Abortion v. God’s Amazing Grace: A Memoir, Forgiven—Only by the Grace of God
Food How was the food overall? Was there a chef? Did you have options for meals or a set menu? Did their menu offer customized meal plans? D Center Of Personal Assistance F Tricity Mental Health Center. H Hillview Acres Childrens Home. Search more results near you. The Human Drama of Abortion: A Global Search for Consensus View. Abortion Clinics, Women's Shelters and Hospitals: Each one of us has made choices in our lives that we regret. Some of these choices have minimal consequences, while other choices we have made can cause devastating outcomes.
In her book, Abortion v. Gods Amazing Grace , the author shares just that sort of choice that can have lifelong effects. Her choice to have an abortion was made at a moment when all she could hear were lies. Then, after it was too late to undo what she had done, truth was heard, reality set in, and the pain and hopelessness became unbearable. Thankfully, God does not leave us without hope. Through the authors story, you will see how God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, takes our sin, pain, and destruction and brings forgiveness and hope to our lives.
You will witness a God who takes our brokenness and over and over again demonstrates His powerful love, forgiveness, grace, and healing. The author will share that God is always there. He is always love, and He waits to make each one of us whole. I can tell you those services are few and far between if you are truly low-income and struggling. It could be you at some point. I know, I know: Making money off poor women and girls who feel like they have no other choice. Out government can fund abortion clinics but not standard healthcare for veterans?
This article came across to me as written by a pro-choicer under the guise as a Christian. These are the arguments I hear as I voluntarily stand outside an abortion mill offering any kind of help I can. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you are so Christian like you claim you would write an article on ways to help these women after the birth of the baby and not motivate them to abort. Millions of people have to adopt babies from other countries because adoption in the US is so difficult.
Banning abortion would open up the opportunity for so many who struggle with fertility the chance to adopt here in the US. The bible clearly states that abortion is wrong. There is no side bar that says…. You are asking the questions that no one, and I mean no one that I know that is all up in arms about PP wants to answer. One of the right race, demographics, health, etc. Unwanted babies forced upon a woman to carry to term are not necessarily going to be born by women taking their prenatals, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and eating healthy.
How many of those people do you think will want a brown baby addicted to meth, or mentally impared? We have had her since birth and we are adopting. We are asking God to place another child with us. Our nest was empty after our 5 children left home. This baby has given us more blessings than I can count. There really is no ending abortion.
There is only ending safe abortion. The biggest argument against closing all the Planned Parenthood? Everything else they do. Thank you Laurel Bowden Brooks for your excellent comment in reply to this blog post, which in itself raises good thought provoking questions. You can easily pay , dollars and still get denied a baby. Laws must be changed to make adoption easier. It seems like you have completely forgotten who the Father is.
He is greater and more able to you give Him credit for. Quick question…if the unborn children you are fighting so hard for are born gay, would you continue to fight for their rights??
What about we teach people to be responsible citizens? After reading the blog I felt compelled to reply. Although my blog is private, mainly to protect privacy of my children, I still wanted to voice my opinion publicly. God says according to Philippians 4: Miscarriage is very different than abortion in my opinion.
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, Abortion is a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus. Also according to Merriam Webster dictionary, Miscarriage is spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus before it is viable and especially between the 12th and 28th weeks of gestation. Although, abortion can often be used to refer to miscarriage, I believe they are completely different! After suffering loss myself I truly believe the word abortion should not ever be used when referring to a miscarriage. A miscarriage to me is a loss of pregnancy; where as, an abortion is choosing to have an operation to end a pregnancy.
Miscarriage is involuntary and not done by choice. It was a decision made by God. Consequently, an abortion is a selfish decision made by a mother to terminate her pregnancy. Secondly stillbirths affect 23, births a year according to March of Dimes. Therefore with the rate of miscarriage and still births that number 1. The mother putting her child up for adoption costs nothing. It costs anywhere from 20 to 40K to adopt a child! It costs much less than that to have a child of your own. However, not everyone is that lucky!
There tons of couple who would more than anything love to have a child to provide for and love but are unable to have of their own. Did you know there is a waiting list for adoption! Yes, there are approximately 36 couples waiting for ever 1 adoptive baby! Sounds like to me that a lot of couples would be willing to take on one or even more of these aborted babies!
Safe Haven Law is a law in which a mother can leave her unharmed baby at a hospital or other designated areas free of abandonment for the mother. The cost is paid by Medicaid not the mother who left their child. Therefore, again free of legal obligation as well as cost for a mother. I have not researched but I also believe adopting a child through safe haven is much less expensive than an outright adoption. Why does it cost so much to adopt a child for these wonderfully suitable parents who want more than anything to hold a baby in their arms.
Do you see something wrong with this picture…? If you choose to have sex you choose to potentially create a child! All the same, have these selfish mothers been shown their child on sonogram? This is only 3 weeks since your last menstruation. Conception and implantation have both already occurred in just a few days. All 3 of my babies hearts were beating at only 6 weeks. I go back and forth but what I do know is the costs of these options are also very expensive.
Could we provide contraceptives or tubal litigations or vasectomies for less or even free to these individuals who would decide to abort their unborn children? It has and always will be my stance that if you choose to make a decision in life, you choose to accept full responsibility for the outcome of that decision! Girl, I loved this post and I felt like, based on some of the defensive and ugly comments, that I should speak up in defense.
As Christians, were called to hold each other accountable and to make each other think about how to love others better. People need to think about the things you mention when they decide how to vote on a variety of social programs and how they will serve in their communities. If women are afraid to have real conversations with Christians about the challenges of having a child or having an abortion and the challenges of raising a child, what does that say about Christians?
I believe that people may be more careful and less likely to have unprotected sex of abortion was made illegal. So the numbers would be different than the article posted. I just read the article. Now I am a man, however anyone has noticed or observed the bond a mother makes with her unborn child.
Can you honestly say that no mothers would keep their babies? Can you honestly say that with the option to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy off the table, no women would rise to the occasion and choose to raise their babies? I know this to be a fact. I even personally know couples who have gone to China and other counties for this fact. Being adopted myself, as well as my two siblings, I know what my parents went through to adopt all of us. My parents flew to Columbia for my older sister, after waiting years for a baby to become available.
They waited some time for me as well. I also became suddenly available due to a last minute decision to put me up for adoption. They waited almost two years for my younger sister, and her birth parents were Mexican immigrants. My Parents even had to prove after a year that she was in fact a natural born citizen. There is even underground adoption rackets where couple are extorted for hundreds of thousands of dollars for a baby. In short there is a waiting list for new born babies containing many many couples looking to adopt. It is basic theology and doctrine that ALL are created in the imagine of God.
With this concept, the Judeao-Christian world view is the only, yes the only-check it for yourself, that gives ALL beings an intrinsic worth. During the days of the early church, abortion was a common practice in the Roman Empire. Unwanted babies were literally thrown in the trash heaps, and socially this was acceptable. This is scarily a similarity to our society today. In fact the early church was so predominantly female because female babies were highly unwanted, thus were commonly aborted. The love of all people is a central message of Christianity, and something preached multiple times by Jesus.
Any true follower of Christ understands this and holds it to the deepest convictions. Obviously not every single sexual relation results in a pregnancy, but you cannot argue this. Abortion seeks to do away with this reaction. However, abortion in itself violates this principal. Using this concept as an argument is incoherent and self destructing. Only God knows our hearts. We are told not to judge others, yet we are also told to rebuke fellow believers. Your article is a perfect example of how sin tries to find a way, and tries to make excuses. I pray for you and rebuke any attempts the enemy has on you in Jesus name.
I think it is HIGHLY inaccurate to say Christians are for the most part just wanting to save a life and then just move on leaving a mom hung out to dry. I worked for the last three years teaching in a class at my church for moms who chose life for their baby. We feed the mom a meal every week, childcare, we supply her with diapers, formula, etc.
While this may be an epiphany to you, the idea that we must help these girls beyond birth has been known and being acted upon for years. There are many couples going through the adoption process that will make great parents. This includes gay married couples. But when I mention that to fellow Christians they have actually said a child would be better in the foster system. The foster system is largely a failure where many children are lost for the duration of their young lives.
What would really happen if we defunded Planned Parenthood and ended abortion
It might also be said that even as we welcome and care for the unterminated pregnancies, we call for, foster, and pray for a sexual reformation. Birth control is way too easy to get. Treating abortion as s form of birth control is totally the wrong way to look at this situation. Prevent it ,if you r not going to or capable of taking care of it. My husband and I today have been foster parents to 35 children in need, and adopted 2.
Our lives are very hard due to their special needs. I wrote about what our life is like here: This article is really awesome. Embrace Grace and Teen Mother Choices international are two groups that really take the mentoring of pregnant moms in individual communities to the next level. The ladies who started both of these groups are awesome, and the stores on http: Have you seen this post on Facebook: I love that her sign instead of just spurting anger instead it reads that her family would love to adopt a mothers child if she decided to change her mind and that her family would unconditionally love the child and the birth mother forever if granted that gift.
I am a woman who gave a child up for adoption. I also worked at a shelter for abused children right down the street from an abortion clinic. I world see the demonstrations and the outrage. I looked into the eyes of children whose very souls has been mangled. N one of those protesters ever came to that shelter. Before defunding planned parenthood we had better be prepared for the consequences.
I really enjoyed this article but the author is so sarcastic a lot of the important information went by the wayside. I read your article twice, mostly because it infuriated me the first time I read it. If your purpose was to set a fire under Christians to act, then I hope it does just that. No child after all is unwanted.
We preach this constantly. I would like to see abortion ended, and I believe it tears at the very heart of God more than anything else on this earth. Many Christians are and have been doing something about it for years. I applaud each and everyone of them who tirelessly give of their time to this calling and ministry of helping women in crisis pregnancies. After adopting our first daughter God placed it on my heart to help young girls and women facing an unplanned pregnancy. God brought out of that burden a Pregnancy Resource Center that has been open for almost 18 years.
I have no idea how many lives have been saved and women helped and supported. There are many centers like this doing the very same thing all over the country. As an adoption consultant now for an adoption agency, it is amazing to see how God is calling couples to adopt. These are couples who have biological children, and they are being led to do more. Years ago it would have bothered me. For women who are infertile like myself , there are not enough babies to go around for us. We were told by an agency over 25 years ago that we could not adopt through them because we already had a baby.
Just not enough babies to go around. I pray that Planned Parenthood closes — not because they have been defunded, but because no one needs them any more. The church IS meeting that need, maybe not all of them, but as a whole I believe we are. Last week when a baby was abandoned in Atlanta, we had at least 12 couples contact us to inquire about adoption and wanting to begin the process. That was over ONE baby. God has spoken to my heart also through a dream. He showed me babies lined up in a row — lots of babies. And I also saw a long line of women waiting.
So, thank you Ashley, for setting the fire under me and I hope many others who will prove to you and the world that we are ready to face the challenge!
We need to kill babies so no one will be inconvenienced? Big logical flaw there. Besides there are many, many people ready to adopt. See Laurel Bowden Brooks reply. I know many within our church and in my home who would joyfully open their home to a mom on the edge. This is why we must seek the abolition of human abortion as a result of national repentance and a revival of true and vital Christianity that practices pure and undefiled religion.
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Why not provide easier and more affordable access to birth control? I completely disagree with this article in every way. The bible calls us to help those in need, yes! Help as much as you can but to say that your life would be over because of the non existence of planned parenthood is pure insanity. These type of places will always exist no matter what the government does. The question is should the taxes of every American citizen go to a corrupt organization such as planned parenthood?
Should all Americans expect to pay for the abortions of hundreds of thousands of babies up to 38 weeks? You have some good thoughts but the bill does not call for defunding of pap smears and std testing. It actually reroutes monies to other womens health facilities that can provide those for at risk women. And personally our family has been trying to adopt a child for the last 5 years. I know many just like ours. This was such a good think.
I wonder how the over , children under 17 presently in foster care a majority whom are now available for adoption in the U. How many women who have had abortions were abruptly abandond by PP once the procedure was done? How many women have suffered severe depression, remorse, regret, committed suicide, because PP had no mercy, no compassion for the mess they pushed them into.
In my state there are two PP centers, and at least seven pro-life crisis pregancy centers, all of which offer continuing care for at least a year after the birth of the child. Some women remain in contact with the pregnancy center long after that year, as they want to help other women have the same loving, caring experience they had.
At the moment, all of these pro-life crisis pregnancy centers opporate with exclusively private funding. No government money, and they are all not-for-profit organizations. What would happen if all that money going into PP and embroyinc stem-cell research which has produced no health benefits to date were funneled into these centers? Would they hire more nurses and doctors so they could provide even more services? It just amazes me that people think that just because they are doing nothing about helping these women and children, that everyone else is just as useless.
There are a number of homes for young girls who got pregnant, did not want an abortion, and their parents kicked them out of the home. They go to these homes to live through the pregnancy and well into the beginning of the life of the child, with plenty of help along the way to make sure they graduate high school, get good jobs, and find support groups so they can leave the home and begin independant lives.
It is a lie that Christians are only concerned that the baby is born, and then abandon the woman. It is the abortion group that are only concerned that the baby is aborted and then abandons the woman. By-the-way, the only places I know of that are willing to provide counseling and post abortion care for victims of the abortion industry are all run by Christians. We need to do more, but I absolutely reject the claim that we are doing nothing. Thank you Ashley for the article. I had the same thoughts about what would be needed if abortions became illegal. When I was 18 in I was a pregnant teen and was being pressured heavily to have an abortion.
I was not in church, but did have some faith and knew that abortion was murder. I cried out to God for help and through a friend, I received a ministers number. I called him and he counseled me and helped me make a decision to give up the baby for adoption. I had all that in one day. He and his family were there for me during that time. When it came time to have the baby, they let me stay in their home and they helped me through the process.
Yes it cost them something. I will be forever thankful for their sacrifice. So yes, as I prayed and meditated I knew the same thing I received would be needed for others as well. Yes it is one thing to hold up a sign. It is another thing to lay down your life on behalf of another.
So right away we should be able to discern that this lady in fact is listening to something just not God. My church is filled with people who on a regular basis foster and adopt kids, and most of the young couples we talk to we all dream about a day when we can finally adopt. It is sickening to hear someone claiming to be a Christian while accusing most of us of not doing enough for a person who wants nothing but the freedom to be promiscuous plus our complete approval of their lifestyle, thus creating a need for an organization that murders human babies.
And on top of that we are supposed to accept their self-claimed victim status? May God have mercy on us. I believe in the sanctity of life-from conception. I hope you see where I am going with this. What I am saying is that I agree with just about everything that you so eloquently wrote. We as a society refuse to live with the consequences of our decisions-because we downright refuse to acknowledge them.
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I pray that I have the pleasure of meeting you someday soon. Your husband, on the other hand…. I just want to laugh my butt off with him and his Dad again on the links somewhere! THIS is not one of the 4 fundamental things women require for their health. Plus how about giving some of those loving families that cannot have a baby of their own adopt one. How far we have fallen. Here is another thought. If abortion is illegal and women who become pregnant, by law, must proceed through pregnancy, to ultimately make the decision to place their baby up for adoption — I truely feel like this will make them more responsible in the future.
Too many women use abortion as birth control because our laws make it so easy for them. I think unplanned pregnancies would go WAY down if women had to take responsibity over it. I am a life that was not aborted. I have a purpose in life to glorify my Lord, my Savior and tell others of Him. I also have been given purpose to invest both time and money into many lives. How could these things be done if I was not. Thank you so much for writing this.
I have been aching for the child lost. Thank you for writing this and for my friend who shared it so that again, my mind and heart could be enlightened further. This is a good word. PP is not the only resource for these services. There is freedom for everyone, no condemnation here. She was simply stating the truth. I do not expect every single person to adopt. I do not believe everyone is called to do that. But I do believe everyone is called to do something. And I know first hand that there are many many Christians who are doing nothing.
I thought the article was very good, and very thought provoking. I loved this Ashley! Planned Parenthood is also providing affordable health care and birth control.. NO i dont think everyhtng they do is amazing. Ashley, Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. All life is valuable…the baby and the mom.
Just like God knows the baby when it is first conceived. God has plans for that mom as well. She is gifted and has something to contribute to the world. We have to put equally as much thought and energy behind both. The root causes are far more complicated than we like to admit. Not all women who abort their babies are selfish sinners. We have given these mothers one narrative. But, the fact is its about a myriad of things: I think once we truly engage these women, at the root, no law will stop them from aborting their babies.
The Church is uniquely positioned to sacrificially and lovingly embrace these women with the love we all experienced when Christ died on the cross for us. You are so right. I needed my eyes opened. It reaffirms my commitment to Birthright of Greenville who cares for these women and children but also makes me rethink my other views. You are as beautiful inside as out. How is this not clear? Legitimate questions which fortunately already have excellent answers to them. PP has clinics which would still have private funding. Almost every single one offers a year or more of support after women choose life.
The one I support connects women in crisis to small groups at churches who sponsor and personally support women in a crisis pregnancy. So the Body of Christ definitely is moving in that direction. It seems like this may have been a person challenge from the Lord for your life which is kind of awesome because you say you are open to the challenge. If one mind is changed, if one mother embraces her precious baby instead of leaving an abortion clinic with empty arms is that not worth using my voice?
If one family that longs for a child, receives the gift of parenthood through adoption is that not worth using my voice? Perhaps, we can not fathom providing single handedly for the thousands of babies murdered each year but should that stop us from speaking out and standing up for life? I do believe God will hold us accountable for our silence! Planned Parenthood could care less about these women, their needs, their health or their emotional well-being. Abortion has always been and will always be about the money.
It is sad that women still cannot see through the veil of deceit. Planned Parenthood has never been and will never be a substitute for what the church should have done or needs to do. I have counseled women who have gone to these clinics for what they thought was counseling only to be convinced that abortion was the only alternative they had. Those women dealt with emtional scars for many years.
The responsibility does not lie with the church it lies with the individuals who are making these choices. Our responsibility as a church is to empower women by being a support system not enable them by being their support.
The problem is we have led a generation to believe that they are never responsbible for their actions. It is all about convenience and entitlement. One voice, one protest, one mind changed, one heart touched, one dollar given, one life saved, one child adopted, one family blessed! There is so much flawed with what you said. That comes down to the government. They make it difficult, I personally know a family who have adopted many kids, and work for an adoption agency and many other families that adopted and foster and many times adoptions fall through because of the red tape from the government.
Planned parenthood provides no other services that cant be gotten at a pregnancy crisis center. You need to do your research. Defunding planned parenthood will allow more money to go to helping kids, helping to place them in homes. If planned parenthood is gone, people will stop using it as birth control and those s will go down. If women take responsibility like they once did, unwanted pregnancies will go down. Women need to stop being selfish and start thinking about the baby and the father, many fathers want the babies, and they have as much right as the mother to have that baby.
This is a time of do what feels good and what you want. The time of entitlement and just do it, everyone else be damned. You have got to be kidding me. May He be merciful when it comes to what we have not done to stop this horror. There are more people wanting to adopt then there are babies to adopt in this country.

Your comments are well reasoned and logical. Unfortunately religion can never be. Empathy is the hope. The supernatural is a pacifier. What would really happen if we defunded Planned Parenthood and ended abortion admin August 23, Faith , Women I believe that very same thing of every human being I know.
And then it came to me—clear as day. So how should we change? This will mean a lot more mouths to feed and a lot less time for excuses on how busy we are…. Join the Faith in Prose Newsletter. You will be the FIRST to know when a new blog post goes live as well as stay informed on upcoming events! July 26, at 6: July 20, at Penny Case Kennedy Bush says: May 4, at 4: April 5, at 3: December 8, at 1: Sharon Knapp Walker says: October 6, at 8: Nicole Bigar Orban says: October 3, at 3: October 2, at October 2, at 7: Michelle Cosby Bollom says: October 2, at 2: September 30, at 6: September 29, at September 27, at 4: September 27, at 2: Sarah OConnor Smith says: September 26, at Mary Dusek Masterson says: September 25, at September 25, at 4: September 24, at September 24, at 7: September 24, at 6: September 24, at 3: