Easy Learning Pictures. Die Tiere. (Easy Learning Pictures. Deutsch 1) (German Edition)
Many German animal names are wonderfully descriptive, as you can see from the literal translations below. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
Learn how your comment data is processed. Tiere Animals Tiere auf dem Bauernhof: O Tiere und ihre Jungen: O Die 12 Weihnachtstage: W German idioms with animals: Dairy Foods in German Label Me! Printout Label the dairy foods in German. Answers Food Pyramid in German Label the fruit, vegetables, oils, milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, rice, cereal, bread, pasta, and sweets in German.
Fruit in German Label Me! Printout Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in German. Answers Kitchen Utensils in German Label the kitchen utensils in German, including the mixing bowl, spatula, whisk, grater, cake pan, rolling pin, measuring cup, and oven mitt. Answers Kitchen Utensils 2 in German Label the kitchen utensils in German, including the can opener, colander, cutting board, knife, ladle, peeler, frying pan, sauce pan, and lid.
German English books: www.newyorkethnicfood.com
Printout Label the meats in German. Printout Label the sweets in German. Vegetables in German Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in German. Answers Clothing in German: Clothes in German Label the clothes in German, including shirt, pants, blouse, shoe, shoelace, belt, buckle, purse, pocket, and others. Answers Summer Clothes in German Label the outdoor clothes in German, including a swimsuit, shorts, sunglasses, T-shirt, dress, sandals, watch, ring, and others.
Answers Animals in German: Printout Label the elephant, lion, tiger, gorilla, chimpanzee, ostrich, and giraffe in German. Answers Animal Coloring Book to Print: Birds in German Label Me! Printout Label the birds and bird terms in German. Printout Label the farm animals in German. Printout Label the fox, squirrel, deer, antler, bear, claw, raccoon, hedgehog, mouse, and worm in German. Printout Label the insects in German, including the fly, bee, ant, dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug, mosquito, butterfly, caterpillar, and antenna.
Printout Label the sea animals in German. Answers Pets in German Label Me! Printout Label the cat, dog, goldfish, etc. Printout Label the reptiles and amphibians in German. Answers The House in German: The House in German Label Me!
German English books
Printout Label the outside of the house and garage in German. Printout Label the bathroom in German. Printout Label the Bedroom in German. Printout Label the furniture in German, including chair, armchair, table, coffee table, bed, desk, bench, dresser, bookshelf, and sofa. Printout Label the kitchen in German. Printout Label the sofa, armchair, chair, table, fireplace, window, curtain, TV, radio, and telephone in German.

Printout Label the study in German. Beach Words in German Label the beach words in German, including sun, sand castle, beach umbrella, beach towel, sunglasses, popsicle, sun block, beach ball, shell, sun hat.
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Printout Label the compass directions in German. Printout Label the sun, cloud, rain, rainbow, lightning, snow, and tornado in German. Printout Label the street features in German. Printout Label the mountain, hill, valley, lake, river, forest, and other landscape terms in German. Printout Label the star, moon, planet, constellation, comet, telescope, and fireworks in German.
Answers Ocean and Seas in German: Printout Label the oceans and major seas in German. Answers Weather Phrases in German: Printout Label the weather phrases in German, including: It is cold, hot, nice, raining, snowing, windy, lightning, cloudy, and sunny. Answers Sewing in German: Sewing Tools in German Label the sewing tools in German. Printout Label the garden tools in German. Printout Label the hammer, nail, pliers, saw, screw, screwdriver, and wood in German. Printout Label the tool box, wrench, level, Phillips screwdriver, chisel, file, washer, nut, and tape measure in German.
Answers Opposites in German: Opposites 1 in German A Label Me! Printout Label up, down, left, right, empty, full, happy, sad, short and tall in German. Printout Label big, small, slow, fast, day, night, behind, in front of, first, and last in German. Printout Label over, under, black, white, fat, thin, quiet, loud, less, and more in German. Printout Label dirty, clean, hot, cold, wide, narrow, open, closed, push, and pull in German.
Answers Vehicles in German: The Airplane in German Label the parts of an airplane in German.
- Die Tiere | ich lerne Deutsch | Pinterest | Learn german, German and German language learning.
- German Language Activities at www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
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- Animals in German (die Tiere).
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Answers Bicycle in German: Printout Label the bicycle in German. Answers Trucks and Cars in German Label the car, tow truck, minivan, bus, and other vehicles in German. Answers Vehicles in German Label the bicycle, motorcycle, ambulance, fire truck, and other vehicles in German. British Broadcasting Corporation Home.
Facts, essential phrases plus the German alphabet. Learn German From Germany's international network, including slow news with transcripts. Das Erste Germany's first channel and its iPlayer Mediathek , including some programmes with subtitles and news from Tagesschau. Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Germany's second channel.
Westdeutscher Rundfunk Videos with subtitles, mit untertiteln.