Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors
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Friendship, art, different point of views Genre: This chapter book is about three friends in a fifth grade class being introduced to art and an art teacher. Harry is a care free fifth grader whom most classmates see him as eccentric and boarder line annoying. Mary is a very competitive girl who knows exactly what she wants.
Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors
The new art teacher, Mrs. The accounts in this book discuss how the students come to a decision on what they would like to draw and it also describes the struggles the students went through to complete their poster. At the end of the competition Harry is determined to be the winner and Mary throws a tantrum.
In the end, Harry forgives her and the two end up becoming good friends. Art, friendship, forgiveness Personal Response: The story is written in a way that the reader feels as though these events could take place in their own school. As a result of this, the book can provide a very engaging environment for the young readers. The story is very moralistic, hitting a few key concepts: Harry is a very care free and optimistic individual, while Mary is an uptight know-it-all. We enjoyed reading it together and we will be sure to read more of the books in this series soon.
Feb 26, Marlee rated it it was ok. My children really enjoy this series.
Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors by Suzy Kline
They are quick, easy to read, and funny. It bothered me that in this one it went from being Monday to two days later being Thursday. I realize it's a simple mistake, but also so easy to fix before the book is published. The series is fun though. My children 9 and 6 enjoy the characters and found this to be just as fun as the others.
- Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors by Suzy Kline | Scholastic.
- Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors by Suzy Kline | LibraryThing.
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Accelerated reading Book Level: Jun 27, Reader Girl rated it liked it. My 9-year-old loves this series, so I thought I'd read one.
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It was very basic and well-geared for that age group. A fun, short story with children's humor and a little bit of teaching thrown in. Cecelia rated it it was amazing Jun 29, Jane rated it it was ok Oct 08, Arianna rated it it was amazing Jan 02, Aden Matyja rated it liked it Aug 06, Ella rated it really liked it Dec 26, Asma Beg rated it did not like it Nov 12, Anna rated it it was amazing Aug 15, Rachel rated it it was ok Jul 03, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Mar 29, Aaliyah Hopkins rated it really liked it Jan 31, Brenner rated it really liked it Sep 07, M rated it liked it Oct 07, Tommy Hoffman rated it it was amazing Mar 05, Tara Higgins rated it it was amazing Dec 08,