Il destino di Arianna. Manuale per luso critico delle linee guida (Metodi) (Italian Edition)
Marco Bouchard Prime osservazioni al decreto legislativo sulle vittime di reato http: The Police Chief, vol. Restorative justice is not a panacea, but restorative justice champions ideas which are inherent to civil society— honesty, accountability, and community engagement. Also, it provides an important role for victims, and costs next to nothing compared to jail and most rehabilitative programs. A un anno e mezzo dall'introduzione della messa alla prova "per i maggiorenni". Analisi delle problematiche giuridiche "nuove" e gli ultimi arresti della Corte.
Sul fronte dei limiti oggettivi: Dopo l'esercizio dell'azione penale: Enti non convenzionati e copertura assicurativa. Kathleen Daly What is Restorative Justice? Fresh Answers to a Vexed Question www. I argue that restorative justice can and must be defined concretely as a justice mechanism.
I develop this argument with four points: The way forward is to assess and compare a variety of justice mechanisms, which reside on a continuum from conventional to innovative. In time, the justice mechanisms studied may come to matter more than the concept of restorative justice. Needs of victims and offenders of Intimate Partner Violence. This question guides the European project on restorative justice in cases of domestic violence. Another objective is to gain a better understanding of the risks and potential of using restorative justice in particular Victim Offender Mediation in cases of IPV.
Varrone a cura di La persona offesa dal reato nella giurisprudenza costituzionale. Raccolta di normativa, giurisprudenza e dottrina Corte Costituzionale - Servizio Studi, Mannozzi Traduzione e interpretazione giuridica nel multilinguismo europeo: Opzioni terminologiche e dinamiche ermeneutiche. This can be a way of better embedding restorative justice into the criminal justice system as well: This reformulated view of restorative justice I call punitive restoration to draw attention to its being open to more punitive options.
Suggesting a convergence of the two movements, this article presents an overview of restorative justice principles, history, and methods. We review the evidence for racial bias in criminal justice and school discipline and then note emerging restorative initiatives to ameliorate historical and contemporary racial inequities.
We conclude by touching on gaps and challenges characterizing research and applied work in the field while suggesting strategies to move toward a racially-conscious restorative movement as both an effective alternative to state-imposed punishment and a powerful force for racial justice. RJCs had the biggest effects on reducing recidivism with high- requency offenders, but was ineffective or criminogenic for those offenders with medium rates of offending.
RJCs were criminogenic for London offenders who used both crack and heroin, but crime-preventive with offenders who did not use that combination of drugs. Initial findings that RJCs were criminogenic for Aboriginal Australians did not persist into the long-term follow-up. Vittima e giustizia riparativa nel sistema penale: Dewey Cornell, Susan P. Limber Law and Policy on the Concept of Bullying at School American Psychologist, May—June Experts contend that any face-to-face meetings between bullied and bullying students should be considered only in carefully prescribed situations, such as when both parties wish to participate, support persons are invited to be present, prior individual meetings have taken place, and those overseeing and facilitating the intervention have specific training in restorative practices Marta Lamanuzzi Tra riscatto e fuga: Marcello Stellin Alla ricerca della funzione non punitiva della confisca: Francesco Parisi Vittima e decreto penale: Roberto Flor, DipLap ed.
History, Concepts and Theory www. Of course, the criminal justice system is not just a theoretical construct. Every year in Victoria, hundreds of criminal trials and thousands of guilty plea hearings impact directly on the lives of victims, accused and witnesses. Listening to the experiences of these people—and of the people who work in the criminal justice system—is crucially important. It allows for a systematic identification of the issues that exist, and an informed consideration of practical initiatives for improvement which have been implemented or championed in Victoria and around the world.
Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana - Philosophy
Practice and theory are interrelated. They inform each other. The Commission encourages an approach to this reference which considers what we can learn from theory and what we can learn from practice, both individually and together. Massimo Donini Il delitto riparato. La riparazione dell'offesa e del danno come base epistemologica della pena criminale, alternativa alla proporzione, duplicante il male. La riduzione complessiva del male per autore e vittima insieme. La riparazione possibile tra processo di cognizione e di esecuzione. Raffaele Muzzica La sospensione del processo con messa alla prova per gli adulti: Processo penale e giustizia n.
Anna Lorenzetti Il tessuto costituzionale della mediazione www. A Critical Analysis in Goldson, B. Restorative justice covers a range of practices that might occur at various points within criminal justice processes generally, and youth justice processes more particularly. Per rispondere a domande capitali: La vittima nella giustizia penale: Il diritto a garanzie nel contesto dei servizi di giustizia riparativa: Giustizia riparativa e liberazione condizionale. Giustizia riparativa e affidamento in prova al sevizio sociale. Segue Il riconoscimento dei fatti essenziali. Davide Galliani Riflessioni costituzionalistiche sull'ergastolo entro le maglie dello statuto della Corte penale internazionale Rivista AIC n.
The role of restorative justice beliefs and sociocognitive determinants. The study presented is amongst the first to examine the role of restorative justice in intergroup forgiveness. Brevi premesse in tema di restorative justice. Tentativi di conciliazione innanzi al giudice di pace. Marc Toullier La giustizia riparativa in Francia: Un approccio diverso alla giustizia. Altri mezzi per garantire la giustizia. Le aspettative legate allo sviluppo della giustizia riparativa nel diritto internazionale ed europeo.
La disciplina della giustizia riparativa nella direttiva. Il recepimento della giustizia riparativa nel diritto francese. La consacrazione della mediazione penale. Lo scarso ricorso alla mediazione penale. Le manifestazioni indirette di apertura alla giustizia riparativa. Le mancanze intrinseche del diritto francese. Uno stato dei luoghi insoddisfacente. Il rinnovamento della giustizia riparativa nel diritto francese. Una questione di fini. Evitare la compassione eccessiva per le vittime di reati. Una questione di mezzi. La creazione di misure di giustizia riparativa. Sviluppare la formazione professionale.
Lezahne van Wyk Restorative justice in South Africa: An attitude survey among legal professionals http: Twenty-five participants 5 individuals from each of the 5 subgroups, namely; judges, magistrates, prosecutors, advocates and lawyers were approached to respond to 10 questions which simply required a yes or no answer with a short motivation.
Thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes from the data, which revealed a generally positive disposition by South African legal professionals towards restorative justice. Carmen Cuadrado Salinas La mediacion: In addition, there is a question of how well RJ can be integrated with these programs to promote greater success. Lorenzo Pulito Messa alla prova per adulti: Yet, little is known about the experience of students in classrooms utilizing restorative practices RP. This study draws on student surveys in 29 high school classrooms.
Hierarchical linear modeling and regression analyses show that high RPimplementing teachers had more positive relationships with their diverse students. Students perceived them as more respectful and they issued fewer exclusionary discipline referrals compared with low RP implementers. Best practice examples between increasing mutual understanding and awareness of specific protection needs www. Restorative justice is focused on reparation of harm in the aftermath of a crime or conflict.
Sometimes conferencing is used. Idealised Rhetoric or Practical Reality? Studi sono in corso, promossi anche da raccomandazioni internazionali. Si tratta di una prospettiva nuova e antichissima al tempo stesso che potrebbe modificare profondamente le coordinate con le quali concepiamo il crimine e il criminale: Qualcosa si muove, nella giustizia minorile, nei reati punibili a querela. Ma molto resterebbe da fare. Giuseppe Luigi Fanuli L'istituto della messa alla prova ex lege 28 aprile , n.
Inquadramento e problematiche applicative www. I tempi della procedura e il decorso della prescrizione. Le pronunzie del giudice sulla richiesta di messa alla prova; Gli effetti processuali della ordinanza di rigetto e di quella di accoglimento. I possibili esiti della messa alla prova e le relative implicazioni di natura sostanziale e processuale.
Considerazioni a partire dai risultati intermedi di un progetto di ricerca europeo sulla protezione della vittima www. La RJ tra approccio olistico e dimensione reparative. La definizione di Marshall. Le definizioni "normative" - 3. Il progetto europeo di ricerca Yo. Legal framework della RJ nei paesi oggetto di studio. Tipologia dei servizi di RJ e loro diffusione sul territorio.
Condizioni richieste per lo svolgimento dei programmi. Rapporti tra associazioni delle vittime e uffici di RJ. Restorative Justice e protezione della vittima: Quali possibili tutele formalizzate in una giustizia de-formalizzata? Le ricerche empiriche sulla soddisfazione della vittima: Un particolare caso problematico: A New Perspective http: Proposte in materia di risoluzione stragiudiziale dei conflitti e delle controversie www.
Matteo Murgia La mediazione del conflitto interno al carcere.
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The authors argue that while RAP patently did not succeed in abolishing prisons, it did contribute to significant changes in the debate over crime and punishment. Moreover, abolitionism or perhaps more accurately, neo-abolitionism remains highly relevant to practice including that of restorative justice and as a critical theory of criminal justice. Nova Science, The relationship between violence and shame is complex, bidirectional, and interactive, although research has tended to emphasize certain aspects of this association and to deemphasize others.
In particular, much has been written about shame as a consequence of violence victimization, suggesting that victims of interpersonal violence are at greater risk for developing global self-devaluations. However, for the purposes of this Directive, it also refers to a suspected or accused person before any acknowledgement of guilt or conviction, and it is without prejudice to the presumption of innocence preamble, point Such an assumption can be found in both the preliminary provisions of European codes of criminal procedure and in amendments introducing new rights for victims into these codes The proposed judicial option, Restorative Student Judicial Circles RSJC , incorporates principles of restorative justice to address issues of higher education student misconduct through inclusive student practices.
Topics reviewed consist of the definition of effectiveness within student judicial processes, including recidivism rates and personal development, procedural rights within such processes as well as innovative student judicial boards. Lastly, this article provides a detailed description of the proposed Restorative Student Judicial Circles and outlines how such processes may operate upon implementation within higher education settings.
Stephane Jasmin Kirven Isolation to empowerment: A review of the campus rape adjudication process Journal of International Criminal Justice Research, Volume 2 — September, This article highlights the state of sexual assaults on colleges and university campuses today and reviews the campus adjudication system under the standards of Title IX.
In light of these findings, this article introduces restorative justice as an alternative form of justice to reform the adjudicatory process in campus sexual assault cases while complying with the mandates of Title IX. John Braitwaite Evidence for Restorative Justice. A Review and Critique http: A request does not guarantee that a dialogue will take place: Sometimes victims are seen as too angry to become involved in a dialogue.
This process takes from six months to a year. The dialogue is a one-time only event. It takes place in a correctional facility where the offender is incarcerated. There is a facilitator present, and at times also support people for the victim and the offender. I have argued that The Unreceptive Wrongdoer gives us a reason to reject communicative, but not all expressive, theories. Punishment can succeed in expressing condemnation even when the punished is unreceptive to the message of condemnation.
Thus, expressive theories can account for our conviction that those serious criminals who are unlikely to be receptive to the message of their punishment should nevertheless be punished. Daryl Higgins, Kristen Davis Law and justice: An example of a mainstream diversionary program for car theft is U- urn, an automotive training course aimed at promoting behavioural change, giving positive life skills, and reducing recidivism. Utopia or a Developing Reality? We will try to corroborate our ideas through the penal abolitionism theory and the subsequent birth of new forms of Criminal Politics, namely the restorative justice.
So, it is our intent to question if the criminal punishment is inevitable or if it is possible to avoid it, especially as far as incarceration is concerned. All three of these practices have a shared set of goals. They seek to hold offenders accountable; empower victims; allow for the expression of feelings; clarify facts about the crime; provide an opportunity to address the impact of the crime on the victims and those around them; and come to an agreement about how the offender can make amends.
Jenni Ward Are problem-solving courts the way forward for justice? The concepts and practices of therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice have significantly influenced the development of court and legal practice associated with these programs. Alessandra Dal Moro A che punto siamo con la giustizia riparativa www.
Real Power or Empty Ritual? It affords a valuable opportunity for homeowners and lenders to consider mutually beneficial alternatives to foreclosure. The FDP continues to see a high level of activity. In , the FDP conducted 2, mediation sessions in 1, foreclosure cases. A total of 4, foreclosure cases were filed in Maine in , an increase from the 4, cases filed in The FDP has achieved positive results Sonia Chiaravalloti La mediazione familiare come strumento alternativo di risoluzione dei conflitti: V I n.
The completion status of participating offenders is tracked by noting whether the offender has fulfilled the expectations of their restorative justice agreement, by the completion date established in the restorative justice process. When the agreement is completed by the assigned completion date the process is considered successful. At the time of this survey there were also many processes that were pending completion. Some processes do not have a written agreement as an outcome or do not reach an agreement within the process.
These processes are not considered in the completion rates below. The aim of this paper is to analyse the approaches used in Mauritius to combatdomestic violence. It shows that in a first instance Mauritius had established coordinated community response initiatives CCRIs together with the implementation of a restitutive approach to deal with the issue. However, with the implementation of the Victim Empowerment and Abuser Rehabilitation Policy VEARP framework in the workplace, stakeholders have operationalised the concurrent use of the retributive and the restorative approaches to combat domestic violence.
Alternative models have been proposed. These approaches bring together people who have been affected by criminal activity and aim to achieve a reintegration of the offender into the broader community. Restorative justice processes take a large number of forms with widely varying relationships to usual criminal justice processes Stubbs, Restorative Justice in Prisons: A Literature Review The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, Can restorative justice be integrated into the criminal justice system and prison regime without losing its characteristic elements of respect, engagement and collaboration?
So returning to whether the dichotomy between restorative and retributive justice is a false one, perhaps it is helpful to avoid confusion between particular conceptions of punishment with the concept of punishment itself. Seen this way, restorative justice is not an alternative to punishment, but an alternative form of punishment. Giovanni Rossi Esperienze di giustizia riparativa http: A Restorative Justice Success Story www. By addressing the underlying mental illness and helping the participants deal with it appropriately, the expectation is that participants will be more apt to develop a sense of personal and social responsibility and move gradually toward self-sufficiency and integration into the community.
Lorenzo Passerini Glazel Il perdono come atto nomotrofico boa. Centro per la mediazione di Trento e Bolzano Carta dei servizi www. By contrast, retribution as just deserts is mainly predicted by a value restoration motive and by rightwing authoritarianism. After controlling for revenge, retribution as just deserts predicts support for procedural justice in the criminal courts The following is a consideration of how mainstream criminal sentencing can be reimagined to integrate restorative justice, and suggests that South Australia adopt legislation based on the Crimes Restorative Justice Act ACT in order to mandate restorative justice considerations as a compulsory part of the criminal sentencing process.
Don Weatherburn, Megan Macadam A review of restorative justice responses to offending journal. The review finds little reliable evidence that RJ reduces re-offending. Victims who participate in RJ are generally satisfied with the experience but it is unclear whether they are more satisfied than victims in similar cases that are dealt with in court. It appears to be a less expensive and more efficient way of finalizing criminal cases involving young people but, once again, the evidence on this issue at this stage is rather limited.
Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, Andrew J. Wistrich Contrition in the Courtroom: Do Apologies Affect Adjudication? Cornell Law Faculty Publications, Paper , Apologies usually help to repair social relationships and appease aggrieved parties. Previous research has demonstrated that in legal settings, apologies influence how litigants and juries evaluate both civil and criminal defendants. Judges, however, routinely encounter apologies offered for instrumental reasons, such as to reduce a civil damage award or fine, or to shorten a criminal sentence.
Frequent exposure to insincere apologies might make judges suspicious of or impervious to apologies. In a series of experimental studies with judges as research participants, we find that in some criminal settings, apologies can induce judges to be more lenient, but overall, apologizing to a judge is often unhelpful and can even be harmful. Effects on Offender Recidivism and Victim Satisfaction. A Systematic Review www. This definition covers a homogenous group of programs inspired by the work of the Australian theorist John Braithwaite and the Australian trainer John McDonald, whose dialogue spread both the idea of RJCs and the opportunity for rigorous evaluations of them from Canberra to the US and UK from through Bracken Restorative Justice with Inmates in a Canadian Penitentiary Faculty of Social Work - University of Manitoba Institute of Criminology University College Dublin March From the perspective of legal thought and jurisprudence, however, there have also been developments in Canada in which restorative principles have, for example, been adopted into sentencing principles contained in the Canadian criminal code.
Although it would be difficult to say that restorative justice as a broad concept has become the major focus of the Canadian criminal justice system, it has at least grown to be an accepted set of principles that can be applied in a variety of settings. Such a paradigm has in practice provided, while in need of further epistemological clarification, a solid account of itself in relation to the needs of the victim and the offender. Participation in mediation is suggested here as functional to the accountability of the minor, a critical step to attaining the activation of rehabilitation pathways, otherwise difficult to achieve.
Such considerations may induce the legislature towards non-deferrable regulatory interventions and the juvenile judiciary towards reflecting on its own legal culture, marked by paternalistic attitudes, at the expense of choices simply made in terms of lenience. Restorative justice approaches seek to prevent negative outcomes for juveniles by giving offender s , victim s , mediator s , and the broader community a voice in a dialogue and negotiation that determines reparative resolutions that heal harm and do not retributively exclude A study in New Zealand explored non-reporting of IPV, and the extent to which using restorative justice RJ could increase reporting of this type of crime.
La prospettiva in cui si pone il paradigma della giustizia riparativa ha, dunque, una rilevanza di carattere integrativo e, pertanto, merita di essere armonizzata e collocata negli spazi processuali idonei senza perdere di vista la tutela delle garanzie fondamentali. Elena Mattevi La giustizia riparativa ed il sistema del giudice di pace.
A review of effectiveness and costs www. Given the difficulties offenders may have with impulse control and with taking account of the impact of their behaviour, it may prove effective to show individuals the harm they have caused, and, as in some cases of restorative justice programmes, to require them to compensate for that harm by repairing damage or by engaging in community service. Thus, restorative justice is a form of intervention that merits further evaluation. As capacity for restorative justice improves, we would want to see the duty to inform victims about the availability of restorative justice amended to become a duty to offer restorative justice, as soon as the capacity to deliver this exists in every area.
Rebecca Brooks Is Restorative Justice the way forward to repair the harm experienced by crime victims? It occurs in the aftermath of a crime in a secure environment and allows the offender to have the opportunity to recognise the physical and psychological harm that has been caused, to the victim and their families, because of their actions. The aim is to highlight the impact of the crime, to offer resolution by helping to deal with the situation created, and to discuss any implications for the future.
Restorative justice is a philosophy that may inform how individuals and organizations relate to one another. It can also be a specific process used for a specific reason. Thus, it can be argued that restorative justice does not necessarily exist in a pure form. Restorative justice philosophies and practices typically have many moving pieces and variables, which provide challenges for program evaluation and delivering evidence-based practices.
Despite almost universal agreement of the claimed economic advantage, little research has been conducted validating such a claim. The following study examines contemporary restorative justice in the United States and provides a cost-effectiveness CE analysis comparing restorative practice with traditional criminal justice TCJ methods in Massachusetts. Furthermore, this economic analysis intends to provide the information necessary to promote broader policy changes introducing more restorative practice into the criminal justice system across Massachusetts.
Marco Venturoli La tutela della vittima nelle fonti europee www. Le ragioni di una tutela della vittima in sede europea. Le fonti europee in materia di tutela della vittima. Le fonti a carattere generale. Le fonti a carattere particolare. Rilievi in margine alla politica criminale europea in materia di protezione delle vittime. Il potenziamento degli strumenti della restorative justice quale via da privilegiare per la tutela delle vittime. L'opportuno potenziamento della tutela c.
La vittima nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia. Penso soprattutto al fatto che simili tentativi tendono ad annacquare la fondamentale e classica distinzione tra diritto penale e diritto civile quando ritengono che la migliore risposta al delitto sia la riparazione nei confronti delle vittime. Roberto Flor, Elena Mattevi a cura di Giustizia riparativa e mediazione penale in materie penali in Europa Greifswald, Germania, maggio - www. Essa ha rappresentato il primo momento di incontro e di scambio tra gli autori dei 36 rapporti nazionali sul tema, chiamati a descrivere le strategie, le procedure e gli interventi di giustizia riparativa sviluppati nei diversi paesi di provenienza, come supporto o alternativa alla giustizia penale tradizionale.
Josh Bowers, Paul H. Robinson Perceptions of Fairness and Justice: Specifically, in this Article, we aim to isolate and define the parameters of each dynamic, to compare and examine their similarities and differences, and to explore the settings in which the two run together or more rarely cross-wise. Davide Bianchi Sull'efficacia extrapenale della sentenza di proscioglimento per avvenuta riparazione del danno ex art.
Nota a Tribunale di Pisa, sez. Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Venezia, Ordinanza 7 gennaio , n. Comparing Greece and The United Kingdom www. There is general consensus among feminists and victim advocates that RJ is not appropriate for such cases, particularly when it comes to intimate partner violence. Consequently, this area of practice remains under-researched and in the shadow of the law. Nevertheless, this does not hinder passionate practitioners from piloting conferences, mediation and other RJ programmes, most of the time without any government support.
Eur J Crim Policy Res The general picture emerges that there is a huge variation in levels of victim protection across the EU. An Answer to the Call of the Gospel of St. In a functional justice system, due process and equal protection are the very foundations. And while Restorative Justice focuses on a more humanistic view and implementation of justice, it too would be flawed without the procedural protections afforded by a formal and functional justice system. Restorative Justice should therefore be viewed as a parallel or tandem process to the institutionalized justice industry Shadd Maruna Lessons for justice reinvestment from restorative justice and the justice model experience: A Working Guide for Our Schools Alameda County School Health Services Coalition, Brenda Morrison illustrates ways in which restorative practices can be applied — from prevention to intense intervention — with a pyramid.
The pyramid is adapted from a public health model where the base affects the whole population; the second tier affects a moderate portion of the population; and the top tier affects a small portion of the population. The idea is that if preventive issues are addressed at the base, and difficulties are managed at the second tier, there will be fewer in need of intensive intervention at the top tier.
Giovanna Fanci La vittimizzazione secondaria: Should It Be Protective or Proactive? Arianna Silvestri ed Lessons for the Coalition: Tommaso Edoardo Frosini Un diverso paradigma di giustizia: Si tratta, quindi, di fenomeni eterogenei, caratterizzati dal fatto di essere volti a risolvere i conflitti senza pervenire alla decisione del giudice ordinario, in quanto basati sul potere riconosciuto alle parti di disporre delle loro controversie.
Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community. Rooted in the juvenile justice systems of North America, with a focus on non-violent property crimes, restorative justice policy and practice are now present at virtually all levels of adult and juvenile justice systems, even handling severely violent crimes. Restorative justice and dialogue have now moved far beyond the justice systems of the world and are found in school settings, workplaces, faith communities, and even in the context of deeply-entrenched political violence, such as in Israel and Palestine, and in post-conflict societies such as Northern Ireland, South Africa, Liberia, and Rwanda.
Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring The modem restorative justice movement has extended retributivist theory to include practical ways of determining what type of punishment is deserved in a particular situation. Generally, three distinct models have emerged: Additionally, restorative justice interventions have been associated with reductions in recidivism for an average of seven percent of participants across all models. Marco Bouchard La giustizia riparativa — un panorama europeo Corso di Formazione CSM 7 marzo E' vero che, in generale e anche in Italia, la riparazione penale ha meglio attecchito nella giustizia minorile piuttosto che nel sistema penale degli adulti.
International organizations have recently issued statements and recommendations endorsing a restorative approach to offending. At first glance, this expansion alone suggests that restorative justice practices are indeed a feasible response to crime, and that they are attractive to an increasing proportion of the general population, justice officials, and policymakers. March During the past 30 years, a restorative justice movement has emerged in Canada.
It is a movement that finds the current justice system inadequate in terms of dealing with offenders, victims and communities in the aftermath of crime. The current criminal justice system is seen as retributive, concentrating solely on fixing blame and guilt. Restorative justice asserts that victims are forgotten entities in the current justice process and should have a greater role in determining the outcome of their case.
Restorative Justice RJ is not a program, but a way of looking at crime. It can be defined as a response to crime that focuses on restoring the losses suffered by victims, holding offenders accountable for the harm they have caused, and building peace within communities. Prospettive internazionali, europee e nazionali. Maria Chiara Di Gangi La mediazione penale quale metodo alternativo di soluzione del conflitto nella prospettiva comparatistica www.
Il dibattito italiano sugli scopi della pena. La mediazione penale in Austria, Germania ed in Francia. La mediazione penale quale metodo A. Anne Hayden Why Rock the Boat? This study critically examines the reasons for non-reporting of intimate partner violence IPV. It explores the thesis that the use of restorative justice processes could impact on the rate of reporting and victims seeking early interventions for this form of offending, or giving victims more choice, and therefore power This paper examines the opportunities for forgiveness provided through the integration of restorative justice within the Western criminal justice system.
Additionally, the effects such integration would have on increasing forgiveness as a probable outcome are also discussed. It critiques existing debates regarding its implementation, supplementing these interpretations with empirical data collected from victims participating in an extensive restorative justice programme currently operating within the United Kingdom. ADR processes may, for example, lead to a meeting between parties where an apology is offered.
They can also facilitate an aggrieved party to participate in the creation of new arrangements or procedures to prevent a recurrence of the incident in dispute. This underlines a key element of ADR — that it has the potential to enhance the empowerment of those involved in its processes. A memorial to victims of a perceived wrong can also emerge from a mediated agreement. The flexibility offered by ADR processes is an important aspect of a civil justice system in its widest sense.
The term is however often used loosely, inconsistently and in apparently different senses. The three bodies of work are that of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, criminal justice theorists and accounts of African Traditional Justice Mechanisms. With a clearer picture of what these respective sources mean when referring to restorative justice, the discussion then turns to the potential relevance and significance of these conceptions of restorative justice for transitional justice. To the extent that restorative justice conferencing approaches are included in the management of criminal cases, they tend to be confined to the post-adjudicative phase.
Increasingly, courts are adopting criminal conferencing approaches in the pre-trial, pre-adjudicatory phase of the management of a criminal case as dispute resolution tools. The paper considers whether the distinction between the pre and post adjudicative phases is compelling. It can be argued, however, that the idea is to empower victims and offenders to resolve matters themselves, so what is right for them is right. The best solution is probably that of the New Zealand juvenile system: Within and Cross Partner Effects Univ.
Do forgiveness and conflict tactics compromise, aggression, and avoidance in response to conflicts instigated by a romantic partner's offence uniquely predict effective arguing and relationship quality? Using 92 Italian couples we tested a mediational model in which each partner's responses to conflict predicted bothe partners' perceived effective arguing that, in turn, predict their own relationship quality.
For both men and women, negative responses to conflict unforgiveness, aggression, and avoidance overlapped and jointly predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality, directly and indirectly via effective arguing. Positive responses investigated benevolence and compromise did not overlap for either men or women. Men's positive positive responses to conflict uniquely predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality via effective arguing, whereas women's positive responses did not predict them independently of their male partner's tactics.
European best practices of restorative justice in the criminal procedure Budapest Nevertheless there are places in the world where restorative processes have worked successfully and been well received by victims. This report includes as many of these projects as the authors could find in a limited time House of Commons Justice Committee Cutting crime: First Report of Session —10 www.
Moral Agency and the Role of Victims in Reparations Programs Florida International University, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, December When past injustices resist material redress, symbolic acts provide past violators with an opportunity to show their remorse and commitment not to repeat the unjust behavior. These actions can take a variety of forms including individual compensation awards, community memorial funds, the creation of monuments and museums, the development and support of educational and cultural awareness programs, the establishment of national holidays, and the national commemoration of victims.
Realizing Contemporary Indigenous Visions of Justice in Canada Through the Culturally Sensitive Interpretations of Legal Rights The University of British Columbia Vancouver , October Restorative justice is often presented as a more constructive approach to dealing with crime than adversarial and punitive approaches. This provides considerable impetus behind Indigenous demands for jurisdiction over justice as Indigenous communities often portray their own justice practices, many of which parallel restorative justice, as effective alternatives Of particular significance to proponents of restorative justice is Christie's assertion that conflict is the "property" of the victim.
Normatively then, victims should assume a central role in justice responses to crime and anti-social behavior. But empirically, have they? Elias rather emphatically makes the case that they have not: Humphrey, Gale Burford, Meredith P. Huey Reparative versus Standard Probation: Community Justice Outcomes http: Data provided by the Vermont Department of Corrections, which included information from all fourteen Vermont District Courts, formed the basis for the analysis.
Leonardo Carpentieri Restorative Justice in France: Restorative justice is not a well known concept in France today. Although mediation between victims and offenders is favoured and encouraged, restoration is not yet a leading principle for conflict resolution. Nonetheless, Restorative justice is slowly developing and getting a foothold into the French legal system. Restorative justice is largely based on social and community-oriented initiatives, which clashes with major French legal principles. More strikingly, French law professionals and policy makers have a hard time integrating restorative approaches mainly because of the lack of legal basis for Restorative justice as an autonomous alternative tool for dispute resolution.
Michelle Funk Comparative Justice Reform: What Are the Lessons for British Columbia? University of Manitoba, Currently in England and Wales, restorative justice initiatives are encouraged and supported through significant research and development at the levels of government, community NGOs and university research. For example, at the government level in a Green Paper, Breaking the Cycle: Effective Punishment Rehabilitation and Sentencing of Offenders, called for considerable changes in the way justice is delivered for victims, offenders and the community along with advancements in the implementation, development and continuation of restorative justice processes.
Michele Riondino Giustizia riparativa e mediazione minorile www. Talvolta essa sembra addirittura gridare al vento e rassegnarsi ad appoggiare una visione repressiva della giustizia. Crediamo ancora che la pietra scagliata sia chiamata a diventare la pietra angolare del Regno? David Polizzi, Bruce A. A Conversational Critique Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, , Vol 1 2 , Instead, I see an affirmative postmodernism, informed by phenomenology, but extended into chaos theory, cultural criminology, post-structuralism, critical theory, constitutive thought, and psychoanalytic semiotics.
Can we Punish the Perpetrators of Atrocities? Brudholm Thomas, Cushman Thomas ed. The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. If all that we do to the offender is to express our anger; or threaten him with sanctions to deter him or others from future crimes; or subject him to restraints to incapacitate him from future crimes; or impose on him some quantum of suffering that is meant to match, in some cosmic balance, the wrong he committed: Damaska The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository, We saw that in criminal proceedings-in the retributive part of the process-judges are authorized to give redress only to victims of crimes which they have tried.
Reparation claims of victims can thus often be processed on an individual, piecemeal basis, with an eye toward the ideal of full restitution. Later, Latin America once again helped reshape the terms of the truth v. Il diritto come mediazione. Teoria, prassi e critica della giustizia riparativa www. Creating Paths for Offender Reintegration www. Prison confinement dehumanizes and diminishes individuals, resulting in former inmates being less capable of effectively reintegrating into society Restorative justice principles must be incorporated into programmes offered to inmates.
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Programmes are also designed to achieve behavioural change A Theoretical Analysis www. Our research extends the existing literature by showing that reducing litigation rate is not always socially efficient. Using this framework, we derive policy implications for access to justice and judicial economy.
Risk models, effective interventions and risk management www. The reduction in overall criminal recidivism for participants was Interestingly, the reduction in specifically violent recidivism was more dramatic, at The fourth report from the evaluation of three schemes www. A key aim for the restorative justice schemes was that those who received restorative justice should be reconvicted less often or less frequently, or for offences of lower seriousness than those who did not experience restorative justice, represented by the control group.
However, one has to be realistic in expectations for reconviction Ministere de la Justice Service des Affaires Europeennes et Internationales Paris Inventaire des dispositifs et des procedures favorisant les rencontres entre les victimes et les auteurs dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la Justice Restaurative. Le cas du Canada www. Le cas du Belgique www. Supporting the implementation of restorative justice in the South of Europe http: In , more than programmes existed in Europe. Since then, restorative justice practices have further evolved and victim-offender mediation legislation has already been passed in many countries.
Elle est un espace de reconnaissance. Il suo terreno si espande oltre i confini del diritto ma al tempo stesso limita il diritto tutte le volte che deborda dalle sue funzioni, diventando inefficace o addirittura pericoloso. Ermanno Roberto Tura, Recensione: Restorative justice proponents suggest that all individuals affected by a crime should have an opportunity to heal, which in turn creates safer communities and more positive outcomes for both victims and offenders. Media, civil society and citizens http: However, there have been some positive outcomes of the sentencing reforms.
First, Canada's incarceration rates have declined significantly. As a prominent criminologist has noted, this country has experienced "a reduction in the use of custody on a scale unparalleled in western nations. What is it and Does it Work? Georgetown University Law Center, This article reviews the now extensive literature on the varied arenas in which restorative justice is theorized and practiced—criminal violations, community ruptures and disputes, civil wars, regime change, human rights violations, and international law.
It also reviews—by examining empirical studies of the processes in different settings— how restorative justice has been criticized, what its limitations and achievements might be, and how it might be understood. I explore the foundational concepts of reintegrative shaming, acknowledgment and responsibility, restitution, truth and reconciliation, and sentencing or healing circles for their transformative and theoretical potentials and for their actual practices in a variety of locations— family abuse, juvenile delinquency, criminal violations, problemsolving courts, indigenous-colonial-national disputes, ethnic and religious conflicts, civil wars, and liberation struggles.
Strengthens judicial modernization efforts; 2. Delay reduction by unclogging courts; 3. Increases access to justice for the poorest disputants; 4. Reduces costs of justice for all users; 5. Preserves, improves or restores relationships among disputants; 6. Supports economic development by reducing transaction costs of disputes and increasing certainty of investments; 7. Increases satisfaction of the users. Alfonso Peter Castro, Antonia Engel Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management.
Case Studies and Lessons Learned FAO, Alternative conflict management uses participatory negotiation, mediation and related procedures similar to those that already exist in most local conflict management systems. It also has the virtue of being flexible and offering generally low-cost access to conflict management processes. Eriger les souffrances de la victime comme paradigme de la justice restaurative constitue une graveerreur. Son ambition est plus prometteuse: The Reemergence of Traditional Dispute Resolution in Native American Communities Journal of Dispute Resolution, Although scholars use a variety of terms to describe the non-adversarial approach to criminal conflict resolution traditionally utilized by many Native American groups, many writers categorize these traditional processes as types of restorative justice.
Although a precise definition is difficult to verbalize because of the many shapes that the process can take, restorative justice often combines, "within a criminal justice framework, elements of mediation and reparative justice. The second report from the evaluation of three schemes The University of Sheffield, July The French Phantoms of Restorative Justice: Robert, editors, Institutionalizing Restorative Justice.
Cullomption, Devon and Portland: Willan Publishing Press, , Mario Chiavario Processo penale e alternative: Alternative e garanzie del diritto di difesa e del contraddittorio. Alternative e ragionevole durata del processo. La conciliazione quale forma di ADR. I vantaggi del ricorso alla conciliazione. Le diverse classificazioni delle tipologie di conciliazione. La conciliazione stragiudiziale e il ruolo delle Camere di Commercio. Il quadro di riferimento europeo. La conciliazione stragiudiziale in materia societaria e i Regolamenti attuativi: La Proposta di Direttiva del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio relativa a determinati aspetti della mediazione in materia civile e commerciale.
Le iniziative interne de iure condendo. Such expressions of empathy by the victims rehumanize the perpetrators and render them as individuals who have committed bad acts, rather than bad and immoral people. The Need-Based Model of reconciliation suggests that the weaker party in the conflict, which is also likely to experience itself as the victim, will be more ready to reconcile after receiving a message which contains an acceptance of responsibility for past wrongdoings than after a message which expresses empathy to their suffering.
Reflections of a Radical Criminologist http: The challenge where safety is threatened is to mobilize concerned parties to work things out as best they can with those who have hurt and who threaten them. Yossawan Boriboonthana The effect of restorative justice practices on crime victims: Does victim-offender mediation reduce psychological distress and fear of crime among victims?
And in what extent? Do victims, who experience exchange of information, validation, material reparation,symbolic reparation and empowerment during the mediation process show less distress and fear of crime than those who do not? Umbreit, Betty Vos, Robert B. She is able to express the full impact of the crime, get answers to many questions, and help develop a plan to repair the harm. Her involvement in this community-based victim-offender mediation program leads to a deep sense of satisfaction, fairness, and ability to move on with her life.
Meeting his victim has a huge impact on the young offender and leads to his getting his life in order and staying out of further criminal activity. A Global Journal 5: While restorative justice was originally introduced in schools to address serious incidents of misconduct and harmful behavior, the potential this philosophy offers is much greater. The conviction is that the key challenge for schools is addressing the culture change required to make the shift from traditional discipline, driven by punitive or rewards based external motivators, to restorative discipline, driven by relational motivators that seek to empower individuals and their communities.
As Sullivan and Tifft point out, communities may disable people, leading to the view that RJ might never be successful unless radical changes were made in existing social structures and processes: In our current system, we are preoccupied with retribution instead of restoring the victims and healing the harm done.
From here stems the goals of restorative justice: Restorative justice is concerned with healing the wounded victim: It expects offenders to rectify the harms they have inflicted It then makes clear distinctions between restorative justice and the rehabilitative ideal and addresses the criticism that, like rehabilitation, restorative justice results in different punishments to equally culpable offenders.
The paper concludes that restorative justice does not contradict retribution and utility as theoretical justifications for penal sanctioning. That there exist limits on what RJ can achieve should not be grounds for dispensing with it, nor for being disillusioned, once again, with a new justice idea. My reading of the evidence is that face-to-face encounters between victims and offenders and their supporters is a practice worth maintaining, and perhaps enlarging, although we cannot expect it to deliver strong stories of repair and goodwill most of the time.
The author argues that restorative justice processes are likely to meet the conditions of a legitimate sanction for offenders and victims alike. Finally, the author considers four main critiques of restorative justice processes: Most people are more willing to modify their behavior when they decide that change is something they want to do.
However, most of our structures still depend on coercion and authority and do not value cooperative decision-making as a central part of the organizational structure. Devising structures that prefer the use of cooperative and restorative models can help change old patterns of thinking and move people in new and more constructive directions. These can be traced back to ancient Arab, Greek, Indian and Roman civilisations. Native American sentencing circles and Maori justice in New Zealand are good examples. It has origins in the Australian Aboriginal methods of resolving disputes. Familial perspectives of indigenous people across the globe sought to repair harm done to communities and individuals.
They engaged the transgressor of laws or customs in a process that empowered those with a stake in it to restore the equilibrium of the community by addressing the needs of the victim and reintegrating the offender. Telematic Journal of Clinical Criminology, Marattia intermedia, Phlebopteris muensteri, P. Several fragments of lustred pottery coming from the collection of the Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo and excavated in Siracusa, were studied through non-invasive ion beam techniques in the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France in Paris.
Up to now only aesthetic and stylistic analysis were available for these objects, and their provenances and dating were unknown or uncertain; moreover, the question concerning a possible local production was still debated. Compositions of pottery and glazed parts were thus obtained by Particle Induced X-ray Emission analysis, while the depth distribution of element of the lustre was analyzed by the Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry technique. The obtained results provided important information on possible origin and production period of the objects.
Standardized models for atmospheric diffusion applied to an highly industrialized area Taranto, Italy: The air concentration values estimated by the three models are similar comparing the order of magnitude; only under specific meteo conditions such as wind calm conditions and near the emission sources, the three models lead to different results. Environmental radioactivity networks in Italy , ; Reti nazionali di sorveglianza della radioattivita' ambientale in Italia: This report contains the environmental radioactivity data collected in Italy from to by the National Environmental Radioactivity Networks of Italy.
The National Environmental Protection Agency ANPA is law-fully responsible for publishing the environmental and dietary contamination data, provided by the organisations participating to the National Environmental Radioactivity Networks. The complete list of the participants is reported at the end of the present document. The National Environmental Radioactivity Networks of Italy are aimed at survey of the pattern of environmental and dietary contamination in order to assess the radiation doses which the Italian population may receive.
The sampling networks have been designed on regional basis, to provide information on the average extent of environmental and dietary contamination. The sampling programmes are planned to obtain representative samples able to reveal the average situation both in time and space. To guarantee that the laboratories of the organisations participating to the National Environmental Radioactivity Networks, perform measurements with a certain degree of accuracy and maintain the quality of their systems, the National Environmental Protection Agency organises yearly an intercalibration programme of the analytical methods used for measuring radioactivity in food and environmental samples.
Routine tests with transfer standards are used for accurate calibration, so that the results can be traceable to a common reference point. Obiettivo principale delle Reti Nazionali e' il rilevamento dell'andamento della radioattivita' ambientale sul territorio nazionale, al. Electromagnetic methods to characterize the Savoia di Lucania waste dump Southern Italy. The aim of this work is the joint application and integration of non-invasive geoelectrical methods for studying the landfill of Savoia di Lucania Southern Italy.
The landfill of Savoia di Lucania has been built with a reinforced concrete material and coated with a high-density polyethylene HDPE liner. Three electrical resistivity tomographies ERT , two self-potential SP map surveys and one induced polarization IP section have been performed, both in the surrounding area and inside the waste landfill.
The geophysical investigations have well defined some buried boundaries of the landfill basin and localized the leachate accumulation zones inside the dumpsite. Comparison of our results with other engineering and geological investigations could be the key for evaluating the integrity of the HDPE liner. Finally, the joint use of the ERT, IP and SP methods seems to be a promising tool for studying and designing new monitoring systems able to perform a time-lapse analysis of waste landfill geometry and integrity.
Toxicological biomarkers in the analysis of Orbetello lagoon Italy ; Biomarkers nella valutazione della qualita' di un sistema lagunare. Toxicological risk assessment in the Orbetello lagoon Grosseto, Italy was carried by two approaches: Overall results indicate that the lagoon is highly polluted. Of the three study sites, the highest concentrations of HCBs, DDTs and PCBs were observed in specimens from the mouth of the river Albegna, in which butyrylcholinesterase induction usually attributed to organophosphates OPs and carbamates CBs , was considerable, as well.
Liberata, once known to be the most pristine site, showed clear signs of environmental degradation with high levels of Pb, Cd and organochlorine compounds, including PCBs. Benzopyrene monooxygenase BPMO values also seem to confirm such chemical stress. High levels of Hg and largely accumulated protoporphyrins and total porphyrins in C. Su esemplari di Carcinus aestuarii, scelti come organismi bioindicatori e campionati in tre aree.
Effects on water quality from mud clearance operations in the Pezze' hydropower basin Trentino, Italy ; Effetti sulla qualita' delle acque legati alle operazioni di dissabbiamento del bacino idroelettrico di Pezze' di Moena Trentino. The present paper describes dynamic concentration for various parameters, that have been monitored through both continuous and instant samplings, during maintenance operations mud deposit clearance in a hydropower basin along Torrent Avisio in Trentino region, Italy.
Aim of the work is to demonstrate that, during such operations, an organic water pollution occur besides turbidity. The former is well expressed by a marked value increment of different parameters, as total phosphorus, ammonium and organic matter. Scopo del lavoro e' la dimostrazione della consistenza, in occasione di tali eventi, di un inquinamento delle acque, oltre che di tipo inorganico intorbidimento , anche di tipo organico cioe' caratterizzato da uno spiccato incremento, rispetto alle condizioni normali, di una serie di parametri fra cui fosforo totale, azoto ammoniacale e sostanza organica.
The Vallo di Diano is the largest Quaternary extensional basin in the southern Apennines thrust-belt axis Italy. Holocene activity has been documented so far only for the Polla segment. The latter is characterized by a complex system of coalescent alluvial fans, Middle Pleistocene to Holocene in age. Moreover, a trench excavated across a 2 m high scarp affecting a Holocene fan revealed warping of Late Holocene debris flow deposits, with a total vertical throw of about 0. We therefore infer the overlap zone of the Atena Lucana-Sala Consilina and Padula faults is a breached relay ramp, generated by hard-linkage of the two fault segments since Late Pleistocene.
Computer codes application to evaluate comparative analysis of environmental compatibility between waste treatment plants and site characterization of Matera southern Italy ; Applicazioni del codice di calcolo SITEVAL per l'analisi della compatibilita' ambientale degli impianti di smaltimento e recupero dei rifiuti alle discariche non controllate presenti nella provincia di Matera. The report presents the software SITEVAL aimed at tackling the comparative analysis of environmental compatibility between waste treatment plants and hosting areas.
The SITEVAL application for non-monitored urban waste landfills in the province of Matera southern Italy is showed with the objective to identify the more relevant environmental components in such landfills. Il codice ha permesso di stilare graduatorie di compatibilita' delle discariche non controllate e di definire l'interdipendenza dei risultati dalla scelta dei parametri di input del programma. On the profile evolution of three artificial pebble beaches at Marina di Pisa, Italy.
In this paper, the profiles of three artificial coarse-grained beaches located at Marina di Pisa Tuscany, Italy were monitored from April to May in order to define the response of the beaches to major storms that occurred during the study. Two beaches are similar, the third differs in length and in the level of protection, being less than half the length of the others and devoid of an offshore submerged breakwater. The work was achieved by means of accurate topographic surveys intended to reconstruct the beach profile from the backshore up to the foreshore-upper shoreface transition step.
The most significant features of the beaches were tracked during each survey; in particular, the landward foot of the storm berm, the crest of the storm berm, the coastline, and the step crest were monitored. Five cross-shore transects were traced on each beach. Along these transects, any meaningful slope change was recorded to obtain accurate sections of the beach. The field datasets were processed with AutoCAD software to compare the beach profile evolution during the year-long research. The results showed a comparable evolution of the twin beaches: Due to the absence of the breakwater, the third beach was characterized by even higher values of recession over 20 m , and showed hints of wave reflection-related processes after the huge, steep storm berm had been formed and grown after the high energy events.
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These processes were not as evident on the twin beaches. These results underline the different response of three similar protection schemes, and the importance that frequent monitoring of the beach morphology holds when it comes to coastal management issues. Specific indicators for Italy in impact evaluation; Life cycle assessment: Maria di Galeria, RM Italy.

After a brief recall and a short description of the LCA life cycle assessment methodology, the work is focused on the impact assessment step, discussing the state of the art and a critical identification of environmental indicators, of normalization and weighting principles for the different environmental categories specific for Italy. The application methodology to a case study concerning the production of butter by the Consorzio Granterre of Modena Italy is also described.
Viene descritta l'applicazione ad un caso concreto relativo alla produzione del burro nel consorzio Granterre di Modena. Energia; Scimia, E [Bologna Univ. For "Background Notes" on Italy , the U. State Department, Bureau of Public Affairs, covers geography, people, history, government, politics, economy, defense and foreign relations. The life expectancy is 73 years; the infant mortality rate is The current constitutional republic has existed since Most of the country is mountainous, without significant food, energy or natural resources, so Italy 's central position in the Mediterranean has influenced economic development since ancient times.
The nation is highly homogeneous, as the government is centralized. Although there are several influential political parties, the diverse structure of the Christian Democrats has given them power since the war. Italy is a member of NATO. Debris flow hazard modelling on medium scale: Valtellina di Tirano, Italy. Full Text Available Debris flow hazard modelling at medium regional scale has been subject of various studies in recent years.
In this study, hazard zonation was carried out, incorporating information about debris flow initiation probability spatial and temporal, and the delimitation of the potential runout areas. The complexity of the phenomenon, the scale of the study, the variability of local conditioning factors, and the lacking data limited the use of process-based models for the runout zone delimitation. Firstly, a map of hazard initiation probabilities was prepared for the study area, based on the available susceptibility zoning information, and the analysis of two sets of aerial photographs for the temporal probability estimation.
Afterwards, the hazard initiation map was used as one of the inputs for an empirical GIS-based model Flow-R, developed at the University of Lausanne Switzerland. An estimation of the debris flow magnitude was neglected as the main aim of the analysis was to prepare a debris flow hazard map at medium scale. A digital elevation model, with a 10 m resolution, was used together with landuse, geology and debris flow hazard initiation maps as inputs of the Flow-R model to restrict potential areas within each hazard initiation probability class to locations where debris flows are most likely to initiate.
Afterwards, runout areas were calculated using multiple flow direction and energy based algorithms. Maximum probable runout zones were calibrated using documented past events and aerial photographs. Finally, two debris flow hazard maps were prepared. The first simply delimits five hazard zones, while the second incorporates the information about debris flow spreading direction probabilities, showing areas more likely to be affected by future debris flows.
Limitations of the modelling arise. In the current paper the occurrence of Salamandra atra aurorae is described for the Altopiano di Vezzena, Trentino. The aim of this paper is to review the distribution as well as to comment on the conservational status of the subspecies in Trentino. T he wetland consists of a bog and its surroundings, referred to as wetland components, that are both subjected to a diversified intermediate management regime DIMR. T he application of the DIMR for plant species conservation resulted in the establishment of 11 wetland zones with a characteristic vegetation.
In a three year sampling program, C oleoptera and Heteroptera representing species from 14 families were collected. Among these species, 64 species share both wetland components, 11 are restricted to the bog and 63 were found in the surroundings only. Among the species pool there were 23 tyrphophile taxa and only one tyrphobiont. With the exception of one zone, all zones are inhabited by zone-specific species.
By taking into account both the general species pool and the pool of species of particular interest to conservationists, only one zone can be considered as redundant since it is inhabited by species that occur also in other zones. Hence, all the zones, with one exception, are effective for species pool conservation. The existing DIMR implemented for plant species conservation is also effective for conserving the species pool of C oleoptera and Heteroptera. Debris flows risk analysis and direct loss estimation: Physical geography Impact factor: Through the intercalibration, organised according to internationally accepted methodologies, each WBC centre could check its own calibration procedures.
A proposal of MDA definition and assessment procedure resulted from the intercomparison campaign. Obiettivo principale delle Reti Nazionali e' il rilevamento dell'andamento della radioattivita. Full Text Available A textural and geochemical characterization of sediments from the Sacca di Goro lagoon floor has been performed in order to evaluate the present day granulometric distribution and the geochemical budget with respect to literature values.
Results show that the present day superficial sediment are coarser in grain size with respect to those studied in the past, in turn implying lower concentrations of Potentially Toxic Elements PTE. PTE enrichments miming those observed 20 years ago are recorded only locally, in connection with parallel increase of fine fraction and organic matter. Traces of Cu, V and Pb have been also found in the shells of farmed Manila clam Ruditapes Philippinarum collected within the sediment samples, suggesting PTE bioavailability and accumulation.
The comparison of the results with literature data highlights that PTE contents of the Sacca di Goro lagoon deserve more frequent and systematic monitoring both for the high hydrodynamicity of this environment and for the high anthropogenic impact. The analysis of metals in Manila clam shells has a twofold purpose because it represents a further biomarker of the ecosystem, and also provide a geochemical fingerprint of the local shellfish production that could help the traceability in the market, and discrimination from shellfish produced in other area that are not properly controlled from the sanitary point of view.
Sugli obiettivi di una riforma tributaria in Italia. The aims of a taxation reform in Italy. Full Text Available The drawbacks and deficiencies of the Italian fiscal system have become such and so many that a structural revision is urgent both concerning legislation and the organisation of the tax system.
The first aim of a reform must be to make the system clear and simple. Secondly, the progressiveness of the system must be announced. Third, the fiscal system should become an instrument of economic planning. The paper puts forward a reform proposal and draws a set of priorities for the reorganisation of fiscal structures and jurisdictions in Italy.
A palynological investigation reveals important changes in the vegetation due to anthropogenic pressure. The establishment of the pile-dwelling, dated to ca. According to AMS dates and previous archaeological chronologies, the pile-dwelling persisted for about years from ca. The history of the pile-dwelling after ca. Rarefaction analysis was applied to estimate changes of palynological richness through time: The comparison of pollen data with archaeobotanical evidence indicates that Fragaria vesca, Malus sylvestris, Papaver somniferum and Physalis alkekengi were gathered at some distance from the site and that Linum usitatissimum is strongly under-represented in pollen samples.
Crop cultivation can be estimated for a radius of several hundred metres around the mire. An extensive set of dinosaur prints were discovered a few years ago and are now the subject of ichnological and paleobiological studies. The prints which are described in present short note are believed to represent the right and left foot of the same individual, set in a side-by-side, sub-parallel, sitting posture. The prints can be classified as Anomoepus Hitchcock By contrast, the prints found at Lavini di Marco differ from the Anomoepus found in central-east Europe. These characters would seem to confirm the Gondwanic origins of the Rovereto ichnofauna as previously supposed from the study of other taxa.
This paper starts with an analysis of two contemporary typologies of travel book — the erudite collection and meta-travel — and intends to explore the main features of Un viaggio in Italia by Guido Ceronetti. The result of this travel book is a complex report that illustrates the lost richness of the. The present report describes the methodology and the main results of an environmental study aimed at the selection of the optimal sites for incineration plant of Refuse Derived Fuel RDF and the associated waste disposal landfill, in a defined territory.
In essence, the methodology takes into account both the major and extant descriptive elements of the environment under scrutiny, and the project main elements of the proposed plant. Additionally, considerations were included regarding the location of all the segments of the entire disposal plant, particularly the disposal landfill which is usually responsible for the greatest environmental impact. Finally, the results were compared with the limits indicated by the present regulations. Similar methods, were previously applied to different territories, and are still in progress.
In order to estimate the fate of the air bone discharges from the incinerator into the selected potential area, a meteorological and diffusive study was undertaken to calculate the average annual levels by depositions on ground through dry and wet mechanisms. By comparison with the regulatory limits imposed to the stack emissions by the EEC Directives, the calculated ground level depositions were considerably lower. By taking into account a number of environmental features such as the subjection of water-bearing layers, low risk of modification of ecological processes, low impact on the agricultural activities , of logistic reasons large average extension to allow the location of all plants , and socio-economic elements presence of large industrial plants, lower density of housing distribution , 14 sub-areas were identified and selected, mainly concentrated in the central.
A multi-disciplinary approach to study coastal complex landslides: This work illustrates the studies carried out on a complex landslide phenomenon between the Sangro and Osento River's mouths, near Torino di Sangro village in Southern Abruzzo Region Italy. The Torino di Sangro case study can be regarded as representative of many large landslides distributed along the central Adriatic coast e. The main controlling factors of these large and deep-seated landslides are still debated.
From the geological and geomorphological viewpoint, the central Adriatic coast is characterized by a low-relief landscape mesa carved on clay-sandstone-conglomerate bedrock belonging to the Upper Pliocene - Lower Pleistocene marine deposits and locally to the Middle Pleistocene marine to continental transitional deposits. This high coast is widely affected by slope instability rock falls, rotational, complex and shallow landslides on both active and inactive sea cliffs, the first being mainly affected by wave-cut erosion and the latter influenced by heavy rainfall and changes of pore pressure.
The main landslide has the typical characteristics of a deep-seated gravitation deformation. The landslide study was based on a multidisciplinary approach including: Analysis of quality life in two factories of Civita Castellana pottery district Italy ; Percezione delle condizioni ambientali di lavoro e di vita degli addetti di due aziende di manufatti ceramici del comprensorio di Civita Castellana.
Area Energia Ambiente e Salute. The aim of this research is the analysis of job satisfaction and quality of life in two of the most important representative factories of Civita Castellana pottery district located near Rome Italy. The structured interviews in-table-ware 17 women and 55 men; in sanitary-ware 30 men and 1 woman emphasize the experience at work, the opinions and attitudes about it and the style of life. The results obtained confirm the different Organizational Constraint OC in the two factories that have various degrees of technology innovation.
Nevertheless the workers who were interviewed show high job satisfaction and high degree of life: This incongruence is dealt with in this work. Methane emissions from sanitary landfills in Italy. Evaluation and forecasting; Le emissioni di metano dalle discariche di rifiuti in Italia: The report estimates the methane emissions from landfills by three different methodologies derived from IPCC experiences. A detailed evaluation of solid waste production MSW composition is shown in order to update results obtained from old researches. Finally it shows a prediction of MSW production from to in different scenarios related to MSW management strategies.
Riporta infine per il periodo , la stima della produzione e dello smaltimento dei rifiuti e la predisposizione di diversi scenari futuri di emissione del metano, relativi a differenti scelte all'interno del sistema di gestione dei rifiuti. Two hundred and thirty three spawning sites original and 66 derived from literature, and 11 amphibian species were found. Reproductive activity was recorded for Salamandra salamandra, Salamandrina terdigitata, Triturus carnifex, Lissotriton italicus, Bufo bufo, Hyla intermedia, Rana italica, Rana dalmatina and Pelophylax synkl.
The distribution record of many species is widely improved with respect to bibliographic data. Gregorio Magno faulted basin Southern Italy. A dataset from 11 soundings, distributed along a nearly N-S m long profile, was acquired in the basin's easternmost area, where the fewest data are available as to the faulting shallow features. A preliminary skew analysis allowed a prevailing 2D nature of the dataset to be ascertained.
Then, using a single-site multi-frequency approach, Dantzig's simplex algorithm was introduced for the first time to estimate the CSAMT decomposition parameters. The simplex algorithm, freely available online, proved to be fast and efficient. A 2D inversion of the apparent resistivity and phase curves at seven almost noise-free sites distributed along the central portion of the profile was finally elaborated, reinforced by a sensitivity analysis, which allowed the best resolved portion of the model to be imaged from the first few meters of depth down to a mean depth of m b.
From the inverted section, the following features have been outlined: Indexing tools to evaluate environmental quality from biological data, floristic and vegetational data in Ponte Galeria Rome, Italy ; Rappresentazione sintetica della qualita' ambientale attraverso l'integrazione di indici floristici e vegetazionali: In the present work the study of indexing tools to evaluate environmental quality from biological data has been performed using a certain number of floristic and vegetational indices near Macchia Grande of Ponte Galeria Rome, Italy. The indices have been applied on the basis of the data coming from a phyto sociological study of the area.
Multivariate statistics methodologies have been utilized to obtain a synthetic evaluation of the indices. Sono state analizzate le proprieta' espresse dagli indici come singole entita' ed in particolare le principali tendenze di variazione rispetto alla variazione di qualita' delle unita' ambientali e della loro integrabilita' reciproca.
Sono state inoltre utilizzate le metodologie dell'analisi multivariata. The island of Lipari Aeolian archipelago, Italy. Preliminary distribution and evaluation of the significative elements pertaining to the environmental, floristic and faunistic patrimony; Distribuzione e valutazione preliminare di biotipi, flora e fauna: Vengono discussi alcuni aspetti significativi connessi all'importanza della conservazione degli habitat dell'isola, con riferimento alle problematiche della futura riserva.
Full Text Available The paper presents an example of integrated surveying and monitoring activities for the control of an ancient structure, the Casalecchio di Reno sluice, located near Bologna, Italy. Several geomatic techniques were applied classical topography, high-precision spirit levelling, terrestrial laser scanning, digital close-range photogrammetry, and thermal imagery.
All these measurements were put together in a unique reference system and used in order to study the stability and the movements of the structure over the period of time observed. Moreover, the metrical investigations allowed the creation of a 3D model of the structure, and the comparison between two situations, before and after the serious damages suffered by the sluice during the winter season Along with the detailed investigations performed on individual portions of the structure, an analysis of the whole sluice, carried out at a regional scale, was done via the use of aerial photogrammetry, using both recently acquired images and historical photogrammetric coverage.
Monitoring the Lavina di Roncovetro RE, Italy landslide by integrating traditional monitoring systems and multiple high-resolution topographic datasets. It extends from the top of Mount Staffola down to the Tassobbio River. The landslide started between the middle and the end of the XIX century and since then it has had a rapid evolution mainly characterized by the rapid retrogression of the crown to the extent that now reaches the top of Mount Staffola.
In the last 20 years, about , m3 of bedrock descended from the main scarp into the landslide body. In addition, an airborne LIDAR survey and a photographic acquisition from a small aircraft were carried out on April and October , respectively. The traditional monitoring system consists of a terrestrial laser scanning TLS survey and a robotized total station RTS. TLS acquisitions have focused on the upper and more active sector of the earthflow and were carried out since May By comparing TLS data taken at different times, the general deformational field of the landslide can be reconstructed and the displacements affecting the retaining structures built on the landslide crown quantified.
Three high-resolution photogrammetric surveys performed using an UAV were carried out on November , July and January Starting from the acquired photos and applying photogrammetry and Structure From Motion SFM algorithms integrated in the Photoscan Agisoft software, the high-resolution 3D models of the. The carrying out process of Kyoto Protocol in Italy. Methods, scenarios and policy evaluation; Il processo di attuazione del Protocollo di Kyoto in Italia.
Metodi, scenari e valutazione di politiche e misure. This paper reports some technical contributes related to the Kyoto Protocol and its application in Italian decision making policy. Questa fotografia di una situazione in rapida evoluzione e' stata preparata da esperti del settore che contribuiscono a redigere il materiale tecnico di base utilizzato dai negoziatori nazionali durante le trattative internazionali e dai responsabili nazionali per avviare il processo di presa di decisioni in materia.
Climate and landscape in Italy during Late Epigravettian. The site of Riparo Tagliente north-eastern Italy contains one of the main Upper Pleistocene archaeological sequences of south-western Europe. It also represents a key site for the study of human adaptation to Late Glacial environmental changes in the southern Alpine area. These climatic and environmental conditions are here reconstructed based on small mammal assemblages, using the Bioclimatic model and Habitat Weighting methods.
By comparing the data obtained from Riparo Tagliente with other coeval small mammal faunas from the Italian Peninsula and Europe we contribute to the reconstruction of the processes of faunal renewal registered during the Late Glacial across the continent and of the climatic and environmental context in which the Late Epigravettian hunter-gatherer groups lived. Full Text Available This paper addresses the role of ethical consumers in the transition process towards a sustainable food supply.
The questions that immediately come to mind are: Which are the mechanisms hindering a transition driven by consumers? In order to answer to these questions we analyse the case of Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale Solidarity Purchasing Groups in Italy , as a support for a broader reflection to the topic.
The growing dissatisfaction with the established food supply, dominated by the duopoly supermarket-global food supplier, has driven a few pioneers to search for new solutions. In the case of Italy , consumers have organized themselves into informal networks, in order to purchase quality food together from local farmers. They are motivated by the meeting of social, ethical and environmental needs providing sustainable food and support local farmers which were not served in the beginning by incumbent firms and they operate in the social economy as community groups.
The origins of psychology in Italy: Themes and authors that emerge through a content analysis of the Rivista di Filosofia Scientifica [Journal of Scientific Philosophy]. This article examines the scientific-cultural context of the second half of the s, during which psychological science emerged in Italy.
- Handbook of the Economics of Education: 1 (Handbooks in Economics).
- di maratea italy: Topics by
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- Smoothie Prince: Simple, Easy, and Healthy Breakfast Smoothies.
- Death by Foreclosure.
- endoCANNABINOIDS: Actions at Non-CB1/CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors: 24 (The Receptors).
- Experience of expressions!?
The article explores the contribution made by the emergence of the primary research traditions of that period, namely, physiological anthropology and phreniatry, by means of a methodology that combines content analysis with a classical historiographical study of the period.
Themes and authors deriving from the various disciplines in the human and natural sciences were identified through a content analysis of the Rivista di Filosofia Scientifica [Journal of Scientific Philosophy], a periodical that is representative of Italian positivism. The analysis highlights the epistemological perspective held by scholars who, distancing themselves from the mechanistic reductionism of the proponents of positivism, integrated a naturalistic and evolutionary conceptualization with the neo-Kantian critique.
A clearly delineated naturalistic and differential perspective of scientific research that brought about the birth of psychology as an experimental discipline in Italy in the s emerges from the analysis, including psychology and psychopathology as studied by the phreniatrists Gabriele Buccola, Enrico Morselli, and Eugenio Tanzi; Tito Vignoli and Giuseppe Sergi's work in comparative anthropology; Giulio Fano's approach and contribution to physiology; and Enrico Ferri's contribution to criminology. Interactions between soil consumption and archaeological heritage: The soil consumption is a complex phenomenon because it is due to different causes and it also produces many consequences on landscape and related human activities.
In low-relief areas of the Mediterranean regions such as the foredeep of the southern Italian chain, alluvional processes and flooding can play an important role on the amount of available soil, especially if one consider the recent climate changes and the recurrence of extreme events. Moreover the uncontrolled growth of the cities is a cause of soil consumption too. Consequently occurrence of flood events in low-relief areas, erosion processes and urban sprawl have a strong impact on agricultural activities and real estate market, but also in research activities about archaeological heritage, with the risk to loose signs of the past.
To consider this phenomenon from a spatial point of view is essential to determine protection policies, but it is nowadays still a problem. In this contribution, we performed a detailed study of the geological and geomorphological features of the drainage network of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain in order to investigate erosional and depositional processes.
GIS-supported statistical analysis of the drainage network features allow us to compile a map of the hydrogeological hazard [1]. The map has been used as a basic tool useful to consider areal distribution in soil consumption coming from alluvional processes, erosional phenomena and the urban sprawl of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain Southern Italy. Moreover, we investigated the relationships between sectors of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain featured by higher hydrogeological risk and archaeological sensibility areas, such as places with existing or with not yet discovered archaeological sites or areas characterized by crop marks [2].
Spatial Methods for Archaeological Flood Risk: A series of papers were presented dealing in particular with the respective legal positions of operators and constructors of nuclear power plants in Italy , the requirements and standards, national and international, imposed on users of radioactive materials and equipments. In addition, a series of conclusions are drawn from the Inter Jura' 75 Congress organised by the International Nuclear Law Association, as well as from the London Conference on Nuclear Insurance and Indemnity which dealt in detail with nuclear insurance problems for nuclear equipment and materials and their transport, in Europe and the United States.
Finally, it is made clear from the III Symposium on German Nuclear Law organised in Goettingen in that the Federal Republic of Germany is concentrating on further developing its nuclear legislation in step with nuclear developments, in particular regarding compensation for possible victims of a nuclear incident. Sub anno domini Profile of microbial communities on carbonate stones of the medieval church of San Leonardo di Siponto Italy by Illumina-based deep sequencing. Comprehensive studies of the biodiversity of the microbial epilithic community on monuments may provide critical insights for clarifying factors involved in the colonization processes.
We carried out a high-throughput investigation of the communities colonizing the medieval church of San Leonardo di Siponto Italy by Illumina-based deep sequencing. The metagenomic analysis of sequences revealed the presence of Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The predominant phylum was Actinobacteria, with the orders Actynomycetales and Rubrobacteriales, represented by the genera Pseudokineococcus, Sporichthya, Blastococcus, Arthrobacter, Geodermatophilus, Friedmanniella, Modestobacter, and Rubrobacter, respectively. Cyanobacteria sequences showing strong similarity with an uncultured bacterium sequence were identified.
The presence of the green algae Oocystaceae and Trebuxiaceae was revealed. The microbial diversity was explored at qualitative and quantitative levels, evaluating the richness the number of operational taxonomic units OTUs and the abundance of reads associated with each OTU. The rarefaction curves approached saturation, suggesting that the majority of OTUs were recovered.
The results highlighted a structured community, showing low diversity, made up of extremophile organisms adapted to desiccation and UV radiation. Notably, the microbiome appeared to be composed not only of microorganisms possibly involved in biodeterioration but also of carbonatogenic bacteria, such as those belonging to the genus Arthrobacter, which could be useful in bioconservation. Our investigation demonstrated that molecular tools, and in particular the easy-to-run next-generation sequencing, are powerful to perform a microbiological diagnosis in order to plan restoration and protection strategies.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons residues in Gentile di maiale, a smoked meat product typical of some mountain areas in Latina province Central Italy. It is obtained from dehydration, salting, smoking and ripening of swine rectum.
- Letteratura artistica: maggio .
- velocimetry dipartimento di: Topics by
- Letteratura artistica: aprile .
- Items where Location is "Library - Coverciano" - Calcio e-library.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons detected in 8 samples of raw material swine rectum and samples of smoked gentile were: Their residues were detected in all samples of finished product. According to first levels, in force until September , only 2 out of 8 samples exceeded legal limit. According to the subsequent, more restrictive, limits all samples would be non-compliant.
An improvement and a standardisation of traditional smoking procedures are recommended. The on-land marine Valle di Manche section Crotone Basin, Calabria, Southern Italy , one of the candidates to host the GSSP of the Middle Pleistocene ;Ionian; Stage, preserves a manifold record of independent chronological, paleoclimatic and stratigraphic proxies that permit a straightforward correlation with marine and terrestrial reference records at the global scale. In particular, the section holds an excellent record of the Matuyama-Brunhes magnetic reversal, which occurs in the midst of Marine Isotope Stage MIS We report on a complete revision of the section that improves dramatically the available dataset, especially in the stratigraphic interval straddling the Lower-Middle Pleistocene boundary.
We obtained an age of Since the section fulfills all the requirements to host the GSSP of the Ionian Stage, we propose that the boundary should be placed at the base of the ;Pitagora ash;, ca. Following this research line, the aim of this paper is twofold. In order to carry out this kind of empirical investigation, we have built up a new and original historical data set which, using statistical information drawn from the Italian Industrial Census carried out from to , provides data on the number of employees for 15 manufacturing industries and for 18 regions.
R12, L60, R11, R23Keywords: Manufacturing, Regional Development, Regional. Multidisciplinary research for the safe fruition of an active geosite: Mud volcanoes are emissions of cold mud due to the ascent to the surface of salty and muddy waters mixed with gaseous methane and, in minor part, fluid hydrocarbons petroleum veils along faults and fractures.
In the Northern Apennines mud volcanoes are closely linked to the active tectonic compression associated with thrusts of regional importance. They are mostly cone-shaped and show variable geometry and size, ranging from one to few metres, and are located in 19 sites in the northwestern part of the Apennines. Particularly noteworthy is the Nirano mud volcano field, located in the Fiorano Modenese district, which, with a surface area of approximately 75, m2, is one of the best developed and largest mud volcano field of the entire Italian territory and among the largest in Europe; it is thus protected as natural reserve Salse di Nirano since The Nirano mud volcanoes are found at the bottom of an elliptical depression, interpreted as a collapse-like structure caldera that may have developed in response to the deflation of a shallow mud chamber triggered by several ejections and evacuation of fluid sediments.
There are several individual or multiple cones within the field of the mud volcanoes of Nirano, with a rather discontinuous activity; apparatuses become dormant or even extinct whereas new vents can appear in other spots. In the research here presented about 50 vents have been mapped and few of them appeared in May The mud volcanoes of the region have been known since a long time and have always aroused great interest due to their outstanding scenic value, and, in the past the mud volcano emissions have been used in many ways.
Beside their cultural value, the mud volcanoes of the study area represent a tourist attractiveness as testified by the increasing number of visitors e. Numerous initiatives, targeted at various potential users, have been developed in the. Full Text Available Abstract From 1st. The mean density was 0.
Significant differences resulted between the density found in the four altitudinal ranges: The highest densities were recorded in protected areas 0. Health risk assessment for the consumption of fresh and preserved fish Alosa agone from Lago di Como Northern Italy. As these contaminants are still present in aquatic ecosystems, fish can be an important contributor to their total dietary intake. Alosa agone specimens were sampled over a period of 10 years from to to provide a representative overview of the DDT and PCB levels of Lago di Como, a deep Italian lake where a DDT input due to secondary sources was observed in recent years.
The potential health risk from the consumption of both fresh and preserved fish was evaluated. While DDT levels have generally decreased during the monitored period, reaching quite stable levels, PCB concentrations were variable, with values exceeding, in some cases, the European Union limit for human consumption and enabling potential carcinogenic effects.
However, typical local processing of this fish species markedly appeared to decrease these contaminant levels, thus making the fish product called missoltino a safer food. The results of this work highlighted the need of continuous biomonitoring of those contaminants considered a past issue along with the emergent ones.
Ammonoids collected in these localities belong to three biostratigraphic units: Two species of Zestoceras were found: Two species of Trachyceras, distinct from T. These species predate the first appearance of Trachyceras, justifying the canadensis Subzone to be included in the Carnian also on the basis of nomenclatural stability. Other significant taxa of this subzone are Rossiceras?
Taxonomical notes and stratigraphic consequences: At present, Frankites regoledanus, F. A have been recognized in the Southern Alps. The lectotype of Ammonites Trachyceras? The latter species is exclusive of the regoledanus Subzone, whereas the. A high-resolution record of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition from the Mediterranean region: High-resolution palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic investigations on the Valle di Manche section Crotone Basin, Calabria, Southern Italy provide a detailed record of the Matuyama-Brunhes M-B reversal that, to our best knowledge, is the only available record of the last geomagnetic reversal for the Mediterranean on-land marine stratigraphy.
Demagnetization analyses indicate a stable palaeomagnetic behaviour throughout the section for both normal and reversed polarity directions, with demagnetization vectors aligned toward the origin of Zijderveld diagrams after the removal of a small viscous low-coercivity remanence component. In the lower part of the studied interval, some samples acquired a spurious gyromagnetic remanent magnetization GRM during AF demagnetization in high fields.
Rock magnetic analyses confirm that magnetite is the main magnetic carrier for all measured specimens, which also have an abundant paramagnetic fraction. Only the lower part of the record, well below the M-B boundary, is characterized by a downward-increasing presence of iron sulphides greigite. According to our chronology, which is based on a robust, cross-validated age model, the final reverse-to-normal directional change of the M-B transition occurred at ca.
Full Text Available The stratigraphy of clayey and sandy beds outcropping in Val di Pugna locality near Siena Tuscany, Italy celebrated for the past finds of fossil mammalian remains, is studied here. The research is aimed to date and define the depositional environment of the sediments that yielded fossil bones of known provenance. Two sequences have been studied in detail; they are located near the hamlets of Ruffolo and Case il Poggio, where both marine and land mammal remains had been found.
The integrated biostratigraphic analysis of the planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton indicates that the deposits straddle the transition from the Zone MPL3 to MPL4 of the planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphic scale, which is correlated with the Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus Zone MNN Zone of the calcareous nannoplankton scale. The sedimentary characters and the faunal content are suggestive of a progressively deepening marine environment, with a transition from upper shoreface deposits to lower shoreface-offshore deposits.
The vertebrates include a cetacean Tusciziphis crispus and a sirenid Metaxyterium gervaisi amongst the marine mammals, while the land mammals are represented by a rhino Stephanorhinus jeanvireti and a bovid Alephis lyrix. The sirenid remains are likely the only autochthonous elements because of their ecologic consistency with the depositional environment of the embedding sediments.
The other fossil specimens are interpreted here as parts of decaying and floating carcasses that deposited their bones as they drifted away, inflated by decomposition gasses. The biostratigraphy of the sites permits to date the fossil bones. Noteworthy occurrences are those of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti and Alephis lyrix in levels correlated with Zone MN14, since they are usually reported in Zone MN16 and Zone MN15 assemblages, respectively.
Within this project, broad research is being financed regarding the importance of the development of the main ancient merchant routes in this region. These various tasks include this integrated geophysical survey at the Tres Tabernae site, an ancient statio along the Appian way close to Latina, central Italy. This was carried out using several techniques that are focused on the identification of buried archeological remains. The main goal of this investigation was to cover the area surrounding this partially excavated site to obtain a quick, but meaningful, result relating to the presence of interesting buried features.
For this, the geophysical techniques involved were frequency-domain electromagnetic induction, ground-penetrating radar, and magnetometry. To obtain the best results, these methods were optimized, taking into account the kind of structures involved and their relation to the environmental context. The combination of these different geophysical techniques shows good results, indicating the possible presence of new buried structures, such as walls, floors and a lead pipe. The growth of public debt in Italy: Full Text Available Il lavoro esamina l'esperienza italiana , con riferimento alla crescita e debito pubblico.
The work surveys the Italian experience with reference to growth and public debt. It does not seek to test conflicting views, as the effects of some financial and policy innovations are too recent and some data is of poor quality. Rather, its more limited scope is to draw on past experience and, more importantly, assess future prospects in order to discuss some problems regarding both fiscal and monetary policy. Finally, possible future developments and some connected policy problems are examined. Evolution of the magma feeding system during a Plinian eruption: The current paradigm for volcanic eruptions is that magma erupts from a deep magma reservoir through a volcanic conduit, typically modelled with fixed rigid geometries such as cylinders.
This simplistic view of a volcanic eruption does not account for the complex dynamics that usually characterise a large explosive event. Numerical simulations of magma flow in a conduit combined with volcanological and geological data, allow for the first description of a physics-based model of the feeding system evolution during a sustained phase of an explosive eruption. Information available from volcanology, petrology, and lithology studies was used as input data and as constraints for the model. In particular, Mass Discharge Rates MDRs assessed from volcanological methods were used as target values for numerical simulations.
The model solutions, which are non-unique, were constrained using geological and volcanological data, such as volume estimates and types of lithic components in the fall deposits. Three stable geometric configurations of the feeding system described assuming elliptical cross-section of variable dimensions were assessed for the Eruptive Units 2 and 3 EU2, EU3 , which form the magmatic Plinian phase of PdA eruption. Marine ostracod turnover tracks orbitally forced palaeoenvironmental changes at the Lower-Middle Pleistocene transition: Ostracods, small crustaceans living in almost every aquatic depositional setting, are widely used in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions due to their well-known ecological sensitivity.
A close connection between the composition of ostracod fauna and the Milankovitch climate-eustatic variability has been documented in several Plio-Pleistocene marine sections of the Central Mediterranean area. The Valle di Manche section VdM; Calabria, southern Italy , one of the suitable candidates to host the Global Stratotype Section and Point GSSP of the Ionian Stage-Middle Pleistocene, represents an ideal venue where to investigate ostracod turnover in relation to orbitally forced palaeoenvironmental changes, being firmly constrained in time and well documented by a number of independent climatic proxy.
A high-resolution, quantitative analysis of the ostracod fauna has been undertaken on the middle part of the VdM, ca. Within each cycle, a relatively thin, fining-upward transgressive muddy unit is overlain by gradually coarsening upward and more expanded regressive silty to sand packages. A total of 40 samples have been selected to characterise the whole spectrum of lithofacies and detect high-frequency palaeoenvironmental variations especially within homogeneous clayey stratigraphic intervals. Furthermore, ostracod assemblages document that the oxygen availability at the sea floor changed during MIS In contrast, a less-diversified ostracod fauna dominated by Aurila convexa, a species preferring.
Development of regional environmental protection agencies in Italy ; Lo stato di evoluzione delle agenzie regioanli per l'ambiente in Italia. The Italian agencies' system of environmental protection is almost completed: Nevertheless, the system is quite heterogeneous in terms of degree of experience and operational capacity of the different agencies.
A new phase of development of the agency system is beginning where the main task is the necessity to guarantee a minimum level of environmental quality over the whole national territory, respecting local peculiarities. Agencies need to have guaranteed technical-scientific autonomy as well as adequate financial allowance. However, all this must be related to the definition of adequate, homogeneous and wide working methodologies and performance assessment criteria. Il sistema e' tuttavia caratterizzato da rilevanti disomogeneita' in termini di esperienza e capacita' operativa.
Si entra in nuova fase di sviluppo del sistema agenziale la cui principale criticita' e' costituita dalla necessita' di garantire un livello minimo di qualita' ambientale su tutto il territorio nazionale, nel rispetto delle specificita' locali. A tal fine deve essere garantita l'autonomai tecnico-scientifica delle agenzie e attribuita loro un'adeguata dotazione finanziaria, a fronte, pero', della definizione di adeguati metodi di lavoro e criteri di valutazione delle performance sufficientemente omogeni e condivisi.
Survey on the consumptions of energy sources in the tertiary sector in Italy in ; Indagine sui consumi di fonti energetiche nel settore terziario in Italia.