein Lied (English translation)
Auf welches Instrument sind wir gespannt? Und welcher Spieler hat uns in der Hand? German , Love Poems , Rilke. Anonymous September 11, at Anonymous March 25, at 6: