For the Love of Rhupert
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Mar 05, Tyler rated it it was amazing. Little Red Rhupert is an imaginative and fun children's story about diversity, seen through the eyes of an ostrich in a rhyme scheme vaguely similar to that of Dr. The book was written and illustrated by famous and incredibly talented Key West artist D. I had the pleasure of getting my book personally signed from the artist when I visited the Keys.
D I found the rhythm of the story and the colorful artwork quite pleasing. My 6 year old daughter simply adores this book, and Little Red Rhupert is an imaginative and fun children's story about diversity, seen through the eyes of an ostrich in a rhyme scheme vaguely similar to that of Dr. My 6 year old daughter simply adores this book, and even keeps it in a different spot than her other books for better display? Jun 08, Lesly1 rated it it was amazing. I got the signed book when I bought one of D. Wilson's paintings of Rhupert that both my husband and I had to have.
Just looking at it makes me smile. Dec 20, Angie rated it did not like it Shelves: I only read this because my mom bought it because she went to high school with the author. The illustrations were kinda creepy, to be honest, and it was much too Seuss-like. Coral Maxwell rated it it was ok Jan 02, He died of a fever along the way and was buried in an unmarked grave. Rupert spent the beginning of his teenage years in England between the courts of The Hague and his uncle King Charles I , before being captured and imprisoned in Linz during the middle stages of the Thirty Years' War.
Rupert had become a soldier early; at the age of 14 he attended the Dutch pas d'armes with the Protestant Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange.
In between these campaigns Rupert had visited his uncle's court in England. The Palatinate cause was a popular Protestant issue in England, and in a general public subscription helped fund an expedition under Charles Louis to try and regain the electorate as part of a joint French campaign. The campaign ended badly at the Battle of Vlotho 17 October during the invasion of Westphalia ; Rupert escaped death, but was captured by the forces of the Imperial General Melchior von Hatzfeldt towards the end of the battle. After a failed attempt to bribe his way free of his guards, [21] Rupert was imprisoned in Linz.
Lord Craven, also taken in the battle, attempted to persuade his captors to allow him to remain with Rupert, but was refused.
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His mother was deeply concerned that he might be converted from Calvinism to Catholicism ; [22] his captors, encouraged by Emperor Ferdinand III , deployed Jesuit priests in an attempt to convert him. Rupert's imprisonment became more relaxed on the advice of the Archduke Leopold , Ferdinand's younger brother, who met and grew to like Rupert. Despite attempts by a Franco-Swedish army to seize Linz and free Rupert, his release was ultimately negotiated through Leopold and the Empress Maria Anna ; in exchange for a commitment never again to take up arms against the Emperor , Rupert would be released.
Rupert formally kissed the Emperor's hand at the end of , turned down a final offer of an Imperial command and left Germany for England. Rupert is probably best remembered today for his role as a Royalist commander during the English Civil War. Rupert arrived in England following his period of imprisonment and final release from captivity in Germany. In August , Rupert, along with his brother Prince Maurice and a number of professional soldiers, ran the gauntlet across the sea from the United Provinces , and after one initial failure, [32] evaded the pro-Parliamentary navy and landed in Newcastle.
Although a small engagement, this had a propaganda value far exceeding the importance of the battle itself, and Rupert became an heroic figure for many young men in the Royalist camp. Rupert joined the King in the advance on London, playing a key role in the resulting Battle of Edgehill in October.
Once again, Rupert was at his best with swift battlefield movements; the night before, he had undertaken a forced march and seized the summit of Edgehill, giving the Royalists a superior position. Rupert vigorously interjected—probably correctly, but certainly tactlessly—that Lindsey should deploy his men in the modern Swedish fashion that Rupert was used to in Europe, which would have maximised their available firepower.
In the subsequent battle Rupert's men made a dramatic cavalry charge, but despite his best efforts a subsequent scattering and loss of discipline turned a potential victory into a stalemate. After Edgehill, Rupert asked Charles for a swift cavalry attack on London before the Earl of Essex 's army could return. The King's senior counsellors, however, urged him to advance slowly on the capital with the whole army. By the time they arrived, the city had organised defences against them.
Instead, early in , Rupert began to clear the South-West, taking Cirencester in February [39] before moving further against Bristol , a key port.
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- Little Red Rhupert.
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During the second half of the war, political opposition within the Royalist senior leadership against Rupert continued to grow. Rupert's personality during the war had made him both friends and enemies. He enjoyed a "frank and generous disposition", showed a "quickness of Digby was a classic courtier and Rupert fell to arguing with him repeatedly in meetings.
Rupert continued to impress militarily. Having marched north, taking Bolton and Liverpool along the way in two bloody assaults, [48] Rupert then intervened in Yorkshire in two highly effective manoeuvres, in the first outwitting the enemy forces at Newark with speed; in the second, striking across country and approaching York from the north.
In November Rupert was appointed General of the entire Royalist army, which increased already marked tensions between him and a number of the King's councillors. By May , and now desperately short of supplies, [52] Rupert captured Leicester , but suffered a severe reversal at the Battle of Naseby a month later. Charles, still supported by an optimistic Digby, believed he could win the war. By late summer Rupert had become trapped in Bristol by Parliamentary forces; faced with an impossible military situation on the ground, Rupert surrendered Bristol in September , and Charles dismissed him from his service and command.
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Rupert responded by making his way across Parliamentary held territory to the King at Newark with Prince Maurice and around a hundred men, fighting their way through smaller enemy units and evading larger ones. After the ensuing siege and surrender of Oxford in , Parliament banished both Rupert and his brother from England. Rupert's contemporaries believed him to have been involved in some of the bloodier events of the war, although later histories have largely exonerated him.
Rupert's reputation never truly recovered, and in subsequent sieges and attacks he was frequently accused of acting without restraint. Birmingham , a key arms producing town, was taken in April , [64] and Rupert faced allegations—probably untrue—of wilfully burning the town to the ground see the battle of Camp Hill. Rupert was accordingly a prominent figure in Parliamentary propaganda. He faced numerous accusations of witchcraft , either personally or by proxy through his pet dog. Boy, sometimes called Pudel; a large white hunting poodle, accompanied Rupert everywhere from up until the dog's death at Marston Moor and was widely suspected of being a witch's familiar.
There were numerous accounts of Boy's abilities; some suggested that he was the Devil in disguise, come to help Rupert. Pro-Royalist publications ultimately produced parodies of these, [68] including one which listed Rupert's dog as being a "Lapland Lady" transformed into a white dog; Boy was able, apparently, to find hidden treasure, possessed invulnerability to attack, could catch bullets fired at Rupert in his mouth, and could prophesy as well as the 16th century soothsayer , Mother Shipton. Like his dog, the monkey was featured in newsprint of the day and was also reputed to have shape shifting powers, being able to disguise itself behind enemy lines.
Throughout the period Rupert was inconvenienced by his lack of secure income, and his ongoing feuds with other leading members of the Royalist circle. Rupert first travelled to the Royal court in exile at St Germain but found it still dominated by the Queen and her favourite, Rupert's enemy Digby. The fleet itself rapidly lost discipline, with many vessels' crews focussing on seizing local ships and cargoes. Discipline continued to deteriorate and Rupert had to intervene personally several times, including defusing one group of mutinous sailors by suddenly dangling the ringleader over the side of his vessel and threatening to drop him into the sea.
Then, following a degree of reconciliation with Charles, Rupert obtained command of the Royalist fleet himself. The intention was to restore Royalist finances by using the remaining vessels of the fleet to conduct a campaign of organised piracy against English shipping across the region. Rupert's naval campaign formed two phases. In October , Rupert's fleet, now comprising six vessels, broke out and headed into the Mediterranean.
The second phase of the campaign then began. Rupert crossed back into the Atlantic and, during , cut west to the Azores , capturing vessels as he went. He intended to continue on to the West Indies , where there would be many rich targets. Rupert then finally made a successful crossing into the Caribbean, landing first at Saint Lucia , before continuing up the chain of the Antilles to the Virgin Islands.
There the fleet was hit by a hurricane , which scattered the ships and sank the Defiance , this time with Prince Maurice on board. He was forced to return to Europe, arriving in France in March with a fleet of five ships. This complicated tensions in the Royalist court, and Charles II and Rupert eventually split the spoils, after which Rupert, tired and a little bitter, returned to France to recuperate from the long campaign.
In , Rupert appears to have been involved in a plot to assassinate Oliver Cromwell , an event that would then have been followed by a coup , the landing of a small army in Sussex , and the restoration of Charles II. Charles himself is understood to have rejected the assassination proposal, but three conspirators—who implicated Rupert in the plan—were arrested and confessed in London.
After his quarrel with the Royalist court in exile, Rupert travelled to Heidelberg to visit his brother Charles Louis , now partially restored as Elector Palatine , where the two had an ambivalent reunion. Emperor Ferdinand III warmly welcomed him, but was unable to pay such a sum immediately—instead, he would have to pay in installments, to the disadvantage of Rupert.
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Over the next twelve months, Rupert was asked by the Duke of Modena in northern Italy to raise an army against the Papal States —having done so, and with the army stationed in the Palatinate, the enterprise collapsed, with the Duke requesting that Rupert invade Spanish held Milan instead. In relations between Rupert and Charles Louis deteriorated badly. Rupert had fallen in love with Louise von Degenfeld , one of his sister-in-law's maids of honour. Charlotte was keen to engage in an affair with Rupert and became unhappy when she was declined and the mistake explained.
Unfortunately, von Degenfeld was uninterested in Rupert, but was engaged in an affair with Charles Louis—this was discovered in due course, leading to the annulment of the marriage. During this period Rupert became closely involved in the development of mezzotint , a "negative" or intaglio printmaking process which eventually superseded the older woodcut process.
Rupert appears to have told a range of associates that he had conceived of the mezzotint process through having watched a soldier scrape the rust from the barrel of his musket during a military campaign. John Evelyn credited Rupert as the inventor of the technique in , and Rupert's story was further popularised by Horace Walpole during the 18th century. Siegen may or may not have met Rupert: Siegen had worked as chamberlain , and probably part-tutor, to Rupert's young cousin William VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel , with whom Rupert discussed the technique in letters from Rupert did, however, become a noted artist in mezzotint in his own right.
He produced a few stylish prints in the technique, mostly interpretations of existing paintings, and introduced the form to England after the Restoration , though it was Wallerant Vaillant , Rupert's artistic assistant or tutor, who first popularised the process and exploited it commercially. Rupert's most famous and largest art work, The Great Executioner , produced in , is still regarded by critics such as Arthur Hind and Antony Griffiths as full of "brilliance and energy", [] "superb" and "one of the greatest mezzotints" ever produced; [] other important works by Rupert include the Head of Titian and The Standard Bearer.
Following the Restoration of the monarchy under Charles II in , Rupert returned to England, where Charles had already largely completed the process of balancing the different factions across the country in a new administration. Near-contemporaries described how "his temper was less explosive than formerly and his judgement sounder".
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Samuel Pepys , no friend of Rupert's, sat on the Tangier Committee with him and later declared that all Rupert did was to laugh and swear occasionally: In , Rupert was urged by Charles Louis to return home, marry and establish an heir to the Palatinate, as it appeared likely that Charles Louis's own son would not survive childhood. Rupert refused, and remained in England.
For much of the 17th century, England was embroiled in conflict with commercial rival Holland through the Anglo-Dutch Wars. Although several famous admirals of the day had previously been army commanders, including Blake and Monk , they had commanded relatively small land forces and Rupert was still relatively unusual for the period in having both practical experience of commanding large land armies and having extensive naval experience from his campaigns in the s.
In June , they fought the Dutch at the Four Days' Battle , one of the longest naval battles in history; the battle saw the new aggressive tactics of Rupert and Monk applied, resulting in "a sight unique till then in sailing-ship warfare, the English beating upwind and breaking the enemy's line from leeward. James's Day Battle the following month allowed Rupert and Monk to use the same tactics to inflict heavy damage on the Dutch and the battle resulted in a significant English victory.

Rupert also played a prominent role in the Third Anglo-Dutch War — Unfortunately the cost of the weapon—three times that of a normal gun—prevented its wider deployment in the fleet. Rupert's objection to the French alliance was well known, and accordingly the King appointed the Duke of York to the role instead. The English plan for centred on first achieving naval dominance, followed by landing an army in Zeeland. The King appointed the Duke as supreme commander, with Rupert as his deputy, combining the ranks of general and vice admiral of England.
Rupert had a characteristic style as an admiral; he relied upon "energetic personal leadership backed by close contact with his officers"; [] having decided how to proceed in a naval campaign, however, it could be difficult for his staff to change his mind. Fleet communications were limited during the period, and the traditional orders from admirals before a battle were accordingly quite rigid, limiting a captain's independence in the battle. After Rupert remained a senior member of the Royal Navy and Charles's administration.
Rupert allied himself with Lord Shaftesbury on matters of foreign policy, but remained loyal to King Charles II on other issues, [] and was passionate about protecting the Royal Prerogative. As a consequence he opposed Parliament's plan in to appoint him to Lord High Admiral —on the basis that only the King should be allowed to propose such appointments—but noted that he was willing to become Admiral if the King wished him to do so. He was also involved in setting priorities between the different theatres of operations that the Royal Navy was now involved in around the world.
After the end of his seagoing naval career Rupert continued to be actively involved in both government and science, although he was increasingly removed from current politics. Rupert had demonstrated an interest in colonial issues for many years. On arriving in England in , he had encouraged the government to continue his own exploration of the Gambia in an attempt to find gold, leading to Robert Holmes 's expedition the following year. By then, however, Rupert's attention had turned to North America. The French explorers Radisson and des Groseilliers had come to England after conducting a joint exploration of the Hudson's Bay region in ; [] there their account attracted the attention of the King and Rupert.
The company continued to prosper, forming the basis for much of the commercial activity of colonial Canada. Rupert's role in colonial commerce was marked by his being asked to lay the cornerstone of the new Royal Exchange in , and being made one of its first councillors.