Boiling Point
Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article. Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The decrease of the boiling point with altitude can be calculated. For example, the saturation…. The normal boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure reaches one atmosphere.
The normal liquid range is defined as the temperature interval between the normal melting point and the normal boiling point, but such a restriction is artificial, the true liquid range being from…. Separation is based on relative boiling points of the components. Normally the efficiency of the separation is increased by inserting a column between the pot and the condenser.
A distillation column is a tube that provides surfaces on which condensations and vaporizations can occur before the gas enters the condenser…. Thus, alkanes have relatively low boiling points compared with polar molecules of comparable molecular weight.
Boiling point
The boiling points of alkanes increase with increasing number of carbons. This is because the intermolecular attractive forces, although individually weak, become cumulatively more significant as the number of atoms and electrons in the molecule…. More About Boiling point 21 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References effect of atmospheric pressure In climate: When the boiling point is reached, the temperature will not rise again until all of the liquid has evaporated.
This is due to the high heat capacity of water it takes much more energy to convert water from liquid to gas than it does to raise the temperature of liquid water. Of course, if water is heated under pressure this may raise the boiling point above its normal boiling point of degrees C.
Likewise, the addition of a solute may also raise the boiling point, a phenomenon called boiling point elevation see Further Reading below for more information.

Knowing the boiling point of a substance is an important consideration for storage. Items with a low boiling point generally have a high vapor pressure. Some need a particle of dust, or a seed crystal, to act as a site on which the crystal can grow.
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It is difficult for these particles to organize themselves, but a seed crystal can provide the framework on which the proper arrangement of ions and water molecules can grow. Because it is difficult to heat solids to temperatures above their melting points, and because pure solids tend to melt over a very small temperature range, melting points are often used to help identify compounds.
Measurements of the melting point of a solid can also provide information about the purity of the substance. Pure, crystalline solids melt over a very narrow range of temperatures, whereas mixtures melt over a broad temperature range. Mixtures also tend to melt at temperatures below the melting points of the pure solids.
When a liquid is heated, it eventually reaches a temperature at which the vapor pressure is large enough that bubbles form inside the body of the liquid. This temperature is called the boiling point.
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Once the liquid starts to boil, the temperature remains constant until all of the liquid has been converted to a gas. The normal boiling point of water is o C. But if you try to cook an egg in boiling water while camping in the Rocky Mountains at an elevation of 10, feet, you will find that it takes longer for the egg to cook because water boils at only 90 o C at this elevation.
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In theory, you shouldn't be able to heat a liquid to temperatures above its normal boiling point. Before microwave ovens became popular, however, pressure cookers were used to decrease the amount of time it took to cook food. In a typical pressure cooker, water can remain a liquid at temperatures as high as o C, and food cooks in as little as one-third the normal time.