The first outing
In the end, I did the only thing I could think of and pulled up my shirt right there on the faux-leather banquette.
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When we finally made it back home, I was so exhausted I collapsed on the couch with the baby on my chest and didn't move for two hours. For any first-time mom, leaving the house with the baby can be filled with SOS moments. But with a little preparation and a few words of advice from been-there, done-that moms, you'll find yourself sailing along with ease. Your baby makes a monster poop that can be smelled three towns over.
Not only does the public bathroom have a broken changing station, but it also looks like it hasn't been cleaned since the Carter Administration. If you're in a mall, try to find the nearest baby clothes store, toy store, or large bookstore with a children's section. Chances are, they'll have more adequate changing stations -- or at least the staff won't mind if you change the baby on the floor. Always have a changing pad on hand.
Disposable ones, such as Pee Wee pads, are the best for big messes because you can toss them in the trash. In a pinch, you can use your sweater or jacket. For simple diaper swaps, chairs at Starbucks, the backseat of your car, or your stroller all work well. Christy Blackmon, a mom of two in Mobile, Alabama, is a big fan of using her own lap as a changing table. Then lay the baby across your lap, balancing his head and neck on one thigh and his lower torso on the other," she explains.
How to Survive Your First Outing With Baby | Fit Pregnancy and Baby
Tuck the top of the dirty diaper under the baby's bottom. Clean his bottom with a wipe, and then lift up his legs, slide out the dirty diaper, and quickly replace it with a clean one. Blackmon advises you to flex your feet to keep your thighs even so baby won't slide off. Wherever you choose to change baby, remember to seal up the diaper in a zipper bag so others don't have to share the smell. And never throw a dirty diaper in a trash can that's close to where people are eating or drinking.
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You nursed your baby before you left for the post office, but just as you're getting to the front of the endless line, she starts screaming her head off. The pacifier isn't pacifying, and your breasts are starting to leak.
How to Survive Your First Outing With Baby
When a baby is hungry, she doesn't care if you're at the post office, on a conference call, or in a receiving line to meet the Queen. She wants food and she wants it now. And since a newborn's feeding schedule can be highly erratic, it is inevitable that you will find yourself needing to nurse in the most inconvenient places. First thing to remember: A baby is not going to starve if you wait 10 minutes to feed her, so as long as you don't mind some nasty looks from other customers, stay in line, mail your package, and then worry about mealtime.
Sometimes picking her up, bouncing her around, and letting her suck on your finger will buy you a few minutes. Then, do what you have to do, whether that means plopping down on the floor and nursing or retreating to your car for a little more privacy.
There was a really long line for the fitting rooms, so I just sat down on a T-shirt display and nursed her right there," she remembers. One popular way to feed your baby without anyone knowing is to use a sling , which positions the baby perfectly to nurse while his head and your breast are covered up.
The best part about this method: You can go about your business while your baby dines away to his delight. You finally get packed and ready to go on your first big shopping trip. How we chose 'justice'. And is one way more correct than the others? How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts. The awkward case of 'his or her'.
Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Synonyms for outing Synonyms excursion , jaunt , junket , ramble , sally , sashay , sortie , spin Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of outing in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Jenner, Scott, and baby Stormi recently spent the day on an adorable autumnal outing as a family.
First Known Use of outing , in the meaning defined at sense 1. Learn More about outing. Resources for outing Time Traveler! Explore the year a word first appeared. Time Traveler for outing The first known use of outing was in See more words from the same year.

Shop at familiar places where you know where everything is and where you feel comfortable. Do a pre-run in your head before you leave the house.
Make sure you have a changing mat and baby wipes. How to pack a nappy bag. Because clean, secure and comfortable breastfeeding facilities are scarce, I advise moms to make use of the change rooms in clothing stores. Breastfeeding in public is a contentious topic. If you have no choice, you may choose to cover yourself and your baby with a shawl or purpose-made feeding cover. Send this to a friend Your email Recipient email Send Cancel.