In the Wings
The chemistry was intense and I freaking loved it. Yes, I am repeating myself.
This book nailed that entire genre, moreso the Broadway side of things. I thought it was going to be an instalove type of story and everything was super peachy and beautiful until BAM - it wasn't. The conflict was written and developed so well. I am dying to read more of these type of stories, hopefully by this author - because she is brilliant. I am a suuuuuuucker for this kinda love.
Aug 08, Stephanie rated it it was amazing. This is one of my faves! I loved it just as much! Oct 16, Starsandsun18 rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love the plot, everything is in perfect timing. You'll never go wrong with this book. A must read for me. Mar 26 Listening to one of my favorites ever is kinda of exciting. I love the book even more! I wish there's a sequel. I would have love to read more from them especially after they move in together. I was hoping they got married sometime after but I guess Brooklyn and Jess beat them to it. I was happy to have a preview of them again on First Position.
Still no major update on them. Sep 17, D. Leigh rated it it was amazing. If the bio hadn't said "first book," I would have never guessed this was a debut novel. It is witty, agonizing, sweet, believable and has perfect pacing and dialog that sings. Jenna is just starting out in show biz, while Adrienne is an battered veteran who has managed to still maintain a sweetness that makes her character incredibly appealing.
I absolutely loved this book. I finished it at 2: I'll definitely snatch up this writer's next If the bio hadn't said "first book," I would have never guessed this was a debut novel. I'll definitely snatch up this writer's next book. Jun 29, Carleen rated it it was amazing. I have a theatre background. I even have an MA degree in Theatre. I admit to being a better Assistant Director than a Director. It tells the story of Jenna McGovern and her journey from recent college graduate to up-and-coming new star to famous leading lady.
Jenna is young, talented, and ambitious.
Will her ambitions bring her happiness? Or will they drive away the one thing in her life that means the most to her? So, there were basically 3 things that drew me to this book: I love the theatre. The sections of the book that describe the various aspects of putting on a live show were a lot of fun for me. Brayden does a very nice job of describing the goings-on backstage. She provides just enough detail to keep it interesting not only for readers who are very familiar with what goes into producing a staged show, but also for the reader who may have never seen the back stage. I love a good romance and this was a good romance.
But I was feeling like things were moving so very quickly. Then I sat back for a moment and thought about it and things fell into place for me. This is a theatre setting. Add that instant attraction and, yeah, a romantic relationship can certainly grow out of that in a short period of time. So I was back on track.
What Brayden does next completely settled things for me — Jenna and Adrienne have a sudden and rather dramatic pardon the pun breakup. On the one hand, this fits the formula I expected in a romance — the inclusion of conflict. However, the conflict that I expected to come from one direction completely side-swiped me by coming from a different direction. I thought it was telegraphed for me — the struggle of a long distance relationship, the adapting — over time — to the juggling of careers and relationships.
Instead, I got the breakup! The second half of the story gave me what I had initially expected — the getting to know each other and gradual building rebuilding of a friendship. Jenna and Adrienne are older, more mature. That is, until their work once again throws them together.
in the wings
I love the way Brayden writes dialogue. This was very nicely done, I thought. If you like romance, give this book a read. If you like award-winning novels, give this book a read.
'Waiting in the Wings' on Broadway
Oh, for pity sake! Jan 25, Valerie Anne rated it liked it. Okay here's the thing. In the context of all books ever and how much I have enjoyed them, it's about a 3 out of 5. This story has Lifetime movie written all over it. Everything happened WAY too easily for Jenna: She's naturally and effortlessly beautiful, she's an off-the-charts triple threat, she got a Off-Broadway role out of college afte Okay here's the thing.
She's naturally and effortlessly beautiful, she's an off-the-charts triple threat, she got a Off-Broadway role out of college after her very first audition, and a supporting role at that, the gorgeous lead actress falls for her almost immediately. The "rough" patches Jenna goes through hardly seem rough because her life has been so damn smooth. Overall everything was just too neat and tidy. The writing was okay, but not stellar. There were a lot of repeated flowery phrases, a lot of random unnecessary character traits introduced late in the game.
'Waiting in the Wings' on Broadway
Don't even get me started. But here's the thing: This is an important story. I'm very glad it exists. This wasn't a coming out story. This was a cheesy love story that happened to be about out lesbians. Not about straight women falling for each other, not about confused women in their 30s. It was about somethings who were confident in their sexuality, just not in their relationship. And it was the kind of story my mother would eat up. She loves these cheesy romance novels where little to nothing is hard and the ending is the most predictable.
I wish this WAS a Lifetime movie. I'd treat it the way I treat all Lifetime movies: With sarcastic commentary and aggressive eye-rolling. But at least it would be consumed by the people who love that thing. And there are tons of them! So for those people? I'm thrilled this story exists. Plus, you know, lesbians. Thus concludes my unsolicited opinion on the matter. Nov 04, T rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a very well written book, that given the right audience, is most likely a sure hit.
I recommend it if you are interested in theater or actresses or Access Hollywood reality tv drama. However, i'm not one of those people, so this book was just 'OK' for me. So the rating i'm giving it, is merely a measurement of my enjoyment of the book, and not of it's quality. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to be hugely into the theater theme to enjo This is a very well written book, that given the right audience, is most likely a sure hit.
That first part also made me want to slap one of the main characters repeatedly After the 4 year fast forward, the book definitely picked up for me though. The writing is well done, i don't think i noticed a single typo. The characters were all well developed, main characters and supporting roles. The romance was a slow, slow burn that requires patience from the reader. It gets 5 stars from me for the ending though. I love epilogues and an author that makes sure all lose ends are tied up, giving the reader closure.
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Overall, this was a good book, and i recommend it if you like the theme, and a romance drawn out over time. There's a risk in reading an author's first novel after you've read the rest of her work. On the one hand, it's great to see how someone started and progressed through her work. On the other hand, there's a chance it fails to meet the expectations you have, which are based on the knowledge of the former.
To get to the point: And that's coming from someone who, not long ago, gushed over the four books he read in t There's a risk in reading an author's first novel after you've read the rest of her work. And that's coming from someone who, not long ago, gushed over the four books he read in the same genre. The only difference is that this one is more focussed on the theater scene, and less about movies. But all the elements are there, which are kind of expected. Yet this story failed to capture me and I found it down-right boring. A major issue I hade is that the characters are too good to be true, and everything is amazing, and everyone is at a minimum gorgeous and nothing is happening besides the requisite stormy romance, the inevitable break-up and the getting back together.
And, because it's required, the award ceremony, which we can't possible do without. That's fine, but there's a distcinct lack of the witty banter that defines Ms. Braydens later works, and I didn't really like the protagonists. Even the supporting cast didn't add anything. If this is your first foray in Ms. Brayden's work or the lesbian actresses genre don't give up because I think it sucks, because I genuinly enjoyed the novels that came after it.
I can honestly say I wish I hadn't read it. View all 3 comments. Jan 26, MJS rated it liked it. Jenna is young and not yet established, and when given a huge break, is cast as the villain by Adrienne for taking it and they break up. Four years later they meet up on a film and after much rehashing of the past and some annoying other relationships, get together again.
The whole issue could have been solved if she who at that point had no ties just went with Jenna. Sep 28, T. Markinson rated it really liked it Shelves: A delightful debut novel. This book was an absolute pleasure to read. The kind of book that reminds me why I love reading romance books in this genre. Pure escapism and enjoyment. The main character Jenna was refreshing, likeable yet flawed, interesting and alluring. As was the character of Adrienne who was even more alluring.
I like to read about women with lives unlike my own, in situations I can sympathise with and understand even if I'd never find myself in similar circumstances. I like to read about smart, attracti This book was an absolute pleasure to read. I like to read about smart, attractive women who make mistakes yet make you care about them despite those mistakes. This book had all that in spades for me. Two people drawn to each other, a heady mix of passion, emotion and choices.
- Waiting in the Wings!
- How to Go to a Medium (The Paranormal).
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Every scene made a mark especially the intimate ones. Every bit of dialogue felt important. I can't find a flaw in this book.

I completely adored it. A very well written first book, and I've enjoyed every one of Melissa's newer novels almost as much. Can't wait for the next one. Sep 18, Choko rated it really liked it Shelves: I think it was a perfect installment for a first novel!!! I love the theater and know how competitive it is, so I would say the one somewhat negative character was way-under representing the cattiness that goes on behind the scenes, but I think Melissa Brayden only sees the good in people and gives the imperfect ones a chance to redeem themselves: Aug 05, Rahma Abdelrahman rated it did not like it Shelves: Dec 13, Julia rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is one of those "I wish I could give it more than 5 stars" books.
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in the wings
Still Waiting In The Wings Johns, Joe Abraham, Rena Strober. Do You Take This Man A lonely, middle-aged man hires a male prostitute to recreate a road trip from his past. My Son Is Gay!! Hidden Kisses TV Movie John Apple Jack Chris McNally, Kent S. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Broadway Diva Sally Struthers Sperm Bank Receptionist Christopher Atkins Gina Ethan Le Phong Edit Details Official Sites: Official Facebook Official site. Edit Did You Know? You Can't Learn Pretty! Add the first question. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this.