
Maklike Tafelversiering vir Elke Geleentheid (Afrikaans Edition)

Hy verskaf ook inligting wat nog nie voorheen openbaar gemaak is nie. Wat het werklik die nag van 17 Junie in Boipatong gebeur? Wat was die dryfkrag agter die gru-aanval op Alison Botha? Wie het eerste die verband tussen Gert van Rooyen se slagoffers en "n moontlike mensehandelsaak raakgesien? Hierdie boek neem jou terug na die bloedige koerant-opskrifte van gister. So staan sy toespraak by die Sestiger-somerskool in uit as "n waterskeidingsmoment vir Afrikaanse skrywers se benadering tot sosiale betrokkenheid in hul werk. In sy Rapportprys-aanvaardingstoespraak, in , konfronteer Breytenbach Afrikaners kaalvuis oor hul instandhouding van "n apartheid-polisiestaat.

Hierdie splinternuwe titel is die eerste taalnaslaanbron wat KABV-gebaseer is. Dit bestaan uit twee dele. Hierdie onderwerpe sluit onder meer die volgende in: Wat om te doen, wat om te verwag, waar om te bly en wat om te eet. Die boek is deurtrek van persoonlike ervarings en herinneringe wat die skrywer oor vyftig jaar opgedoen het, en praktiese raad oor hoe om die beste uit die Wildtuin te haal.

In this book, the author draws on his intimate knowledge of documents written in Dutch during the 17th century and the texts that were produced in this language and its variations as it gradually became Afrikaans by the end of the 19th century. It addresses the tension between the promise of a post-racial society and the persistence of racialised identities in South Africa, which has historically played itself out in debates between the "I don't see race" of non-racialism and the "I"m proud to be black" of black consciousness.

What the chapters in this volume highlight is the need for a race-transcendent vision that moves beyond "the festival of negatives" embodied in concepts such as non-racialism, non-sexism, anti-colonialism and anti-apartheid. Each chapter is a fascinating look into the construction of a major structure, and also tells the stories of the civil engineers behind these projects. However, he continued to call for a commission of inquiry into irregularities in CSA. And when retired Judge Chris Nicholson conducted an investigation into CSA, his findings on the corruption and maladministration in the game were damning, particularly in terms of Gerald Majola.

This beautifully illustrated book covers the immense achievements of those players who ran out against the mighty All Blacks, the cunning Aussies and the fiery Welsh, among others, and played their way into rugby folklore. These are the best of the best, the players who make you say, "Those were the days! Arabella Kurtz and J. Coetzee consider psychotherapy and its wider social context from different perspectives, but at the heart of both their approaches is a concern with stories. Working alone, the writer is in sole charge of the story he or she tells.

French 14 Jul Chinese immigrants of the recent past and unfolding twenty-first century are in search of the African dream. So explains indefatigable traveler Howard W. French, prize-winning investigative journalist and former New York Times bureau chief in Africa and China, in the definitive account of this seismic geopolitical development.

Children who are targeted by bullies are at enormous risk, yet many parents don't know why it is happening to their child, or what to do about it. The book seeks to uncover the rare essence that marks the landscape of Namibia apart from all others. Few countries in the world are richer than Namibia in its canvas of natural beauty. The landscape is one of rich and often harsh contrast with many changing moods.

A journey through its landscape is infinitely rewarding. Within this book this progression is depicted. Formlings are a painting category found across the southern African region, including South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe, with its densest concentration in the Matopo Hills, Zimbabwe. Hierdie keer pak hulle "n reis op die ewenaar aan: Soos gewoonlik het die Voetsporemanne geen tekort aan avontuur, en hierdie keer selfs aan gevaar, nie. So You"ve been Publicly Shamed - Jon Ronson 13 May From the Sunday Times top ten bestselling author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: The shamed are people like us - people who, say, made a joke on social media that came out badly, or made a mistake at work.

Hierdie omvattend herbewerkte uitgawe van die Stylboek wat in gepubliseer is, is "n ideale naslaanbron vir almal wat in Afrikaans skryf. Dit is gerig op studente, akademici, redakteurs, joernaliste, resensente, redigeerders, taalpraktisyns en opvoeders. Skryfbeginsels word in die teks op eenvoudige en verstaanbare wyse verduidelik en met talle voorbeelde toegelig. Ed Stafford 15 Apr 'I stood on the beach truly alone for the first time.

I would not see another person for sixty days. I was on an uninhabited tropical island and I had nothing with me to help me survive. No food, no equipment, no knife and not even any clothes. All I had was my camera kit so that I could intimately record my self-inflicted sentence'. What if you were abandoned on a tropical island with no food or water, no basic equipment, not even a knife, and no clothes - could you survive? Extreme adventurer Ed Stafford isn't sure, but he's about to find out as he pushes himself to the limit in this gripping and inspirational test of human survival.

Hierdie boek deur dr. Jan van der Merwe, is in navolging van "n soortgelyke boek wat hy oor die Vrystaat gepubliseer het. Staaltjies oor die dorpe word ook vertel. Altesame dorpe en plekke se geskiedenis word in die boek betrek. Hiervan het munisipale status verwerf. An artist's canvas reflects the face he chooses to show to the world, but the place in which that art is made is seldom revealed.

Paul Duncan was given unparalleled access into the homes and lives of fifteen of South Africa's most revered artists. Over countless mugs of coffee or glasses of wine, he listened and observed as they spoke about their lives, loves and the way they make their art.

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Om sin te maak van die hele virtuele warboel in die 21ste eeu moet "n mens hoog en laag soek. In hierdie stukke wonder Marais - soms sober, soms skertsend - wat geword het van rock 'n' roll, sy generasie X en randfigure soos Peter Blum. Al die noodsaaklike tuintake, vaardighede en tegnieke word saamgevat in een boek. The shift from passive Internet user to active digital citizen has brought about unprecedented levels of online interaction, creation and connecting. But as people begin to share more and more about themselves and their lives on social media, they are finding themselves getting into trouble for what they say and do online.

How to Think Smarter about Almost Everything! Dubner 11 Dec The New York Times bestselling Freakonomics changed the way we see the world, exposing the hidden side of just about everything. Then came SuperFreakonomics, a documentary film, an award-winning podcast, and more. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have written their most revolutionary book yet.

South Africa (page ) | Sunday Times Books LIVE

Hierdie allesomvattende ensiklopedie bied "n splinternuwe benadering tot naslaan-werk vir die hele gesin. Daar is mense wat sal vra "Hoekom nie?! Elkeen wat Afrikaans kies, versterk die taal en ons gemeenskap se toekoms. Ons is die waterdruppels wat Afrikaans laat floreer en gedy. Some you may not have heard of yet , while some will be familiar names, yet each has a common bond in their devotion to this country and their determination to ensure that they leave it a better place for those who follow.

Does writing well even matter in an age of instant communication? In this funny, thoughtful book about the modern art of writing, Steven Pinker shows us why we all need a sense of style.

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More than ever before, the currency of our social and cultural lives is the written word, from Twitter and texting to blogs, e-readers and old-fashioned books. But most style guides fail to prepare people for the challenges of writing in the 21st century, portraying it as a minefield of grievous errors rather than a form of pleasurable mastery. Drawing on the latest research in linguistics and cognitive science, Steven Pinker replaces the recycled dogma of previous guides with reason and evidence.

Wanneer hy voetslaan in die strate is hy? Hy swerf tussen bergies, dwergies, fopdossers, kerkmuise, nagblomme, laventelhane en ontheemdes. Die karakters in sy stories, almal ongelooflik en eg, is almal van ons. Vroue wat swaar dra aan die verlies van blink verledes. Believing them to be the people of Monomotapa, the legendary southern African empire from whom the Portuguese obtained their gold, the Dutch made every effort to reach them.

None succeeded in finding the elusive Chobona. Die tragedie wat op Valentynsdag Reeva Steenkamp se lewe kortgeknip en Oscar Pistorius se status as internasionale sportheld aan skerwe laat spat het, en die ongekende mediadekking van die sensasionele moordverhoor daarna, het verreikende gevolge op vele terreine gehad. Soos nog nooit tevore nie het die kollig geval op fasette wat ons lewens op talle terreine raak: In Fred van der Vyver was acquitted of the murder of fellow student Inge Lotz. He then sued the police to the highest court for malicious prosecution - and failed.

In spite of the defence's trashing of the prosecution's case at the trial, the authors show, compellingly, how every key element of the prosecuting evidence withstands the closest scrutiny. They use models, measurements, forensic tests, mathematical formulae and the views of experts both here and overseas. Uncover the compelling tales of bold vision, invention and error, and social change behind the history of trains and railways, with famous railways such as the Transsiberian fully explored.

This book contains descriptions of gratuitous violence. What goes on behind the glamour, once the veneers fall away? Not for the faint-hearted, the book documents individual accounts, in graphic detail, of illicit drug use, murder, violence, abuse and the vicious cycles that go hand-in-hand with a seedy underworld. How does one begin to remedy the situation? Is policing the problem?

Or is it a lack of free will to exercise the ability to make informed choices? Steyn, vertel die verhaal van Afrikaans as moderne taal. Die titel van hierdie monumentale werk eggo die leuse van een van die vroegste taalstryders wat geglo het dat Afrikaans "gemaak" kan word. Dit volg die ontwikkeling van die eerste beskeie Afrikaanse toneelopvoerings tot by hedendaagse kunstefeeste en van die ontstaan van die Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners tot by instellings soos die Solidariteit Beweging.

Lank voor aalwyne, windpompe en donkiekarretjies mode geword het; selfs voor David met sy rooi vellies en dikwielfiets ons harte ingery het, was daar 'n ander karakter op die Karoovlakte: Karoomens, pottebakker, skilder en versiemaker. Hy kon ewe gemaklik by 'n taverne op 'n Griekse eiland inpas, as peinsende digter oor die wye Karoo tuur, as Spaanse kitaarspeler sy vriende om 'n aandvuur trakteer of as begeesterde gasheer sy gehoor vermaak.

Hierdie is die verhaal van een van die oudste plase in die Overberg, oor jare nagevors deur sy huidige eienaar; die derde De Villiers-geslag wat daar boer. Dit werp ook lig op die geskiedenis van die buurplase en die geslagte families wat gekom en gegaan het, en die probleme wat ondervind is met opmetings en bakens.

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Die verhaal van die ou watermeul op die plaas - dalk een van die oudstes wat in die land behoue gebly het - word ook nagespeur. Perhaps you should think again He was forced to retract before two more substantiating articles could be published. Then the massacre at Westgate Mall hit Nairobi, which made the involvement of the so-called White Widow - operating on an illegally acquired South African passport - front-page news. Suddenly the world's media was beating a path to Potgieter's door. Or rocking a Bok jersey, Judron shorts and slops, braaiing out of the back of a Hilux double-cab in the car park at Loftus.

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They are all of these things and none of them. They are unique combinations of dozens of odd predilections. They are White People, and they are among us. Na die skok en ontkenning kom die vrae: Wat gaan nou met my gebeur? Wat is my oorlewingskans? Verdermeer word ook gekyk na die vele vertakkinge van moderne terapie; moderne behandeling en prognose van algemene kankers 29 soorte ; deurbrake in molekulere biologie [ View More ].

Temas soos die Afrikaner, man en vrou, lewenswyshede, politiek, sterwenswoorde en spyt-kom-te-laat woorde word gedek.

Die boek bied "n blik op Suid-Afrika se hede en verlede met aanhalings wat saakmaak deur bekende en gewone landsburgers. Na aanleiding van die groot reaksie op sy program het hy en sy spesialisgaste "n bruikbare bundel saamgestel wat praktiese regsadvies bied. Igna bring jou selfs tot binne die hofsale waar opspraakwekkende sake afspeel: In this book, Gericke brings together years of experience in working with champions, helping them to develop their dreams, empowering them with the mental skills, resilience and composure to achieve them, as well as instilling the winning habits which are crucial to the champion mindset.

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Dit is die uitsonderlike verhaal van "n jong vrou wie se lewe en alles waarin sy geglo het, omgeswaai is deur die grootste staatsman van ons tyd. Die storie van jou lewe is die storie van jou brein. Dick Swaab volg die mens, en dan veral sy brein, vanaf bevrugting tot en met die dood. Alles kom ter sprake in Ek is my brein: Green, Lawrence G Hard cover with dust cover p. Naledi uitgewers Honiball, TO uitgawe, Sagteband.

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Opstelle oor ons strewe na kulturele selfstandigheid. Tweede uitgawe, eerste druk p. The Khazar Empire and its Heritage p. A photographer s story. Foreword by Prof Samuel H Gruber p. M Shark Very good condition. First edition Drawings by Margo Branch. Tweede druk, K Tuisverdienstes vir die vrou - deel 2 Een bl los, een bl weg. K Tuisverdienstes vir die Vrou - deel 2 Hardeband.

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Geteken deur skrywer, Chris Pelser. Life on a deserted tropical island: Dust cover thorn, with some fade markings in book. Louis braille was three years old when he was blinded by a tragic accident in his fathers workshop. The devotion of his parents and friends saved him from becoming an outcast and a beggar. Despite his blindness, he was determined to help himself to lead a normal live, and constantly experimenting with writing systems depending on the sense of touch No dust cover edition.

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Small, weedy, bespectacled, and secretly homosexual, Little Ant, as his family called him Good condition with slight shelf wear on back. A Thompson, A A, a scottish exile, talks about his early life and upbringing in yorkshire. Opgedra aan Ton vosloo. Die twee verhore van die digter is ongetwyfeld van die belangrike Afrikaanse literere gebeurtenisse van Sewentig. Dit is in ieder geval onmoontlik om hierdie regsprosesse literer te negeer. Waar die Sestigers bestempel kan word as die wegbrekers van parogiale, is die Sewentigers bes moontlik die opstandiges teen parogiale.

A story of the former Beirut hostage. His own heart-rending account of how he survived days in captivity, almost four years which were in solitary confinement. Name stamp of previous owner in front page. Good condition and binding. Welch, Jack hard cover with dust cover. First edition, second impression Albert Wessels - Farmboy and p.

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Simplified by G Horsley. New impression Illustrations by Clyde Pearson. Great H Animal farm condition. Orwell, George H Animal farm Penquin. H King john a play Condition - worn. William Shakespeare; Othello ; Twelfth Night: First published , reprinted p. Retold in modern English prose. But beneath and behind the personal drama of their lives, an entire civilization crumbles and heads for war p.

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Soos hy aan Petra verduidelik: Al die ekstra spesiale kokkedore wat die wette gemaak het; al die ringkoppe wat op ons gewone ouens trap en die w? Terwyl ons ouens wat die vuil werk doen in losieshuise moet bly. En met trapfietse moet kom waar ons wil wees - ons gaan die w? Eerste uitgawe Goeie toestand. Tweede druk, Boek in goeie Ses Eenbedrywe - versamel en van toestand, stofomslag verweer.

L n inleiding voorsien. Enkele riglyne by die gebruik van Afrikaans. Tweede druk , vierde uitgawe. Eybers, Elisabeth M Dryfsand Hardeband p. Eybers, Elizabeth M Noodluik Hardeband verse. Eybers, Elizabeth P Yerma Sagteband. N Dramatiese gedig in drie bedrywe en ses tonele. Vertaal en met n waardering deur Uys Krige. Naam en stempel op voorste skudblad. Krige, Uys E Langenhoven versamelde werke - 12 volumes 12 boeke in puik toestand. She accompanied her husband, L.

You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Cooking For One Made Easy was designed for young people starting out, separated people starting over, older people who are widowed or people who choose to live alone. Most of the time it easier to make toast and tea rather than cook and have leftovers for days to come. Daarom het hulle resepte aangepas wat by babas, kleuters en die hele gesin aanklank sal vind.

Die boek volg die Deidre Randall het die oplossing hiervoor. Maklike maaltye vir babas en kleuters is reeds by sy derde uitgawe en is opgedateer om in pas te wees met die Deesdae moet ons veeleisende loopbane sowel as bedrywige gesinslewens aan die gang hou, en ons manier van kosmaak en eet het dienooreenkomstig verander.