The Alkahest
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Write a customer review. Showing of 1 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This was not what I thought it was going to be when I read the description of it on Forgotten Books. I thought it was going to be a book about alchemy. In a way, it was, but it was more a good study of the effects of madness on a family.
It could have been written today regarding anything that consumes the time and money of a family member. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime.
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What time is it He looked like he wanted to say something else, but couldn't find the words to get it out. After a few moments of trying, he gave up, looking strangely defeated and a little sad. He struggled a bit more, and finally settled on, "Do you ever think about why we never moved in together?
They'd started up right after the war ended with them as victors, but Hermione had gotten cold feet, and had broken things off before they really started. She'd gone to university for a time after getting her parents back — a magical university, in Barcelona, Spain. They'd written to each other plenty, as did she and Harry and Ginny, but it had just been as friends. When she'd come back, sporting a tan and feeling a lot freer than she had in a while, the relationship seemed to already be in place, sparking off right where they'd left things off.
It had been explosive in that good way , and full of laughter.
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She shifted on the bed, pulling the sheets around her a bit, fiddling. She'd guessed he had, but she was so particular about her personal space. After leaving the dorms of university, she'd sworn never to have a flatmate again. His mouth pulled in that crooked smile. And not the time we spend together, because obviously I wouldn't trade that for anything else in the whole world," he continued.
But can you honestly tell me you don't feel it, sometimes? Like maybe we're just together because it's Because we expected to be, and so did everyone else?
Or the House of Claës
We know all the words to each other by heart, by now. I'd reckon I even know you better than Harry does, and up until a year ago I didn't think it was even possible to know you better than Harry does. Then, he sobered, his brown eyes finding hers again. She swallowed again, her throat feeling strangely raw.
The Alkahest Chapter Thorpe Park, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction
She couldn't exactly refute what he was saying, and the fact that he was saying it meant he probably felt similarly, but it still hurt to think of possibly letting this relationship go. His smile was wry, a little twisted by some inner guilt, and she closed her eyes as she let it sink in. She'd been so full of herself, then, hadn't she? Thinking that he'd been over the moon for her, letting herself play a little bit the martyr in continuing the relationship even though it wasn't exactly exciting or adventurous or even all that romantic.
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But in reality, he'd been in the same boat, wondering how to navigate the feelings they'd had for each other as teenagers that had failed to mature along with them. Her inhale was shaky, and his arms suddenly flew around her. They fell silent, and for a while — an hour, or maybe longer, she figured — they just held each other in her bed, seeking comfort and knowing that the sobering reality of The End was fast approaching. In the end, he'd left without breakfast, both of them feeling too awkward. The kiss before the Floo had been heartfelt, full of apologies, and perfect for the both of them.
They couldn't exactly resolve what they were going to tell their friends, and Ron suggested meeting up for coffee at the usual time and place in a few days to figure out the particulars. She'd agreed, feeling strangely relieved that apparently breaking up as lovers didn't mean they were going to have a temporary or even semi-permanent ban on seeing each other.
Even if it wasn't as lovers, or boyfriend and girlfriend, or even husband and wife Molly had taken the news the hardest, of course. They'd kind of expected that. She'd immediately burst into tears, which prompted a guilt trip of such epic proportions that Hermione felt the words "just kidding" start gathering on her tongue, just to see the horrific sobbing end. But then Ron had folded his hand on hers and smiled at her, a reassuring and almost amused twist of his lips beneath those sad eyes, and she felt stronger. Everyone but George and Harry seemed shocked by the turn of events. George's response had been to clap his hands and declare, "That Angelina owes me a Galleon!
Harry had simply accepted the news with a wry twist of his lips. Hermione found that she wasn't really surprised that he'd somehow known ages before she and Ron that things weren't going to pan out. He had a knack for seeing the bigger picture of things. He'd held Hermione as she cried, assuring her that it wasn't stupid to be upset, even though she'd always sort of known it was going to end one day. Ginny had been more than a little confused apparently Harry's intuitive nature wasn't something the youngest Weasley shared , even more so when Ron and Hermione insisted that this hadn't been brought about because of a row they'd had.
We're leaving things amicably. There's no hard feelings. As long as they were still going to be the same four friends they'd always been, she truly didn't seem to care if Ron and Hermione were romantically intertwined or not. Harry stifled a smile. Such a tactful woman.
Should've been a diplomat, really. She's wasting her life away with those Harpies, when she could be negotiating delicate peace treaties. She'd stuck her tongue out at him, which he'd taken as a ready invitation to kiss, leaving her squealing with surprise and laughter. Beneath the miasma of sadness, Hermione felt a twinge of that happiness she'd felt on the night before Ron ended things, and fought back a small laugh as she thought, Maybe things really will be alright. So life wasn't going to plan, exactly. All things considered — and as much as she did truly love Ron, as one of her best and closest friends — she could finally admit to herself that maybe it was a good thing that her life had suddenly decided to go bottoms up on her.
Their resolution to remain friends made the first few weeks occasionally awkward. Hermione would find herself stepping close to him automatically when saying goodbye, looking for a kiss. Ron would, every once in a while, wrap his arm around her waist when he wasn't thinking. After that first awkward period, though, things relaxed, and she discovered that being friends with Ron wasn't as hard as she'd pictured it might be. In fact, it was amazingly easy, sometimes, something she rather thought could almost entirely be attributed to him. Although a hothead of epic proportions, Hermione was still left occasionally breathless by the amount of love and passion that could be found in a single person, and even if they'd realized they didn't want to be together, it seemed he had no trouble allowing that love to manifest platonically.
Sometimes, he'd look across the table at her when they were at the pub with all their friends, his gaze warm, and she'd feel more content than she could remember feeling since Barcelona. The teenaged love they'd felt for each other settled, becoming a steady thrum of something steadier, and more sure, and she realized that she almost felt as close to him as she did to Harry, sometimes. And with Harry and Ginny being so wrapped up in their family life, Hermione found that the sudden lack of pressure on her relationship with Ron made her want to spend much more time with him as just friends.
She even inquired about his dating, once, although he'd shrugged and said he wasn't in a hurry to rush into anything. Honestly, the Ron she knew before being involved with him had always been blundering through one relationship after a next, almost desperate to never be alone. He thought for a moment, and then nodded, slowly. I think it's time I get to know myself as I feel like I haven't seen that bloke in years," he added, in a dry tone.
How trying that must have been for you," she snipped. She shook her head, sobering a bit. And to be perfectly honest, I've looked around the office some, trying to see some of the people at the Ministry as potential boyfriends, but I just can't imagine it with any of them. Maybe I'm destined to be alone. She slapped his arm, making him spill some of his ale, forcing an indignant shout out of him. But she was smiling, and so was he, and Hermione realized that she rather liked Ronald Weasley, even without the aid of that little crush she'd always had on him.
She'd always kind of morbidly wondered if, had she not been a teensy bit in love with him all these years, they might never have been friends at all. As they shared in laughter, she sipped her own ale and realized, I'm happy.
The Alkahest
I'm actually very happy. She felt confident, for the first time in several weeks, that everything was going to be just fine. That feeling persisted, and then she knew everything was going to work out for the best, after all.
That is, until seven months later, when the Daily Prophet landed on her breakfast table with the screaming headline:. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. The Marriage Law, once enacted, has the power to destroy Hermione's perfectly normal life.

Luckily, she and Ron are already planning to obey the horrific law together as a team Until a Malfoy-shaped wrench gets thrown into the works. Cover by littleneko thank you! The Alkahest Chapter One: Look at me, here. After a moment, Ron grumbled, "That comment best not have meant what I think it did. Ew ," Ron whined. Frowning, Hermione rolled towards him. It had been nice. She shot him a guilty look.
But, sometimes, I just I think, that maybe He swallowed, hastening to try and explain himself. Like a warm blanket. Like friendship, she realized. And thank God he seemed to feel the same. Finally, she'd asked, "Are you both still coming to my Quidditch game? Going back to my hand has been bloody awful," he admitted.
She snorted with laughter. Not that you were ever one to fall headfirst into relationships.