Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Gas Dispersions: Effects Calculation and Risk Analysis
Full Length Article Keywords: Risk Assessment; multimedia; peer-assessment; curriculum Corresponding Author: Aristotle University First Author: The paper describes the development of a course on Risk Assessment aiming to enhance awareness and comprehension of the procedures; it was also intended to make the subject attractive and enjoyable to the students. Extra care was undertaken to employ multimedia tools and videos during the teaching of the course.
The course is an elective, taught in the fourth year of the Chemical Engineering curriculum at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Konstantinos E. Kakosimos - Google Scholar Citations
In this work, the syllabus of the course, the teaching tools and the grading procedure are explained in detail. Moreover, a summary of students' feedback and comments also provided indicates that in many respects the aims have been achieved. Moreover, a summary of stude ts feed a k and comments also provided indicates that in many respects the aims have been achieved. Risk Assessment; multimedia; peer-assessment; curriculum 1.
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One of many valuable conclusions derived spotlighted the absence of a course on Risk Analysis. The work carried out for that grant, coupled with the lack of a Risk Analysis course established in the survey, provided the initiative for the development and introduction of the course on Risk Assessment in the Chemical Engineering Department at Aristotle University, by the authors.
The course as realized is an elective one, taught to 4th year students, with an upper limit of 40 participants the Chemical Engineering course is a 5-years course. The field of Risk Assessment requires holistic engineers whose understanding of the process phenomena is coupled by a knowledge of assessment techniques and models, and who are themselves also actively involved in the assessment procedure [Kletz, ].
This latter characteristic is quite significant for educators, since it is hard to quantify and teach it. Thus in order to attract students to an otherwise sidelined area of study, the course applied a more modern pedagogical approach, using a wide range of multimedia teaching tools, videos and in-class exercises. Furthermore, the students are required to work in risk assessment teams concerning a well known accident and prepare a presentation either as the public advocate or the company defender. In the next paragraphs, the syllabus of the course, the teaching tools and the grading procedure are presented, as well as a summary of student feedback and comments.
The syllabus development A sur e a o g the last ears stude ts a sa ple of 60 of the Chemical Engineering Department in the Aristotle University was initially conducted in order to identify overall awareness on the subject of Risk Assessment. The outcome recorded the absence of any awareness. A very crucial point noted also, was that students had no knowledge of major recent industrial accidents Bhopal, Seveso, Piper Alfa or Flixborough. The first topics therefore chosen were: In many cases of accidents involving fire, explosion or toxic gas dispersion, a gas or liquid leak usually occurs first.
Hence, the leak or outflow also had to be discussed. Moreover, all the above could not really be discussed without introducing the probability of such an event to happen, or talk about event trees.
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Thus the syllabus was finally developed to cover: Hazard Identification — Event frequency b. Effects and Consequences Analysis d. Probable Causes of Destruction The course taught in the 4th year, as an elective course is 40 hours in total and its structure is shown in Fig. We note for now, that in parallel to this core, a series of 8 min videos of accidents, and an accidents database MInA created for the course, were also used. All these will be discussed in the following sections.
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The Multimedia tools and material As our prime interest was to make the course interesting for the students, three auxiliary elements were employed: The video Videos of industrial accidents were selected or downloaded from various open-access internet sources. These were cut down to clips of 8 minutes duration and Greek subtitles were added. A list of typical videos is shown in Table 1.
Usually these are played and discussed at the beginning of each relevant instructional section. As the whole course is conducted in the Computer Laboratory 40 positions , the video and sound reproduction facilities are excellent — such a controlled environment ensures a high level of quality and thus a greater level of concentration from the students. Additionally, we chose to include some very well known accidents, even if they were strictly not covered by the course syllabus i. The students are thus introduced to some very important industrial accidents.
It should be mentioned that although the list is restricted by the availability, it grows continuously and can be updated in a timely fashion due to the flexibility of e- technology. Major Industrial Accidents database - MInA In order to have the information of industrial accidents collected in one place and available to the class, a group of students helped to create a database MInA — Major Industrial Accidents database. The advantage of MInA is that it includes as much multimedia material as possible.
Students enjoyed the videos very much. We were asked by other classes and even other departments, to give a 3 hour video presentation of major industrial accidents, which we did.
Fires, explosions, and toxic gas dispersions : effects calculation and risk analysis
They also enjoyed going through MInA especially looking at the photos or videos included. Multimedia e-platform One of the initial difficulties to be overcome during the formation of the syllabus was that the subject is, by nature, mathematically oriented see structure in Fig. In order to avoid overloading the students with a large number of equations, a multimedia e-platform was developed from scratch.
The laboratory s past experience in employing multimedia tools in education was a valuable asset, so all the teaching material was used to form a multimedia and interactive presentation using Macromedia Authorware currently in the Adobe Inc. The program was chosen for the presented course, thus the multimedia e-platform is accessible through a common web explorer.
Although the multimedia e-platform is in Greek, an English version also exists as the same course is also taught as an invited intensive course i Xi a Jiaotong University, China. In the following sections, the lectures and details about the form of the multimedia e-platform are analytically discussed. European Union legislation recently enforced in Greece mandates that a very large number of companies must have a Safety Officer on their payroll, even if on a part-time basis.
Hence there is a large market for such officers. This lecture serves to point out to the students the requirements for a Safety Officer, should they wish to work as such. It also serves as an introductory lecture to the field of environmental studies, the course and its benefits. Hazard Identification and Event Frequency Following the first introductory lecture, the course continues with the students 40 of them in front of the computer. The next lecture is Hazard Identification and Event Frequency. I the Hazard Ide tifi atio se tio three t pes of a al sis are dis ussed: The discussion includes a series of examples.
On the top right the subsection of the selected section are shown.
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Bottom right we detail some useful tools i. In this particular page, only the exercise is given. The students must tr it the sel es, a d after ards press the solutio button not shown to check their answer. At the end a discussion on Human Factors, Performance and Errors is also included. These tests are discussed more fully in the next sections. Outflow The discussion of outflow is separated into the following three parts: The second section of the multimedia e-platform shown in Fig.
At the end of the five hour lecture and examples the students must again demonstrate their understanding by solving an example, and using the available software-platform. This book provides an overview of the methods used to assess the risk of fires, explosions, and toxic gas dispersion, and then deduce the subsequent effects and consequences of these events. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours.
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Fires, Explosions, and Toxic Gas Dispersions: Effects Calculation and Risk Analysis
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