Un peu de vie dans la mienne (Traverses) (French Edition)
Vas-tu renouveler ta carte de membre au gym? Ils doivent leur envoyer un mandat cash. Je lui ai dit de ne pas se faire de souci. Attends un moment que je termine mon travail. Si elle allait en Afrique, elle aurait besoin de se faire vacciner. Il faudra que je m'y habitue. Il ne fait aucun doute que tu peux lui faire confiance. Mais, mieux vaut tard que jamais! Il y a des tensions au sein de ma famille. Notre jardin est beau. Ruisseau, votre livre est dans ma voiture. Ton appartement est grand. Leurs enfants sont gentils. Son boulot est fatiguant.
Nos enfants ramassent des cailloux sur la plage et cherchent des crabes dans les rochers. La Seine est un fleuve.
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Nous habitons dans un lotissement. Il leur a fallu du courage pour escalader cette paroi. Ce matin, Anne et moi, nous sommes partis du mauvais pied: Appelle-moi lorsque tu auras fini ton travail. Tu aimes ces chaussures? Il fait chaud en ce moment en Espagne. Ils sont sortis un instant. Ils reviennent tout de suite. Je te vois la semaine suivante. Ah, tu joues de la clarinette? Et alors, tu sais aussi jouer du saxophone? Peux-tu lui demander de m'appeler vers dix-neuf heures? Bramley, Douglas Road, Cork, Ireland. You opened this page at About Us Purchase Credits.
Testimonials Answers to Lesson Exercises. Ask a general question Provide Feedback Report a problem. Que penses-tu du Brexit? Le transfert de Neymar: Selon moi, ils ne devraient pas pouvoir se procurer des armes aussi facilement. Un accident ferroviaire vient de se produire pas loin de la capitale. Les tablettes tactiles en classe: Mon ami, James, ne manque aucune occasion de singer notre prof de maths.
Les supporters se bousculent au portillon pour obtenir des billets pour la finale. Si on se tutoyait? Cette campagne sensibilise les jeunes envers les dangers de la drogue. Il y avait des hordes de jeunes dans les rues.
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Ce nouveau scandale va faire la une de la presse. Les enfants adorent se cacher lorsqu'ils jouent entre eux. Les pertes humaines font partie des maux de la guerre. Il semblerait que la situation s'aggrave en Syrie. Nous avons suffisamment de carburant pour rentrer. J'ai appris que ton usine licenciait du personnel; qu'en est-il pour toi? What are your thoughts on the Facebook flotation? La vue du haut de la Tour Eiffel a de quoi vous couper le souffle. Ce truc, comment il fonctionne? Ils ne s'en sont pas remis avant un mois.
Ils les ont eus sur Internet. Il essaie de me faire maigrir. Pendant que tu y es, pourrais-tu me prendre quelque chose? Ils tout ont bu! Mes parents me soutiennent toujours dans mes choix. Pourquoi se comporte-t-elle ainsi? Jacques carbure au vin rouge! Tourne-toi que je voie ta coupe de cheveux! Il ne s'est jamais remis de la mort de sa femme. Il est dans les embouteillages. Il arrivera d'ici une heure. Leclerc sont toujours en rendez-vous. Voulez-vous que je leur laisse un message? Cette robe violette te met vraiment en valeur! Pourquoi est-elle si critique envers eux?
Je m'en fiche de ce qu'il pense de moi! Comment ont-ils fait pour accumuler autant de dettes? Mes devoirs n'ont rien de brillant, je t'assure! Cette semaine, je me suis senti e mal. Demain je vais rester au lit. Elle a trois mois de moins que ma fille. On aurait dit qu'elle avait peur de quelque chose. Ses romans font un tabac au Japon. Elle nous a appris tant de choses. Il vient de se faire tailler un costard par son patron. Je ne me permettrais pas de te juger. Toujours est-il qu'il n'est plus capable de diriger l'entreprise. C'est le cas avec toute la gent masculine. Tu vas te [faire] stresser inutilement!
J'ai fait pas mal de choses ce matin. Il envisage d'y rester [pendant] trois ans. Pourriez-vous me le faire sur le champ? As-tu entendu parler des portraits de M. Je ne savais pas que tu peignais! Il semblerait que M. De quels revenus disposent-ils? Ils touchent environ 3 euros par mois. Comment se fait-il qu'elle ne comprenne jamais ce que je lui dis?
Renon que je vous adresse cet email. Your car is ready to be collected Il faut les remplacer. I'd like to book my car in for a service, please Combien y a-t-il d'enfants par classe grosso modo? Est-ce que cent euros d'augmentation lui conviendrait? Ce forfait ne comprend pas l'assurance rapatriement. I'd like to have a puncture repaired Tu devrais aller te coucher. Ils vont nous facturer les travaux d'ici la fin du mois. J'ai pleine confiance en eux. A partir de la semaine prochaine, tout devrait aller mieux.
Quelqu'un devrait les ramener chez eux. Let's call a taxi! Nous serons quatre… moi et mes trois amis. Je n'ai pas le temps de finir ce travail. Go and tidy your room! Dis-lui de nous ficher la paix! Ne sois pas triste. Tom a un grand bureau mais il n'est pas aussi confortable que le mien. Il n'a pas l'habitude de nous rendre visite le week-end. A mon avis, il ne fait aucun doute que la violence engendre la violence. Shopping for clothes Puis-je les essayer?
Auriez-vous la taille au-dessus pour cette petite jupe? Jack a raison mais Jill a tort. Il est plus faible que les autres. Je vais visiter le nord et ensuite je vais prendre des photos. Elle les prend, tous les quatre. Pour en savoir plus sur le Tour de France! Comment expliquer un tel engouement pour les blogs? Large numbers and dates. Je ne reconnais pas son accent? What about the Irish who voted 'No' to the Lisbon Treaty? Il ne se rend pas compte du mal qu'il fait.
Ces appareils fonctionnent sans piles. The race to the White House has truly begun! The price of oil is going through the roof! Elle a disparu dans la foule. How to say 'my', 'your', 'his', 'her' Were you watching Roland Garros? I have such backache! Elle vit un calvaire: Mon docteur me conseille de me reposer. Let's buy costume jewelry for the fancy dress! Je fais pousser des tomates et des radis. Elles ont pas mal de mauvaises herbes dans leur pelouse. Complaining about poor service in a restaurant Tu aimes ces chaussures? Je vais passer chez ma tante demain soir.
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Je viens [tout juste] de lire cet article dans la presse. Le panda se nourrit de pousses et de feuilles. Hey, Xavier, you've been working out! How do I get to the Post Office? Excusez-moi de vous interrompre. Vous pouvez choisir le rouge ou le vert. Ils nous interrompent toutes les dix minutes! What is your opinion of these 'Miss France' competitions? The towns are all decorated! What a fine dog! What breed is he? Helping look after a friend's child. Am I speaking to the plumber? T'as entendu parler de l'affaire Jammie Thomas? Do you know about the new French number plates?
C'est fini, les vacances! What did you do for the environment today? Is there a special ticket I can buy? I'd like to hire a car [Part II] elles ont fait le tour du monde! I'd like to hire a car [Part I] elle aura besoin d'une voiture la semaine prochaine. You never stop complaining! Et claire… comment va-t-elle?
Oui… ils vont bien. Il ne peut pas te parler pour le moment.
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Il ne peut pas vous parler pour le moment. Il fait chaud aujourd'hui. I'm as stiff as a board today! An end was put to their love of life in a brutal, atrocious and ruthless way. Deep is my sorrow, as deep as yours, and yet upright we stand and shall stand. They will remain forever in our hearts. The English lyrics were written by Norman Gimbel. It is strongly identified with the Big Band and Swing eras, considered a standard of jazz and has been covered by many artists. It was used in the Broadway musical Swing! The drums are played by Samuel Daniels http: I hope you will enjoy my Hohoho announcing that Christmas is near I used a metronome and passages from a video by a very talented finger snapping artist named Darren Drouin http: Leona Gabriel, Jean Marchand; music: Leona Gabriel, Henri Salvador.
It has been covered many times and adapted in several languages. The last verse is in Creole. Thank you very much, Mark, for the instrumental track. Isarielle - 2 million views - 3, fans Hi Everyone, Here are some explanations: My sounds and I are back I really like Ebenezer Sena's beautiful instrumental version. I hope you will enjoy the liberties I took with his version. I would like to thank Jean-Louis Sambiasi, my Corsican friend, who created the music arrangement so that I could cover this pretty song. I hope you will enjoy this new collaboration.
More about Barbara right here: Qu'ils dorment, s'endorment Tranquilles, tranquilles. I am accompanied by my friend Janusz, a Polish accordionist. The instrumental here is slightly faster than in our other version. The song was originally written by the songwriting duo Fred Buscaglione - Leo Chiosso. I thought Robert's work on this song was interesting and so I decided to add my vocals to surprise him.
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It did surprise him, but it also made him happy, which, in turn, made me happy: And so you are now going to know everything or just about He created numerous guitar methods for students in the blues, rock and jazz genres. I visited my friend Janucik's Youtube channel the other day and I found there his rendition of a son I thought the melody was very beautiful. It is a traditional Polish song. As I do not speak Polish I had to check out the translation in Google Translate; it left me a bit perplexed this time The words are very simple. I hope that you will like my sounds, I really enjoyed producing them.
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner born on October 2nd , better known by his stage name Sting, is an English musician, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor and philanthropist. And I would like to thank Karafun, whose instrumental tracks I have used more than once. Thank you, Gavin, for suggesting this song to me. And thank you all for listening. So here is my version of it Thank you very much, Val, for this wonderful track.
Thank you all for listening and watching. I remember Paris in ' And I recall that you were mine In those Parisienne days. Looking back at the photographs Those summerdays spent outside corner cafes. Oh, I could write you paragraphs, About my old Parisienne days. The Peruvian waltz was a very popular genre in Latin America in the ss. I am accompanied by a guitarist friend from Colombia whom I would like to thank warmly for this beautiful instrumental track.
Oscar also has a gorgeous voice. Amor de mis amores! I dedicate it to all animals that are exploited, abused or tortured here and elsewhere. Animals are better than men, much better. This is my version of the Ave Maria by Franz Schubert. The idea of singing it came to me on August 15th and so I am a bit late for the upload.
One of my American friends, recently asked me if I could sing another French song. So I chose for him, and for you, a beautiful song by a singer I liked a whole lot: The song is called 'Les Gitans' The Gypsies and it was featured on her 4th album, also entitled Les Gitans, and released in Here is my version. She holds the record for most awards won by a French artist.
She remains a world icon, ranking 6th on the list of most popular singers in the world with over million records sold worldwide. Thank you all for listening and watching! I used a karaoke backing track. Je viens d'Italie, Et toi, beau gitan? Je viens d'un pays qui n'existe plus Et dans la nuit Monte un refrain bizarre, Et dans la nuit Bat le coeur des guitares. Revoir l'Italie, Et toi, beau gitan? Et toi, vieux gitan, mon ami? Je suis bien trop vieux, moi je reste ici Carrying on with my musical experimentations I have quite naturally come to Hip Hop.
And so here is my er Thank you, Grand Master, please do not be cross with me. I hope you will like my feet I would like to thank Jean-Marc for his superb instrumental version. I heard this song for the first time when I was on a bus taking a sightseeing tour of New York last week and I thought it would be very nice if I could cover it.
So here is my version of it. I illustrated the videos with photos I took during my stay. Since releasing his first hit song, "Piano Man", in , Joel has become the sixth best-selling recording artist and the third best-selling solo artist in the United States. Some folks like to get away, Take a holiday from the neighborhood.
Hop a flight to Miami Beach or to Hollywood. But I'm takin' a Greyhound on the Hudson River line. I'm in a New York state of mind. I've seen all the movie stars in their fancy cars and their limousines. Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens. I know what I'm needin', and I don't want to waste more time.
It comes down to reality, and it's fine with me cause I've let it slide. I don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside. I don't have any reasons, I left them all behind.

I don't have any reasons. I left them all behind. I'm just taking a Greyhound on the Hudson River line. Cause I'm in a, I'm in a New York state of mind. I discovered on my friend Claude Laxalde's channel the other day a song by Julio Iglesias I had never heard before. Thank you, Claude, for this beautiful musical arrangement. He has released 78 albums in 14 languages and has sold more than million records worldwide.
Brown's co-writer and one-time girlfriend, Betty Jean Newsome, wrote the lyrics based on her own observations of the relations between the sexes. My version complies with ISA standards James Joseph Brown Jr. He remains one of the greatest black artists in the world. This is a man's world, this is a man's world But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl You see, man made the cars to take us over the road Man made the train to carry the heavy load Man made the electric light to take us out of the dark Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark This is a man's, man's, man's world But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl Man thinks about a little bit of baby girls and of baby boys Man make them happy 'cause man make them toys And after man make everything, everything he can Do you know that man makes money to buy from other man?
This is a man's world But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing, not one little thing, without a woman or a girl He's lost in the wilderness He's lost in bitterness He's lost, lost somewhere in this, in loneliness. This artist, whom I like a lot, is called Francis Cabrel. I chose the mask as a symbol because a mask is also a chain that can distort, and even hamper, our relationship with ourselves and with others. As well as being necessary for blues musicians, it is also found in the repertoires of many jazz, soul, pop, and rock performers.
Thanks a lot for listening to this version. The denarius was a coin worth about 10 head of livestock and had the head of the current Caesar on one side heads and an emblem on the reverse tails. Several of the different Caesars like Octavian, Augustus, Vespasian, Aurelianus chose to use the eagle as their emblem. On payday, when all the soldiers received their earnings, they spent the money like a lottery windfall, like any good soldier would.
Here is what Corsican people sing released in The band, founded in initiated the revival of Corsican chants in the early s. It remains a true reference in the history of Corsican music and continues to fight for the promotion of the Corsican language and culture. Dear Corsican friends, please do not laugh, the whole of Brittany will be deeply grateful to you for that: Several artists have covered this song, such as Astrud Gilberto in I am accompanied by guitarjamtracksman https: I hope you will enjoy this version.
Musical arrangement by Susumu Murakoshi. A lot of artists have covered it, including Ella Fitzgerald in I think it is some kind of a pow-wow version, pow-wow scat version here I accept to take full responsibility if it starts raining again It has been covered by many artists, including Chimene Badi in He was also a painter.
He started singing at a late age 46 and he is considered one of the finest interpreters of French chansons. Love is like a never ending melody, Poets have compared it to a symphony, A symphony conducted by the lighting of the moon, But our song of love is slightly out of tune! Once your kisses raised me to a fever pitch, Now the orchestration doesn't seem so rich! Seems to me you've changed the tune we used to sing; Like the bossa nova, love should swing! We used to harmonise, two souls in perfect time, Now the song is different and the words don't even rhyme!
Tune your heart to mine the way it used to be, Join with me in harmony and sing a song of loving. We're bound to get in tune again before too long; There'll be no desafinado when your heart belongs to me completely, So you won't be slightly out of tune, you'll sing along with me! There'll be no desafinado when your heart belongs to me completely, Then you won't be slightly out of tune, you'll sing along with me! Sing along with me, Sing along with me! I visited my friend Jean-Michel Bartnicki's website the other day http: This is a text about homelessness and alcoholism, but I would say that it is primarily a text about desperation.
The music was composed by Paul Mahoni and I like it very much too. Alcoholism is not a vice or a fatality, but a type of dependence and therefore it requires therapeutic care. I hope you will enjoy our work on this song. Je ne crois plus en Dieu ni aux hommes, je veux boire encore. Thank you very much, Nick, for this very beautiful instrumental version. This video is a tribute to this very touching singer who passed away recently. Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love, yeah Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love Oh, I loved you a long, long time Darling, please say you'll be mine And let me wrap you in my warm and tender love Now let me wrap you in my warm and tender love, yeah Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love Yes, I love you oh so bad Come on and please me with your touch And let me wrap you in my warm and tender love ooo ooo ooo For I loved you a long, long time Darling, please say you'll be mine And let me wrap you in my warm and tender I said it'll be alright if you just let me Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love Oh baby, come on and let me Let me wrap you in my warm and tender love I said it'll be alright if you just let me Wrap you in my warm and tender love, yeah.
My Polish friend, Janucik, asked me the other da I listened to it and I said YES. A very pretty song again. Here is our version of it. It was also covered by Andy Williams in It has become a great jazz standard. I hope you will enjoy my version. She has sold over 40 million records worldwide since her debut in Blige also has a more discreet career as an actress. Thank you very much, Marc, for your superb arrangement. Why not start to be happy now , a song composed in by Paul Misraki with lyrics by Andre Hornez. Although it was first recorded in , this song remains emblematic of the Front Populaire the Popular Front: Les maisonnettes Ouvrent les yeux, Et la radio chante un p'tit air radieux, Le ciel a mis son complet bleu Et le rosier met sa rosette L'amour nous guette C'est merveilleux Qu'est-ce qu'on attend?
Y a des violettes Tant qu'on en veut Y a des raisins, des rouges, des blancs, des bleus, Les papillons s'en vont par deux Et le mille-pattes met ses chaussettes, Les alouettes Se font des aveux, Qu'est-ce qu'on attend? It is regarded as one of his classics. I asked Jean-Louis Sambiasi, my Corsican friend, if he could recreate an instrumental track in the same spirit for me so that I could recite this wonderful text.
Thank you very much, Jean-Louis, for accepting: Tu peux remporter le phono, Moi je conserve le piano, Je continue ma vie d'artiste. I would like to dedicate this song tomy dad who passed away, but whose birthday is today. They say that falling in love is wonderful So wonderful, so they say The thing that's known as romance is wonderful So wonderful, so they tell me I can't recall who said it, I know, I never read it I only know they tell me that love is grand and If there's a moon up above It's wonderful, wonderful, in every way, so they say Instrumental You leave your house one morning and without any warning You find yourself shouting that love is grand and To hold a man in your arms is wonderful Wonderful, in every way, so they say.
I was deeply moved when Janucik, my Polish friend, recently told me that his beloved son, Maciej, had passed away. I would like to dedicate my cover of the very pretty song "La Paloma" the dove to him. I used Janucik's very pretty version Je ne peux pas changer, moi non plus, Domino, Domino, Je pardonne toujours, mais reviens, Domino, Domino, Et je ne te dirai plus rien.
Beware, my love, I have forgiven you too often I have spent more nights waiting for you Than by your side I may hurt you now, it is my turn, You have hurt me in the past and you have never cared You enjoy my suffering, and I am exhausting myself loving you. Chorus There is a thought that I can't bear It is seing someone taking my place in your arms, I can endure many things, but this is more than I can handle And should any woman steal you away from me She might as well start counting her days and yours too I watch all those around you, oh beware, my darling. Domino Domino I shouldn't be getting so angry, With you, Domino, I know too well that nothing can be done, You have a light heart, You cannot change that, But I love you, what can I do?
I am accompanied on the accordion by my French friend Claude Laxalde who played this song for the first time in an orchestra in The tempo is this version slightly slower than in the other accordion version uploaded today. To illustrate the video I used pictures that I took in Cuba. This is my Ladies Special for Valentine's Day.
My male viewers are allowed to give it a listen though I really liked her very much. The idea came to me this morning, so please don't be too demanding. I hope you will enjoy as much as I do Michael Marc's superb instrumental version. Thank you very much, Michael. Nu profumo accussi fino Dinto 'o core se ne va… E tu dice: Vir 'o mare de Surriento, che tesoro tene nfunno: Guarda attuorno sti Serene, ca te guardano 'ncantate, e te vonno tantu bene Rina Ketty , whose real name was Cesarina Picchetto, was a French singer of Italian descent.
My Californian friend, Marc Roberge, created the instrumental track for me. Thank you very much, Marc: I wished to pay tribute to Demis Roussos who passed away recently. And so you have here my cover of "Auf Wiedersehen", the German version of "Goodbye my love, goodbye" and the A side of his single released in Before his solo career, he was the lead singer and bassist of the band Aphrodite's Child.
This is my personal perception as an artist of the man and artist he was. Thank you, Mr Roussos. The song has become a gypsy jazz standard and has been recorded by several singers eg. Ella Fitzgerald and musicians of the genre. I think my version turned out as a jazzy pow-wow … I used a karaoke backing track. Le soir tombait dessus la piste, Sur les gravats et sur ma vie. Jim Cregan, Russ Kunkel. I am accompanied on the trumpet by Alex Rachkov. He was a British rock and blues singer he was also, to a lesser extent, an actor and a composer.
His hoarse voice and spasmodic gestures on stage that were to remain his trademark throughout his career, made him famous worldwide. The song was sung from the perspective of a soldier who wrote a letter to his family during World War II. The song has since become a Christmas standard.