Diary of a Puppy-Mill Princess: A Story of Rescue and Redemption
I know he felt your love and prayers. That little baby was tortured, these people will have to account for that. Just sorry it did not occur on earth. I love him and will never forget him and his story. I thank all of you in his family for the loving care you have to him and your all are heroes in my book. I can never get through it without crying. It just breaks my heart the abuse this poor sweet pup suffered.
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Thank you all for loving him, caring for him; letting him know love. God Bless you All! How could Anyone hurt a poor little guy like this? My heart bleeds for all abused animals, big and little. I am so saddened by this whole story, and am grateful at the same time that Gremmy was loved and new love at the end. I had not heard your story prior to opening this FBook post, and it breaks my heart; what a sweet and innocent face. I am learning more and more about mills and the cruelty they represent. I will work tirelessly until they are no longer allowed to operate, and I will educate everyone I meet.
Thank you for sharing Gremmy with all of us — Rest in Peace little one. We are glad that it has moved you! Having two Rescues, I know the emotions you feel. The challenges, the miracles and most of all, the love you feel once these precious fur babies trust you. God Bless Gremmy and now your pain has ended.
You found love, trust and devotion in the last few years you had left. That was a blessing for sure. You deserved that so much. I am thankful you found your wonderful family, who were devoted to you so much. They loved you unconditionally.
Thank you for being his family and giving him the love and wonderful life he had towards the end. You people are wonderful people and God Bless you. I hope you are having a wonderful time now, Gremmy playing with all the dogs in doggy heaven. You are special for sure. My prayers are with Gremmy and his family. Gremmys life story is one I will never forget anytime soon. Gremmy you at peace now and you will never hurt again.
Love, Mary Ann Gardner. Reading what happened to Gremmy turns my stomach in knots. It actually makes me feel nauseated. WHY do people obtain dogs or cats and then treat them like crap?? Why would people chain a dog in the back yard??? Why obtain an animal, and then not feed it?? Such a darling little guy and such evil that put him in that condition. Thanks to the Angels on earth that help and adopt these furbabies. It touches a special place in my heart! Beautiful little boy endured so much. I am so sorry he had to go through all he did. Bless you for the love and care you gave him.
May he rest in peace. I believe his suffering will not be in vain.
- School Library Journal.
- The Princess Diaries - Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary.
- Covetous or Contented (Radical Christianity Book 5).
- Gremmy's Story - National Mill Dog Rescue.
- Search results.
- .
I believe his story will be the guiding light that will spur us on to make sure we rid the world of puppy mills, and never stop speaking out and fighting for those who have no voice. Gremmy, you were a gift from God.
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Your story will never be forgotten…you are now free from pain, Rest in Peace little Gremmy…. Carol, thank you for your kind words. That is what we are hoping his story does — inspires others to act! God bless your family for the love and respect you gave this little dog.
The story of Gremmy has just broken my heart. It is so hard to believe anyone could hurt precious animals like Gremmy. I will do anything to help get a law passed getting rid of all puppy mills. Just think of all the animals born into this situation just to suffer like Gremmy did. There must be something that can be done. RIP sweet little Gremmy!!!!!! And thanks to you and your family for showing Gremmy such love during his last days. Ann, thank you for your kind words. I could not read with out the tears flowing. I hate to see an animal suffer that can not speak up for them selves.
They are just babies and so much of Gods creatures. Why and what kind of people can be so cruel? Thank you, for loving Gremmy and showing her that not everyone is bad. You will be blessed, and yes Run free Angel and we may all see you someday at that bridge. It warms my heart to know he has the best memories of you now!
Thank you so much for what you did for Gremmy and for making his short life special. God Bless You and your family! GOD rest your little soul Gremmy! You will never know pain again. We will miss you so much! Maybe you two can become friends.
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Yeshad to put our last to the Bridge due to dstcoms , 2 other Wesyirdlike husband and wife crossed together. The most traumatic was Tessa,who was a spitfire,died of encephalitis at 4,3,,and a half! People told me dogs did not go to Heaven a lieas children who have seen heaven saw them. And the horror of it,and now we know there WAD a Bridge!!!!!!!!!!.
Yrs our last ate a dog cookie covered in whipped cream,licked the spoon,and kept it down!!! He was a showman!!! Years ago when I was a little girl I was with my beloved grandpa and he was so up set about the way his neighbor treated his animals. I too believe the punishment rarely fits the crime. They are so innocent and only live to love us and give us joy. Run with your friend s in the green grass and flowers.
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Thank you for Gremmys story. Its just a shame a sweet little thing suffered so much. Theres a special place in heaven for you.

R I P Gremmy. I will never understand how someone could hurt an animal, especially a little dog so viciously. Fortunately little Gremmy escaped that horror and found love with you. RIP little fella and so glad he found human kindness You and your family were angels for giving him so much love. Gremmy, Bubba, you are sorely missed, little guy. Thank you to NMDR for rescuing this little one. So sorry for your loss.
We have had many dogs in our over 50 years of marriage not rescues but most were given to us. We live near Peoria, IL. I called one once not to buy but to see what the lady said! She wanted to meet me at a mall parking lot!!!. Thank u 4 not letting him die alone, rescuing him and loving him. U R angels and heroes in my book. This is my first time reading this story. God bless you for all you do! Sue, that is great! That is what I was hoping is story would do — send people into action. I to had a fighter! Gremmy, Harley and and thousands of dogs suffer daily at the hands of cruel breeders.
I rescue puppy mill dogs here in Ohio. Dogs like Gremmy deserve a second chance and to feel hands that love, heal and help, not inflict pain and suffering. To those who would read this…. Your love can make the difference in a world where love is desperately needed. Gremmy was blessed to have such a loving and strong family. Glad Gremmy had wonderful life at last. I am very sorry that Gremmy crossed the rainbow bridge but Gremmy found wonderful family with lots of love. Hope they are happy with us, and will try best to give wonderful hope. I am sure they are very happy with you and your family.
Thank you for giving them a wonderful home. What a sad story with a happy and sad ending at least the little fella knew what love was before he crossed rainbow bridge RIP little man x. I applaud you, your family, and everyone involved in Gremmys care. What a wonderful life no matter how short it was, you and all who worked with him did your best to do beyond you best and more for him in every way, and you did that beautifully and you know it was working in how he showed you in all his little ways. In the end it was all his abuse and neglect from that inhuman woman who had him, that helped cause his demise.
God bless you and yours, you are wonderful people. How can a darling little being like Gremmy inspire anyone to treat him with anything but love and kindness? God bless you and your family for loving and caring for him, and giving him some happiness in the last part of his life! I am working on something special to place on my website to address Animal Abuse! We have not decided what exactly we will do but I will keep you posted. Sylvia, that is wonderful! Please do keep us posted. Got choked and teary eyed several times reading his story.
God bless you and your family. Of course, I am furious at his previous owner and the laws concerning animal abuse but I am so thankful he ended up with you and your family!!! What a perfect match! Under that tiny exterior, with all his biting, snapping, aggressive behavior, you saw an abused boy who needed to trust and allow you to love him but his whole body was wracked with pain, especially above the shoulders.
I wish you all had more time with the happy, pain-free Gremmy but you gave him almost two years and to see him lie on his back, talking very loudly to you, makes my heart sing. We adopted a poodle who had been abused for the first five years of his life. I knew that it was all because of humans abusing him. He was loved for the next 7 years but the vet said his mind had finally deteriorated to the extent that he was a danger to himself and others and he had to be helped over the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you so much for loving him. What a beautiful heart you and your husband had to want to help Gremmy heal. People like are very rare. His story of abuse and then love brought me to tears, stomach churning, lump in my throat and tears flowing like never before. He was beyond precious. My husband and I have adopted 14 rescue Pekes in the last 15 years.
Time and again your stories make me cry, usually tears of happiness that you have saved another beautiful soul. I sometimes wonder how many tears I can shed for the plight of animals. I will watch this rescue over and over because it feels so good to see these animals in heaven living the lives they were meant to live. Blessings to you all. You could never come of ill harm to yourself as what you give out each day will always be returned in many forms , most of which are people like myself who adore you and your animal family.
I love your posts-Each one inspires me to believe there are angels on this earth loving and caring for animals that are forgotten and mistreated by my human earthly companions! Just the happy faces of those members of your animal family give me the lift and faith and hope for a brighter future for all animals! I truly love you, your sanctuary and all of you who give so much of your heart and soul! All these beautiful messages say it better than I can- thank God there are people like you to help the weakest, most innocent, and defenceless among us.
If I only lived near, I would love to volunteer. This wonderful story on R U OK? Every day you are having this conversation with Princess and she most certainly is having that conversation with you. Before and After photos of just a couple of months apart are remarkable. Love is the greatest medicine. HEllo Penny, sorry only saw your comment now. Many thanks for your kind words. Please do check out visit us tab on our website for visiting details.
Look forward to your visit, cheers and kind wishes P. You are so very much appreciated. I cried at the beginning and then laughed at the joyously happy piggy sounds coming the pigs at the end. The whole episode of Princess,and,her friends reduced me to tears. Bouquets by the million to the 4 wheel drive enthusiast who was willing to wait,and,help. What a wonderful person.
Been there,done that,got the T shirt,so I understand full well just what you went through, initially, treating Princess. Well done yet again! Seeing all the good being done for Animals in such a cruel cruel world. Thanks so much for doing what you do, and inspiring others around the world to emulate you and make the world better for the billions of princesses that are suffering out there.
How wonderful to see 3 beautiful piggies happy again. Thanks for the diaries. Love to all from Gippsland. I just so love all your stories and videos. In a world so full of unbelievable animals cruelty and abuse, I cannot tell you how much your stories life my spirits.
So often the pain we feel when we hear and see this terrible cruelty to animals, is overwhelming and then your beautiful kindness comes through and helps me to realise that there are lots of wonderful people who are doing amazing work to change the lives of all animals. Love from Heather xx. I cry with every story that I read. Some are tears of sadness but most are tears of joy and hope. Thank you for sharing another beautifully touching story. Edgars Mission is amazing!!!! I hope someday I can cross the pond and visit this beautiful place!
Pam you are an amazing Human, with Animal Cruelty rife it is so heartwarming to watch your Videos of your amazing rescues and the love and compassion you show these beautiful Creatures, thank you. Thank you Pam you are a special soul. Pam, you are one of my greatest heroes and although you may not know it, you are a bodhisattva- a Buddhist term for a compassionate, altruistic and loving person.
Bless you always and thank you xxxx. This is why I donate, to help these beautiful animals. They will only know love and compassion from now on, safe in the loving sanctuary that is Edgars Mission. It is obvious that it is sorely needed. However there are too many cruel people out there who are dead inside and have no compassion for animals. But equally there are many wonderful people such as yourself running organisations to rescue abused, neglected and exploited animals and I thank you all. Your email address will not be published.
Had me in tears. Thank you Pam and the team for all you do. You make this world a better place.