A New Deal for All?: Race and Class Struggles in Depression-Era Baltimore (Radical perspectives)
Well written and provocative.
Well researched and cogently argued, A New Deal for All? Skotnes demonstrates that it was the most radical elements of the workers' movement who pressed a principled antiracist agenda, thereby creating a wedge into the pervasive racism of the time. New Views of Local History. His original use of oral history enriches his narrative and enhances our understanding of the compelling struggles for freedom and justice in the s.
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Instructions for requesting an electronic text on behalf of a student with disabilities are available here. In A New Deal for All? Andor Skotnes examines the interrelationships between the Black freedom movement and the workers' movement in Baltimore and Maryland during the Great Depression and the early years of the Second World War.
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Andor Skotnes presents A New Deal for All?
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A New Deal for All?: Race and Class Struggles in Depression-Era Baltimore
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