S3: Science, Statistics and Skepticism
The media overplays the reports and plays into the deft game of extrapolating far beyond what the science says as well as ignoring expert opinion on what the science actually implies.
Al (Pocatello, ID)’s review of S3: Science, Statistics, and Skepticism
The Lowdown on GMOs: According to Science is intended to counter the rampant fallacious thinking and destructive activism permeating the biotech discussion based on little more than anecdote and ideology. Featuring the writings of public scientists, plant pathologists, renowned authors, farmers, science writers, professors, and journalists, they answer the hard questions asked of GMOs with elegance, ease, and evidence. This is a book for those who want to know what the science actually says, where the evidence actually leads and the potential implications radiating from our actions.
Fourat Janabi is a photographer, blogger, and author of Random Rationality and S3: Science, Statistics and Skepticism. He lives for the moment in Italy where, unfortunately, GMOs are not approved for sale, and travels around the world to explore its myriad possibilities and limitless beauty.

He claims no other title other than that of self-educated layman. Previously an anti-GMO activist, Janabi started to rethink his views when he read Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity is Near , in which Kurzweil talks about "the dangers of not accepting technology". About Help Blog Jobs Welcome to our new website.
Benton Richard Fortey View All. Go to British Wildlife.
Go to Conservation Land Management. Fourat Janabi privately published.
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Click to have a closer look. Janabi looks at some of the more controversial scientific subjects of our age and explains why one position or the other is correct based on the available evidence. Regardless of your current thinking on these issues, some of the answers are likely to surprise you. At least that was what I found. However, the more important knowledge to be gleaned from this book is a generic approach to use when investigating for yourself.
Review: S3 – Science, Statistics and Skepticism by Fourat Janabi
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