Once Upon A Dream
Once upon a time I dreamed we'd be together In love forever Once upon a night I was wishing for a never A never ending Once upon a time Once upon a night Once upon a wish Once upon a dream I know you, I danced with you once upon a night There we were, wishing this dance would last forever all time I hope it's true this vision is more than what it seems Cause if dreams come true I know what we'll do We'll dance once again The way we did then upon a dream Chorus: Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah Once upon a night I was wishing for a never A never ending Once upon a time Once upon a night Once upon a wish Once upon a love Once upon a time Once upon a night Once upon a wish Once upon a dream Upon a dream Once upon a dream Upon a dream Once upon a dream.
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once The way you did once upon a dream I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
The Magic Lives On! King Stefan's Banquet Hall Shops: Disney's Dreams On Parade: She saves the people and becomes queen. I'm starting to realize that I don't enjoy fairy tale retelling's. I was amazed at the amount of changes that were done from the Disney movie. I couldn't imagine the King and Queen being awful and the fairies being evil. I loved those fairies! I also couldn't imagine Maleficent being 'good'. Aside from that I really didn't like the writing style. It felt choppy and misplaced. And there were more words than necessary to describe something.
When I read the authors previous book it was written in first person. Whereas this book is written in third person. I think had this book been written in first person it would've sounded better. If it had just been because it was different I would've written it of as 'It's not you but me'. But that's not the case. Overall I did not enjoy this book. But I still recommend it. It would definitely be interesting to read about Maleficent being a Queen and that for being a 'good' fairy she still puts the sleeping curse.
And how with all these changes Aurora meets Phillip. I would recommend it to fans of dark fairy tale retelling's and fans of the author. View all 13 comments. Dec 09, Stacee rated it it was ok Shelves: Yet, I don't even know what to say about it. First off, I loved the premise. The fact that it wasn't a traditional sort of retelling was exciting. I liked the fact that it was all a dream and that Aurora needed to figure out how to wake herself up.
To me, that means learning things and getting stronger and maybe magic. I kept waiting for some sort of amazing spark to happen that would make me fall in love with the story, because I REALLY wanted to love it. I tried so hard to love it. Overall, it was a clever idea, but not the best execution. View all 7 comments.
Once Upon a Dream | Disney Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
This is the second instalment in a series of Disney-inspired retellings by Liz Braswell. Once Upon a Dream is the tale of a Sleeping Beauty who might never wake up. Or, if she does, it probably won't be true love's kiss to awaken her. I was immediately more invested in this, than the first book, from the very first line of, "A dragon was dead. This had such an intriguing premise and had such potential to be a completely bad-ass book. Whilst there was nothing inherently wrong with it, it just didn't fill me with any feelings. The story-line was, in theory, a compelling one but I found the pacing too slow for me to care overly much.
I adore slower-paced reads with slow building, suspense, intense character studies, or evocative depictions of the landscape.
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This did none of that. I can't point out what prolonged this story, at all.
See a Problem?
There was just a repetition of already known events and inconsequential filler scenes without which this would have been a brilliant read and only half its current length. I did like how this padded the two-dimensional Disney characters and how it gave Aurora more awareness, over the course of the novel, and Phillip more flaws.
It was also a really unique device to use the dream within a dream concept, which was cleverly executed and had me second-guessing much of the action. Everything in between, however? This promised to be amazing, the premise was just so wonderful and intriguing, but I don't think this author is the best one to exercise this amazing idea. I found the prose to be stilted, so much that I couldn't settle into the story. It lacked maturity, was overly simple to read, and the descriptions were bland.
I couldn't even finish it.
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I received a copy of this for free via NetGalley for review purposes. Sep 05, Alaina rated it liked it Shelves: Not my favorite so far for this series. I really hope that the next book is way better. Once Upon a Dream is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty.
The beginning of this book definitely had potential. I liked how the there was this whole mystery as to why the prince fell asleep in the after kissing Aurora. Then the whole dream-like world was another interesting point. However, it definitely fell flat and was kind of dragging on and on. Aurora, or Rose, was just meh in my eyes. She was completely b Meh. She was completely boring in my eyes and at one point I just didn't care if they came out of this world. I was kind of rooting for Maleficent to win towards the end. Then besides Aurora's petty ass..
I liked the cartoon character way better. I would rather watch the movie on repeat for the rest of my life than read this book ever again.

Overall, I heard that the third book is way better and a favorite for a lot of people. So in other words, I can't wait to dive into it. Apr 02, Cristina My Tiny Obsessions rated it did not like it. I had a huge problem with the first book of the series, the spin on the Aladdin story, but because that story had a little more action, I felt it was more bearable. Once again I had a big problem with the writing of this book. It did nothing for me.
She mostly found it better to lie on her bed and think about actions. Just the thought of getting up these days seemed exhausting and unreasonable. But I convinced myself to wait a bit, see if things got interesting when she and Phillip met, and then there was this pearl: I love Disney, I really do, but these twisted tales are not for me at all. Did you read this book? What did you thought of it? View all 3 comments.
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Apr 22, merina rey rated it it was ok. First let me say My extreme medically diagnosed OCD will not allow me too. So, Merina, why not a 1 star rather than a 2? Becauseeee the idea of it, is great. The plot, not horrible. The characters, absolutely the most unlikeable portrayal of a Disney princess I have ever encountered in my life. She was petty, she was annoying, boring, and a damsel in distress til basically the last 3 chapters of the book View all 6 comments.
May 29, Elaina rated it it was ok Shelves: So first off, I think my rating of 2 stars is being generous I was tempted so many times to just dnf it Which you know means I thought it was pretty bad if I'm considering not even finishing it lol because I always feel the need to read a book until the very end just in case it redeems itself: P lol I definitely feel like this book wasn't worth my time though and I wouldn't really recommend it: I don't know, something just felt of So first off, I think my rating of 2 stars is being generous I don't know, something just felt off about this book.
There were some weird things in it too. Maleficent was really creepy and the things she did were pretty gross. At times, it was also confusing to me, which I guess it was supposed to be? I am not sure haha but yeah, not a book I would recommend to my friends I personally didn't care for it though: View all 4 comments. Feb 25, Dianne rated it liked it Shelves: What a fabulous premise! Would she remain trapped in her dreams and nightmares?
What would her world be like if an evil fairy trapped her and kept her as a pampered princess in a world where nothing is real? How would Aurora feel to find out her life had been a lie, all because of a deal made when she was born? How would Aurora discover she is in a living nightmare and find the courage to find a way out, possi What a fabulous premise! How would Aurora discover she is in a living nightmare and find the courage to find a way out, possibly discovering the powerful woman she was meant to be? Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell has the makings for a fabulously intriguing read!
A modern and much darker version of Sleeping Beauty, gone is the sweet and simple tale we all grew up with. Aurora does meet her prince, but he has fallen into her world, and now they must escape.
Once Upon a Dream
Follow along through their trials, tribulations and the shocks of discovering the truth and manipulation Aurora has faced at the hands of Maleficent. The depth of each scene was often vivid, but the characters lacked that spark of life. Philip was, at times humorous and he definitely can slay dragons, but he lacked that larger-than-life feel that a fairytale prince should have.
Philip would make an excellent boy-next-door, though. A Twisted Tale - Book 2 Publisher: Disney Press Publication Date: April 5, Genre: Fairytales retold Print Length: Nov 05, Callie Rose Tyler marked it as just-no. The first one was so bad, I just can't imagine trying to dive into this one. Once upon a dream 3. Auroras parents evil as they were are sentenced to live the rest of their pitiful lives in prison. Aurora is still the princess still treated wonderfully but everything is different.
Lana Del Rey - Once Upon A Dream Lyrics
Mal is well the ruler and her magic brought the kingdom to their knees only to build the kingdom back up. Mal isnt evil per say but she is a different ruler. Maleficent though isnt all nice and rainbows now. She traps Aurora in a sleep and sucked prince Phillip in with Once upon a dream 3. She traps Aurora in a sleep and sucked prince Phillip in with her. Maleficent wants to rule unquestioned and Aurora was getting in the way.
Aurora was the rightful ruler. It is up to Aurora and Phillip to save the world from Maleficents wrath. This was really cute and a new take on sleeping beauty I was bored and didn't connect to this at all. I usually never DNF books and I feel terrible for having to do it to an ARC but honestly no one should have to force their way through this book. I should have known better than to attempt reading through this when the first in this series of Twisted Tales got less than stellar reviews from reviewers I trust. Alas, the Disney lover in me could not grasp the idea that a twisted version of a Disney movie could be bad.
My main problem with this book was the narrative and writing style it was dull and overly simplistic. There were far too many long descriptions of everything that went on longer than they should have. Australian Recording Industry Association Retrieved January 18, Retrieved February 15, Archived from the original on June 3, Lana Del Rey songs.
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