A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity
Spanning pages, there is an impressive amount of material, offering a broad sketch that aims to deal with each period relatively equally rather than zooming in on typically emphasised issues and figures. The muted, dry tone of delivery leads to innumerable quote-worthy passages, such as this one about attitudes to sex:.
Around the church rules that there should be neither rumpy nor pumpy for the forty day before Christmas.
Nor for forty days before Easter. Nor the eight days after Pentecost. Nor on the nights before the great feast days of the church. And not for thirty days after your wife gave birth to a boy, or forty days if she gave birth to a girl. Nor five days before Communion. By my calculations that means Christians of this period were allowed sex on second Thursdays in October.
But for either reader, what stands out is the simplicity and strength of Christ-centred faith that shines through the shortcomings. The Church has often coerced the weak and excluded the undesirable. But Christ stands with the poor, downtrodden and oppressed. But Christ is the living presence behind the charade. But I do think there are some shortcomings here that deserve attention. Firstly, it is tantalising to have absolutely no indication of sources or biographical information on the author.
It left me as a reader not knowing how much stock to place in some of the conclusions that were put forward on topics that I know to be controversial. No 1 New York Times bestselling author Dr Mark Hyman sorts through the conflicting research on food to give us the truth on what we should be eating and why.

Did you know that porridge isn't actually a healthy way to start the day? That milk doesn't build bones, and eggs aren't the devil? He also explains the crucial role food plays in functional medicine and how food systems and policies affect our environmental and personal health. With myth-busting insights, easy-to-understand science, and delicious, wholesome recipes in every chapter, WTF Should I Eat? This could be the most useful book you will read.
If you want to take all of the guesswork out of eating a real, whole foods diet, read this book! Or maybe it was a little more complicated than that. Nick Page brings his skills as an unlicensed historian to bear on this key period in European and world history in order to uncover everything you need to know about the Reformation - with a fair few bits you never wanted to know thrown in for good measure. Historians tell us that the Protestant Reformation laid the foundations for the Industrial Revolution, religious freedom, and all sorts of other Good Things.
But what actually happened?
Who were the winners and the losers, the ogres and the beauty queens of this key moment in church history? Twelve years after his victory over House Harkonnen, Paul Atreides rules as emperor from the desert planet Arrakis - but his victory has had profound consequences. War has been brought to the entire known universe, and billions have already perished.
Despite having become the most powerful emperor known to history, Paul is powerless to bring an end to the fighting. While former allies conspire to dethrone Paul and even his own consort acts against him, Paul accepts a gift from the Tleilaxu, a guild of genetic manipulators, hoping to find a single spark of peace and friendship amidst the betrayal and chaos.
But this act undermines Paul's support from the Fremen, his own people. The Fremen are the true source of Paul's power; losing them is the one thing that could truly topple his empire. As matters escalate, Paul will be forced to chose between his throne, his wife, his people and his future - and the future of the entire universe. An epic novel of the cost of victory Like all twenty-year-olds, Ryan Cusack is trying to get his head around who he is.
This is not a good time for his boss to exploit his dual heritage by opening a new black market route from Italy to Ireland. It is certainly not a good time for his adored girlfriend to decide he's irreparably corrupted.
A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity by Nick Page
And he really wishes he hadn't accidentally caught the eye of an ornery grandmother who fancies herself his saviour. There may be a way clear of the chaos in the business proposals of music promoter Colm and in the attention of the charming, impulsive Natalie. But now that his boss's ambitions have rattled the city, Ryan is about to find out what he's made of, and it might be that chaos is in his blood. P John Murray Press. All of Mexico seems about to fall into his hands until a report comes from the coast of the arrival of a new force of Spaniards with more than three times his numbers, sent not to strengthen him but to attack him and wrest the conquest from him.
A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity
This is a fascinating insight into one of the greatest artists of our lifetime. This is a personal friendship in writing. The knowledge divulged here is an endearing and powerful tale of a man who conquered the entire entertainment industry with his creative force. His music thrilled the generation it was written for, and has entertained and inspired every generation since. Respected music journalist and biographer Lesley-Ann Jones knew David Jones from the days before fame, when he was a young musician starting out, frustrated by an industry that wouldn't give him a break and determined to succeed.
Here she traces the epic journey of the boy from Bromley born into a troubled background to his place as one of the greatest stars in rock history. Jones has interviewed numerous friends and associates of Bowie, many of whom have never spoken publicly about him before.
Drawing on this new material and meticulous research, the real story of Bowie's family background is told; the true inspiration behind the creation of Ziggy Stardust is revealed, and we learn how his marriage to Angie ended in agony following his comeback from a near fatal drug addiction.
Jones also revisits Bowie's tragic relationship with his brother and his deep bond with T Rex frontman Marc Bolan. Bowie's rebellious nature, his many sources of inspiration and creativity, and his complex, intense personality are discussed here, creating a unique and compelling portrait of an extraordinary man. This is Bowie as you've never seen him before. Graham Hancock's multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods remains an astonishing, deeply controversial, wide-ranging investigation of the mysteries of our past and the evidence for Earth's lost civilization.
Twenty years on, Hancock returned with the sequel to his seminal work filled with completely new, scientific and archaeological evidence, which has only recently come to light. On the heels of the very successful hardcover edition, Hancock returns with this paperback version including two chapters brimming with recent reporting of fresh scientific advances ranging from DNA to astrophysics that substantially support the case. Near the end of the last Ice Age 12, years ago, a giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments.
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Some of these struck the Earth causing a global cataclysm on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least eight of the fragments hit the North American ice cap, while further fragments hit the northern European ice cap. The impacts, from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60, miles an hour, generated huge amounts of heat which instantly liquidized millions of square kilometers of ice, destabilizing the Earth's crust and causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world.
A second series of impacts, equally devastating, causing further cataclysmic flooding, occurred 11, years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the destruction and submergence of Atlantis. The evidence revealed in this book shows beyond reasonable doubt that an advanced civilization that flourished during the Ice Age was destroyed in the global cataclysms between 12, and 11, years ago.
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But there were survivors - known to later cultures by names such as 'the Sages', 'the Magicians', 'the Shining Ones', and 'the Mystery Teachers of Heaven'. They travelled the world in their great ships doing all in their power to keep the spark of civilization burning. Everywhere they went these 'Magicians of the Gods' brought with them the memory of a time when mankind had fallen out of harmony with the universe and paid a heavy price.
A memory and a warning to the future For the comet that wrought such destruction between 12, and 11, years may not be done with us yet. Astronomers believe that a mile wide 'dark' fragment of the original giant comet remains hidden within its debris stream and threatens the Earth. An astronomical message encoded at Gobekli Tepe, and in the Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt,warns that the 'Great Return' will occur in our time Widely recognized as Britain's top medium, Gordon Smith here answers the deeper questions that people ask of the spirit world, the big questions of life and death.
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For most of the time people go to Gordon Smith's public events in the hope of hearing messages from loved ones who have passed. The information that Gordon is able to share is world-renowned for its astonishing accuracy and detail - information that he could not possibly have discovered by any other means. This information reunites people with their loved ones and gives them comfort and solace.
But sometimes we all want to know the answers to questions that go beyond the narrowly personal, questions that are equally relevant to all human beings: What happens to us after death? Is there a Heaven and a Hell? Why do bad things happen more to some people than to others? To what extent are our lives predestined? Are spirit guides a type of angel?
In order to answer these questions and penetrate the deeper mysteries of the human condition, Gordon Smith has here gone into a very deep trance to consult his own spirit guide.