Fabelwesen, Legenden und Utensilien der Ritter in der historischen Dietrichepik (German Edition)

That was how the present town of Lawa-an at first received its name. Months and years crowded past. Many people by then were new Catholic believers - converts from paganism and idol worship. As news traveled fast enough by word of mouth in those days, people were sufficiently informed in due time about the new settlement; thus, was started an influx of excited travelers, all attuned to the prospect of adventure and the romance of migration in Lawa-an as though a gold deposit was found.
Sometimes people would come in numbers, sometimes singly from nearby places, then from farther east and distant west like Leyte and the Bicol region. It is said that Boholano peddlers bearing the GACHO family names chose to remain in Lawa-an with the idea of getting happily married to some modest country beauty in the area. Many came only with scanty clothing on their backs with nothing more than the will to work and cast their lot in cooperation with the other settlers.
There is the story, as an example, of a young revolutionary from somewhere in Luzon named Julian Flores. He was a deserter and a desperado wanted by the Guardia Civil in Manila. At first, he went to hide in Dulag, Leyte, thinking that his whereabouts can no longer be traced by the Spanish authorities. But one night, Julian Flores was tipped by his friends that some persons were hunting for him. Immediately, that very night, he slipped out of town, stole a banca and paddled across the sea towards Samar, and upon reaching Capines point, left the stolen banca and trekked eastward along the seashore until he finally arrived at the tiny Rawis peninsula where Juan Guingot and his bond of settlers were encamped.
Whereupon, Julian Flores humbly introduced himself before the breathless crowd and frankly told them everything concerning his plight as a fugitive including his desire to join and stay with them should they accept him into their fold. Julian, without second thought, readily agreed. What better fate or fortune, he thought, could he ask of God and man!
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These were hairy human beings, of enormous height and size, whose elbows and knees were said to be as hard as stones. They were jungle wanderers without permanent dwellings but would just lie down on their bellies behind tree-trunks to sleep wherever they were benighted. They thrived on raw meat they could capture and wild fruits in the forest. Being shy and timid creatures, the Onglo moved inland with occasional visits to the seacoast as predators and rapacious burglars.
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They stayed away from the coastal settlers whose hunting dogs they greatly feared and avoided. It is said that their body-odor was similar to that of the wild hogs and whenever the dogs sensed their presence by way of their smell the Onglo would be chased or pursued without let-up throughout the jungle. Because of their animal-like mentality and backward way of life, they have ended up in utter extinction. Another disturbing factor that bothered the later peaceful life of the settlers was the serious threat posed by the occasional appearance of Moro Vintas Pangko.
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The Moros, at the time, mistook the sea separating Samar and Leyte to be a great river basin suited for their marauding expeditions, on the pretext of selling or bartering their wares tan-bark and fancy jewelries , but in reality, they meant to plunder the coastal villages, kidnapped able-bodied men and women to be sold or bartered among the cannibals Tidong in the island of New Guinea or North Borneo.
As a precautionary measure, it was Etifania, wife of Juan Guingot, who initiated the construction of a stone-tower off Rawis, seat of the settlement, to protect the people from the plundering Moros. When the construction was completed, it was the simple policy in the settlement to sound the alarm the moment More Vintas were sighted off the coast, thereby all women and children would gather inside the tower while the men being armed with bow and arrow, bolos and spears, would remain on top and around the tower ready to defend their families happen what may.
As a result, never was there any effective attempt of attack by the Moros until the passage of time rendered the tower in ruin. In reality, these would-be warriors were merely banana trunks left standing on the sand, dressed like warriors, holding bolos, spears or bow and arrow.
This simple decoy was a deception to make the Moros believe that the place was heavily defended. This skillful feminine endowment was to be inherited by her grandson, Carlos, in his coming manhood. Perhaps it was due to inadvertent errors or corruption in the assignment or distribution of family-names or simply coincidental on the part of the Spanish friars performing the baptism of newly born babies at the time, the real truth is quite difficult to account.
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