Addax Bioenergy plantation in Sierra Leone. Norwegian licences for the extraction of hydrocarbons. Material for election missions not produced locally or in the Union. Difficulty of organising youth exchanges between Germany and France. Twitter account of language activist Jaume Flor shut down — possible violation of freedom of expression for ideological and political reasons.
Competition in the sale of liquids at airports. Persecution of the Coptic community in Egypt. Processed animal proteins and risks to human health and food safety. Use of Ryf coolant in motor vehicle air-conditioning systems. Extension of Russian broad-gauge railway. Compulsory psychiatric treatment in Belarus. Sentencing of Belarusian psychiatrist. Promoting German-Arabic children's literature.
Direct debiting the deposit on hire cars. EU and private sector engagement in development cooperation. Commission sounds the death knell for net neutrality. Dutch tax lease system — opening of investigation. Age limit for teachers in ESF-funded projects. Labelling of GMO-free food products. Independence of the new regulatory body in Spain. Sale of industrial shares to a state body by a bailed-out bank. Funding of purchasing bodies by Sareb. Train crash near Santiago de Compostela and rail safety measures in the EU.
Squandering of public funds in Cantabria. Fourth directive on company accounts. Commission funding for Guinea and the problem of female genital mutilation FGM. Statements by the mafia informer Schiavone — waste in Campania. Discrimination against the hard-of-hearing as regards access to information. Submersion of concrete blocks in the Bay of Algeciras. EU compensation to cover the cost of medical care for illegal immigrants in Greece. Export subsidies for Turkish aquaculture products. Alleged Al-Qaeda plots against Europe's rail networks. Alleged Iranian-backed hit squads operating in the UAE.
Deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Blacklisting the military wing of Hezbollah. Adjustment of directive on water for human consumption. Human right to water and sanitation. Dismissals in the Portuguese banking sector, allegedly imposed by the Commission. Inclusion of defibrillators in the compulsory first aid equipment carried on aircraft. Competition in the Spanish Professional Football League.
Organisational problems concerning the Capital of Culture in Third parties accompanying Members of the Commission on mission. Spread of infectious diseases in the EU. Building more cycle paths in the EU. Prevention and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases. Survival of Hungarian-language radio in Serbia. EU-US negotiations on free trade agreement. Ministerial decree on the application of the formula for calculating the energy efficiency of incineration plants with reference to climatic conditions.
Record transfer fees for footballers and compliance with rules on state aid. Registration with general practitioners in more than one Member State. Support for stockbreeders' organisations. Regulation on mandatory vehicle equipment — informing the public. Emergency measures to cope with the expected increase in the number of Syrian refugees. Rights of ports regarding trade in live animals. Unfair labour practices in internship contracts in the financial services sector. Sustainability of football in the European Union. Extraction of hydrocarbons in Valencia.
Effects of exposure to power lines in the EU. Reclassification of electronic cigarettes as medicinal products. VAT rates on large recreational vessels distorting competition between France and Italy. Interference between terrestrial digital television and 4G signals. Waste in the health service: Dispute over the Ilhas Selvagens exclusive economic zone — 2. Legality of low user standing changes in the energy market. Guaranteeing energy feed-in tariffs in Croatia. Illegal subsidies for renewable energies follow-up question.
Institutional equality of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Consequences of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy. The link between religion and culture in Europe. Social welfare benefits and tax obligations of emigrants in the EU. Fickle interpretation of the Treaty by European Central Bank. European Commission — saviour of human rights. Combating the dumping of oil in the Mediterranean Sea. Follow-up questions concerning subsidies granted to Egypt 3. Providing assistance to the Committee on Cultural Heritage in Cyprus. Question to the European Commission regarding the fulfilment of its obligation to report to Parliament and the Council.
Exclusion of homeless people and discrimination against them by the EU. EU funding of international gas pipeline construction projects. Problems encountered by Polish citizens working in the Netherlands. Implementation in Greece of legislation regarding the sale of food past its expiration date.
Non-absorption of Rural Development Programme funds in Bulgaria. Directive on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures. Work and costs involved in administering the tobacco agreements. Animal welfare — exemption from cross-compliance rules. Financing of patents in the European Union. Contamination of the Japanese marine food chain. Planning of safety works and a new road system along the length of the River Entella and reclamation of an area of land along the river mouth.
Parent 1 and Parent 2 on Italian school forms — Gender equality policies and Community policies. It has also been noted that a memorandum of understanding has been signed with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Any legal entity regardless of its place of establishment and international organisations may participate in activities funded under Horizon However, like any other legal entity, Product Development Partnerships have to comply with the rules set for Horizon and the conditions laid down in the annual work programme.
The Commission will cooperate with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation mainly through open coordination approaches and by pooling resources for commonly agreed funding priorities or jointly-funded activities, in particular through the EDCTP2 programme. The Commission has already taken a number of concrete steps in order to assist the European wine sector in the context of the ongoing trade defence investigations carried out by China.
First, the Commission already actively intervened in the pre-initiation consultations with China as a result of which China narrowed down the number of alleged subsidy schemes targeted by the investigation. Furthermore, the Commission submitted formal comments to China in order to highlight the weaknesses identified in the application made by the Chinese wine industry which triggered the investigation concerned. The Commission will continue in the future to assist those selected companies in answering the questionnaires they received from China.
Even if the mere initiation of Trade Defence investigations may indeed have some negative effects on trade, it is impossible to precisely establish their impact. The anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations are currently in their initial phases and no measures have been taken so far. Accuse di violazione di norme da parte della Repubblica maltese. La Commissaria agli Affari interni avrebbe accusato Malta di violazione di norme per il divieto di attracco della nave Salamis. La commissaria ha sollevato la questione di una possibile violazione del diritto internazionale, tenendo conto della protezione dei migranti.
The Commissioner for Home Affairs has apparently accused Malta of violating international law by preventing the tanker, Salamis from docking. Which international laws were breached and have infringement proceedings been opened as a result? If not, why not? The Commissioner cautioned against a possible violation of international law, having in mind the protection of these migrants. According to the Treaty, the Commission may launch infringement proceedings in case of violation of Union law. The Treaty does not give the Commission the competence to launch infringement proceedings solely on the basis of international law.
According to the Russian Central Bank, during the banking crisis in Cyprus and after the decision to perform a haircut on deposits, there was a huge exodus of Russian deposits from banks in Cyprus to banks in other Member States or in tax havens belonging to Member States. Is it aware of these developments and how does it interpret these huge capital flows in such a short space of time?
Does it take the view that they may be related to the crisis in the banking system in Cyprus and the decision to perform a haircut on deposits? Can it confirm that all the capital transfers were legitimate and that there are no issues of money laundering or other illegal acts? Why is Russian capital, which the Union considered undesirable and harmful in Cyprus, so welcome in other Member States, without the Union reacting as it did in Cyprus?
Will it investigate this serious matter and behave even-handedly, or will it continue to apply double standards in its relations with the Member States? These measures form the basis for restoring the viability of the financial sector. The Commission is aware of the amounts of Russian outward foreign direct investment FDI in the first quarter of referred to in the question.
As long as investments are based on sound economic criteria, they are welcomed and can provide a win-win outcome for recipient countries and investors. The Commission is not aware of any illegality in the capital transfers and is confident that the Cypriot authorities would investigate any areas of suspicion. At a wider level, the Commission is working with Cyprus and the Troika partners to make any necessary improvement in the anti-money laundering regime in Cyprus. One side effect of the Eurogroup's — in my view, completely misguided — decisions and the haircut on deposits imposed in Cyprus is the risk that the main systemic bank on the island may fall into the hands of foreign, non-European, especially Russian, interests.
The New York Times has also published an article pointing out the risk that the Bank of Cyprus may finally end up in Russian hands. As it tellingly notes: Was it aware of the above risk when the decisions were taken to perform a haircut on Cypriot deposits? Does it believe that the possible control of the main systemic bank in Cyprus by the so-called Russian oligarchs really represents a danger for the economy of Cyprus and the EU? If the answer to question 2 is in the affirmative, can it identify what these risks are and explain why they were ignored when the relevant decisions were taken?
In the light of this development, does the Council now realise that the decisions on Cyprus were mistaken and not sufficiently thought through and that they have had disastrous consequences, or does it still believe that they were the right decisions to take? That marked an important milestone for restoring confidence in the Cypriot financial sector. In the light of this development, does the Commission now realise that the decisions on Cyprus were mistaken and not sufficiently thought through and that they have had disastrous consequences, or does it still believe that they were the right decisions to take?
It is for the Cypriot authorities to decide on the organisation of the representation of shareholders in Bank of Cyprus and to strike the appropriate balance between shareholders rights and the potential governance issues, especially as a lot of depositors are now shareholders further to the restructuration. It is widely accepted that there has been a big increase in poverty in many EU Member States due to the ongoing economic crisis.
Has this survey been completed? If so, can it use the findings of this survey to provide comparative data on poverty in the Member States? Cyprus, a country which has traditionally had a high proportion of persons living below the poverty line, particularly among the elderly, is currently facing a dramatic increase in poverty levels. What will it do to mitigate this phenomenon, which is making life extremely difficult for a large part of the population? When the rescue package was being put together to save the economy of Cyprus, was any account taken of the likely impact of the measures on the level of poverty in the country?
If so, how can the Commission explain the fact that poverty levels in the country are continuing to soar? Do any examples exist of good practices in some Member States which could be applied in other Member States? The current project on poverty mapping is about tracking spatial distribution of at-risk-of-poverty at a more detailed level, i. The maps will be finished by the end of Dissemination activities will start in However, the maps are not intended to compare data on poverty.
An integrated strategy to fight poverty and social exclusion has been developed at both European and national level. The crisis and the large fiscal consolidation efforts have led to growing inequalities. Concerning poverty and especially poverty among the elderly, the memorandum of understanding on Specific Economic Policy Conditionality. The new guaranteed minimum income scheme.
Poverty and social exclusion statistics after are not yet available for Cyprus, but poverty levels are likely to be affected. With respect to the welfare system, the programme puts emphasis on its crucial role as safety net, promoting its efficiency via streamlining, improved administrative capacity and better targeting. Examples of the social investment approach are explained in the relevant brochure.
In the past, this Fund has been used in some cases to address the consequences of major fires, inter alia. Given that forest fires are very common in the Mediterranean Member States of the Union, especially during the summer due to the drought and high temperatures, will the Commission say:. What amount of funding is still available from the Fund for the remainder of , and will this be sufficient to deal with the situation?
It is possible to use Fund resources to repair damage caused by fires, and for the reforestation of forestry land affected by fires? What measures will it take to ensure that there is an effective policy in place to tackle the phenomenon of catastrophic forest fires? Can Cyprus, which has suffered a number of major fires this summer, apply for assistance from the Fund? If so, under what conditions and what amount can it seek? No application relating to forest fires or drought has been received during this year.
The Commission may not activate the Solidarity Fund upon is own initiative. The Fund can be activated if a major natural disaster occurs in a Member State or country in the process of negotiating its accession to the Union following an application by the country concerned. Very exceptionally, under specific conditions, the Fund can be mobilised for disasters with damage below the threshold. Aid from the Solidarity Fund may be used for public emergency operations such as the restoration of essential infrastructure. Reforestation is not eligible.
Amounts of aid are determined on the basis of the damage caused. The Commission stands ready to provide guidance. In the framework of shared management, it is the Member States and regions that decide how to use the EAFRD and the priority they give to forest fire prevention and restoration actions. In the Greek-language version of its answer to my written question No.
If the inclusion of the term was an error, is the Commission prepared to apologise and rectify its error? What will it do to prevent in future serious errors of this kind that could undermine relations between the Union and a Member State? The Commission services strive to ensure the quality of their texts, and errors such as that identified by the Honourable Member are very rare indeed. Nevertheless, the Commission is constantly intensifying its efforts to produce documents of the highest quality. These flights are not only illegal, they also pose a threat to air traffic in the region, since they violate Nicosia FIR and other rights of the Republic of Cyprus.
Who will be responsible in the event that this unacceptable situation results in a plane crash in the region? That is because Japanese law stipulates that, in such cases, parental responsibility will be granted to only one of the parents, thereby denying the other parent visitation rights unless the custodial parent decides otherwise. It would seem that in May the Japanese Parliament joined some one hundred other countries in ratifying the Hague Convention against Parental Child Abduction, though it will only come into force in The children went to live in Japan and the father was granted no visitation rights, as no such right is provided for in Japanese law and as European court decisions cannot be enforced on family matters in Japan.
The EU-Japan negotiations on the new free trade agreement can and must address issues relating to human rights and international civil law. This long-awaited development will strengthen the international legal framework aimed at protecting child's rights in cross-border disputes.
The EU participated in some of the diplomatic demarches to encourage Japan to accede to the Convention as a follow-up of previous initiatives. However, the aim of the Convention is to ensure the prompt return of wrongfully removed or retained children through a system of cooperation among central authorities; it does not deal with the granting of visiting rights. Therefore, notwithstanding the foreseeable positive effects of this accession, it will not remove all sources of difficulties for mixed marriages. Pursuant to Japanese family law, in divorce proceedings, only one parent will have parental authority and no visiting rights are granted to the other.
Thus, it may indeed happen that the child is indefinitely separated by one of the parents as a result of a divorce. We would like to inform the Honourable Member that, however, even at EU level, no legislation covers the granting of custody and the exercise of visiting rights, which are still governed by national law of the Member States.
For the same reason and since this matter is not trade related, the Commission does not intend to address this issue in the Free Trade Agreement negotiations with Japan. Aus welchem Grund wurden die Stakeholder nicht von Beginn an in die Entwicklung der Methodik der Berater miteinbezogen? Es handelt sich nicht um eine lange Liste von Stoffen, die einer Neubewertung unterzogen werden.
The Commission's advisers are once again proposing, in this context, a long list of substances for re-evaluation, although this was decisively rejected by Parliament when the directive was adopted. What action does the European Commission intend to take in order to respect the outcome of the long and thorough discussion of the recast of the RoHS Directive and in particular to comply with the European Parliament's wish that a long list of substances should not be presented? How does the Commission intend to prevent unnecessary economic damage arising in the context of the RoHS Directive — for example as a result of drawing up a long list of substances?
Has the Commission conducted an assessment amongst stakeholders, in the context of the RoHS Directive or other sections of the legislation, to show the economic impact of the substances listed for review? Has the Commission or its advisers considered or included in their review the impact which the proposed approach of a long list will have on transatlantic trade?
Why were stakeholders not brought in from the beginning in developing the methodology used by the advisers? Does the Commission insist on the same degree of transparency with its advisers as is expected from the Parliament and Council? The list referred to by the Honourable Member is an inventory of substances in electrical and electronic equipment EEE and only the starting point for the review process. It does not constitute a long list of substances for re-evaluation. The Commission's work on the review of the scope of the directive is based on a three-step approach; producing an inventory, prioritising the substances through a pre-assessment and assessing only those substances that score high in the prioritisation.
All Commission legislative proposals are subject to rigorous impact assessment before adoption and dispatch to the co-legislators. The inventory of chemical substances in EEE is the first step in its process. The approach has been discussed in great detail with stakeholders, which have been involved in the project from the very beginning.
The project handling is transparent and all project information is publicly available. How many officials and temporary staff were employed as translators in the service in , and ? What was the cost of document translation by the Commission service in , , and ? The number of translators employed in the Commission's translation service was in , in , and in It also includes the cost of external translation services and external staff.
Brott mot lagstiftningen om hasardspel. Sverige och Tyskland, sedan The Commission has announced a review of all pending infringement proceedings concerning gambling law. Infringement proceedings against a number of Member States, including Sweden and Germany, have been open since Is the Commission currently reviewing all pending infringement proceedings, including those against Sweden and Germany?
If not, is the Commission planning to do so in , as announced by the Commissioner? The Commission is currently reviewing all pending infringement proceedings and complaints in the area of gambling services. The Commission is now finalising its assessment and will take necessary action in due time. V Armeniji na primer EU podpira t. The future economic competitiveness and prosperity of the Eastern Partnership countries depend crucially on their ability to utilise fully their labour resources, which would involve the increased participation of women in the labour market.
Entrepreneurship among women represents a valuable source of growth and job creation. It is therefore important that the Eastern Partnership countries invest in entrepreneurship among women, as well as facilitate access to finance and ensure greater availability of mentorship schemes, training and education. How is the Commission contributing to the creation of more favourable conditions for female entrepreneurs?
Has the Commission launched any specific programmes in Eastern Partnership countries which focus on increasing the number of women in the labour market? It also stressed the need for improved statistics to underpin corresponding decision making. The Commission also runs several projects aimed at improving gender equality and women's empowerment, including by improved access to business opportunities and skills.
In Azerbaijan, training is offered to women entrepreneurs on small credit management. In Georgia, poor women farmers in the mountain region of Lentekhi receive support to improve the quality and marketing of traditional organic food and start their own small business. In Ukraine, we work with the national Confederation of Employers and the Federation of Trade Unions to support mothers willing to go back to work after parental leave. Therefore, in view of its attributed competences, ESMA is the competent authority that can take supervisory action as appropriate.
The Commission has to date not received specific information as regards potential violations of the CRA regulation. To date, the Commission is not aware of any such requests. Anzahl und Kosten von Expertengruppen der Kommission. Wie viele aktive Expertengruppen gab es jeweils in den Jahren , , und ? In , , and , on average, what was the cost of setting up an expert group and what were the running costs? In , , and , what was the highest and lowest cost of setting up an expert group and what were the highest and lowest running costs?
The Register of Commission Expert Groups and Other Similar Entities undergoes constant changes; every week groups are created, removed, modified, put on hold or reactivated. The numbers of groups' meetings, as well as their running costs depend on different factors and vary greatly from one group to another and from one year to another. In light of the above, the Commission cannot undertake, for the purpose of answering a written question, the lengthy and costly research that would be required to provide the Honourable Member with the information requested on the number and average running costs of active groups in , , and Setting up an expert group is part of the Commission's administrative work and, as such, it does not entail additional costs.
The Commission is seeking the views of members of the public, companies, NGOs and public authorities on ways of reducing the environmental impact of buildings and making more efficient use of resources.
They will have to take account of the ways in which buildings have an impact on the environment, for example through water consumption or the production of waste. The consultation seeks to gather views and additional information on the possible introduction of EU wide measures to achieve better environmental performance of buildings.
This includes topics such as resource use and related environmental impacts all along the life-cycle of buildings. Further information may be found on the Commission's website:. Can the Commission confirm that it wishes to triple airspace capacity and halve air traffic management costs? Has the Commission analysed the socioeconomic implications, particularly with regard to job losses? It comprises a cycle of three processes that define, develop and deploy innovative and harmonised ATM technologies and procedures. The implementation of the Master Plan will lead to the deployment of innovative and harmonised ATM technologies and procedures aiming at improving the performance of the European ATM system.
The Commission has announced measures to combat illegal waste shipments from EU Member States to developing countries in Africa and Asia. These measures reflect the outcome of a public consultation procedure during which stakeholders expressed broad support for stricter EU legislation, in particular on waste shipment inspections. What percentage of waste shipments from Member States to developing countries contravene international rules and what is the total volume in tonnes of waste involved?
Are these shipments being made in order to take advantage of the significantly lower costs of waste processing and disposal in developing countries as compared to the EU? How frequently will Member States carry out risk-based inspections, and will these inspections be backed by closer cooperation between competent authorities and better training of inspectors? The Commission's impact assessment published with the proposal found that such cost differences are among the most important drivers for illegal waste shipments. The aim of the proposal is to increase risk-based inspection planning, backed up by specific provisions relating to cooperation between different authorities, training of inspectors and possibilities to require evidence from suspected illegal waste exporters.
France, in particular, had voted against the authorisations. In line with procedure, the three proposals had thus been submitted to the Appeal Committee. In addition, the Commission has consulted EFSA at different occasions on the relevance of new scientific arguments brought to its attention as regards these GMOs, and on new scientific publications. EFSA concluded that these do not bring any new scientific elements not having already been considered by the EFSA GMO panel, or that would invalidate the conclusions of its previous risk assessment.
On parle de peering. The connectivity market allows operators to exchange traffic in order to maintain the quality of their service to Internet users. This is known as peering. Internet players interconnect with each other through a combination of wholesale services to cover all possible Internet destinations. Internet connectivity allows market players e. This service is crucial for the functioning of the Internet and for end users' ability to access Internet content irrespective of the location of the provider and with the necessary quality of service.
Unannounced inspections are a preliminary step into suspected anticompetitive practices. The fact that the Commission carries out unannounced inspections does not mean that the companies are guilty of anti-competitive behaviour nor does it prejudge the outcome of the investigation itself.
The European Court of Auditors has taken a fine toothcomb to road building and renovation projects carried out between and in selected countries in Europe with the aid of subventions from the European Union. The conclusions reached about use of EU funds are fairly alarming. The main positive point is that all these road projects have resulted in shorter driving times and enhanced road safety. But the same cannot be said of them all in financial terms. Moreover, traffic projections for most of the projects were far from accurate, which led to inappropriate choices being made on several occasions, such as opting for a motorway, which is much more expensive, instead of an express way.
However it should be noted that the biggest discrepancies were found in Germany, not in southern Europe or Poland. Only 7 of the 24 projects examined were completed at or near to their original cost: How can such ridiculous projections be explained? How can pitfalls like this be avoided? Complex projects may face cost and time overruns because the roads built have different characteristics.
The Honourable Member is invited to consult the Court of Auditors for more details about the cost overruns. The Honourable Member is invited to address this question to the Court of Auditors, since the Court audited the specific projects. The Commission does not consider that the Court's report concludes that projections are ridiculous.
Transport is a derived demand and has a strong link with the economic situation. External factors such as the fuel price may have an influence on transport choices and on the. Seasonal peaks should also be evaluated. Thus, traffic flows should ideally be evaluated over the whole lifetime, and not only on the first few years of usage.
Traffic forecasts take this longer perspective into consideration. La Commission approuve cette recommandation. The European Court of Auditors has made several recommendations to the Commission on how to improve monitoring in the future of how funds are used. What does the Commission think of the suggestion that it should know why construction costs differ so much from one Member State to another? Next, it recommends making financial aid dependent upon the existence of clear goals, and that optimal technical solutions should be implemented, which is far from being the case at present.
Will the Commission examine the possibility of creating a database at EU level of information on unit prices, to be used by engineers estimating the cost of new projects, in order to help beneficiaries reduce the price of their tenders? The Commission agrees with this recommendation. It has already undertaken several unit cost studies in recent years and will continue to do so.
Financial assistance is already dependent on the existence of clear goals and optimal technical solutions. Road projects as all other projects should have clear objectives accompanied by appropriate indicators, which is already the case for major projects. In the current period, this information is required as part of the description of major projects, as well as of the cost benefit analysis.
Furthermore, the selection of cost effective technical solutions is part of the feasibility study for each major project, which should result in selecting the best solutions. The Commission proposals for the European Structural and Investment Funds for the next period contain a comprehensive performance framework and conditionality which will help in ensuring that future road projects will contain clear objectives accompanied by indicators. It notes however that the existence of such a database is not a sufficient element in itself to reduce tender prices. The cost of construction depends on various elements, such as road alignment, technical specifications and standards, procurement practices and project management modes.
Les chiffres de vente sont catastrophiques. La fontaine est tarie. Un peu plus si on y tient compte des Kangoo utilitaires. Attention, les hybrides simples n'y sont pas. Short battery lives, high prices and a lack of charging points are combining to prevent the electric car market from taking off. Sales figures are dire, demand has dried up and the cars are sitting idle in showrooms. In Belgium, barely more than a hundred cars were registered in the first six months of — according to the Belgian Automobile and Cycle Federation — a handful more if Kangoo vans are counted.
That is just over a quarter of the number sold in the same period the previous year. What is more, that list includes not only purely electric cars, but also models with an ancillary power source, such as the Opel Ampera known as the Chevrolet Volt in the US or the Fisker Karma. It does not include hybrids, however, which are more successful. That figure represents a mere 0. Only three countries are bucking this pitiful trend: The total volume of car sales remains broadly depressed by the sluggish economic activity.
In the absence of major scrapping schemes, consumer confidence does not seem to rebound. This is expected to change as soon as the replacement demand surges. Moreover demand stimulation measures in different Member States should be regarded as key for shaping future purchasing preferences of consumers, hopefully leading to the market uptake of energy-efficient vehicles.
ECB euro reference exchange rate: Brazilian real (BRL)
The Commission, however, is attached to the principle of technological neutrality. That being said, these initiatives can bring about the necessary technological solutions that can improve both the development of electric cells and the life of batteries and thus increase the appeal of the electrical fleet. Pour le moment ces pays envisagent de rappeler leurs ambassadeurs en Europe. The South American leaders have called on the United States to end its online espionage activities and threatened to raise the question at a future meeting of the UN Security Council.
They are currently envisaging the recall of their ambassadors from Europe. At the Mercosur Summit held in Montevideo, South American Heads of State announced their willingness to shelter the fugitive CIA analyst, arguing that the inalienable right of every State to grant asylum could be neither restricted nor curbed. Mercosur is an economic and political entity composed of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela, while Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador are associate members. Its purpose is to promote free trade and the movement of goods, people and currency between its member countries.
Mercosur leaders have condemned as repugnant and inadmissible efforts by the United States to obtain the extradition of Edward Snowden. Following the incident involving the aircraft carrying the Bolivian President, its members decided to recall for consultation their ambassadors from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal and not allow them to return until such time as official apologies are forthcoming from Europe. What view do you take of the demand addressed to the United States by the South American authorities?
What view do you take of the recall of a number of South American ambassadors from Europe to their countries of origin? Another meeting is to be scheduled in Washington in the coming weeks. The Commission will report to the Council and the Parliament in October. The Commission sees no need to express views on demands of third countries in this context.
Following the July Summit in Montevideo, Mercosur leaders agreed to temporarily recall their bilateral ambassadors to a number of European countries for consultation. The Commission wishes to stress that it has longstanding, broad based and solid relations with all Latin American and Caribbean partners of the Union.
Influenza aviaria nel Nordest Italia e fiere degli uccelli come veicolo potenziale di diffusione del virus. Possibili violazioni della normativa dell'Unione. Anche in Emilia Romagna erano previste fiere: One of the precautions taken by the authorities to avoid contagion was to prohibit the movement of live birds. Can the Commission say whether the holding of these markets is in accordance with Community rules regarding the prevention of bird flu and will it call on the Italian authorities to halt the circulation of birds in this manner, given the risks involved?
The directive foresees the establishment of a protection zone of a 3km radius and a surveillance zone of a 10km radius around each confirmed outbreak. In these zones fairs, markets, shows or other gatherings of poultry or other captive birds are prohibited. The EU rules do not oblige the Italian authorities to prohibit fairs, markets or other gatherings of poultry or other captive birds in the rest of the territory beyond the established protection and surveillance zones. Interventi rapidi di Frontex in Italia.
In Italia si assiste all'afflusso di numerosi sbarchi di clandestini provenienti dal Nord Africa. Tuttavia, la normativa vigente non le consente di imporre agli Stati membri quote vincolanti per l'ammissione dei migranti da accogliere. La Commissione ha intenzione di introdurre tali vincoli? The Commission has always sought to encourage solidarity and shared responsibility between Member States in dealing with the growing influx of migrants. However, it is not, under current legislation, authorised to impose binding limits on the number of migrants who may be admitted into the Member States.
Does the Commission intend to introduce such limits? In the meantime, how does it intend to implement the principles of burden sharing and solidarity between EU Member States in the absence of any regulatory provisions? In order to address the volatile situation in the Mediterranean effectively, Frontex has reviewed all ongoing operations, which are covering essentially all major migration routes across the Mediterranean Sea.
This resulted in the extension of the implementation periods of Joint Operations Hermes and Aeneas hosted by Italy. Until now Italy has not requested the deployment of rapid border intervention teams, but the Agency is in permanent contact with the Italian authorities in order to assess the situation and provide for appropriate operational assistance. Modalities and budget implication of such operation still have to be worked out. The Commission cannot impose on Member States obligatory quotas or limit the number of irregular immigrants who should be admitted to their territory following their detection at the external borders or at international waters.
However, it has repeatedly called on Member States to act in the spirit of solidarity and responsibility sharing, including promoting voluntary relocation schemes for refugees from Member States whose reception capacity is overstretched. To date, such a scheme has only been put in place for Malta. Rifiuto della Turchia di concedere borse di studio ai manifestanti. Alla Commissione non risulta che siano state apportate ulteriori modifiche a tale regolamento.
La Turchia deve ancora rivedere e chiarire meglio l'applicazione della legge che regolamenta le manifestazioni e i comizi. Does the Commission not agree that such a measure would infringe the principles of freedom of association and of expression? The Commission is aware of the regulation of Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution YURTKUR , amended in , which stipulates the conditions under which scholarships or loans are to be terminated if the beneficiaries are involved in criminal acts.
The Commission is not aware of any amendments made to this regulation. Turkey still needs to revise and introduce clarity to the application of the law on demonstrations and meetings. The Commission will continue to follow the issue closely. On a general basis, the Commission underlines that Turkey, as a country negotiating future EU Membership, will need to fully respect the right to freedom of expression, assembly and association in line with European standards. Fonti di stampa rivelano che l'Albania potrebbe ottenere lo status di candidato ufficiale all'UE entro il prossimo dicembre.
A tal fine si chiede:. In quanto paese pre-candidato, l'Albania beneficia dal dei finanziamenti dello strumento di preadesione IPA. A quanto ammontano tali finanziamenti e come sono stati utilizzati? La Commissione non ritiene vi siano incongruenze con quelle che sono le radici cristiane dell'Europa? Oggi la crisi attraversa anche l'economia albanese: Come intende la Commissione monitorare questa situazione? Inoltre i suddetti accordi prevedono la creazione di una zona di libero scambio tra l'UE, i suoi Stati membri e i paesi interessati.
Nel complesso, l'Albania sta attuando correttamente gli impegni assunti nell'ambito dell'ASA e, tra l'altro, ha ridotto o abolito i dazi all'importazione e all'esportazione e gli ostacoli al commercio come specificato nell'accordo. Inoltre, nel dicembre il Consiglio ha individuato nell'Albania un paese prioritario per potenziare e razionalizzare la cooperazione nella lotta contro la tratta degli esseri umani.
According to press reports, Albania could be awarded official EU candidate status by December. With this in mind, can the Commission answer the following questions:. If so, what are these commitments and have they been honoured? If so, how much funding has been awarded and how has it been used?
The aim of that organisation is to protect the interests and the development of Muslim communities worldwide. The Albanian public administration is known to be the operational arm of politics and the Albanian economy has recently come to revolve around political favours and ad hoc politics, which means that politics is closely tied to corruption, as has been confirmed by the new premier, Edi Rama. GDP — besides not including a large slice of national product that is of illegal origin — is stalling, and has dropped from 6.
How does the Commission intend to address this serious problem, which is being exacerbated by the corruption that reigns in Albania? As regards organised crime and the trafficking of human beings, arms and drugs, it is well known that Albanian criminal networks have links with those in neighbouring countries including Italy.
How does the Commission plan to monitor that situation? The Stabilisation and Association Agreements SAA identify common objectives aiming at fostering political, economic and institutional stability and regional cooperation, setting the basis for the European integration of the western Balkans. Overall, Albania is implementing well the commitments under the SAA, and, among other things, has reduced or abolished import and export duties and trade barriers as specified in the agreement.
In foreign policy matters, Albania has generally aligned with the positions of Member States. Albania is a secular state and maintains a policy of good interfaith relations based on mutual respect and tolerance. Under the instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA the Commission provides technical assistance to the Albanian authorities, notably to improve law-enforcement capacities, witness protection and border controls, and the fight against money laundering and economic crime.
La Serbia ha ottenuto lo status di paese candidato all'UE: La Commissione europea esercita un monitoraggio rigoroso sugli sviluppi relativi allo Stato di diritto registrati nei paesi candidati all'adesione, compresa la Serbia. Alla Commissione risulta che la polizia e la magistratura serba stiano indagando su questi fatti. Given that Serbia is now officially an applicant for EU accession, how does the Commission intend to ensure that such Islamic fundamentalist cells are effectively eradicated?
The European Commission closely monitors the developments in the area of the rule of law in EU-candidate countries including in Serbia. Overall, the Commission supports through dedicated financial assistance under the Instrument of Pre-accession IPA EU-aspiring countries to align their legislation with EU legislation on justice, freedom and security issues, as well as to develop their capacities and expertise, in close cooperation with EU Member States and expert bodies such as Europol.
Regarding the case mentioned, the Commission was informed about a Serbian police action in central Serbia in early August that led to the arrest of alleged members of the Wahhabi movement. The Commission understands that the Serbian police and judiciary are currently investigating the case. Da uno studio dell'Agenzia Europea per l'Ambiente si deduce che se non si troveranno soluzioni per mantenere l'habitat delle farfalle, molte specie di esse potrebbero scomparire.
Il brusco calo delle farfalle si spiega in due modi: Come intende la Commissione intervenire in difesa dell'ecosistema, per la sopravvivenza delle farfalle nel territorio europeo? A study by the European Environment Agency suggests that unless ways are found to maintain butterfly habitats, many species could be lost. There are two explanations for the sharp decline in butterfly populations: What will the Commission do to protect the ecosystem in order to ensure the survival of butterflies in Europe?
Relevant actions include addressing unsustainable agricultural practices, intensive land-use, habitat fragmentation, species decline and invasive species. The Common Agricultural Policy provides opportunities to Member States to support biodiversity-related measures. The definition of grasslands eligible for direct payments has been widened, allowing the inclusion of more pasture land, an important habitat for butterflies, in the next financing period.
Greening of the direct payments will provide opportunities to improve habitats on arable land in Ecological Focus Areas. Top-up payments under the agri-environment measure of Rural Development Programmes may also encourage farmers to opt for more biodiversity-orientated options that benefit butterflies. The strategy also foresees actions to improve our understanding of ecosystems and their services e.
Istituzione e competenza della Procura europea. Si stima che ogni anno l'Unione perde almeno milioni di euro in entrate e spese per presunti casi di frode. La nuova Procura europea avrebbe il compito di colmare le lacune esistenti tra i sistemi penali dei paesi europei, le cui competenze si arrestano ai confini nazionali, e gli organi dell'UE, che non hanno il potere di svolgere indagini penali. Il modello decentrato di Procura europea proposto dalla Commissione rispetta i sistemi giuridici nazionali: The new European Public Prosecutor would have the task of bridging existing gaps between the criminal justice systems of EU countries — whose powers stop at national borders — and EU bodies, which do not have the power to conduct criminal investigations.
Both patterns, however, are considered as belonging to the same conjugation, because of the -ire ending of the infinitive. Moods and tenses Moods The different forms and uses of Italian verbs are traditionally grouped in seven moods. These convey the different characteristics of the actions or facts that the speaker or writer wants to communicate: The different verb forms for each verb mood will be listed below in the tables of regular and irregular conjugations and then described in separate paragraphs.
The ways in which moods are used to express distinct communicative functions and meanings are illustrated in Part B. Tenses The word tense denotes the different verb forms that indicate the relationship between the action or event referred to and the time of speaking or writing or other reference point in time. There is a range of different tenses for each mood of verbs except the imperative. In Italian, different tenses are sometimes used to distinguish features of verbs other than time relationships. For example, perfect and imperfect tenses can express the aspect of the action see Chapter 13 , while different subjunctive and conditional tenses can express different degrees of doubt, possibility, politeness, etc.
Simple and compound tenses Many tenses of Italian verbs are formed using the past participle of the main verb along with either avere or essere as the auxiliary verb. These are called compound tenses. One major area of difficulty for students of Italian is knowing which verbs use avere in compound tenses and which use essere. In order to be able to do this, it is useful to understand the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs see 2.
All passive forms of verbs see 2. There may be a direct object as in: Lucia scrive una lettera. Here the action of the verb can be completed by answering the question che cosa? The direct object of the verb is the noun that can answer this question without the use of a preposition in this case una lettera and una casa: Che cosa scrive Lucia? What is Lucia writing? Lucia is writing a letter. What are we looking for? If we can ask and answer the question che cosa?
Lucia ha scritto una lettera. Abbiamo cercato una casa. But some Italian verbs cannot be completed by a direct object and the question che cosa? Andiamo in ufficio alle 9. Il treno per Napoli parte alle 6. Siamo andate in ufficio alle 9. We go to the office at 9. The train to Naples leaves at 6. We went to the office at 9. The train to Naples left at 6. Because it determines their different uses, especially in the compound tenses, knowing whether verbs are transitive or intransitive is very important.
Check by either looking in a dictionary or seeing whether you can ask and answer the question che cosa? In dictionaries all verb entries carry the following indications: Problems arise also from the fact that many English verbs used transitively and intransitively have an Italian counterpart that can only be used intransitively. Below we show some examples of English phrases that cannot be translated directly into Italian, since the verbs camminare, volare, guidare and viaggiare are not generally used transitively: Can you drive me home?
Travel the world with Airmiles! Verbs that can be used both transitively and intransitively Some verbs can be used both transitively with a direct object and intransitively without a direct object , for example aumentare, cambiare, cominciare, crescere, diminuire, finire and passare. Il professore comincia la lezione alle The teacher begins the lesson at Finiamo le vacanze in agosto. We finish our holidays in August.
La lezione comincia alle The lesson begins at Le vacanze finiscono in agosto. The holidays finish in August. In simple tenses, the forms of the verbs are identical, whether transitive or intransitive. But the compound tenses, such as the past, vary according to whether they are used transitively or intransitively: Il professore ha cominciato la lezione. The teacher began the lesson. The lesson began at Abbiamo finito le vacanze in agosto. We finished the holidays in August. Le vacanze sono finite in agosto.
The holidays finished in August. Hanno corso un grosso rischio. They ran a great risk. Oggi ho saltato il pranzo. Today I skipped lunch. I have lived a life of hell. I lived in London for 10 years. The children jumped down from the bed. Verbs like these are marked in dictionaries as v. Verbs using the auxiliary avere even when used intransitively Generally Italian transitive verbs use the auxiliary avere, while intransitive verbs use the auxiliary essere in the compound tenses.
However, there are quite a few verbs that use the auxiliary avere even when used intransitively. Here are the most common: The different voices or relationships are: Il meccanico ripara la macchina. The mechanic repairs the car. Luisa is watched by Gianni. The car is repaired by the mechanic. In the second example, the agent of the action is clearly the mechanic the one who repairs the car , but the grammatical subject of the passive verb is the car. Gianni si guarda allo specchio. Gianni looks at himself in the mirror.
There are other verb forms that are not strictly speaking reflexive but are similar in form. The passive form The passive of Italian verbs is formed by the use of the past participle and the auxiliary essere, using the same tense as the corresponding active form. The passive conjugation of verbs is shown in the verb tables in 2. The passive can also be formed using venire or andare as auxiliary instead of essere see Only transitive verbs can have a passive form see 2. Passive sentences sentences based on a passive verb are used when we want to focus on the action itself or the object of an action, rather than on the agent of an action.
For more examples on the use of the passive, see The reflexive and pronominal form Reflexive verb forms Reflexive verbs are active verb forms accompanied by a reflexive pronoun see 3. Look at these two examples: Franchi sta lavando la macchina. Mr Franchi is washing the car. Franchi si sta lavando. Mr Franchi is washing himself. In the first example above, the direct object of the action of washing is the car. It is separate from the person who is doing it the subject of the action. In the second example, the subject and the object of the action are the same person Il Sig.
This is the reflexive form, in which the reflexive pronoun refers to the person carrying out the action, but at the same time is also the object of it. The position of the reflexive pronoun is the same as that of all other unstressed personal pronouns see 3. Please, have a seat make yourself comfortable.
In genere i giovani italiani si vestono alla moda.
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In general young people in Italy dress fashionably. Dovete prepararvi ad uscire. You must prepare yourselves to go out. Get yourself ready to go out! In the compound tenses, reflexive verbs are conjugated with the verb essere, even though the verbs are transitive cf. The past participle has to agree with the subject: Stamattina i bambini si sono alzati alle 6. This morning the children got themselves up at 6. Mi sono vestita con calma. I got dressed slowly. Pronominal verb forms Pronominal verb forms are verb forms which use the reflexive pronoun.
In Italian they are used much more frequently than in English because we can use them not only in a true reflexive pattern, but also in many other ways. In true reflexives see above , the subject and object of the verb are one and the same. The different uses of the pronominal verb form will become clear from the examples below.
Note the use of the auxiliary essere in the compound tenses: Giulio si lava le mani. Giulio washes his hands. Mi metto la giacca.
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I put on my jacket. Stamattina non mi sono fatto la barba. In the examples above, the actions are not truly reflexive, since the subjects and the objects of the actions are not exactly identical: In the last example, the participle can also agree with the object: Stamattina non mi sono fatta la barba. The reflexive pronoun can also be omitted in which case the construction no longer takes essere in the compound tenses: Giulio lava le mani.
Non ho fatto la barba. Mario e Nicoletta si sposano domani. Mario and Nicoletta are getting married tomorrow. Dove vi siete conosciuti tu e Maria? Where did you and Maria meet each other? Ci siamo incontrati in Spagna. We met each other in Spain. Note how in the examples above the reflexive pronoun marks an event or action taking place within the subject; the two people are at the same time the subject and the object of a reciprocal action. The same actions can be expressed by the active form, in which case one person is the subject and the other is the object: Domani Mario sposa Nicoletta.
Tomorrow Mario will marry Nicoletta. Dove tu hai conosciuto Maria? Where did you meet Maria? Ho incontrato il Dott. I met Dr Rossi in Spain.
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Stasera ci vediamo un bel film. Voglio mangiarmi una pizza! I really want a pizza! Mi sono dimenticata le chiavi! I forgot the keys! In the examples above, the objects of the verbs are totally separate from, and not part of, the subjects. However the use of the reflexive pronoun shows the intensity felt by the people carrying out these actions. The same sentences can be expressed without using the reflexive pronouns, but then the statements will sound much less emotional, more objective: Stasera vediamo un bel film.
Voglio mangiare una pizza. Ho dimenticato le chiavi. Vi siete divertiti a Roma? Did you have a good time in Rome? Giulia regretted having accepted that job. Nella mia famiglia si parlano tre lingue. In my family three languages are spoken. From the terrace the roofs of the city can be seen one can see the roofs. Impersonal si The pronoun si is also used to express the impersonal form of verbs see also Si lavora meglio con il fresco.
One works better in cool weather. Stasera si va a ballare. Tonight everybody is going to dance. A tavola non si invecchia. Popular saying, meant to discourage people from hurrying when eating Notice that the impersonal form is always formed with si and the third person singular of the verb.
Verb tables All the examples shown in the tables in 2. Certain verbs use essere instead see 2. The simplified tables in 2. We call these patterns regular because the stems of these verbs remain constantly the same or invariable throughout the whole system of moods and tenses. Understanding the way the endings the variable part of the verb change, will allow us to learn all the possible forms of most Italian verbs.
Notice the two patterns of the 3rd conjugation, and remember that the pattern in -isco is the most frequent. Present Presente 1st sing. Compound perfect Passato prossimo ho parlato ho creduto hai parlato hai creduto ha parlato ha creduto abbiamo parlato abbiamo creduto avete parlato avete creduto hanno parlato hanno creduto. Pluperfect Trapassato prossimo avevo parlato avevi parlato aveva parlato avevamo parlato avevate parlato avevano parlato. Pluperfect Trapassato avessi parlato avessi parlato avessi parlato avessimo parlato aveste parlato avessero parlato.
Conditional Condizionale Present Presente parl-erei parl-eresti parl-erebbe parl-eremmo parl-ereste parl-erebbero Past Passato avrei parlato avresti parlato avrebbe parlato avremmo parlato avreste parlato avrebbero parlato Imperative Imperativo tu parl-a lui parl-i noi parl-iamo voi parl-ate loro parl-ino Participle Participio Present Presente parl-ante Past Passato parl-ato Gerund Gerundio Present Presente parl-ando Past Passato avendo parlato.
Notice how each passive tense is formed by the corresponding tense of the auxiliary essere see below 2. In this table the participle is masculine singular, but in actual use it agrees with gender and number of the subject see below , as do all compound forms of verbs using essere. Remember that only transitive verbs see 2. Italian has a large number of irregular verbs, most of them in the 2nd conjugation, including many verbs frequently used in everyday language.
Sometimes the irregular changes of the stem are unique to one verb as in the case of avere and essere. The complete conjugations of five irregular verbs are shown below 2. These verbs have been chosen not only because of their frequency of use, but also because in some cases their patterns are followed by several other irregular verbs. A complete list of irregular verbs in alphabetical order is in Appendix II. These five verbs are among the most frequently used in Italian, and also among the most irregular. They share a common feature: I had to lock the office, yesterday.
Quando potremo incontrare il Dott. When can we meet Dr Salvi? Voglio tornare a casa presto stasera. I want to go home early tonight. The verb essere is highly irregular, with varied stems in almost all tenses. In the tables below, note how the compound tenses of essere take essere as their auxiliary, and the participle has to agree in number and gender. Infinitive Infinito Present Presente av-ere ess-ere.
Pluperfect Trapassato prossimo avevo avuto ero stato avevi avuto eri stato aveva avuto era stato avevamo avuto eravamo stati avevate avuto eravate stati avevano avuto erano stati. Past anterior Trapassato remoto ebbi avuto fui stato avesti avuto fosti stato ebbe avuto fu stato avemmo avuto fummo stati aveste avuto foste stati ebbero avuto furono stati. Imperfect Imperfetto av-essi fo-ssi av-essi fo-ssi av-esse fo-sse av-essimo fo-ssimo av-este fo-ste av-essero fo-ssero.
Pluperfect Trapassato avessi avuto fossi stato avessi avuto fossi stato avessi avuto fossi stato avessimo avuto fossimo stati aveste avuto foste stati avessero avuto fossero stati Conditional Condizionale. Past Passato avrei avuto avresti avuto avrebbe avuto avremmo avuto avreste avuto avrebbero avuto. Imperative Imperativo abbi sii abbia sia abbiamo siamo abbiate siate abbiano siano Participle Participio.
Moods and tenses of verbs In this section, we look at each mood and tense of verbs individually, with a brief illustration of their use. Infinitive mood infinito The infinitive is the basic form of verbs, and the one used as dictionary entry in other words, the name of the verb. It is the infinitive form -are, -ere, -ire or -rre that tells us which conjugation a verb belongs to. The infinitive has a present and a past tense. The past is formed by the past participle and the infinitive avere or essere.
When formed with essere, the past infinitive changes form to agree with the verb subject see examples below. Present andare vivere sentire. Irregular infinitives There are two groups of 2nd conjugation verbs with an irregular infinitive i. In their present indicative, these verbs follow the -go pattern shown below 2. Some uses of the infinitive Verbs used in the infinitive generally depend on another verb: Dobbiamo partire alle 7. Sai usare il computer? Penso di avere capito. Non riesco a sentire la tua voce. We must leave at 7. Can you use the computer?
I think I have understood. In most cases the infinitive is linked to preceding verbs by a preposition such as di or a as in the last two examples above see list of verbs and prepositions in Appendix IV. However with the verbs potere, dovere, volere, sapere, preferire, desiderare, amare, osare, no preposition is needed. For particular uses of infinitive with a preposition, see 4.
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In Italian the subject of the infinitive must be the same as that of the verb on which it depends. Otherwise two separate finite verbs must be used, usually linked by che. An exception to this is when the main verb of the clause is fare or lasciare see also Ho fatto entrare i signori. The infinitive can be used by itself, without depending on another verb, when it is used to tell somebody not to do something, i.
Non sporgersi dal finestrino. Infinitive as a noun: Infinitive verbs are often used instead of nouns, sometimes preceded by the definite article, in the masculine singular form: Eating is necessary for life. Il sapere degli antichi si trasmette di generazione in generazione. The wisdom of the ancients is handed down from generation to generation. For further uses of the infinitive and past infinitive, see also The indicative mood is used to express straightforward statements of facts, objective descriptions, real and definite situations, etc. We shall look here at the eight tenses of the indicative mood, both regular and irregular forms, with a brief reference to their use, covered in detail in Part B.
Present indicative indicativo presente The forms of the present indicative of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables above 2. In addition to avere, essere, dovere, potere, volere shown in the verb tables above, some common verbs with irregular present indicative are illustrated below. These are the regular verbs ending in -care, -gare, such as cercare, pagare: In those forms that include i cerchi, cerchiamo , the h indicates the pronunciation with hard g: In the verbs ending in -ciare and -giare, the i before letters o, a indicates the soft c or g and is not pronounced as a separate vowel.
There is no doubling of the i in the second person singular and first person plural forms:. The only verbs of the 1st conjugation with a truly irregular present indicative are: Many verbs in the 2nd conjugation are irregular in the present indicative tense as well as in other tenses see also verb tables above, 2. Although some verbs appear irregular, their forms are in fact regular but are based on an older form of the infinitive see 2.
Here are a few more irregular 2nd conjugation verbs. The verb sapere is irregular both in the ending and in its stem changes: The verb scegliere has a pattern in which the stem alternates between lg and gl: Verbs following a similar pattern to scegliere are: The following verbs have in common a pattern in which some persons are formed with g and some without see Appendix II for a complete list. Verbs following the pattern of tenere are: Verbs following the pattern of porre are: Other verbs following its pattern are: Uses of the present indicative Verbs in the present indicative express actions, facts and situations that happen or are going on at the moment when we speak or write.
Mara, il telefono suona. Mara, the phone is ringing. Nel mio ufficio il telefono suona continuamente di mattina. In my office the phone rings continuously in the mornings. La domenica le campane della chiesa suonano alle 8 meno On Sundays the church bells ring at 10 to 8. Italians smoke more than English people. Le balene sono mammiferi. There are two situations in which the present indicative is used to refer to facts that are not in the present time: Domani arrivano gli ospiti spagnoli. Tomorrow the Spanish guests are coming.
This is done when the events are described in a narrative way and is very common in history books and news reports: Rome became the capital of Italy in At the fifth penalty Baggio missed the penalty kick and Italy lost the World Cup. Future indicative indicativo futuro Forms The forms of the future indicative of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables.
Several verbs have an irregular future indicative. See Appendix II for further examples and translations. A similar contracted pattern can be seen in the present tense of the conditional of the same verbs andare andrei , bere berrei , potere potrei. The future of essere is very irregular: Uses of the future The future indicative tense is naturally mainly used to refer to facts that will happen in a time subsequent to the time when we speak.
However Italians use this tense sparingly, often preferring to use the present tense instead see Saranno le tre meno dieci. What time is it? It must be about ten to three. The phone is ringing. Who could it possibly be? It will be Davide. Future perfect futuro anteriore Forms The future perfect is a compound tense formed of the future tense of the auxiliary avere or essere together with the past participle of the verb. The forms of the future perfect are shown in the verb tables 2. Stiamo aspettando la fattura. Quando avremo ricevuto la fattura, Le invieremo i soldi. We are waiting for the invoice.
Each of the three verbs in these two sentences could be illustrated by a time sequence: More examples of the use of the future perfect can be found in Imperfect indicative indicativo imperfetto Forms The forms of the imperfect of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables. The imperfect indicative is formed by adding the endings -avo, -evo, -ivo for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugations respectively to the stem of the verb.
It is the most regular of all the tenses of Italian verbs. The imperfect of the 2nd conjugation verbs with contracted infinitive in -urre is regular, but follows the pattern of the stem in duc-, giving produrre: Similarly, the verbs with contracted infinitive in -orre have a regular imperfect based on the stem in pon-: The contracted infinitive bere has a regular imperfect bev-evo. The only true irregular imperfect is that of essere: Uses of the imperfect The imperfect indicative is mainly used to refer to the past see In using past tenses, one should always consider the context or aspect.
The question of aspect and the choice of imperfect or perfect is very important when referring to the past in Italian, particularly in situations where the two past forms are used in the same sentence see Here is a summary of the most common cases when the imperfect indicative is used: I was watching television when the earthquake struck.
Era mezzanotte, pioveva e la macchina correva silenziosa. It was midnight, it was raining and the car ran silently. We used to have a coffee at La settimana scorsa mi hanno detto che tu venivi saresti venuto ieri. In a few cases the imperfect indicative is not used to refer to past time, but as a substitute for a different verb mood such as conditional or subjunctive: Volevo vorrei delle rose.
Buongiorno, cercavo un libro di Umberto Eco. Mi scusi, non volevo disturbare. This is more common in spoken than in written Italian. For the use of the imperfect of modal verbs dovere, potere, volere, see Compound perfect passato prossimo Forms The compound perfect is formed by the present indicative of the auxiliary avere or essere and the past participle see verb tables in 2.
Of the two forms of the perfect compound and simple the compound is by far the more frequently used, especially in spoken language. The uses of the compound perfect and other past tenses are illustrated in Part B. Uses of the compound perfect The compound perfect refers to facts that are seen as completed, but have some relation to the present, generally in one of the following two contexts: Avete capito quello che ho detto? Did you understand what I said? We came to England 20 years ago and we are still here.
La Basilica di S. Simple perfect passato remoto Forms The forms of the simple perfect passato remoto of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables 2. Note in particular that the simple perfect of certain 2nd conjugation verbs has alternative forms for the first person singular and third person singular and plural: The simple perfect is often irregular. The most common irregularity is the short -si ending alternating with the longer form based on the stem of the infinitive, e.
Most verbs with this irregular pattern are 2nd conjugation verbs, and in some cases for example mettere, muovere, sapere, vedere the stem has a vowel change as well: Vissi male a Milano. I had a bad time living in Milan. Dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago. In spoken Italian, the simple perfect tends to be used very seldom in the north of Italy, but quite often in Tuscany, and in central and southern Italy, in the contexts mentioned above.
In written language, the simple perfect is very common, especially in narrative and historical language, because of the precise way in which it defines the past Typically it is the tense of fairy tales, when events are placed in a far and abstract past, in a different dimension separate from the reality of the present: Collodi, Pinocchio, I Libri di Gulliver, It is formed by the past participle and the imperfect of avere or essere. The forms of the pluperfect of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables. Uses of the pluperfect It is used to refer to an event previous to an event placed in the past.
Ricordo che tu eri arrivato da poco quando Maria ha telefonato. I remember that you had just arrived when Maria called. Penso che alle 7. I think Franco had already closed the shop at 7. Past anterior trapassato remoto Forms The trapassato remoto is formed by the simple perfect of the auxiliary avere or essere and the past participle. The forms of the trapassato remoto of the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables. Uses of the past anterior The trapassato remoto is the form of pluperfect used when the main event or action is expressed by a verb in the simple perfect.
Its use is rare and generally limited to the literary and more formal registers of the written language, and it is always introduced by a conjunction such as dopo, appena see also After he had said goodbye, he went out in a hurry. Appena fu uscita, tutti si misero a ridere. As soon as she had gone out, everybody started laughing. The forms of the conditional for the three regular conditions are shown in the verb tables above. There are two tenses of the conditional mood: Forms For the regular verbs, the present conditional is formed by adding the specific endings -rei, -resti, etc.
The verbs with an irregular present conditional show the same pattern already seen for the future indicative see 2. In Italian this is called periodo ipotetico see This type of sentence is made up of two parts: Se fossi ricco, non lavorerei. If you really valued me, you would give me more responsibility. The politeness of these requests lies in their being subject to some implicit condition: For further examples, see Potrebbe aprire la finestra?
Secondo me dovresti riposarti. I think you should rest. I would be for the easier option. La ragazza sarebbe la figlia di Beckham. Apparently, the girl is the daughter of Beckham. Forms The past conditional is formed by the present conditional of avere or essere and the past participle of the verb see verb tables above, 2.
The past conditional of the three regular conjugations is: Uses of the past conditional The past conditional is used in a similar way to the present conditional shown above, but mainly referring to past time: Ieri non sarei arrivato in ritardo se avessi preso il treno. I would have preferred a coffee. Penso che la Sig. I think Mrs Prati should have paid in cash. According to La Repubblica, two hundred illegal immigrants arrived on the island. My secretary told me that she would reserve the hotel immediately. Its most common use is in expressions of doubt, hope or supposition see 2.
Non sono certo che mi abbiano capito. Speriamo che lui venga in tempo. Penso che siano le tre e venti. I think it must be twenty past three. Verbs in the subjunctive mood always depend directly or indirectly on another verb, linked by che as in the examples above or by another conjunction, to form a complex sentence. Only in a few cases is the subjunctive used by itself, without depending on another verb, for example in the imperative forms see I write to let you know the truth. Nonostante le abbia scritto un mese fa, Paola non mi ha ancora risposto.
Whatever song she sings, it is always a pleasure to listen to her. The choice of indicative or subjunctive to convey the same facts, can shift the meaning of a sentence from the objective to the subjective, from the reality to the idea. I need the assistant who speaks Italian. Ho bisogno di un assistente che parli italiano. I need an assistant who can speak Italian. It seems that Olivetti is about to launch a new computer. In the first of the two sentences above, the news is presented as almost certain, while the second sentence, by using the subjunctive, implies a higher degree of doubt or uncertainty about the reliability of the news.
These and other uses of the subjunctive in different contexts are illustrated fully in Chapters 30 to 39 see also It is often said that the subjunctive mood is used ever less frequently in modern Italian. It is true that Italians tend to associate the frequent use of the subjunctive. However using the indicative instead of the subjunctive not only conveys a more informal style, but also a different meaning, and may well change substantially the message that we want to convey.
Uses of the subjunctive In some cases, it is almost compulsory to use the subjunctive, even in the most familiar context of communication. This is particularly true when there is an explicit reference to the subjective value of a statement: Spero che abbiate capito. I hope you understood. Temo che sia troppo tardi. Non illuderti che il Napoli possa vincere il campionato.
Non avrei mai sospettato che tu fossi capace di mentire. I would never have suspected you of being able to lie. Prima che sia troppo tardi, dobbiamo pagare il telefono. We must pay the phone bill, before it is too late. Parlava come se avesse il raffreddore. He was speaking as if he had a cold. Dovete sbrigarvi, a meno che non vogliate fare tardi. You must hurry up, unless you want to be late. Sebbene siano stanchi, i ragazzi vogliono uscire stasera. Se fossi in te non le parlerei.
See also uses of subjunctive in purpose clauses Whether to use the subjunctive after se, however, is a matter of choice see also Chiunque bussi alla porta, non aprire. Sono pronta a fare qualsiasi cosa tu mi chieda. Even in the examples shown in this paragraph, many Italians might use the indicative instead of the subjunctive. Tenses of the subjunctive Except in a few cases, verbs in the subjunctive mood depend on another verb i.
This means that we also need to look at how each tense of the subjunctive expresses a different time relationship with the main verb. There are four tenses of the subjunctive: The regular conjugations of these tenses are shown in the verb tables above 2. Present subjunctive congiuntivo presente Forms The regular conjugation of the present subjunctive has the same ending in the three singular persons: Uses of the present subjunctive The present subjunctive is used when we want to mention something in the present or in the future there is no future tense in the subjunctive.
It is almost always linked to a main verb in the present tense: Spero che tu capisca. I hope you understand. Mi sembra che il telefono non funzioni. I think the telephone must be out of order. I think the travel agency is booking our flight today. A more detailed study of the time relationship of the subjunctive and the verb it depends on is found in Chapter Forms The perfect subjunctive is formed by the present subjunctive of the auxiliary avere or essere and the past participle.
The forms of perfect subjunctive for the three regular conjugations are found in the verb tables above 2. Uses of the perfect subjunctive The perfect subjunctive is used to refer to a past fact linked to a main verb, usually in the present tense: Mi sembra che ieri il telefono non abbia funzionato. I think the phone must have been out of order yesterday.
I think the travel agency reserved our flight yesterday. Marco will think you have gone out. Imperfect subjunctive congiuntivo imperfetto Forms The ending of the imperfect subjunctive is the same for both first and second persons singular: The forms of the imperfect subjunctive for the three regular conjugations are found in the verb tables above.
Irregular forms to be noted are: Uses of the imperfect subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used for events or actions taking place at the same time as the action of the main verb in the past: Speravo che tu capissi. I hoped you understood. Ieri mi sembrava che il telefono non funzionasse. Yesterday I thought the phone was out of order. The imperfect subjunctive is also used for a present or future action, which depends on a main verb in the present conditional: Vorrei che voi parlaste con il capo.
Sarebbe bene che domani arrivasse in orario. It would be better if he arrived on time tomorrow. It is also used to express a condition unlikely to be met see Compreresti una Rolls Royce, se avessi i soldi? Would you buy a Rolls Royce, if you had the money? Pluperfect subjunctive congiuntivo trapassato Forms The pluperfect subjunctive is formed by the imperfect subjunctive of avere or essere and the past participle. The forms of the pluperfect subjunctive for the regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables above 2. Uses of the pluperfect subjunctive The pluperfect subjunctive is used to refer to a past event referred to by a main verb in the past tense: Speravo che avessi capito.
I hoped you had understood. It is also used to express a condition that can no longer be met see If the travel agency had already reserved our flight a month earlier, we would have paid less. Other uses of the subjunctive In a few cases the subjunctive is used by itself without depending on another verb. In this function the present subjunctive serves as the third person form of the imperative, both singular and plural see Prego signori, vengano di qua. Can I help you? Please come over this way, gentlemen. Dio salvi la Regina. Ti venga un accidente. Magari potessi andare in vacanza.
If only I could go on holiday. If I were 20 years old! Here, the subjunctive, although used alone, still depends on a main verb, although it is implicit rather than actually stated: Spero che ti venga un accidente. I hope that something horrible happens to you. Mi auguro che Dio ti benedica. I wish that God would bless you. If I were young I would do lots of things. Imperative mood imperativo Forms The forms of the imperative for the three regular conjugations are shown in the verb tables above 2. The imperative only has one tense, the present see Tenses, p.
The imperative is the mood we use when we want to give orders or to ask somebody to do something, so it has no first person singular form. Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso. Love your neighbour like yourself. Believe me, I am sincere.

Please, get my umbrella for me. Aiuto, datemi una mano. Help, give me a hand. Signora, guardi che belle scarpe. Look what beautiful shoes, madam. Bianchi, finisca quella lettera e poi venga da me. Dr Bianchi, could you please finish that letter and then come to see me. Mi dia il telefono, per favore. Give me the telephone, please. Note how in the first set of examples above, the tu or voi form is combined with any pronoun used, whether direct or indirect object see also 3. For more illustrations of the use of the imperative, see With the five verbs andare, dare, dire, fare and stare, the shortened imperative forms are normally marked nowadays with an apostrophe, to distinguish them from the prepositions da, di or the third person singular of the present indicative da, fa, sta.
These shortened imperative forms are very often replaced by the second person indicative forms fai, vai, etc.: The last example is very colloquial use; normally the direct object pronoun would be attached to the end of the infinitive, rather than the first verb Vai a trovarlo.
For all other forms of the imperative, simply add non. Teresa, non giocare in casa con la palla. Bambini, non andate lontano.
Stay tuned!
Non si preoccupi, avvocato. Gerund gerundio Forms The present gerund is formed by adding the endings -ando for the 1st conjugation and -endo for the 2nd and 3rd conjugations to the verb stem: The past gerund is formed by the gerund of the auxiliary avere or essere and the past participle: Uses of the gerund The gerund is always used in connection with another verb on which it is closely dependent.
The subject of the gerund must be the same as that of the main verb unless explicitly stated. The present gerund indicates an action happening at the same time as that of the main verb, be it past, present or future: Neri parla leggendo gli appunti. Neri speaks reading from notes. Neri ha parlato leggendo gli appunti. Neri spoke reading from notes. Neri will speak reading from notes. The past gerund indicates an action that took place before that of the main verb: Avendo distribuito gli appunti in inglese, il Prof.
Neri parla in italiano. Having distributed notes in English, Prof.