The Book Of Elijah: After The Rapture
When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. Let them go and look for your master. Perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has picked him up and set him down on some mountain or in some valley. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. All rights reserved worldwide. You'll get this book and many others when you join Bible Gateway Plus.
Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. The next step is to choose a monthly or yearly subscription, and then enter your payment information. You can cancel anytime during the trial period. However, the second half of that verse has not yet been fulfilled. If a scripture that is being fulfilled stops at a comma then it is only fulfilled up to the comma. And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: Because He has anointed Me. To preach the gospel to the poor;. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,.
To proclaim liberty to the captives. And recovery of sight to the blind,. To set at liberty those who are oppressed;. To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD. Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. Jesus actually stopped reading at a comma. The rest of that verse says: The day of vengeance of our God was not yet to be fulfilled, so Jesus stopped reading at that point. That comma represents a year span of time. Now look at the verse that John the Baptist fulfilled. There is also a year span of time between that comma and the rest of that verse.
The final fulfillment will be in the days of the end time prophet. For he will be the one who comes before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. It is important to note that he must come before the great and dreadful day not during as many pastors teach. There will be two witnesses who appear during the great tribulation. They must appear after the end time prophet because they are the double power. After Elijah must come Elisha, the double power. I am not at all persuaded myself that this is true. I know that the work that Dr.
Lewis Barry Chafer did at the Dallas Theological Seminary was no doubt some of the greatest, if not the greatest, work that Dr. As a matter of fact, I do not think that these sons of the prophets appear to be kinds of seminary students that Elijah would have produced anyway.
They seem to be capricious, wavering, chattering magpies. I still remember the story of the man who came up to D. So I am not at all persuaded that the Prophet Elijah spent the last years of his life instructing me in theological schools. As I read the Bible, it seems obvious that the best place to instruct a young man in the things of God is in the local church. For it is there, according to the Scriptures, that we have not only the intellectual, but we also have the practical carrying out of the things we learn in our heads.
It was not a mistake when the Lord Jesus selected twelve men, and asked them to follow him. And they lived with him and worked with him, and carried out their ministry under him. And consequently they were fitted for the work by the work for him. And the prophet who stands out in the prophets who followed Elijah is the Prophet Elisha. And the man who did not go to the theological school is the man who stands out in the period that follows. And yet at the same time, I see some of the characteristics of these men in our students in our theological colleges. I think that instead of being concerned about what happened to Elijah here, some of the sons of the prophets no doubt went off and wrote a Ph.
D thesis on the doctrine of Elijah. We want to look today in the time that we have to the rapture and the second coming of Elijah. Now Elijah is at Gilgal.
And, I think that Elijah and the others who have been given an intimation of what is to follow, must have been meditating at this last time in his life over the life that he had lived. And if I know Elijah, I think, as the news was come to him that soon God was to take him from the earth, that he must have meditating something like this: And he was very much, I think, humbled, by what was going to happen.
God was going to take him. And Elisha had some indication. And Elijah, too, had some indication of what is going to happen. So he leaves Gilgal, and as he leaves he tells Elisha who is with him and ministering to him, Elisha, I want you stay here for the Lord has sent me to Bethel. He wanted to spare him that struggle and suffering. Now I do not think that was true at all. It was just another way of saying to him, do you really want to follow this man, Elijah? And when they reached Bethel, some of the seminary students come out, and notice they do not go to Elijah.
They go to Elisha, which seems to me to confirm the fact that they were not too well-acquainted with Elijah.
Who is giving the Elijah Message now?
Now Elisha is very curt to these seminary students, and they needed it, too. Because all they want is to say something that is curious, vulgar, that will cause men to talk. And the same thing happens. The seminary students come out. And Elijah, some time before this, had taken his mantle, while he was plowing with the oxen, and he had thrown his mantle around Elisha in token of the fact that Elisha was to succeed in his prophet.
And Elisha valued this so much, that he was not going to leave Elijah. After all, if God has called you to speak as a prophet, every other type of other human activity is inferior to that. And so Elisha values very much this privilege of being the mouthpiece of God, as the prophets were. So he insists on following him to Jordan.
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And finally, in the seventh verse, our author states that they, too, stood by the Jordan. And so, as the two men stand by the Jordan, what do you think they were thinking? Well, this soil about the Jordan was redolent with all kinds of types of nostalgic remembrances for these two men. For you see, it was around the Jordan that so many of the great things happened to Israel. As Elijah stood at the Jordan River, and looked off toward the east — for he was going toward the east — over to his left were the hills of Gilead, and that was his own family playground.
That what where he had grown up. And like so many people when they get older, they want to go back to their home. Now he thought of that, and as he looked off to the right, in the distance he saw a hill, and on that hill, Mt.
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Nebo, Moses had gone to meet the Lord. And Moses had been the great lawgiver, and Elijah was the great law-restorer. And then also, at the Jordan River, that had been the place where Israel had come into the Promised Land as Joshua had arrived with the ark of God.
You remember the ark, God gave instruction, should go through the Jordan River, and then the children of Israel should follow. And when the ark went down into the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan went hither and thither, just as the text here said, and the children of Israel had gone over the Jordan River dry shod. Here was a place that was redolent with tremendous significance for Elijah and Elisha. Often, we look back at the past of our Christian church, and think of the wonderful things that have happened at certain places.
Why must Elijah return before the end times (Malachi )?
I know when I was in Europe, one place I was certain to go was Wittenburg, Deutschland, because at Wittenburg, that Augustinian monk had nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church, and the Reformation had begun. Things have changed considerably. Or if you went to Oxford, you would want to got Balliol College, for it was there that Wycliffe had been headmaster. And it was Wycliffe who had been responsible for giving the English people the Bible in their own tongue. And furthermore — and this was the worst thing that he did as far as the enemies of Wycliffe were concerned — they distributed it to the people, read the Bible in their own language.
These were two men of God, and as they stood by the Jordan, no doubt, these memories came back to them with tremendous significance. Now, at this point, Elijah does something that only a prophet can do. He takes his mantle off, which was the outward sign of his office or function as prophet, and the takes it, and he wraps it up together.
The Hebrew text implies that he wrapped it up so that it formed something like a rod. And he smote the waters, and they were divided so that they went hither and thither so that they, too, went over on dry ground. And the sons of the prophets made note of this, and they began to talk about the doctrine of the wrapped mantle. But it happened, and those waters went back. And Elijah, in performing this miracle demonstrated the fact that the unexhausted power of the God was still with him.
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The God of yesterday was the God of today. For you see, this was the same thing that had happened previously when the ark of God had gone down into the Jordan. The God who had worked in the Mosaic days is the God who is still working in the days of Elijah. And the prophets took note of that. And Elisha took note of it. And I want to say that the same God who worked in the days of Moses and worked in the days of Elijah and worked in the days of our Lord works today with the same power — not in the same form — but in the same power.
And in the tremendous transformations that take place in the hearts of men are miracles that are easily as great — I think greater — than these signs that were materialistic and performed by the prophets. To see a young man transformed from a person who does not care one thing about heaven, or about the life that is to come, or about the life today. And to see that man through the gospel of the grace of God become a different person because he has new life is a miracle that only God can perform.
And it is great. The God of yesterday is the God of today. And Elijah and Elisha went through the water. I wonder what he was thinking.
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Perhaps he was thinking, I think that Elisha will say, give me your mantle. But he surprised the prophet. I take it he was surprised because he said, thou hast asked a hard thing. Now, he did not mean by that, yes, let me be twice the prophet that you were.
No, he was a Hebrew, you see, and he was asking within the Hebrew context, and you see the eldest son in the Hebrew family had a double inheritance. If there were three sons and lots of daughters, those sons, of course, inherited, and the first son, the eldest son, received a double portion.
If there were three sons in a family, the inheritance was divided up four ways. And the first son received two shares and the next two one. Now I wish it were like that today, because I am a first born son. But in that day it was. He wants to have a double portion of the inheritance prophet. In other words, he wants to be a real prophet; he wants to have a real contact with God.
Now that of course reveals that this person Elisha is not a very worldly kind of man. He asked for a double portion of his spirit.

So the old helmsman who is about to resign is now asked to give a double portion of his spirit. Sometimes, today, you have men who it seems to me ask the same type of question but in a carnal way. Elijah really could not do this. And he knew it. Now, it just so happens that if you see me when I go, you will have it. But I cannot give it to you. Only God can do that.