Il Cattivo Pagatore (Italian Edition)
Of course you can start a company, but you will have to be much stronger and determinate and be able to deal with the fact that nobody, not even your family and friends, will support you. I was only stating that the reasoning in your previous comment is incorrect which, by the way, it's about italy, not your area. I am not dumb enough to disagree on the general topic of "it's harder to start a company in corleone than in san francisco", I'm just worried by blanket statements from young people that the only chance to succeed is to change country.
Consider antirez, who ran a successful, AFAIK company from sicily or ciaopeople which has a decent business and is based in naples.
Human contributions
Is it difficult to create a successful startup in Italy? I'm trying with mine and I'm pretty confident I'll do it in a few more months. BTW, I hope you and all the other Italians reading have taken a moment to sign the petition and help in any other ways that you can here: Respectfully disagree, up to a point. You can create startups in Italy people do, and some actually succeed. True, bureaucracy and taxes hit you hard but marginal corporate taxes in the USA are high nonetheless, aren't they? True, if you are flagged as a bad payer, you end up in a very difficult situation I guess that if you have a bad credit history in the USA, they will not put red carpets in front of you.
But just saying "it can't be done" makes it impossible for you to do it. Yes, operating in Italy. And yes, it is difficult, but we as a startup community are creating momentum and we can see something happening. I think that the european system is more secure for private wealth I assumed that having seen what happened to some banks in the US in but it's showing its weakness these days because it's putting entire countries on their knees. I really like that graph. I suspect the Chinese may well be right in their assumption that "success is outside of their control", but few other countries have the same excuses.
There could be a case to be made that countries should monitor that metric very closely and work hard to improve their "Yes to No" ratio. Also, having lived and worked in Italy, my number 1 reason for setting up my company which failed in the UK was the insane level of bureaucracy in Italy. It's farcical, near impossible to navigate and anyone who's prepared to deal with that level of antiquated incompetence, corruption and inefficiency needs their head looking at. It's a beautiful country, but it's rotten to the core.
Part of the Chinese belief of lack of control is the amazing amount of influence Confucian ideals still hold. How can one control one's destiny if they're beholden to their family, their elders and society. It's hard to be an innovator if individuality is discouraged. I'm not implying that Chinese men and women can't innovate, but I suspect they're disinclined to believe they can. It would be selfish to create a startup and risk failure which could jeopardize one's livelihood and therefore one's ability to continue the family.
Also, failure would bring shame to the family. There's a bit of stereotyping here, of course, and I'd love to hear from people who have spent time in Asia and could give me a more complete picture. I think a large part of it is simply the belief that people with well-connected parents will succeed no matter what, and for a poor farmer to get to the top competing with 1.
I don't think they think it's impossible to do fairly well, no matter who you are - if only because the government wants them to think that. People tend not to riot if they believe they have other options. Most Chinese tend to be fairly pro-risk, but only after they have a degree. Cushy government jobs, or white-collar jobs in big corporations are preferred, but a reasonable number of Chinese want to start businesses. You don't have to meet that many old ladies selling wonton soup making twice the average wage of a university graduate to know the value of starting a business. I don't think Confucianism is sufficient to explain it.
They don't feel a loss of control because they're beholden to their families. That's a little silly. It's really mostly the other pillar of Chinese culture; Taoism. The two belief systems over the centuries go through cycles of being influential and Taoism in the new capitalistic China is re-emergent. Taoism is really a lot about individualism, but it's also about going with the flow of life. It's called "following the Tao" and is very fatalistic. Confucianism is historically the heart of Chinese culture.
Taoism has never been as singularly influential in China as Confucianism has, nor is its "resurgence" sweeping away Confucianism. Assigning the idea of e. As far as popular beliefs go, Confucian, Taoist, and Buddhist beliefs have mixed together in the past centuries when we're talking about the influence of these set of teachings on the Chinese population at least before Categorizing Value X as belonging to System A is too simple. I think as a a whole Chinese history would disagree with you.
During times of dynastic change Taoism was the prevailing cultural trope. Because dynastic change isn't the majority of historical time it can give the impression that Confucianism is the dominant "religion", but these moments of turmoil are critical and their effects are long lasting. Taoism or at least their way of looking at things is always in the background. Just as an example, look at the literati culture after the take over of the Yuan Dynasty.
Ebooks For Download To Ipad Il Cattivo Pagatore Italian Edition Pdf Epub By Carlo Ambrosetti
Southern Song loyalists persisted for about two generations and really revitalized Taoist-inspired world views. They were the driving engine of Chinese culture during that time. Things like romanticizing the farmer, living of the land, the life of recluses etc. A very similar thing happened after the take over of the Qing dynasty. Ming loyalists revitalized many of the same ideas. During more tumultuous times Chinese turn to the more individualistic, less paternalistic side of their Culture as the central authority and everything it represents - a father figure, the cultural vanguard etc.
People view it as corrupt, inept and it doesn't command the respect it once had. I think there is a cultural "swing" that is going to happen. And my argument was that neither system is conducive to entrepreneurship "Assigning the idea of e. It's a complicated multifaceted world view of course, but fatalism plays an important part from what I understand. It's a little unfortunate that you didn't elaborate because I'd love to know your view of Taoism.
I'm by no means an expert haven't read any Taoist literature for instance , but from what I know it isn't the belief system of the capitalist-entrepreneur. I've mostly approached Chinese culture from the artistic perspective, but look at for example Bada Shanren Ming Loyalist , vs. That's why his work looks more "generic" while Bada is a lot more experimental and lets his individuality come through his art Shen does too, but in more subtler ways that aren't very easy to explain. I was thinking more along the lines of Communism, but your theory works too.
There is an over arching theory independent of local characteristics as well - might even be falsifiable aka Popper! National Geographic made an editorial describing how teen brains are more prone to risky behavior: We court risk more avidly as teens than at any other time. This shows reliably in the lab, where teens take more chances in controlled experiments involving everything from card games to simulated driving. And it shows in real life, where the period from roughly 15 to 25 brings peaks in all sorts of risky ventures and ugly outcomes.
If teens think as well as adults do and recognize risk just as well, why do they take more chances? Here, as elsewhere, the problem lies less in what teens lack compared with adults than in what they have more of. Teens take more risks not because they don't understand the dangers but because they weigh risk versus reward differently: In situations where risk can get them something they want, they value the reward more heavily than adults do. The period's uniqueness rises from genes and developmental processes that have been selected for over thousands of generations because they play an amplified role during this key transitional period: The move outward from home is the most difficult thing that humans do, as well as the most critical—not just for individuals but for a species that has shown an unmatched ability to master challenging new environments.
In scientific terms, teenagers can be a pain in the ass. But they are quite possibly the most fully, crucially adaptive human beings around. Without them, humanity might not have so readily spread across the globe. StuffMaster on Nov 11, Also, teenagers have an intense drive to move out and be on their own, and often to rebel.
When thinking about how our ancestors created new villages and settled new territory, I believe that this probably played a role. You blaming it on outside forces money, burocracy and taxes just validates one of the points in the article. The article perfectly summarizes the reasons I didn't want to stay and start something in Italy. You are right, but those outside forces are really strong. I had to fight only to study abroad, which is seen as a waste of time and possible drawback on your cv because you spent time studying abroad instead of studying for real The only way not to sound like an Italian just complaining about outside forces is to leave the country.
But than that is also not useful for Italy. So, you see the problem? If you start by the assumption that it's impossible to do so in country X you have already decided to be in the "it's not my fault" camp. There are two aspects to this, that people are missing: The key distinction is to stay as far as possible from the poisonous ponderings about how it's not possible to do anything and it's all stacked against me and blah blah blah, which is all just a big excuse not to try.
I am not sure where are you from. I come from the area described in "Gomorra" by Saviano. We have rampant criminality and corruption. People get actually shouted around here. Those are outside forces that will come and knock to your door as soon as your activity start to be profitable. People will ask you for money or favors or they will just make your life difficult just so they don't have to envy your success. So, you are right, but you are also taking a superficial look at the problem.
Of course you can start a company, but you will have to be much stronger and determinate and be able to deal with the fact that nobody, not even your family and friends, will support you. I was only stating that the reasoning in your previous comment is incorrect which, by the way, it's about italy, not your area. I am not dumb enough to disagree on the general topic of "it's harder to start a company in corleone than in san francisco", I'm just worried by blanket statements from young people that the only chance to succeed is to change country.
Consider antirez, who ran a successful, AFAIK company from sicily or ciaopeople which has a decent business and is based in naples. Is it difficult to create a successful startup in Italy? I'm trying with mine and I'm pretty confident I'll do it in a few more months. BTW, I hope you and all the other Italians reading have taken a moment to sign the petition and help in any other ways that you can here: Respectfully disagree, up to a point. You can create startups in Italy people do, and some actually succeed.
True, bureaucracy and taxes hit you hard but marginal corporate taxes in the USA are high nonetheless, aren't they? True, if you are flagged as a bad payer, you end up in a very difficult situation I guess that if you have a bad credit history in the USA, they will not put red carpets in front of you. But just saying "it can't be done" makes it impossible for you to do it. Yes, operating in Italy. And yes, it is difficult, but we as a startup community are creating momentum and we can see something happening.
I think that the european system is more secure for private wealth I assumed that having seen what happened to some banks in the US in but it's showing its weakness these days because it's putting entire countries on their knees. I really like that graph. I suspect the Chinese may well be right in their assumption that "success is outside of their control", but few other countries have the same excuses. There could be a case to be made that countries should monitor that metric very closely and work hard to improve their "Yes to No" ratio.
Also, having lived and worked in Italy, my number 1 reason for setting up my company which failed in the UK was the insane level of bureaucracy in Italy.
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It's farcical, near impossible to navigate and anyone who's prepared to deal with that level of antiquated incompetence, corruption and inefficiency needs their head looking at. It's a beautiful country, but it's rotten to the core. Part of the Chinese belief of lack of control is the amazing amount of influence Confucian ideals still hold. How can one control one's destiny if they're beholden to their family, their elders and society. It's hard to be an innovator if individuality is discouraged. I'm not implying that Chinese men and women can't innovate, but I suspect they're disinclined to believe they can.
It would be selfish to create a startup and risk failure which could jeopardize one's livelihood and therefore one's ability to continue the family. Also, failure would bring shame to the family. There's a bit of stereotyping here, of course, and I'd love to hear from people who have spent time in Asia and could give me a more complete picture.
I think a large part of it is simply the belief that people with well-connected parents will succeed no matter what, and for a poor farmer to get to the top competing with 1. I don't think they think it's impossible to do fairly well, no matter who you are - if only because the government wants them to think that. People tend not to riot if they believe they have other options.
Most Chinese tend to be fairly pro-risk, but only after they have a degree. Cushy government jobs, or white-collar jobs in big corporations are preferred, but a reasonable number of Chinese want to start businesses. You don't have to meet that many old ladies selling wonton soup making twice the average wage of a university graduate to know the value of starting a business. I don't think Confucianism is sufficient to explain it. They don't feel a loss of control because they're beholden to their families. That's a little silly.
It's really mostly the other pillar of Chinese culture; Taoism. The two belief systems over the centuries go through cycles of being influential and Taoism in the new capitalistic China is re-emergent. Taoism is really a lot about individualism, but it's also about going with the flow of life.
It's called "following the Tao" and is very fatalistic. Confucianism is historically the heart of Chinese culture. Taoism has never been as singularly influential in China as Confucianism has, nor is its "resurgence" sweeping away Confucianism. Assigning the idea of e. As far as popular beliefs go, Confucian, Taoist, and Buddhist beliefs have mixed together in the past centuries when we're talking about the influence of these set of teachings on the Chinese population at least before Categorizing Value X as belonging to System A is too simple.
I think as a a whole Chinese history would disagree with you. During times of dynastic change Taoism was the prevailing cultural trope. Because dynastic change isn't the majority of historical time it can give the impression that Confucianism is the dominant "religion", but these moments of turmoil are critical and their effects are long lasting.
Taoism or at least their way of looking at things is always in the background. Just as an example, look at the literati culture after the take over of the Yuan Dynasty. Southern Song loyalists persisted for about two generations and really revitalized Taoist-inspired world views.
They were the driving engine of Chinese culture during that time. Things like romanticizing the farmer, living of the land, the life of recluses etc. A very similar thing happened after the take over of the Qing dynasty. Ming loyalists revitalized many of the same ideas. During more tumultuous times Chinese turn to the more individualistic, less paternalistic side of their Culture as the central authority and everything it represents - a father figure, the cultural vanguard etc.
People view it as corrupt, inept and it doesn't command the respect it once had. I think there is a cultural "swing" that is going to happen. And my argument was that neither system is conducive to entrepreneurship "Assigning the idea of e. It's a complicated multifaceted world view of course, but fatalism plays an important part from what I understand. It's a little unfortunate that you didn't elaborate because I'd love to know your view of Taoism.
I'm by no means an expert haven't read any Taoist literature for instance , but from what I know it isn't the belief system of the capitalist-entrepreneur. I've mostly approached Chinese culture from the artistic perspective, but look at for example Bada Shanren Ming Loyalist , vs. That's why his work looks more "generic" while Bada is a lot more experimental and lets his individuality come through his art Shen does too, but in more subtler ways that aren't very easy to explain.
I was thinking more along the lines of Communism, but your theory works too. Differences in the accuracy of the implementation of procedures are not linked to the Member State, but to the characteristics of the beneficiaries' control systems. The Commission does not calculate error rates by Member State as representative results at this level are not available.
With the communication campaign, the Commission tries to prevent errors from happening in order for beneficiaries to comply with the rules. The recent conflict in Mali has caused massive displacement, which is affecting some of the most food-insecure areas of northern Mali and the neighbouring countries. The food crisis is having a major impact on most countries of the Sahel region, including the northern zones of some West African coastal states.
The number of those affected stands at Can the Commission elaborate on this point? Many uncertain elements remain to be clarified before strategic planning can proceed. As soon as the planned Ecowas operation's parameters mandate, request from the Malian authorities are clear, concrete EU support may be considered, but the first option remains a political solution through peaceful dialogue, which Ecowas also supports. The sanctions you are imposing are not real sanctions, only warnings.
Segnalazione Cattivo Pagatore: quanto dura e cancellazione
The EU is deeply concerned about the ongoing repression of the political opposition, civil society, and independent media in Belarus. It has been vocal about its concerns through numerous Council conclusions, statements and declarations. Belarus has up to now not responded to the offer.
This will contribute to a strengthened EU policy dialogue Belarusian civil society and opposition. In this context, the Foreign Affairs Council agreed to keep International and National Ice Hockey Federations informed of its deep concern as regards the lack of respect by Belarus for human rights, the rule of law and democratic principles. A year ago, the Russian Justice Ministry struck the Russian Justice Initiative off its registry of approved non-governmental organisations on a technicality, claiming that the group had failed to submit all necessary documents on time.
After numerous attempts to reregister were rejected, the group decided to bring the matter before a Moscow court. The EU is committed to promoting human rights inside as well as outside of its borders. It is common to see national flags painted on the bodies of commercial aircraft. Could the Commission explain whether EU carriers are obliged to have an EU flag on the body of the aircraft, and if so, what regulation or directive stipulates this? The display of a flag on the body of aircraft is a national requirement for aircraft registration in numerous jurisdictions.
It is linked to the regime established by the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in the Chicago Convention , and it draws its origins from the rules governing international maritime navigation. The Chicago Convention provides that every civil aircraft shall have the nationality of the state in which it is registered and that it shall bear its appropriate nationality and registration marks. Such registration is to be effectuated according to national laws.
The ICAO standards do not regulate the display of a flag on the body of a civil aircraft, they only require the display of a specific combination of characters letters and numbers assigned by ICAO and the national registering authorities. However, painting a flag on the body of a civil aircraft is a national regulatory requirement in many ICAO including many EU Member States, in addition to the minimum international standards mentioned above. Will the Commission outline the auditing and accountability measures which ensure proper and appropriate use of monies made available as pre-accession funding for Serbia?
Will the Commission outline the auditing and accountability measures applied to ensure proper and appropriate use of monies made available as pre-accession funding for Albania? Will the Commission outline the auditing and accountability measures intended to ensure proper and appropriate use of monies made available as pre-accession funding for Bosnia-Herzegovina?
Will the Commission outline the auditing and accountability measures intended to ensure proper and appropriate use of monies made available as pre-accession funding for Montenegro? Will the Commission outline the auditing and accountability measures intended to ensure proper and appropriate use of monies made available as pre-accession funding for Kosovo? Their control system involves various types of control: The Delegations and EU Office are in constant contact with the competent Commission services concerning the management of the funds and formally report on this every three months.
Iniziative urgenti su verifica dell'uso dei fondi europei del POR da parte della Regione Siciliana. Regional Operational Programmes ROPs are regional planning documents which provide a reference framework for the use of European structural funding. As such, they are of strategic importance to the economic development of the regions concerned. If the above claims are found to be true by the competent authorities, the situation will be extremely damaging both for the public authority concerned, owing to its having carried out a damaging and costly procedure in breach of the relevant rules, and for the European Union as a whole, which provided the funding.
Would it not agree that it should, without delay and within the bounds of its authority, look into the above claims in order to establish where the responsibility lies for any improper use of public resources intended to contribute to the development and economic recovery of the Sicily region? How does it intend to establish whether EU rules governing the allocation and use of such funding were complied with,. The Commission has no previous information in this regard and will ask the competent Italian authorities to retrieve all possible information on the case. La Corte di Giustizia dell'UE, con la sentenza In base alla sentenza lo Stato italiano avrebbe dovuto adottare misure compensative congrue e adeguate volte a sanare la distruzione del territorio.
Come ampiamente documentato da LIPU-Birdlife Italia, invece, le misure tardivamente adottate sono state del tutto inadeguate, insufficienti e incoerenti, non avendo contribuito all'effettivo ripristino della ZPS. According to the judgment, the Italian State should have adopted suitable and adequate measures to remedy the damage to the area.
As amply documented by LIPU-Birdlife Italy, however, the measures belatedly adopted were entirely inadequate, insufficient and incoherent, and did not contribute to the effective restoration of the SPA. For example, the little bustard Tetrax tetrax is all but extinct, while the spread of the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni , claimed as a success due to the compensatory measures, does not specifically concern the SPA, where it still does not nest, but is part of a spontaneous colonisation of new areas that has been taking place throughout Apulia for a number of years, as demonstrated by monitoring and publications.
Is the Commission aware of these matters? Following the letter of formal notice, the Italian Republic has provided a series of updates on the measures undertaken by the competent authorities to comply with the judgment. These include the identification and execution of compensatory measures. Based on the assessment of the information provided by both the Italian authorities and the complaints, in the near future the Commission will decide which next steps to take in this case. Misure di sicurezza per la salute degli sportivi.
Eventi tragici scuotono spesso il mondo dello sport europeo. Ultime, in ordine cronologico, sono le premature scomparse di Vigor Bovolenta e Piermario Morosini, due atleti rispettivamente di 37 e 25 anni, entrambi deceduti durante lo svolgimento di una gara. Al dramma della scomparsa, si aggiungono dubbi sull'adeguatezza delle misure di sicurezza adottate nel mondo dello sport professionistico. Ritiene essa che rendere obbligatoria la presenza di adeguata strumentazione tecnica e di personale adibito al suo utilizzo almeno nelle manifestazioni sportive professionistiche potrebbe ridurre i casi di decesso in modo significativo?
Intende infine promuovere azioni che abbiano l'obiettivo di garantire che lo sforzo richiesto a ciascun atleta sia maggiormente sostenibile? Tragic events occur all too often in the world of European sport, the most recent being the premature deaths of Vigor Bovolenta and Piermario Morosini, aged 37 and 25 respectively, both of whom died while taking part in a sporting event. They are also common in amateur and youth events, although in such cases they are not given the same prominence in the media.
These tragedies are giving rise to doubts about the adequacy of the safety measures in place in the world of professional sport. The events surrounding the recent collapse of the footballer Fabrice Muamba during an English Premier League match demonstrated the importance of timely intervention by medical staff and of having appropriate medical equipment available on the touchline.
In the White Paper on Sport, the Commission clearly stated that it would respect the independence of sporting organisations and said that safety was a matter for the relevant sporting bodies, the Member States and the social partners. Despite this, does the Commission intend to seek to improve the safety of sportsmen and women, whether professional or amateur, by laying down guidelines on health and safety in sport?
Does the Commission consider that making it compulsory for appropriate medical equipment and staff trained in its use to be on hand, at least at professional sporting events, could significantly reduce deaths? Does it intend to encourage Member States and national and international sports federations to introduce more thorough health screening programmes? Does it intend to promote action to ensure that the performances required of sportsmen and women do not place unreasonable demands on their bodies?
Work intended to lay down guidelines or other measures on the issue of health and safety for sportpersons has not been considered a priority in these policy documents and therefore the Commission does not plan to take, in the medium term, any initiative in this field. The Commission would like to draw the attention of the Honourable Members to the existing financial instruments in the fields of Public Health and Research, referred to in the abovementioned earlier replies to questions, which are relevant in this area and can support activities of sport stakeholders and public authorities to better understand and fight against threats to athletes' health.
Finally, the Commission intends to start a test phase regarding the establishment of a new European sectoral social dialogue committee in the field of sport and active leisure, which can become an important tool in improving the health and safety working conditions in the field of sport. It has been brought to my attention by a London constituent who has sold his holiday home in Spain that the Spanish tax authorities have allegedly refused to compensate him for the overpayment of capital gains tax on his holiday property.
The European Court of Justice has apparently ruled that Spanish tax law discriminated against non-resident EU citizens unfairly and that, therefore, they were entitled to compensation. Such compensation has to be sought before the national courts, in accordance with the national procedural rules. As regards those taxpayers whose entitlement to correction and to recovery of sums unduly paid was foreclosed when the CJEU's judgment was delivered, they are nevertheless entitled to make an application to the Council of Ministers for compensation for the loss they have sustained.
Taxpayers should consult a tax advisor in Spain in order to consider the different options available to claim their tax refund. Het schip zou in de haven van Djibouti met militaire uitrustingsstukken en munitie voor het Syrische regime zijn geladen. Het schip is naar verluidt eigendom van de expediteur Reederei Bockstiegel Emden. Dit incident geeft aanleiding tot ernstige zorgen over zowel het vermogen als de inspanningen van de lidstaten om bindende beperkende maatregelen ten uitvoer te leggen. Bij Verordening EU nr. Schepen die in een derde land zijn geregistreerd, vallen onder de jurisdictie van de vlaggenstaat, zelfs als zij het bezit zijn van EU-burgers.
Behalve wanneer de goederen in een EU-haven worden geladen, zal er vaak geen sprake zijn van een duidelijke inbreuk op het EU-embargo. In het onderhavige geval is het aan de Duitse autoriteiten om na te gaan of het toepasselijke recht is geschonden. Wanneer er vermoedens bestaan dat het wapenembargo is geschonden, wordt de staat die bevoegd is om passende actie te ondernemen, gevraagd dat te doen. Een blokkade van een Syrische haven maakt echter geen deel uit van het EU-beleid.
Wanneer de sancties in het EU-recht zijn opgenomen, kan de Commissie of een lidstaat een inbreukprocedure tegen een lidstaat inleiden. Hetzelfde is echter niet mogelijk wanneer dit niet het geval is. Momenteel zijn er geen redenen die een algemeen onderzoek naar de handhaving van alle EU-sancties door alle lidstaten rechtvaardigen. Waar nodig kunnen specifieke onderzoeken worden geopend. The ship was allegedly stocked in the Port of Djibouti with military equipment and munitions meant for the Syrian regime.
The ship is reportedly owned by the carrier Reederei Bockstiegel Emden. According to Hamburg-based C. Reportedly, the ship attempted to refuel in the Cypriot port of Limassol, but was turned away, and for 24 hours could not be tracked through its transponder. This incident raises serious concerns regarding both the ability and the efforts of the Member States to implement binding restrictive measures.
If so, can she comment on the instructions or advice given to the authorities of the respective Member States? Ships registered in a non-EU State are, under the jurisdiction of the flag State, even if they are owned by EU citizens. Where suspicions of a breach of the arms embargo exist, the State having jurisdiction to take appropriate action, will be asked to take such action.
Currently there are no grounds to justify a general investigation on enforcement of all EU sanctions by all the MS. Specific investigations may be opened where appropriate. When does the Commission anticipate the release of this document? What measures does the Commission intend to implement for passengers who are offered alternative flight arrangements, but find the alternatives unacceptable for example, if someone is travelling to New York to participate in an annual parade and the alternative arrangements result in the parade being missed?
There are no publicly available statistics for European carriers in relation to denied boarding and downgrading of passengers. What mechanisms is the Commission putting in place to ensure that information is obtained in relation to denied boarding? While the Commission is not planning to add to such guidance at this stage, this is an area that it keeps under continual review.
The Commission will as part of this work assess what additional measures could be adopted to improve the collection of monitoring information, including that in respect of denied boarding. The Commission intends to announce the outcome of this work towards the end of Vendita illegale di neonati a coppie sterili. I Carabinieri di Mondragone Caserta hanno arrestato una coppia di bulgari e un italiano con l'accusa di associazione a delinquere finalizzata all'alterazione dello stato civile di due neonati.
Mentre i due bulgari avvicinavano in patria giovani ragazze incinte e in condizioni economiche disagiate, convincendole a recarsi in Italia per partorire e consegnare il bimbo a coppie italiane, il complice si occupava di reperire coppie sterili desiderose di avere figli e di assisterle nelle pratiche legali per il riconoscimento del neonato.
Segnalazione cattivo pagatore: quanto dura?
Anche alla luce della risoluzione di cui sopra, quali progressi sono stati realizzati al fine di garantire un diritto trasparente all'adozione che scongiuri il rischio di adozioni illegali? Non ritiene opportuno semplificare e agevolare le procedure di adozione internazionale, eliminando la burocrazia superflua e cercando soluzioni giuridiche volte a facilitare gli Stati membri in tale processo?
Non ritiene inoltre opportuno creare un coordinamento tra la Commissione stessa e gli Stati membri per lo scambio di buone prassi al fine di eliminare drasticamente l'adozione illegale? Carabinieri in Mondragone province of Caserta have arrested a Bulgarian couple and an Italian man on charges of conspiracy to alter the civil status of two newborn babies. While the two Bulgarians contacted poor, young, pregnant women in their homeland, persuading them to come to Italy to give birth and hand their babies over to Italian couples, their accomplice found infertile couples wishing to have children and assisted them with the legal formalities to legitimise the newborn babies.
In view of the abovementioned resolution, what progress has been made on guaranteeing a transparent right to adoption that avoids the risk of illegal adoptions? Would it not consider it appropriate to simplify international adoption procedures and make them easier, cutting unnecessary red tape and seeking legal solutions to assist the Member States in this process? Would it not also consider it appropriate to establish coordination between the Commission and the Member States for the exchange of good practices in order to achieve a major reduction in illegal adoptions?
The principle of the best interests of the child is the overriding principle in the Convention. The Contracting States have to ensure that international adoption does not generate any abusive financial profit. The Commission supports the correct implementation of the Hague Convention by participating on a regular basis to the Special Commissions organised in the context of the Hague Conference and encourages third countries to become parties to the Convention with a view to strengthening international cooperation in this matter and combat illegal adoptions.
Considering that all the Member States of the European Union are party to this Convention, the Commission does not envisage to propose specific legislation in this field. The Honourable Member should be aware that the Commission is actively supporting the fight against child trafficking worldwide, politically and through its financial programmes.
Illegal adoption in so far as they fulfil the constitutive elements of trafficking in human beings is specifically mentioned as a form of trafficking in the recitals of the directive. Ritiro dalla circolazione di una moneta commemorativa slovena anti-italiana. Intende dare mandato alla Slovenia di ritirare dalla circolazione le suddette monete da due euro? A norma del punto 7 della raccomandazione gli Stati membri si informano a vicenda sulle bozze dei disegni delle nuove facce nazionali.
Non spetta pertanto al Consiglio agire nel modo suggerito dall'onorevole parlamentare. Queste due proposte si trovano attualmente in fase di discussione al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio. Le nuove regole conferiscono al Consiglio, che delibera a maggioranza qualificata, il potere di approvare le facce nazionali, nuove o modificate, delle monete in euro normali e commemorative. Thousands of Italians were killed, many by shooting, after which their bodies were thrown into mass graves called foibe , deep natural pits typical of the region. Does it intend to order Slovenia to withdraw the aforementioned two-euro coins from circulation?
The Commission should then verify compliance with the guidelines of the abovementioned recommendation and inform the other Member States via the Economic and Financial Committee's relevant subcommittee, i. Consequently, it is not for the Council to act in the way suggested by the Honourable Member. These two proposals are currently under discussion in the European Parliament and the Council. The new rules confer to the Council, acting by qualified majority, the power to approve new or modified national sides of regular and commemorative euro coins.
Aplaude ainda o papel do Egito como mediador do acordo. The prisoners are demanding, inter alia , an end to administrative prisons, an end to solitary confinement as a punishment, the chance for prisoners to receive secondary and higher education, permission for family visits, and improved medical and health conditions.
This is a situation that has dragged on since the start of the occupation and with which the European Union has been fully complicit. We have been following this issue very closely and remained engaged, including through our Delegation, in the ongoing efforts to find a solution. Our Heads of Missions [in Jerusalem] already issued a statement on this issue last week. We are very concerned about the critical health condition of the Palestinians held in Israeli administrative detention who have been on hunger strike for more than two months.
Contactou os militares revoltosos? Por que formas concretas? It is still unclear who the leaders of this military coup are. This serious situation puts the second round of the presidential elections at risk, and compounds concern of the citizens of Guinea-Bissau and the international community about the chances for political stability, security and prosperity in the country, and about the very viability of the state and its institutions. Brazil has already requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on this matter and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries is monitoring events closely.
What information does it have on these events? Has it contacted the rebel groups? Is it aware of the motives for their actions? What methods would it use for this? The threats and control by the armed forces over the civil power, fuelled by large scale illegal drugs trafficking, represent the main causes of instability in Guinea-Bissau.
The unblocking of part of our cooperation will depend on the evolution of the crisis and on the capacity of the future government to implement a series of key reforms, mainly in the field of security and of the fight against illegal drugs trafficking. In the event that retaliatory measures are taken, does the Commission have any contingency plan to deal with the economic effects of these measures? The Commission has been actively engaging with third countries present in Moscow to address any legitimate concerns they may have.
The Commission notes that the inclusion of aviation in the ETS is fully consistent with international law and in particular with the Chicago Convention. The legislation has been upheld by the European Court of Justice ECJ and the Commission encourages third countries to respect the rule of law.
Nel il governo ha ratificato la convenzione dell'Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro OIL n. La situazione delle popolazioni indigene del Brasile e dei loro diritti viene affrontata nell'ambito del dialogo sui diritti umani tra UE e Brasile. La delegazione dell'UE a Brasilia intrattiene contatti periodici con la Fondazione nazionale per gli indigeni FUNAI , l'ente pubblico che si occupa delle questioni legate a tali popolazioni. Da anni l'UE sostiene attivamente i diritti degli indigeni in Brasile tramite la linea di bilancio per le organizzazioni non governative, l'Iniziativa europea per la democrazia e i diritti umani EIDHR e la linea di bilancio per le foreste tropicali.
I progetti finanziati mirano a conferire maggiori poteri alle popolazioni indigene promuovendo il riconoscimento e il rispetto dei loro diritti civili e fondiari e lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'utilizzo dei terreni. The Guarani have been consigned to reservations and are now deprived of their livelihood, which came from farming. There has been an exponential rise in the rate of disease and mortality among them due to the chemicals being used for intensive cultivation.
In , the Brazilian Government responded to land grabbing problems in tribal areas by recognising the full right of use of indigenous lands and tribal areas to indigenous populations, through strict land demarcations and registration schemes. In it ratified the International Labour Organisation ILO Convention No on indigenous and tribal people, which stipulates the recognition of rights of ownership and possession of indigenous peoples over lands they traditionally owned.
It appears, however, that the Government finds it difficult to ensure the full enforcement of the rights. The funded projects aim at enhancing the empowerment of indigenous populations, promoting the recognition and enforcement of their civil and land rights and the sustainable development of the land use. Attuazione della direttiva sul ritardo dei pagamenti: Il tessuto economico italiano affronta oggi un'emergenza sociale: According to the Istituto nazionale di statistica the national statistics body , this is a steadily rising trend: The Commission is aware of the problems faced by European economic operators throughout the Union due to late payment.
As regards the particular situation in Italy, the Commission has been informed about the news of Italian businessmen committing suicide and it can only regret to hear about such actions of despair. In connection with the nominations for the management board of the European Food Safety Agency for , several potential conflicts of interest have been revealed in relation to some of the candidates. Irin Mella Frewen, a former Monsanto lobbyist, is just one of the controversial new nominations. At present, the annual declarations of interests of management board members, which are published on the EFSA Internet site, are preceded by the statement: That being so, the abovementioned statement signals precisely that conflicts of interest are possible.
Moreover, the statement seems to attempt to legitimise potential conflicts of interest, which is unacceptable. Furthermore, no clear mechanisms are in place to ensure that any such possible conflicts of interest are effectively prevented. Moreover, in a recent letter to the President of the European Parliament, the chairman of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety also complained about the lack of transparency of the process leading to the installation of a new management board for EFSA. Members of the Management Board are required to act in the public interest and shall not represent any government, organisation or sector.
During the pre-selection procedure, declarations of interest of the candidates were carefully checked by the Commission. Council appoints the members in consultation with the European Parliament, upon a shortlist of the Commission.
The role of the Management Board is not to give scientific advice, but to establish, upon proposal of the Executive Director, the budget and work programmes of the Authority and to monitor their implementation. The aforementioned Regulation established EFSA as an independent agency and therefore imposed strict requirements on the Authority in respect of independence and conflicts of interests. In order to comply with these requirements, EFSA has established internal rules which deal with such matters.
These include a new revised Policy on Independence, Guidance document on Declarations of Interest and Procedures for identifying and handling potential conflicts of interest. Management Board members have to sign an annual declaration of interests, a declaration of commitment and have to act upon their Code of Conduct. The European Parliament as a co-legislator was deeply involved in the drafting of this legal text, undertaken under the former co-decision legislative procedure. That Article provides in particular that the list drawn up by the Commission shall include a number of candidates substantially higher than the number of members to be appointed, and that four of the members shall have their background in organisations representing consumers and other interests in the food chain.
The article also indicates that the members of the Board shall be appointed in such a way as to secure the highest standards of competence, a broad range of relevant expertise and the broadest possible geographical distribution within the Union. A member's term of office shall be four years, and may be renewed once.
A Member of the European Parliament was involved, as an observer, in the drawing-up of this list. Il reverendo Nguyen Van Binh aveva costruito la casa su un appezzamento di terreno che aveva acquistato nei pressi della sua parrocchia nel distretto di Chuong My, nei dintorni di Hanoi. L'arcivescovo di Hanoi ha chiesto alla polizia del distretto di Chuong My di indagare sull'accaduto. Tra il Vaticano e il governo vietnamita non intercorre alcuna relazione ufficiale, anche se in Vietnam vivono sei milioni di cattolici.
I gruppi religiosi devono iscriversi a un registro governativo e operare in base a linee guida precedentemente approvate. Un'ulteriore relazione di Human Rights Watch riporta inoltre segnalazioni circa un aumento della repressione contro i membri cristiani delle minoranze indigene negli altipiani centrali del Vietnam, note come Montagnard. A seguito del dialogo UE-Vietnam sui diritti umani di gennaio, la delegazione UE in Vietnam ha rilasciato un comunicato stampa in cui afferma: Secondo la delegazione UE in Vietnam, il governo di Hanoi ha dimostrato il suo impegno nell'adozione di tali misure?
Gli appelli del vescovo di Hanoi di aprire un'inchiesta in merito sono caduti nel vuoto. Risposta congiunta di Catherine Ashton a nome della Commissione. Il governo, inoltre, ha compiuto notevoli progressi verso la normalizzazione delle sue relazioni con il Vaticano. After going to visit the house — which he found destroyed — he was attacked and knocked unconscious by a group of men at the site.
This incident is just one amongst many which illustrate the tensions between the Communist Vietnamese government and the Catholic Church, which is calling for the return of church land which was confiscated in the past. There are no official relations between the Vatican and the Vietnamese government, even though six million Roman Catholics live in the country.
Religious groups must register with the government and operate under approved guidelines. From the evidence available, it appears that local police and authorities colluded in this attack, with the police being present at the site specifically in order to keep Christians away and ensure that the attack was successfully concluded. Calls from the Bishop of Hanoi for an investigation to be opened into the matter have been ignored. Regular incidents and conflicts involving Catholic communities and parishes in Vietnam are often due to initiatives by local authorities and disputes related to land use rights.
In this regard, central authorities seem to have intensified efforts aimed at providing training to local authorities to improve the implementation of the legal framework for religious activities. The Government has also made significant progress to normalise relations with the Vatican.

To ensure enhanced guidance in terms of achieving the agreed objectives, the Summit announced it would launch a high-level science and technology policy dialogue between the governments of the participating countries. Does the Commission plan to establish and enable the necessary instruments and support mechanisms to ensure the rapid engagement of the science community in Africa in those research infrastructures which can directly benefit healthcare provision in Africa, improve educational standards and place science capacity at the centre of action to address global challenges?
The Commission consistently promotes the involvement of a broad a range of African and EU stakeholders. Protection des droits des bascophones, catalanophones et occitanophones de France. Selon un arrangement administratif de JO C 73 du These three languages are also traditionally spoken in France. I must admit that although this response did not surprise me, it did shock me. How can you justify discriminating against French citizens belonging to a linguistic minority in this way? I would therefore like to know what the Council intends to do to end this discrimination against French citizens belonging to a linguistic minority?
If a French citizen were to write to the Commission in English or German, would he or she be refused an answer on the grounds that these are not official languages in France? I should think not. I would therefore be grateful if you could state what steps and initiatives you plan to take so that speakers of regional languages in France enjoy the same rights as speakers of regional languages in Spain.
The costs accruing to the Council such as translation and interpretation from the implementation of the arrangement are borne by the Spanish Government. As stated in COM , entitled Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, Member States are required to develop or strengthen existing national resource efficiency strategies, and mainstream these into national policies for growth and jobs by The involvement of local or regional authorities in the process of developing or strengthening these national strategies is essential to ensure their effectiveness.
Does the Commission offer or intend to offer support to local or regional authorities so that they can fulfil such responsibilities, given the limited powers wielded at local level? Regional and local authorities have a key role to play in the economic transformation towards a resource efficient Europe — in providing for sustainable housing and mobility, in improving water and energy efficiency, in turning waste into precious resources, but also in areas, like developing green infrastructure and preserving biodiversity.
They have a number of instruments in their hands, from green public procurement to urban planning. Initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors demonstrate the potential of cities to perform even better than prescribed at national or EU level as regards the green house gas emissions reduction, and the Commission has supported broadening its scope to wider resource efficiency issues. The Commission has also set up the European Green Capital Award, which rewards top performing cities and promotes exchange of good practices.
The Commission recognises the increasing importance of taking into account the local, regional and urban dimension in policy development, and has integrated it in its proposals under the Multi-annual Financial Framework For instance, the proposal for Cohesion Policy reform foresees , inter alia , integrated actions combining investment from different priorities and programmes that will be delegated to cities for management. The Commission has proposed to widen support for community-led local development based on the experience of Leader under rural development which aims at increasing effectiveness and efficiency of territorial development strategies by delegating decision-making and implementation to a local partnership of public, private and civil society actors.
People were illegally arrested and abducted in other States and transferred by CIA flights to Guantanamo or to secret prisons in third countries offering, for the most part, no protection against torture. Can the Council offer any guarantee that no secret service of any EU Member State operates secret detention centres?
Can the Commission provide information as to what stage this process has now reached? The rescue triggered the obligation for the Spanish authorities to present a restructuring plan for the bank within six months. Regarding the second question, the Commission is analysing the restructuring plan submitted in cooperation with the Spanish authorities who have associated Banco Sabadell, as the buyer of Banco CAM after an open and competitive tender procedure.
The Commission hopes that collaboration will allow it to reach a decision soon. As in all state aid cases, the decision will take the form of a decision from the College of Commissioners, which will be notified to the Spanish authorities in full and made public once confidentiality issues are resolved. Muitas pessoas abandonaram a capital e foram para o campo. What mechanisms does the Commission intend to set in motion to safeguard the living conditions and general security of those who have been displaced? What instruments and channels of financial aid is the Commission considering to directly assist the people of Guinea-Bissau?
The EU is following closely the political, security and humanitarian situation in Guinea-Bissau. Many people left Bissau for the countryside. Those reforms are essential for the achievement of peace and real democracy in the country. This cut, which has been added to the existing plans, will severely affect the appearance of the landscape, in an area of major tourist importance, and will destroy part of the dense forest vegetation.
Does it believe that it is possible to adopt the tunnel solution, which is less damaging for the landscape and the environment in this particular location, without undermining the funding of the project? These authorities will also have to assess the eligibility criteria and ensure conformity with the relevant EU legislation. The decision on the localisation of a project falls within the responsibility of the national authorities.
If the Greek authorities adopt a different alternative, they have to consider the environmental impacts of such a modification and possibly modify the physical object of the co-funded project. These efforts will be essential to spur job opportunities, also for young people.