
From Behind Closed Eyes

Shpongle - Behind Closed Eyelids

Sepia lens with dj Robert Smith Understand a cannibal Ancestors Naomi King This belief that they live within us and live through us, to emcee Pastense is self evident. They are the light behind closed eyes.

Behind Closed Eyes I Can See Everything — Eirik Holmøyvik

Pastense Boston and John Sarastro Switzerland team up to bring you music with this in mind. We asked various artists how their ancestors impact the art they make today , these responses are scattered throughout the ep. The sound itself is a throwback to our hip-hop ancestors, admittedly dated on purpose. Written and performed by Pastense and produced entirely by John Sarastro. Streaming and Download help. If you like The light behind closed eyes, you may also like:. Give this one a listen. The latest release from D.

Hard beats and tough rhymes that evoke s hip-hop. For a person who tries to actively observe this closed-eye perception on a regular basis, there comes a point where if they look at a flat-shaded object with their eyes wide open, and try to actively look for this visual noise, they will become aware of it and see the random pointillistic disorganized motion as if it were a translucent overlay on top of what is actually being seen by their open eyes.

When seen overlaid onto the physical world, this CEV noise does not obscure physical vision at all, and in fact is hard to notice if the visual field is highly patterned, complex, or in motion. When active observation is stopped, it is not obvious or noticeable, and seemingly disappears from normal physical perception.

Individuals suffering from visual snow see similar noise but experience difficulty blocking it from conscious perception. Some mental control can be exerted over these closed-eye visualizations, but it usually requires a bit of relaxation and concentration to achieve. These regions can span the entire visual field, but seem to be fleeting in nature. This level is relatively easily accessible to people who use psychedelic drugs such as LSD. However, it is also accessible to people involved in deep concentration for long periods of time.

Behind Closed Eyes

When lying down at night and closing the eyes, right before sleep the complex motion of these patterns can become directly visible without any great effort thanks to hypnagogic hallucination. The patterns themselves might resemble fractals. This is a fairly deep state.

  1. The Mysterious Stranger.
  2. Control and sense of eye movement behind closed eyelids..
  3. Beware The Wicked Web: Tremors.

At this level, thoughts visually manifest as objects or environments. When this level is reached, the CEV noise seems to calm down and fade away, leaving behind an intense flat ordered blackness. The visual field becomes a sort of active space. A side component of this is the ability to feel motion when the eyes are closed. Opening the eyes returns one to the normal physical world, but still with the CEV object field overlaid onto it and present.

In this state it is possible to see things that appear to be physical objects in the open-eye physical world, but that aren't really there. This level can be entered from complete sensory deprivation, as experienced in an isolation tank , but even there it requires great relaxation. According to lucid dreaming researcher Stephen LaBerge , perceptions can come from either the senses or imagination. An inhibitory system involving in the thalamus , likely involving serotonergic neurons , inhibits imaginary perceptions from becoming too activated so they turn into hallucinations.

This system is inhibited during REM sleep, and the imagination can freely run into the perceptual systems. What happens at level 5 is likely that this system is inhibited, just like in REM sleep, by different causes like sensory deprivation, psychedelic drugs or meditative relaxation techniques.

See a Problem?

Image burn-in occurs when very bright objects lie in one's field of vision, and should not be confused with closed-eye hallucinations. Visual burn-in from bright lights is visible for a few minutes after closing the eyes, or by blinking repeatedly, but the burn-in effect slowly fades away as the retina recovers, whereas the waking-consciousness CEV noise will not disappear if observed continuously over a period of time.

Also called " floater " - often appear as cells floating across the eye. Full-closing and reopening the eyelids creates a very definite wiper-ridge in the corneal liquid that is readily visible. Fully closing and reopening the eyelids also stirs up the corneal liquid which settles down after a brief moment.

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The motion of waking-consciousness CEV noise is not so directly and physically controllable and repeatable. This is not necessarily only associated with extreme nearsightedness.

  • Behind Closed Eyes I Can See Everything?
  • Catalog Record: Behind closed eyes : dreams and nightmares in | Hathi Trust Digital Library!
  • The Ohakune Easter Hunt;
  • Listen to Behind Closed Eyes. now..
  • CEV does not seem to be related to the "sprites" blue field entoptic phenomenon that can be seen as dots darting around when staring up into a bright blue sky on a sunny day not looking at the sun. These dots superimposed over a flat blue background are white blood cells moving through the blood vessels of the retina. The motion of waking-consciousness CEV noise is uniformly random compared to the waking-consciousness blue-sky sprite motion.

    Behind Closed Eyes

    CEV is unrelated to the visual noise seen when the retina is physically stimulated. The retina can be made to produce light patterns of visual noise simply by one rubbing their eyes somewhat forcefully in a manner that increases intraocular pressure. Additionally, retinal noise can be produced by touching near the rear of the eyeball producing pressure phosphenes for example, if one closes one's eyes, looks all the way left, and lightly touches the rightmost part of the eye socket, this produces visual noise in the shape of a circle that appears at the left side of the visual field - a practice that is neither painful nor dangerous.

    None of these are closed-eye hallucinations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.