Endocrine Disrupters: Hazard Testing and Assessment Methods
Guidance document for histologic evaluation of endocrine and reproductive tests in rodents. Detailed review paper on the use of metabolising systems for in vitro testing of endocrine disruptors. Detailed review paper on fish life-cycle tests. Report of the validation peer review for the day fish endocrine screening assay and agreement of the Working Group of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of the report.
Daphnia magna reproduction test. Report of the validation peer review for the amphibian metamophosis assay and agreement of the Working Group of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of this report. Report of the validation of the amphibian metamorphosis assay Phase 3. Background review document on the rodent hershberger bioassay. Report of the validation peer review for the hershberger bioassay, and the agreement of the Working Group of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of this report.
Summary report of the peer review panel on the stably transfected transcriptional activation assay for detecting estrogenic activity of chemicals, and agreement of the Working Group of National Coordinators of Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of this report.
Guidance document on amphibian histology. Summary report of the validation peer review for the updated Test Guideline , and agreement of the Working Group of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of this report. Validation report of the full life-cycle test with the harpacticoid copepods nitocra spinipes and amphiascus tenuiremis and the calanoid copepod acartia tonsa - Phase 1.
Final report of the validation of the day fish screening assay for the detection of endocrine active substances - Phase 2: Final report of the validation of the amphibian metamorphosis assay for the detection of thyroid active susbstances - Phase 1: Optimisation of the test protocol. Detailed review paper for avian two-generation toxicity testing. Report of the validation of the rat hershberger assay - Phase 3: Coded testing of androgen agonists, androgen antagonists and negative reference chemicals by multiple laborotories.
Surgical castrate model protocol.
Testing of chemicals
Summary report of the uterothropic bioassay peer review panel, including assessmenf of the Working Group of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme on the follow-up of this report. Report of the uterotrophic bioassay: Additional data supporting the test guideline on the uterotrophic bioassay in rodents.
OECD report of the validation of the rodent uterotrophic bioassay - Phase 2: Testing of potent and weak oestrogen agonists by multiple laboratories. Androgenic response to testosterone propionate, and anti-androgenic effects of flutamide.
Series on Testing and Assessment: Testing for Endocrine Disrupters - OECD
Report of the validation of the day fish screening assay for the detection of endocrine active substances - Phase 1B. Report of the initial work towards the validation of the day fish screening assay for the detection of endocrine active substances - Phase 1A.
Report of the validation of the updated test guideline - Repeat dose day oral toxicity study in laboratory rats [ Annexes ]. Detailed review paper on thyroid hormone disruption assays. Detailed review paper on aquatic arthropods in life cycle toxicity tests with an emphasis on developmental, reproductive and endocrine disruptive effects. Detailed review paper on fish screening assays for the detection of endocrine active substances.
Detailed review paper on amphibian metamorphosis assay for the detection of thyroid active substances. Detailed background review of the uterotrophic bioassay [ References ]. Appraisal of test methods for sex hormone disrupting chemicals. Testing for Endocrine Disrupters Testing of chemicals.
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Series on Testing and Assessment: New scoping document on in vitro and ex vivo assays for the identification of modulators of thyroid hormone signalling No Case studies using example chemicals No Detailed review paper on the state of the science on Novel i n vitro and i n vivo screening and testing methods and endpoints for evaluating endocrine disruptors No In the late s, OECD countries decided to take action to develop tools to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals. Based on scientific works and research efforts, OECD started to investigate test methods that could be standardised and used in chemicals regulations to detect and characterise hazards posed by endocrine disrupting chemicals.
Furthermore, this Conceptual Framework does not include evaluation of exposure; however this should be included when deciding whether further testing is needed.

Further information regarding the use and interpretation of these tests is available in Guidance Document No. The guidance is worded to permit flexible interpretation in the context of different domestic legislation, policies and practice. It also provides guidance on how to interpret the outcome of individual tests, taking into account existing information, and how to increase evidence on whether or not a substance may be an endocrine disrupter.
It recommends test methods that may be performed if regulatory authorities need more evidence. As for , the Guidance Document is being updated. A new edition should be released in The detailed Review Paper No. However, other endocrine and neuro-endocrine pathways may also have adverse outcomes, such as symptoms of metabolic syndrome, reproductive dysfunction, altered f oe tal development. In recent years, a number ofregulatory authorities around the world have drafted or enactedlegislation that requires the detection and assessment of theeffects of endocrine disrupters on both humans and wildlife.
Inresponse, this book provides comprehensive, up-to-date informationon the latest tested and proven methods used to detect and assessthe environmental hazards posed by endocrine-disruptingchemicals. Endocrine Disrupters is divided into chapters coveringeach major taxon as well as chapters dedicated to hazard assessmentand regulation.
The book covers testing methods for all thevertebrate groups and several invertebrate phyla, including:. Moreover, the book emphasizes practical, ethical testing methodsthat combine sensitivity, efficiency, statistical power, andreasonable cost.
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Each chapter is written by one or more international experts inecotoxicology, offering readers step-by-step guidance forimplementing each method based on the latest research and theauthors' firsthand laboratory experience. Furthermore, all thechapters have been subjected to a rigorous peer review and editedin light of the reviewers' comments. References at the end of eachchapter guide readers to the literature in the field.