Self Defence: The Simple Truth
In addition to material about unarmed combat, improvised weapons, legal weapons like kubotans and defensive sprays and firearms, Ayoob touches upon far less often considered subjects like locks for your home, electronic alarm systems, and even choosing a dog for protection. At every stage, Ayoob offers relatively comprehensive advice in a clear and easily understand format. He is careful to address not only the realties of each piece of security equipment, but also the legal, moral, and ethical considerations behind them.
The book is written in a very conversational style that makes the material very accessible; reading this book feels like sitting down and having a conversation with an old cop complete with some slightly politically incorrect language, though nothing truly offensive. If there is so much good here, why would I hesitate to recommend it?
A simple truth on self-defense - Kaliman
This book was published in , and has not been revised or updated since then. While the concepts in this book are, on a certain level, valuable, the information overall is nearly thirty years out of date, and it shows. Ayoob writing about rotary version push button telephones may have made sense when this book was written, but in the era of the iPhone vs. I have nothing against Aikido, but in my experience, most Aikido schools do not authentically prepare their students for real violence, and the skills that they teach do not transfer well without a huge investment of time and energy.
Furthermore, Ayoob offers no comment or opinion on either Brazilian Jujitsu or Mixed Martial Arts, two phenomena that were unknown or non-existent at the time this book was written. Is this book worth reading? If you are a self-defense instructor, I would say so, if for no other reason than it is a particularly seminal work in the field.
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If you are a dedicated student of personal protection, this can give you some excellent ideas for areas to consider investigating further. Mar 18, Allanna rated it it was amazing.
- More titles to consider!
- The Truth About Self Protection.
- Self-defense.
- Turkey Hunting, Then and Now.
- Seven Seas, Nine Lives: The Valour of Captain A.W.F. Sutton, CBE, DSC and Bar, RN.
I was recommended Ayoob's books by a semi-retired policeman. Ayoob's writings, from his experience as a police officer and as family to a victim of a non-lethal shooting, helps to instill a healthy respect of firearms. In The Truth about Self Protection , Ayoob discusses firearms and other tools to help protect oneself, one's home, and one's family. He covers the best at the time locks, dogs, martial arts I need to buy a copy for reference. I enjoyed his down-t I was recommended Ayoob's books by a semi-retired policeman.
I enjoyed his down-to-earth tone and his expertise in this area. Oct 15, Rachel Bonaccorso Lindsay rated it it was amazing Shelves: An oldie but goodie. Technology related info out of date naturally, but that's not a big deal. We like to lend this to people who come to us asking about concealed carry; unfortunately, somewhere along the line one of those people didn't return our copy! Even though it is dated in it facts and laws this is still a great teaching about how to be aware of your surroundings and how to defend yourself and better yet protect yourself and your property from crime.
Linda Wyatt rated it it was amazing Sep 23, Dave rated it it was amazing Feb 22, K rated it it was amazing Jul 09, Carla rated it it was amazing Feb 03, David rated it liked it Dec 27, Stanga rated it it was amazing Nov 24, Amy rated it liked it Aug 13, Aurora rated it really liked it Jul 31, Mike rated it liked it May 22, Kathy rated it liked it Aug 15, Dustin Blanton rated it it was amazing May 02, Lerxst rated it really liked it Apr 15, Pearsall rated it it was amazing Aug 14, Tim rated it liked it May 01, Thanks to the Author for a well done and readable book.
These techniques seem to be mostly Kung fu stuff.
And from my point of view this stuff is way too technical to be called "simple techniques"!! Street fighting or bar fighting or whatever you wanna call it, is not very complicated when it comes to technique, it's the agression and the speed of it that usually throws people who are unused to real life violence. Most of the stuff in this book could easily be beaten by a swift tackle rush or a quick right to the jaw So no, I'm not impressed Self Defense Made Simple Series.
Should be priced at. This Manual is a must have for anyone wanting to learn effective ways of defending themselves.
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It teaches simple techniques that can be learnt fast and applied instantly to any situation weather it is in a bar. The street or even your own home and most of all they are highly effective. It will also teach you how you body will react in different situation e.
Buzz has many years experience that he shares with you in this manual. This Manual is packed with loads of information from before the first punch is thrown to how you will react after the encounter Buzz really explains the whole situation from start to finish so you Review by Steve, Paula's husband.
A simple truth on self-defense
Recommended for people who don't want to get mugged, or want to come through it in one piece. This book has a lot of good information, written for the ordinary person, not the trained fighter. I didn't find anything I disagreed with, and I've taught self-defense classes myself. In particular, the advice on staying alert and not getting mugged in the first place is very well taken -- tips for how to kick are fine, but tips for not letting someone get that close in the first place are even better.
There are lots of production errors in this book -- spelling, sentences getting smooshed together, and such. They don't interfere with the information and advice, which is good.
Suggestion for Buzz Campion: Ft ed h ed g f2f grrr fvd chef wud wht exe quiz ska yr exurbs Jeddah tea is us. Proven Techniques, Strategies and Skills. This book is well written and deals in the basic moves and inderstanding of self defense. It is written for the woman in mind, but contains information and examples which can be used by most anyone.
Jeet Kune Do Pure and Simple. Very rarely have I come across a JKD book that is objective or doesn't deify the arts founder. Korol has truly brought a unique prospective to Lee's art.

If you're interested in using a sword in any way this is an easy to follow system that is a beneficial tool no matter your level of physical activity. These techniques can be used with sword surrogates as well such as umbrella or cane to be a useful self defense tool in any situation where you have something at hand it doesn't have to be a blade. My wife and children have also benefited from the lessons in this manual. You don't need tons of money and fancy gear to learn the sword.
This affordable, invaluable manual is a first step into a fun martial art that doubles as some good cardio. Simple Self-Defence For Women.