Spirituality and Social Care: Contributing to Personal and Community Well-being
The Jewish prayer book, Gates of prayer , captures what religion, as an expression of the spiritual, offers:. Religion is not merely a belief in an ultimate reality or in an ultimate ideal.
Spirituality and Social Care
Religion is a momentous possibility. Modern Western culture, with its emphasis on personal consumption and self-gratification, betrays this ideal — at considerable cost to health and wellbeing. The restoration of a stronger spiritual dimension to life will be important in turning around this situation. Publication of your online response is subject to the Medical Journal of Australia 's editorial discretion.
Spirituality and wellbeing
You will be notified by email within five working days should your response be accepted. Basic Search Advanced search search. Use the Advanced search for more specific terms. Volume Issue 10 Suppl. Culture, spirituality, religion and health: Med J Aust ; 10 Suppl: Topics Health services administration. Abstract Religion provides things that are good for health and wellbeing, including social support, existential meaning, a sense of purpose, a coherent belief system and a clear moral code.
Spirituality, religion and health Religious belief and practice enhance health and wellbeing, although aspects of this relationship are contested. Cultural influences on religion Two powerful cultural factors that work against spirituality in Western societies today are materialism and individualism, especially in combination. Conclusion Religion serves humanity best when it embodies and expresses the spiritual as purely as possible, with only a limited influence of institutional and political agendas. The Jewish prayer book, Gates of prayer , captures what religion, as an expression of the spiritual, offers: Culture, health and well-being.
The social origins of health and well-being. Cambridge University Press, Is modern Western culture a health hazard? Int J Epidemiol ; Macrosocial determinants of population health. Psychol Bull ; The pursuit of happiness. New Sci ; Psychol Sci Public Interest ; 5: Explaining the relationship between religious involvement and health. Psychol Inq ; Berkman LF, Glass T. Social integration, social network, social support, and health.
Berkman LF, Kawachi I, editors.
Oxford University Press, Mestrovic S, Glassner BA. A Durkheimian hypothesis on stress.

Contributing to Personal and Community Well-being. Mary Nash , Bruce Stewart. They describe their work in an international range of human service contexts including: Chapter One Spirituality and Social Justice.
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- Culture, spirituality, religion and health: looking at the big picture.
Chapter Three Vocation and Social Care. Chapter Five Being Loving and Contributing.
Better Health Channel
Chapter Seven 1ntegrating Western and Aboriginal Healing. They describe their work in an international range of human service contexts including: Reviews 'Measures of spirituality do not figure widely on any social services inspectorate indicators. At first, this book will seem light years from preoccupations with hospital discharge rates, star ratings or child protection targets. Yet its contents are vitally important. Containing chapters from a range of mainly Canadian and New Zealand writers it illustrates a rich mix of cultures, embracing not only Western but also Maori and Polynesian thought.
Spirituality and wellbeing - www.newyorkethnicfood.com
Examples of working practice in dealing with people's spirituality are drawn from a variety of client groups including older people, people with learning disabilities, children, ethnic minority and indigenous groups. These examples of good practice will be very helpful and challenging to those of us in the UK where the way we address people's spiritual needs can still seem quite perfunctory and tokenistic.
The book identifies the training needed to work imaginatively and sensitively I found this book fascinating.
It is an excellent resource book with good references. Definitions of spirituality are offered throughout the book, as are distinctions between spirituality and religion.