Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Paperback , 32 pages.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Giggle, Giggle, Quack , please sign up. See 1 question about Giggle, Giggle, Quack…. Lists with This Book. Feb 02, Paul E. More surreal, anarchic farmyard fun from Cronin and Lewin. This one is almost as funny as Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type and the ink and watercolour illustrations are great.
Watch out for that duck, though He's a sly one. View all 5 comments. Sep 13, unknown rated it really liked it Recommended to unknown by: This book confirms what you probably already know: You think you can go on vacation, but no.
Soon they are launching an insurrection, trying to overthrow the proxy you left in place and bankrupting you with lavish movie and pizza parties while their piggish friends literally bath themselves in luxuries at your expense. View all 8 comments. Mar 10, Archit Ojha rated it it was amazing.
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When you have a duck in your farm and you plan to go on a vacation, leaving your brother in charge of everything, what you don't know is that your tricky duck can make your brother do all that it wants in no time! From throwing regal pizza parties to conducting spectacular movie watching sessions, your duck can do all of it.
You didn't know that, did you? Sep 21, Cynthia Corral rated it it was amazing. This book sends my 3-year old granddaughter into fits of giggles and she'll probably always look at ducks with distrust now. She was able to grasp the concept of the story: She loves sneaky little animals, and this duck is the sneakiest.
It's great fun and I don't mind reading it over and over again. This is a funny and entertaining book for readers in the younger years of elementary school! It gives life and personality to all the different animals living on Farmer Browns farm! Farmer Brown has to live and puts his brother in charge of the animals, warning him in advance about the mischievous duck! As Bob, Farmer Browns brother, is doing his very unique chore list for the animals he starts to think something may be up. Little did he know the duck had made a chore list to benefit all the ani This is a funny and entertaining book for readers in the younger years of elementary school!
Little did he know the duck had made a chore list to benefit all the animals! This is a fun read any child between would really enjoy! Jan 03, Jessica Plowman rated it it was amazing. My kids and I love these books! Farmer Brown and his independent-minded animals return in this hilarious follow-up to Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type , where they made their debut. As the farmer prepares to go on his vacation, he leaves instructions for his brother Bob on how to care for the animals, little dreaming that scheming Duck has taken a hand in matters, substituting his own instructions.
Soon the animals are enjoying pizza parties, bubble baths, and movie night Like its predecessor, Giggle, Giggle, Quack pairs a Farmer Brown and his independent-minded animals return in this hilarious follow-up to Click, Clack, Moo: Like its predecessor, Giggle, Giggle, Quack pairs an amusing tale of animal shenanigans from author Doreen Cronin with humorously expressive artwork from illustrator Betsy Lewin.
Appropriately enough, given the title, I found myself giggling quite a bit as I read the story, and although quite aware of who the culprit was, when it came to the miscommunication between Farmer Brown and his brother, I still enjoyed watching events unfold. The target audience here will no doubt feel the same, appreciating being in on the joke.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack
Recommended to anyone who has read and enjoyed Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type , as well as to anyone looking for barnyard stories with a silly sense of humor. Jul 22, Wyatt rated it liked it Shelves: Fun, but not as good as Click Clack Moo. Nov 12, Andrea Thomas rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a great book to help the children know what animals are on a farm and what a farmer does while he is taking care of his farm on a daily basics.
A good song to sing will be Farmer in the Dell and allow all of the children to pick a certain animal in which they like. Also we allow the children to walk around and pretend to be the animal in which they like the most. We will also discuss how each animal lives and what part of the barn do they live in and what are the animals responsibilities on the farm.
Mar 11, Emily Allen rated it it was amazing Shelves: From the creators of Click Clack Moo: In this book, Farmer Brown is going on vacation leaving his brother in charge of the farm. Bob is instructed to order pizza for the animals, give the From the creators of Click Clack Moo: Bob is instructed to order pizza for the animals, give the pigs baths, and host a movie night inside.
Do the animals get away with it? Does Bob catch on to the sneaky Duck? Read to find out!
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When Brother Bob checks on the animals in the barn after a pizza dinner, they are all curled up on the heated blankets they bargained for in Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type, a fun detail for those children who can make that connection. The watercolor illustrations are great, completely covering all the pages with bright colors. I would read this book aloud in kindergarten and maybe 1st grade. A second grader should be able to read it on their own with some vocabulary help.
Cronin and Lewin make a great pair, and not only is this a great extension to the Caldecott Honor book Click Clack Moo, but it has great individual value apart from it. The illustrations and storyline will have kids cracking up, and chanting along with the repetitious phrases.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin | Scholastic
This is another excellent book to have any classroom library! May 16, David rated it really liked it Shelves: Cows That Type by the same team. Farmer Brown leaves his brother Bob in charges of the farm while he goes on holiday. He leaves detailed instructions and advises Bob: The text is funny and silly. There are opportunities for audience participation in the Giggle, Giggle phrases. There are lots of opportunities to make animals sounds for the hens, pigs, cows and duck. The idea of the cows watching The Sound of Moosic is inspired!
Lewin's illustrations match and extend the story well. The expressions of the cartoon-like animals are hysterical. There is a great picture of the animals using the electric blankets from Click Clack Moo: The picture of duck vibrating as he uses the electric pencil sharpener is a scream. Farmer Brown's atire and suitcase give away his interrupted holiday destination.
This could be effective as a read-aloud, and is sure to to make most children giggle or laugh out loud. For K - 3rd, read-aloud, farm animals, animal sounds, humor, deceiving, tricksters tales, and for fans of Click Clack Moo: Nov 06, Jolene Aho added it Shelves: His brother Bob comes to take care of the animals when Farmer Brown goes on vacation. The animals leave notes that trick Bob into doing things they want such as ordering pizza and giving them baths in the house.
In the end Farmer Brown is upset when he figures out what is happening. This book is a picture book because it has pictures on each page and little text. The pictures are integral to the story. This book is most appropriate for primary grade students, although it could be used to explain inferencing to older students. Younger students could look at clues in the pictures to try to figure out who is writing the notes.
Giggle, Giggle, Quack
The pictures are wonderful and the book is humorous, so children would enjoy it. I would use this as a read aloud for kindergarten or first grade students. Another cute Doreen Cronin Duck book. I have to admit that this duck is charming with all of his troublemaking ways. Julia got the biggest kick out of him carrying around his pencil for the whole book. I liked how fast she grasped that it wasn't the farmers notes Bob was reading but Duck's. She picked up on this a few seconds after I did which surprised me.
Duck is really a lovable character and Betsy Lewin's illustrations are pretty cool too. Very kid friendly and Julia loves that as well. Feb 23, Heidi-Marie rated it liked it Shelves: I think even if one hasn't read the other Duck books, they'll get the humor from this. Still, humorous to see what the duck changes and the giggling that happens. So much like with a substitute teacher The kids liked the pictures.
One boy who knew the book kept tring to show off by telling ahead of time, I think even if one hasn't read the other Duck books, they'll get the humor from this. One boy who knew the book kept tring to show off by telling ahead of time, therefore spoiling it at times.
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Jun 03, Ebookwormy1 rated it liked it Shelves: This sequel to "Click, Clack, Moo: Farmer Brown leaves a to-do list for Bob, but Duck is able to get hold of it and write his own list. Farmer Brown decided to go on vacation while leaving his brother, Bob in charge of his farm animals. Farmer Brown tells his brother to follow instructions and everything should be fine. As Farmer Brown throws a little pencil on the ground, Duck finally shows up when Farmer Brown drives his car and thinks he hears giggles and snickers when he drives away, but Farmer Brown could not be sure.
When Farmer Brown was driving away, Bob gives Duck a good long stare and goes into the house. After Duck makes a note, Bob is inside the house and reads the first note about pizza that spells, "Tuesday night is Pizza night. Not the frozen kind! The hens prefer anchovies". Twenty nine minutes and thirty seven seconds later, a pizza delivery man arrives on a bicycle selling hot pizza at Bob's Farm. That very night, Bob carried his lantern and walked outside to checked on his animals along with Duck, and everything was just fine. The next day, Bob reads the second note that spells, "Wednesday is bath day for the Pigs, Wash them with my favorite bubble bath and dry them off with my good towels, Remember, They have sensitive skin".
Then Bob washes the pigs in the bathtub in no time. Farmer Brown calls his brother on the telephone to check in and asks Bob to feed the animals like Duck wrote in the second note. After Bob finishes feeding the animals, he counted seven empty pizza boxes.