Obras de Luís Gama (Portuguese Edition)
At the urging of Bacchus, who is disguised as a Moor, the local Muslims plot to attack the explorer and his crew.
Two scouts sent by Vasco da Gama are fooled by a fake altar created by Bacchus into thinking that there are Christians among the Muslims. Thus, the explorers are lured into an ambush but successfully survive with the aid of Venus. Venus pleads with her father Jove , who predicts great fortunes for the Portuguese in the east.
The fleet lands at Melinde where it is welcomed by a friendly Sultan. After an appeal by the poet to Calliope , the Greek muse of epic poetry, Vasco da Gama begins to narrate the history of Portugal. He starts by referring to the situation of Portugal in Europe and the legendary story of Lusus and Viriathus. This is followed by passages on the meaning of Portuguese nationality and then by an enumeration of the warrior deeds of the 1st Dynasty kings, from Dom Afonso Henriques to Dom Fernando.
Luís de Camões
Vasco da Gama continues the narrative of the history of Portugal by recounting the story of the House of Aviz from the —85 Crisis until the moment during the reign of Dom Manuel I when the armada of Vasco da Gama sails to India. This canto ends with the sailing of the Armada, the sailors in which are surprised by the prophetically pessimistic words of an old man who was on the beach among the crowd.
This is the episode of the Old Man of the Restelo. The story moves on to the King of Melinde, describing the journey of the Armada from Lisbon to Melinde. During the voyage, the sailors see the Southern Cross , St. Canto V ends with the poet's censure of his contemporaries who despise poetry. After Vasco da Gama's narrative, the armada sails from Melinde guided by a pilot to teach them the way to Calicut. Vasco da Gama, seeing the near destruction of his caravels , prays to his own God, but it is Venus who helps the Portuguese by sending the Nymphs to seduce the winds and calm them down.
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After the storm, the armada sights Calicut, and Vasco da Gama gives thanks to God. The canto ends with the poet speculating about the value of the fame and glory reached through great deeds. After condemning some of the other nations of Europe who in his opinion fail to live up to Christian ideals , the poet tells of the Portuguese fleet reaching the Indian city of Calicut. The king, Samorin, hears of the newcomers and summons them. A governor and official of the king, called the Catual, leads the Portuguese to the king, who receives them well. The Catual then goes to the Portuguese ships himself to confirm what Monsayeed has told him and is treated well.
Luís de Camões - Wikipedia
The Catual sees a number of paintings that depict significant figures and events from Portuguese history, all of which are detailed by the author. Bacchus appears in a vision to a Muslim priest in Samorin's court and convinces him that the explorers are a threat. The priest spreads the warnings among the Catuals and the court, prompting Samorin to confront da Gama on his intentions. Da Gama insists that the Portuguese are traders, not buccaneers. The king then demands proof from da Gama's ships, but when he tries to return to the fleet, da Gama finds that the Catual, who has been corrupted by the Muslim leaders, refuses to lend him a boat at the harbor and holds him prisoner.
Da Gama manages to get free only after agreeing to have all of the goods on the ships brought to shore to be sold. To reward the explorers for their efforts, Venus prepares an island for them to rest on and asks her son Cupid to inspire Nereids with desire for them.
When the sailors arrive on the Isle of Love, the ocean nymphs make a pretense of running but surrender quickly. During a sumptuous feast on the Isle of Love, Tethys , who is now the lover of da Gama, prophecies the future of Portuguese exploration and conquest. Tethys then guides da Gama to a summit and reveals to him a vision of how the Ptolemaic universe operates.
The tour continues with glimpses of the lands of Africa and Asia. The legend of the martyrdom of the apostle St.

Thomas in India is told at this point. Finally, Tethys relates the voyage of Magellan. This episode, which comes right after the first strophe of the narration no. The gods of the four corners of the world are reunited to talk about "the future matters of the East" " as cousas futuras do Oriente " ; in fact, what they are going to decide is whether the Portuguese will be allowed to reach India and what will happen next.
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In strophes 22 and 23 they are also said to be shining. Jupiter's chair is a crystalline seat of stars and the rest of the Olympian furniture is equally ornate: During the council, the behaviour of the gods is described as disgraceful. Jupiter, after the end of his speech, entirely neglects the guidance of the other Gods, so two parties are formed: The council ends by accepting the point of view earlier expressed by Jupiter; however, Bacchus will not accept this.
The speech that Jupiter uses to start the meeting is a finished piece of oratory. It opens with an exordium 1st strophe , in which, after an original welcome, Jupiter briefly defines the subject. This is followed, in the ancient rhetorical fashion, by the narration the past shows that the intention of the Fados is the same one that the orator presented. There is then a confirmation of suggestions already put forth in the narration of the 4th strophe.
This episode then ends with two strophes of peroration , where Jupiter appeals to the benevolence of the gods concerning the sons of Lusus, with Jupiter's speech eventually settling the debate. He returned to Lisbon in , a changed man, living a bohemian lifestyle. His mother pleaded for his release, visiting royal ministers and the Borges family for a pardon. The ship arrived six months later. He found Goa "a stepmother to all honest men", and he studied local customs and mastered the local geography and history.
On his first expedition, he joined a battle along the Malabar Coast. The battle was followed by skirmishes along the trading routes between Egypt and India. The fleet eventually returned to Goa by November During his time ashore, he continued his writing publicly, as well as writing correspondence for the uneducated men of the fleet. At the end of his obligatory service, he was given the position of chief warrant officer in Macau. He was charged with managing the properties of missing and deceased soldiers in the Orient.
He was later accused of misappropriations and traveled to Goa to respond to the accusations of the tribunal. During his return journey, near the Mekong River along the Cambodian coast, he was shipwrecked, saving his manuscript but losing his Chinese lover, Dinamene. His shipwreck survival in the Mekong Delta was enhanced by the legendary detail that he succeeded in swimming ashore while holding aloft the manuscript of his still-unfinished epic.
The day of his death, 10 June OS , is Portugal's national day. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Camoes disambiguation.
This name uses Portuguese naming customs. U of Chicago P, His Life and his Lusiads: Camoens, Central Figure of Portuguese Literature. From Virgil to Milton.