The Book of Master Mo (Penguin Classics)

Skip to content Skip to search. Home This edition , English, Book edition: Mo, Di, active B. English Author Mo, Di, active B. Other Authors Johnston, Ian, , translator.
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Content Types text Carrier Types volume online resource Physical Description xliii, pages ; 20 cm. Series Penguin classics Subjects Moism.
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Summary Very little is known about Master Mo, or the school he founded. However, the book containing his philosophical ideas has survived centuries of neglect and is today recognised as a fundamental work of ancient Chinese philosophy. The book contains sections explaining the ten key doctrines of Mohism; lively dialogues between Master Mo and his followers; a discussion of ancient warfare; and an extraordinary series of chapters that include the first examples of logic, dialectics and epistemology in Chinese philosophy.
The ideas discussed in The Book of Master Mo—ethics, anti-imperialism, and a political hierarchy based on merit—remain as relevant as ever, and the work is vital to understanding ancient Chinese philosophy. Contents Machine generated contents note: The Defence of a City. The defence of a city. Preparing the wall and gates Bei cheng men Preparing against the high and adjacent Bei gao lin Preparing against ladders Bei ti Preparing against water flooding Bei shui Preparing against sudden attack Bei tu Preparing against tunnelling Bei xue Preparing against the "ant approach" Bei yifu Sacrifices for meeting the enemy Ying di ci Flags and pennons Qi zhi Orders and commands Hao ling Miscellaneous defences Za shou.
Book Of Master Mo
Notes "Translation first published in a bilingual edition by the Chinese University Press This revised translation, with additional editorial material, first published in Great Britain by Penguin Classics "--Title page verso. Translated from the Chinese. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? These 5 locations in All: Australian Catholic University Library.
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Open to the public ; Unfortunately, the arguments Mo Zi presents pretty much start and end with references to the legendary dynasties of ancient, ancient China. Almost without exception, all of his points end in him explaining he knows such and such virtue because the ancient kings acted in such a way.
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- The Book of Master Mo by Mozi.
It's a bit disappointing to imagine Mo Zi is simultaneously pointing out how many rulers are wicked and corrupt, and yet take something written by another as truth without any rigorous logic to back it up. Also, while he is quick to pepper maxims about how a good person does good things, he is decidedly less clear about what is actually good and what the criteria is.
It doesn't help things that Mo Zi tends to repeat his points at least three times, sometimes using the same example but retold in a different way. With the general points out of the way, a very fragmentary dialectic follows that can be only be described as opaque.
The Book of Master Mo
One such example " In the case of 'this-this', there is 'this' as well as 'this' in it. Now in the case of 'this', there is 'this' in 'this' and 'not this' in 'this', therefore 'this-not this'. In the case of 'this-not this', then there is 'this' and 'not this' in it.
Now in the case of 'this', there is 'not this' in 'this' and 'this' in 'this', therefore 'this' and 'this-not this' are both said. Good luck unpacking that one. The final section is a rather interesting and detailed account of how to defend an ancient Chinese city from sieges.
You get to see a bit of Mohist philosophy at work, but this is primarily of military historical value.
Book Of Master Mo by Mozi
There are a lot of interesting, thought provoking, and surprising bits in here. There are a hundred pages on how to defend against a siege As any introductory text this is I think I'll go looking for something additional. That said, mostly worth reading minus the city defense section, unless you're really into that. May 13, Yinkoon rated it liked it.
The insight by Mo Zi is that of efficiency and might contradict with many imperfections of human nature. It is, however, a noteworthy advice and if used properly can have great benefit to a learned person. Feb 02, Mark rated it really liked it Shelves: The first hundred pages are fantastically insightful. After that, it gets a little dry and technical. Wendi Chen rated it it was amazing Feb 24, Sioraf as Na Cillini rated it liked it Aug 14, Johnathan Ammann rated it really liked it Aug 26, Peter rated it really liked it Nov 24, Ian rated it really liked it Apr 16, Jimmy McWhinney rated it it was amazing Nov 05, Spencer Szwalbenest rated it really liked it Feb 06, Efren rated it liked it Apr 06, Seligman rated it liked it Jan 02, Michael Lloyd-Billington rated it really liked it Dec 09, Craig rated it it was amazing Aug 26, Edgar Milik rated it really liked it Mar 12, Adam rated it it was amazing Feb 09, BR rated it really liked it Mar 02, Jordan rated it it was amazing May 08, Steven Zheng rated it it was amazing Jun 06, Ingrid rated it it was ok Nov 28, Juan Ruiz rated it liked it May 18, Juan rated it really liked it Nov 03, Brian marked it as to-read Oct 25, Rebecca added it Jan 17, Rowena marked it as to-read Mar 19, Jur marked it as to-read Apr 10, Andrew marked it as to-read Apr 29, Rachel marked it as to-read Apr 30, Jeff marked it as to-read Jul 22, Gregory marked it as to-read Aug 06, Paul R marked it as to-read Oct 07, Elwood D Pennypacker added it Oct 16, Jon Rickard Yxelflod marked it as to-read Dec 08, Yanlong marked it as to-read Dec 25, Yuri marked it as to-read Mar 16, Hershel Shipman marked it as to-read Apr 19, Dewey marked it as to-read Apr 27, Yasir Husain marked it as to-read May 19, Matt Kelly marked it as to-read Jun 28, Omar Sukkarieh marked it as to-read Jul 16, Chris marked it as to-read Jul 26, Camilla added it Aug 07,