One Right Tricky Bastard: A Mystic Noir Adventure
In all, this is the type of book that any author should strive to write. And it Lynch's first. View all 37 comments. Hello my dears, is it a mentally decapitating book you wish to read? Pun intended Come, come right this way This book is exactly what you're looking for, IF you're looking for a fantasy riddled, ruthless, enigmatic piece of art.
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This book was that, and so much more. This book is around pages with apt descriptions and precise detailing. It revolves around an orphan thief because that's the best kind , whose world is changed when a plague riddled village is left with its only una Hello my dears, is it a mentally decapitating book you wish to read? It revolves around an orphan thief because that's the best kind , whose world is changed when a plague riddled village is left with its only unaffected survivors. Based on the synopsis and the limited knowledge I had of this book before I picked it up, I assumed locke's thieving life will begin after he is taken into the custody of the thief lord, but boy was I mistaken.
Locke is the story of a boy who has long before the story begins, been selected or better yet said; chosen for a life as a thief. Ironically a decent thief. You see the reason this book deserves praise isn't the fastidious writing or plotting, it's the way the author has taken a heinous act such as stealing and transformed it into an art, and better yet made us absolutely love the so called artist. Its a mixture of tragic circumstances and incredible wit, with a touch of unbidden morality that makes his protagonist who he is. I guess it's always the way one person stands out as extraordinary that makes heads turn their way, and emotions ebb and flow.
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard, #1) by Scott Lynch
But perhaps my favorite thing was the fact that he wasn't invincible, he was smart, but not impossibly so. I guess I just fell in love with Locke from the beginning, he was just so imperfectly perfect. There is a renown sense of honesty to him, making him lovable. The book moves back and forth, between different events in different settings and time spans. Keeping up with the flow proved to be a little difficult at first, because of all the names and places and people, and this jumping from here to there didn't help much either.
But truly once you get into the flow of the book, which takes about 50 or so pages, you just sink, and keep going deeper and deeper. I personally adored the touches from locke's childhood and his learning, but it wasn't just about him. The book has a way of keeping you guessing, not just about what happens next, but also about who plays what role, and who truly matters. Although I give fair warning, this books is no happily ever after, and definitely not romance riddled. There are characters mentioned all through out, but have yet to be introduced, I personally want to meet locke's lost love sooner rather than later, but that has yet to happen.
Like I said before, the book doesn't revolve solely around one person, regardless of the fact that he is the main protagonist. Some parts shocked me to the core, and way too many characters were lost is a short span. Nascza was my first stab to the gut, then came bug, the twin priests, and all the others that just kept adding to the pile. I particularly mourned Bug.
That was so not okay Mr. But regardless of the gut stabbing pain, the book was a thrill, and excellently written. It was my first time reading anything of lynchs work, and I dare say I was impressed. Although his vividly descriptive writing takes some getting used to. Can wait to read the second book!!! View all 33 comments.
This crap is as welcome as a pile of severed dog cocks. This was my first time reading anything by Scott Lynch and I'm really impressed, he is a fantastic author and extremely talented. I'm so glad I picked up this book. I enjoyed it from page one, although I must admit it too 5 Holy shit what did I just read Stars. The plot is slow paced but builds up to a massive story, normally not my cup of tea because it doesn't have much violence or magic in the plot but still the definition of badassery! Seriously this book was so much fun to read.
I literally loved reading it. I read some of the reviews for this book and saw a lot of people complaining about the amount of swearing The swearing made it hilarious and I loved it so much. Scott Lynch literally swears in every sentence just like me haha. I can't remember ever laughing so much in a fantasy book. Only had one issue it felt really long, like some description went on and on, some also weren't necessary at all. Yes Scott Lynch is a beautiful and interesting world builder, however some parts just went over the top, I did skim a lot of descriptions, except characters and important scenes.
Taught at the Therin Collegium. So basically Locke and his gang try to pull off one of the biggest thievery jobs ever, however it doesn't go to plan and their is a new gang boss on the scene thirsty for revenge. The Bromance between Locke and Jean had me. It was so genuine. I think most of my favourite parts where from Jeans POV I loved his training, I loved when he chose his weapons the sisters and I loved a certain battle towards the end with him vs two people. It was so badass and Jean is my precious. I think this book would be a great introduction for anyone wanting to start reading fantasy.
When I grow up I want to be in the gentlemen's bastards.
See a Problem?
View all 63 comments. Some books evoke a distinctive feeling, or atmosphere, that can only be associated with that said book. From the very early on I knew what kind of stuff this would be about, and how gritty it was going to become. Indeed, this book turns into a violent mess. But, the worse of the bunch is the priests. Father Chains is Some books evoke a distinctive feeling, or atmosphere, that can only be associated with that said book.
Father Chains is a priest and his money making scheme is as brilliant as it is conniving. He hides behind a false religion and has created a fake temple to its worship.
One Right Tricky Bastard : A Mystic Noir Adventure
He pretends to be a prophet; thus, he rakes in a considerable income in tithes. He keeps the money for himself, and lives in luxury. To add insult to injury he also pretends to be blind, which further increases sympathy for himself and weighs down his pockets more so. Suffice to say, he has learnt from the best thief of the age.
These include things from a simple cutpurse job to blending in with the nobility. They were all raised by Chains; they are all master thieves, and the heist they attempt is bigger than the dreams any common thief. Well, you know what they say about those that fly too high: The Gentleman Bastards certainly achieved that.
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During their scheming they crossed paths with someone rather ominous, someone who wishes to use them in his revenge field mission against the entire city of Camoor. He has discovered the plans of Locke and friends and is using it to manipulate them to help in his blood soaked quest. Woe to Locke Lamora for this man has hired the help of someone rather dangerous: Some great action The result is one big bloody mess that the author has thoughtfully devised.
He has written in very well too, for the most part, although there are a few moments when his prose goes overboard. I remember reading a paragraph long description of a barrel of ale at one point. This was completely unnecessary. However, when these in depth description are applied to a combat scene the result is fantastic. This is my only criticism for the novel, and if they were toned a little I would have enjoyed the book a little more.
This is always good because the genre can be littered with books that simply follow the standard fantasy archetype, which results in repetitive story telling. Therefore, the plot of this is fresh, exciting and completely new. A good solid 3. View all 4 comments. Dec 13, C. Can I say this is the best book ever???? Like, seriously, if I could only pick like 5 top books, it would be in that 5. And omg peoples I read hundreds of books per year and am a rabid fan of many. This was just frikkin brilliant in every. And I laughed so much because it's absolutely hilarious and clever and witty and insanely clever and did I mention how clever it is yet??!?
I love this book. Just in case you needed that to be cleared up a bit. Narrator was amazing, although I still played it at 2x the speed because I'm an impatient little bean. Okay, how about, a short list of everything perfect about this book? It was constantly smart and concise and often had really short chapters that packed a grand punch. I mean, they were kind of annoying??
Like it'd leave Locke in a precarious dangerous deathly position and then flash back to something in his childhood or like narrate the origin of the history of handball. But these little tidbits were interesting and did actually flesh out the world a lot Well, put my headphones down.
And the world building was fantastic! He was simultaneously clever, witty and capable He sassed at all the wrong times. Whereas Locke gets beaten up and he just lies in the dirt until Jean saves him. I loooved the twins, Carlo and Galdo heaven help me with the spelling?? And Bug was the 12 year old apprentice and he was adorable and stupid and therefore a perfect Gentlemen Bastard. That's the name of their con group by the way. Because it was so clever. I don't even know how to fix them. I'm gonna need duct tape.
Perfect little arrogant and cocky and twitchy and absolutely in-over-his-head-at-all-times little mite. Also crying but whatever. And I have such a book hangover YES it's a thing. Ergo I am dyyyyyying. It only took one book, but I'm successfully Locke Lamora trash and I'm not even ashamed. It was everything I want in a book. I must look like I'm hammered as shit," said Locke. View all 14 comments. I pretty much have nothing to say about this book. Does it mean my review will be short? Okay, let's do some quick maths here.
This book is pages long it feels like it's 2, pages long, but don't tell anyone I said that. Which means I should have something to tell you about it. Apart from a bunch of thieves planning some kind of con-type thing. Is that vague enough for you? Now don't ask me what kind of con-type thing it was, because after pages, I still freaking haven't a freaking clue.
It's got to do something with some fascinating noble guy named Don Lorenzo Salvara. And that's pretty much all I know about it. Because the author was so busy drowning his main plot in irrelevant crap that he forgot he had an actual story to tell. But I wouldn't want to be completely unfair here and as you all know, I am fairness incarnate , so I will admit that yes, one thing did happen. I know you don't believe me, but I swear it's the truth. Want to know what happened? Lamora got on a boat. I know it's a lot to take, but please try and refrain from fainting. I hope so, because I just remembered something else happened.
No no no, don't pass out again! Just take a few deep breaths and it will be alright. Phew, that was close. So, "what else happened," you ask? Some gladiator-type chick got eaten by some sharks. Yeah, that was pretty cool. I enjoyed every single second of that scene. That scene was amazing. Think of it as 5 glorious seconds of utter awesomeness. Scott Lynch, you overachiever. This is just too much. You shouldn't overexert yourself like this, I'm pretty sure it's hazardous to your health. Come to think of it, I shouldn't worry about you. I have nothing else to say about this book.
Please don't thank me, I'm generous like that. When I first read the blurb for this book, I was all: Which loosely translates to: Blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim, blah blah blah, skim skim skim. That just goes to show how faithful they are to the author's style. Okay, so I have to admit that in the middle of all this blah-blah-blah-ing and skim-skim-skimming, this sometimes happened: But I'm afraid Lynch's 5-second rule applies here as well.
So we were back in blah blah blah, skim skim skim land in less time than it takes to blink. Oh, no need to remind Mr Lynch about that. Oh believe me, I know I read it all wrong, blah blah blah, skim skim skim and all that crap. Well let me tell you something: Oh good, you scared me there for a second. I mean boring crap is boring crap, no matter how you look at it. I think I just wrote a blah blah blah, skim skim skim review! Damn, I can be so gifted sometimes. I'm out to get you.
Another great fantasy, this novel follows a talented rogue and conman, Locke Lamora, through his adventures in Camorr, a city loosely patterned after Venice, but set in a world where humans have built their society over the ruins of a much older race called the Eldren. At first, this can be overwhelming. I confess I got bogged down at the beginning and had to come back to this book several months later. But if you keep going, the payoff is well worth the effort. If you like intelligent funny dialogue, clever protagonists facing equally clever antagonists, and vivid original world building, Scott Lynch is your guy.
When I got to the end, I immediately ordered the next two books in this series. Kindle offer for 1. I loved this book although it is not perfect and there were some things about it that annoyed me a tiny bit.
One Right Tricky Bastard - A Mystic Noir Adventure (Paperback)
As other reviewers said it is combination of Ocean 11 with a younger and more cheekier main character and the Godfather. I would also add the bloodiness of Game of Thrones view spoiler [ and the inclination to kill some of the lovable characters hide spoiler ] and some Jaws. The main character Locke Lamora The main character Locke Lamora is an antihero, he has as many flaws as talents and maybe this is why he is so likable. His main quality and doom is his devotion to his friends. I loved the humor, the cursing a lot of f-words , the characters, the writing, the pace. The fantasy world is described in painstaking detail which was a bit too much for me at some point.
The author introduces long descriptions just when the action is at its peak. It made me fast read a couple of them. This was my only problem but I saw that it was exactly what some other reviewers loved about the book. I can't wait to read the sequel. I hope is just as good. From the first threat to use someone's balls as fish bait to the last attempt to drown someone in horse piss, I absolutely adored this book.

It is absolutely everything it should be, and then some. Emphasis on the and then some because it completely defied my expectations on many levels, both genre-wise and quality wise. Set in a freaky, mystical alternate Renaissance Venice, the story takes place amongst the underworld thieves and gangs of the city.
Our protagonist I definitely won't call him a From the first threat to use someone's balls as fish bait to the last attempt to drown someone in horse piss, I absolutely adored this book. Our protagonist I definitely won't call him a hero , Locke Lamora, and his title implied lies, guide us through a twisted, involved, and incredibly fucking fun as they would say themselves plotline that bounces all over the place back and forth and winds to its improbable and yet not unbelievable conclusion.
There's thieving, impersonating identities, lots and lots of lies some well done, others less so , very creative swearing that often made me laugh out loud, gang fights, plenty of gore, and all the intrigue, politics and sweet sweet revenge you could possibly want. And even amongst all this filth and twisted dirtiness, it still manages to be about love and revenge and wonderful, awesome friendship.
I loved how this book went right through and around genre expectations. Our protagonist Locke Lamora is not good looking, he isn't at all good in a fight, and we get to watch him be impotent in bed, an arrogant little snit who gets slapped down several times, and taking very very petty, not noble revenge on a bunch of people.
He's just really smart. Sometimes even his spectacular ability to lie fails, and he has to go to Plan B. Sometimes Plan Z, until he's at the end of his tether, before he finally catches a break- and by that point he might be black and blue and humiliated and mutilated in a lot of nasty ways that don't usually get to happen to a hero.
They also make no bones about the fact that he is a thief, and not in any Robin Hood sense at all, and no, there is no secret noble quest underneath that. Just deal with it. Scott Lynch is also not afraid to kill people. Nobody is safe in this book, and you geniunely believe that anyone left alive could die on the next page by a random unlucky strike to the back of the head from a penny dropped from a height. He also is not close minded in his plots. He has created an incredible world, and he involves that world in the plot. Sometimes things go awry just Not everyone in the city is part of their plot.
I love that as well. She must now learn and learn fast how to adapt to the environment that she was thrown into. Through it all she has her cousin, Janet and her best friend Stephanie. Together they grow through life's experiences, from their first sexual experience to the first time one of them gets caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Notice that I said the first time one of them gets caught up. We will send you an SMS containing a verification code. Please double check your mobile number and click on "Send Verification Code". Enter the code below and hit Verify. Free Returns Changed your mind, you can return your product and get a full refund. Cash on Delivery Pay for your order in cash at the moment the shipment is delivered to your doorstep.
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One Right Tricky Bastard : A Mystic Noir Adventure
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