We Are the Face of Oaxaca: Testimony and Social Movements
While Oaxa- can journalists and scholars have published articles and anthologies about the movement, We Are the Face of Oaxaca is the most important English- language study on the movement to date. At the center of the movement were the teachers of Oaxaca. Testimonio as a narrative production has been an important tool utilized by activists in Latin America, and it became one of the most important organizing tools for APPO activists. Unlike printed testimonies, however, the testimonies pro- duced in Oaxaca during were not mediated by journalists or editors, and were disseminated via television, radio, nightly conversations at barri- cades, and through independently-produced videos.
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One of the key moments of the movement came on August 1 and was led by women. They marched in solidarity with APPO and the teachers, and wanted to share their views on the state televi- sion and radio stations. When they were denied airtime, the women decided to occupy the stations.
In ad- dition to the testimonio excerpts and images in the book, We Are the Face of Oaxaca includes links to the original testimonies, bringing the reader closer to the people who were the driving force behind the movement.
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By providing these links, Stephen allows the reader to witness the testimonies as they were produced, removing herself as mediator. The occupied radio and television stations were more than spaces for individuals to express their opinions and personal testimonies—they were strategic centers for the dissemination of crucial information, such as hu- man rights abuses and information regarding the whereabouts of the police and paramilitaries.
In addition to radio and television stations, cell phones were an important means of communication for APPO activists. While cell phones allowed APPO activists to organize actions in Oaxaca and communicate with their relatives at home, cell phones also facili- tated communication with supporters outside of Oaxaca. APPO-LA organized marches in working- class communities in Los Angeles, actions in front of the Mexican consulate, and also raised money to support the movement.
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