THE MISSINGS (Aspen Falls Thrillers Book 2)
Their father had taken off soon after to search for Star's killer. He checks in on them when he is in the area. Assistant Special Agent in Charge Nicholas Grant spends a lot of his downtime trying to find the grave sites of the victims of Leopard Bonzer. Thirteen families have been unable to bury their loved ones. Nick has a bad back which has gotten him hooked on oxycontin. And, due to an incident when he was a child, he is terrified of dogs. When Bonzer dies in prison, Nick finds a photo hidden in his cell. He believes it is the burial site.
Since Bonzer was captured ten years ago with his last victim in his car, the FBI assumes he was driving to his burial ground. Based on the direction he was going they look at many sites and eliminate them one by one. Finally they find a likely spot near Aspen Falls. Jamie is called to bring her cadaver dog. They start marking grave sites and workers start to excavate.
They find ten year old graves but also unexpected newer ones. Have two killers been using the same site? This is a tense, interesting book. The killer is walking among them but who is he? I loved how Jamie was so invested in her dogs. It was educational to see how they worked. Nick had a lot of problems but was essentially a good person.
I recommend this book to people who like mysteries and dogs. I do and I loved it. See all reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?
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Based on the direction he was going they look at many sites and eliminate them one by one.
BigAl's Books and Pals: The Missings / Peg Brantley
Finally they find a likely spot near Aspen Falls. Jamie is called to bring her cadaver dog. They start marking grave sites and workers start to excavate. They find ten year old graves but also unexpected newer ones. Have two killers been using the same site? This is a tense, interesting book. The killer is walking among them but who is he?
I loved how Jamie was so invested in her dogs. It was educational to see how they worked. Nick had a lot of problems but was essentially a good person. I recommend this book to people who like mysteries and dogs. I do and I loved it. Consegne illimitate in 1 giorno. Iscriviti ad Amazon Prime: Ulteriori informazioni su Amazon Prime. Metodi di pagamento Amazon. Visualizza o modifica i tuoi ordini alla pagina Il mio account. Hai bisogno di aiuto? Hai dimenticato la password?
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Amazon Warehouse Deals I nostri prodotti usati e ricondizionati. Book Depository Libri con spedizione gratuita in tutto il mondo. Kindle Direct Publishing Pubblica i tuoi libri in formato elettronico. Prime Now Consegna in finestre di 2 ore. I also enjoyed the 'police speak', and while it was not as detailed as it could have been, I believe for the average reader works to a tee. Did you want to turn the next page because it was SO good?
Mmmmm, Twinkies' while you read? As I said above, the book is a tad slow at the start, but once the wheels get rolling the suspense is far from lacking. I found myself turning page after page to get to the next "scene" and my interest level grew as the story progressed. I also have a warning Was the book pretty darn flawless? Insertions of how a character felt or a distinct action necessary to get a point or feeling across was delivered at just the right time. The dialogue was not overdone, and when it was used it worked precisely. When all is said in done - did you enjoy the book?
Would you recommend it to others? Brantley's book to be a pleasure to read. I could see the Chase Waters character being a protagonist the author could build a series around.
Member: cdalton
With the multiple subplots of The Missings and the minor characters that drew my interest but fell short in development, I would heartily await the next installment from this up and coming author. I am currently perusing it and find it to be in the same caliber of this Five Blossom submission. Please go check it out! The Bestowing of the Blossoms As it turns out, Peg Brantley's The Missings has earned 94 points giving it a very strong 5 big beautiful blossoms!
We hope this review helps convince others to check out your book! Here's wishing you much success not just with The Missings, but will all your work. The world may have just found its next great thrilling crime writer. Apr 10, Robbie rated it really liked it Shelves: Pretty fast read for a not-so-short book. Well-written and edited, characters that were likeable and believable and plenty of action.
I rate this one 4. When some of the community go missing they are reluctant to go to the authorities out of fear and the legal status of many in the community. When Elizebeth Benavides sister goes missing she challenges the communities silence and demands the authorities do something. Senior Detective Chase Waters looks into the case and when the other missing people are brought to his attention he works all his contacts to solve, what truely is a mystery. When Detective Waters investigation takes him to the doors of a private hospital for the Rich he looks for a connection. The one he finds brings the case much to close to home for him.
It speaks to the Fear of the Police by law abiding and even legal citizens and the unreported crimes they face. This is a mystery where life and death lay in the balance. A police procedural with some twists. Populated largely by middle and working class families, Aspen Falls might be Anytown, Colorado. Meanwhile, a few secondary story threads added depth, both to the characters and the tale. By the time we get to the climax, the case has struck closer to home than Waters would have ever anticipated.
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Editorial Reviews
There were many issues that take place in this story and sadly within society. The Missings ranks as one of the good audiobooks I've listened to. I liked all the characters so I don't know that I had a favorite. I wanted there to be a character that I was more able to identify with.
Eric Nutting was a fine narrator and I look forward to hearing more from him. Also I think that Peg Brantley is a very talented author and I will continue listening to her audiobooks.
This one was a good take on an interesting subject matter. This was a book that I wanted to listen to all in one sitting but I had to take breaks. This was a book that I'm glad I listened to but I think it could have had more plot twists with the good storyline that it did have. I think this book is definitely worth listening to. Mar 13, Pam Whetton rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed this book and now have the Red Tide book to read soon. A very engaging and page turning read.
I was totally involved in this story and ripped through the pages at a great pace and read in one sitting. I thoroughly enjoyed the main characters — Detective, husband and father Chase Waters and his team of fellow investigators, all were realistic, empathetic, diligent and courageous in their private and business lives.
This is a great police procedural where the main story and sub plots are interesting and contemporary. The language and conversations in A very engaging and page turning read. I will certainly look for more books by this author Some years ago I began to read a mystery novel by a bestselling author whose previous work I had enjoyed.
One of the plot points hinged on a certain urban legend. She made it believable, suspenseful, and up-to-date. The Missings held my attention throughout. Every character was fully drawn and believable. As far as the plot, I know these things happen in Third World countries, and it wouldn't stretch credulity to find instances in the US. Money, power, and greed control the world. I particularly liked the relationships between Chase Waters and everyone else.
He's the kind of lead character who doesn't grate on my nerves and would make a solid series protag Good Plot - Good Writing - Well-defined Characters. He's the kind of lead character who doesn't grate on my nerves and would make a solid series protagonist. Brantley for a well-written, interesting book that I would highly recommend to my reader friends. The beginning was very slow. I was in chapter twelve thinking.. I stayed with it and it picks up.
The ending had my heart pounding. Hispanic bodies are piling up mutilated and harvested. Someone is collecting body organs. It's the detectives of Aspens Falls job to solve the case and figure out just what the cause of the body pile up is. I'm torn about what to say about The Missings. There were parts that I really liked and there were parts I found completely unnece The beginning was very slow. There were parts that I really liked and there were parts I found completely unnecessary. Nov 04, Cynthia rated it it was amazing. It is an intense story of one young woman's determination to find out who killed her 17 year old sister.
There are several story lines in the book that are equally compelling. Good writing and well paced. Along the way you are reminded of the perils of the undocumented and citizens who are of the same ethnicity. This is one of the best books I have read in a long time. How do you make something awesome better? I know, have one of the best voices I have ever heard read it to you! This is a fabulous book, I already did a review of the book after I read it, but the audio version is a truly great experience!
Peg Brantley is a terrific storyteller, this audio version is one of the best I have ever heard This story is an eye opener and sheds light to a serious problem world wide of the lucrative and illegal "cash for organs" enterprise. As a Hispanic woman I empathized with the victims and although I am a US citizen, I do not condone the abuse perpetrated against the illegal Hispanics depicted in the story. Horrible to kill them for their body parts so wealthy people can live! Solid, good writing and the chapters are short making it a pleasure to read on the Kindle.
Dec 01, Cheryl rated it really liked it. Interesting mystery Interesting mystery story about the illegal harvesting of human organs. This takes place in Colorado making it close to home. The mystery comes in on who are the victims and why they are targeted. Although it was a quick read it was filled with information. Could have used a little more mystery to keep the reader on their toes thinking of the motive or the next move.

Still, I would recommend reading The Missings. Apr 09, Rebecca rated it really liked it Shelves: The precise rating from me would be 3. It is pretty well done for what it is, although I don't enjoy hopping heads this much. But the main thing is just that it is bloodier and scarier than I tend to like. Closer to thriller than mystery, in my opinion, and tend to prefer puzzle rather than fear. This was a really interesting read and definitely started out at a quick pace Chase Waters is on a mission to figure out what's going on.
A good read that hits things right on the head in this genre.