In het dorp stuit de groep op een groep vrouwen die met wapens hun kinderen beschermen tegen Villain's praktijken. De lokale bevolking wordt door Villain gebruikt als slaaf in de mijnen en de vrouwen vragen The Expendables voor hulp hierbij. Villain's militanten arriveren maar worden uitgeschakeld door The Expendables.
Ze lokaliseren Villain bij de mijn en vallen het gebied aan met hun vliegtuig voordat ze direct de mijn instorten met het vliegtuig en dat overleven. Vanaf een afstand brengt Villain explosieven in de mijn tot ontploffing wat een ineenstorting tot gevolg heeft.
The Expendables 3
The Expendables komen met de gevangengenomen bevolking vast te zitten, maar worden wederom uit onverwachte hoek bevrijd door Trench , gevolgd door Mr. Church en zijn gevolg. The Expendables, met steun van Trench en Mr. Church sporen Villain op die op weg is naar een vliegveld, om vandaaruit per vliegtuig te ontsnappen. In een gevecht met de militanten op het vliegtuig, wordt de groep wederom bijgestaan door Booker.
Ross verslaat Villain en doodt hem. Brian Tyler stelde wederom the muziek voor deze film op, nadat hij ook gewerkt had aan de muziek van de vorige film. Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie. Geraadpleegd op 2 maart Overgenomen van " https: In March , cast member Randy Couture said a third installment of The Expendables might begin production in late after the release of The Expendables 2.
He also said that the producers intended to bring back the series' stars attempting to have Mickey Rourke reprise his role had approached Clint Eastwood about a role and had plans to pursue Harrison Ford and approach Wesley Snipes after his release from prison.
The second is the natural progression. The third, that's when the air gets rare. We're thinking ambitiously about it, you now have to give audiences something they don't expect at all, Maybe, even going into a different genre".
In March , Sylvester Stallone confirmed he was writing a script for the sequel and that he intended for the film to be more humorous with moments of drama. Sylvester Stallone also said that Steven Seagal would not be in the film and that he wanted to cast more young actors in their mids. It was revealed that the film would feature several younger and technology-oriented action heroes who clash with the veteran Expendables.
Unlike the first two films in the Expendables franchise, this film received a PG rating instead of an R rating which received backlash from the fans. Stating that albeit it was close to being rated R, he wanted to reach a younger and broader audience with the new film. On July 1, the MPAA granted The Expendables 3 a PG rating; the given description being "violence including intense sustained gun battles and fight scenes and for language. Since its release, Sylvester Stallone regrets the PG rating, saying that it was "a horrible miscalculation on everyone's part in trying to reach a wider audience but in doing such, diminish the violence that the audience expects.
I'm quite certain it won't happen again. The film's score was composed by Brian Tyler. On December 19, , the first teaser trailer got released with the intent of showcasing the large cast of the movie. The event lasted the entire day and featured the cast driving down the Croisette in tanks. On June 5, a new TV promo with new footage was released.
Instead of highlighting the all-star cast like the previous ones, this trailer focused on the new additions to the cast, prominently Kellan Lutz , Ronda Rousey and Victor Ortiz , contrasting their young characters with the more experienced ones of Sylvester Stallone and Kelsey Grammer. On July 25, , three weeks ahead of the film's premiere, a DVD -quality illegal leak was downloaded, via file sharing sites, more than , times over a hour period.
On July 31, , the film's studio, Lionsgate , filed a lawsuit in California federal court against ten anonymous individuals for copyright infringement. Lionsgate stated they sent demand letters to operators of the sites Limetorrents. In March , the California court issued a default judgement to the operators of three of the infringing sites Limetorrents. The Blu-ray Combo-Pack contains an extended version of the film accompanying the theatrical version as well as behind-the-scenes featurettes, a blooper reel and a Dolby Atmos multi-channel track.
The regular DVD release includes only the theatrical cut. However, its first showing was at 7 P. The site's consensus reads "Like its predecessors, The Expendables 3 offers a modicum of all-star thrills for old-school action thriller aficionados but given all the talent assembled, it should have been a lot more fun.
A fourth film was confirmed to be in development in March , by actor Pierce Brosnan who reported that he had agreed with producer Avi Lerner to star in a future Expendables sequel. While promoting Furious 7 , Jason Statham confirmed that he will appear in any new films saying "I'll do as many as Sly wants. Working with Sylvester Stallone is beyond a 'pinch yourself' moment. I remember growing up watching his films and to be directed by him in a movie that he's produced and to be shoulder-to-shoulder with Sly is a privilege anyone who loves action movies would never turn their nose up at.
After initially dropping out of the fourth installment due to creative differences, [83] Stallone confirmed that he will return to the series by early, stating that he is getting back into shape to reprise his role. In his testimony against WME agent Adam Venit for sexually assaulting him, Terry Crews confirmed that he will not be returning as Hale Caesar in a possible fourth film after being threatened by Lerner to drop his case against Venit.
And this is one thing I had to decide whether I was going to draw the line on. Am I going to be a part of this or am I gonna take a stand? And there are projects that I had to turn down. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Expendables 3 Theatrical release poster. List of The Expendables characters. Archived from the original on August 19, Retrieved August 19, Retrieved October 14, Retrieved 8 March Retrieved July 11, Archived from the original on November 10, Retrieved November 28, Retrieved May 12, Retrieved September 17, Archived from the original on August 17, Retrieved November 15, Retrieved May 1, Retrieved March 5, Alan March 23, Terrible actor but looks solid yet not as firm as Crews, shouldn't of been in the film anyway.
Useless actor and looks fat, pretty much like any beer drinking trucker in a highway stopover. Shouldn't of been in the film. Cockney hardman where's Vinnie?

Probably overused in the film. Looks dodgy but unique, a cult star with a decent wreckage of a torso. Needed some ass kicking to do for sure, underused. The Expendables begins with some promising action although very artificial , however, the film just falls downhill from there. The action is the best attempt at awesome entertainment in a long time, but it's mixed into a very weak premise. I was very disappointed to see all of these stars go to waste!
There is action and then there is drama randomly thrown in, but then kicks back into action, which feels very uneven. Mickey Rourke gets the most character development, and he is one of the least shown characters in the film. The dialogue is sort of laughable at points, but the film pulls itself out of the hole halfway through, which is just enough time to redeem itself and become a fun R-Rated popcorn flick.
When Rourke's character states that there are three pieces of work, they end up doing the first job and getting caught up in that one for the entire film. It kind of seems pointless, but it is a great summer film to have fun with. It will put a smile on your face for hours and hours, but in a few years, you may forget about it.
Plenty of cliche narratives and dialogue to go along with a bland plot. More Top Movies Trailers. DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Black Panther Dominates Honorees. Trending on RT Avengers: Post Share on Facebook. Movie Info An all-star cast of action-movie icons headline Sylvester Stallone's explosive action thriller about a group of hard-nosed mercenaries who are double-crossed during a treacherous mission.
Traveling to Vilena on a reconnaissance mission with his old pal Christmas, Barney meets their local contact, a cagey guerrilla fighter named Sandra Giselle Itie , and together the trio scopes out the landscape.. Monroe won't be easy to get to either, because his hulking bodyguard Paine Steve Austin is a force to be reckoned with. When their mission is compromised, Barney and Christmas are forced to flee, leaving Sandra behind to face almost certain death. But Barney isn't the kind of soldier to abandon a mission, or a hostage, and now in order to get the job done he'll need the help of his old crew.
Dave Callaham , Sylvester Stallone.
The Expendables 2
Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross. Jason Statham as Lee Christmas.
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The Expendables () - IMDb
Randy Couture as Toll Road. Steve Austin as Paine. David Zayas as General Garza. Charisma Carpenter as Lacy. Gary Daniels as The Brit. Terry Crews as Hale Caesar. Mickey Rourke as Tool. Hank Amos as Paul. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Trench.