Comprender el pasado estéticamente: Nietzsche y la historia (Spanish Edition)
Chomsky , Brame , Abney , and much subsequent literature. Slovenian and Spanish electricity markets. Spanish electricity market has served as a basic model in the construction of the electricity market in Slovenia. However, in the final phase of its development additional solutions were adopted from other European and worldwide electricity markets.
The electricity market thus obtained is in some aspects more complex and in others simpler with regard to the original model.
This article describes two of the new solutions on the Slovenian electricity market: The Dawns of the Spanish Geo technic. From a personal perspective, there are analyzed the first steps of the spanish Geotechnical Engineering history understood as an academic discipline but also linked in a very directly way the profession. This evolution is not foreign to the own history of the Geneticist in other countries of our cultural or geographical environment. The contributions discover that our predecessors transmitted important achievements to the international community.
The direct presence in the international congresses of that time of the spanish geo technicians is analysed. Three consecutive stages are distinguished, personalizing in each of them the participation of celebrated spanish Civil Engineers. This beginning through advanced Spanish text includes grammar explanations, readings, and exercises with the emphasis on situations involving travel and tourism.
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The introductory lesson covers the Spanish language, the importance of Spanish in the United States, the Spanish alphabet, pronunciation, capitalization, punctuation, syllabication,…. Full Text Available This article develops an analysis of the internal functioning of the Spanish party Podemos and its structural make-up. The used methodology consists of: The analysis attempts to determine the following: This study examined the impact of a min daily explicit vocabulary intervention in Spanish on expressive and receptive vocabulary knowledge and oral reading fluency in Spanish , and on language proficiency in English.
Big increase in Spanish reseach funding. The Spanish government plans to increase spending on civilian science research and development by between 8 and 10 per cent. The exact figure is unclear since it has been included in the budget along with military research projects 1 page. Lexicalisation Patterns in Danish and Spanish. In this dissertation, I investigate the theoretical framework by Leonard Talmy b on lexicalisation patterns in Motion events.
I examine his characterisations of Co-event languages e. Furthermore, my objective is to determine whether the predictions set forth by Talmy apply to Danish and Spanish from an empirical perspective, i. As a consequence, to identify Motion events and discard false positives is an extremely time-consuming process. I suggest that a context-free grammar is a way to facilitate the retrieval and analysis of linguistic data that contain Motion events.
Thus, I implement a context-free grammar for Spanish. Cancer Currents Now Available in Spanish. As part of our effort to more effectively reach patients, health care providers, and researchers with timely, authoritative, and scientifically accurate cancer information, we are now offering selected Cancer Currents blog posts in Spanish. Prevention of adolescent depression in the Spanish -speaking world. This paper aims at presenting programs targeted at the prevention of adolescent depression applied with Spanish -speaking populations that have been developed in Spanish -speaking countries and are mostly published in Spanish.
These programs have been developed under different cultural contexts in Spain and Latin-America. The main goal of this paper is to make the studies and movements of the Spanish -speaking literature in this field accessible to the non- Spanish -speaking part of the research c The Spanish participation in the SKA.
It will be composed of thousands of antennas distributed over distances of more than kilometres on both Africa and Australia. From a technological point of view, more than 20 research centres and companies are contributing to the design of the SKA as part of 7 international consortia.
In addition, the Spanish Astronomy Infrastructures Network RIA from its Spanish initials issued a recommendation on the interest of the scientific community and industry that Spain explores the possibility to join the SKA project as Full Member before the construction phase starts. In December , the Spanish Secretary of State of Research, Development and Innovation sent a letter to the SKA Organisation Director General proposing to establish a dialogue in order to explore scenarios for Spain to join the SKA, what constitutes a further motivation for the Spanish community to continue its efforts.
Internationalisation of Spanish fashion brand Zara. However, there is little research about the firm in English as the majority of publications have been written in Spanish. This paper seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining the internationalisation process of Zara. This study adopts an in-depth case approach based on extensive secondary research. Literature published in both English and Spanish has been reviewed, including c Spanish Nuclear Industry in Lungmen Project. This collaboration has given to the Companies, which directly involved, an in-depth knowledge of both Development Programs, as well as it has allowed to establish relationships with Nuclear Island DTN's coordination.
Furthermore, the good working relationship which has been established has made way for other Spanish Companies to bid for other Project Packages. On a case by case basis the response of Spanish manufacturer has been irregular. In some instances manufactures have stopped manufacturing nuclear components, and in other instances a distinct lack of interest has been detected. Airborne metals in Spanish moss. One hundred twenty-three samples of Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides L.
R-mode components analysis of the ash chemistry strongly suggests that at least five nearly uncorrelated factors are contributing to the observed chemical variation. Four of these factors are thought to reflect chemical properties of the atmosphere or airborne particulates; the fifth appears to be related in some way to metabolic activity in the living plant. The atmospheric factors are interpreted to be a the ratio of terrestrial dust to ocean-derived salt in the local atmosphere, b the regional variation in trace-element content of the terrestrial dust, c the local concentration of automotive or technology-related lead-rich emissions, and d higher concentrations of airborne vanadium east of the Mississippi River.
If the intensity of the lead-rich factor in each sample is used as an index of general atmospheric pollution, sets of most polluted and least polluted samples may be defined. En un segundo momento se recogen las afirmaciones acerca de las mediaciones humanas de la presencia de Dios en la historia. This qualitative study investigated the language ideologies and instructional practices of an entire Spanish language faculty at a high school in a new gateway state for immigration.
The study examined additive and subtractive practices of teachers as they strived to teach Spanish to heritage language learners HLLs enrolled in mixed…. This research investigates the relationship between the perceived sense of humor of in-service Spanish teachers' n?
Editorial Reviews
Spanish -speaking parents choose to enroll their children in either an English only or English- Spanish dual immersion program when presented with both choices. This ethnographic study explored parent's perceptions of the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of learning in school in English only or in a dual English- Spanish. Full Text Available Spanish articulatory phonetics, the classification of sounds and the physiological mechanism used in the production of phonemes are discussed in this article.
The process of learning a language consists of classifying sounds within the target language. Since the learner may be hearing the utterance in a different way than the native speaker some objective criteria are needed to classify sounds. If these distinctions are not mastered, he may be perceived as sounding awkward. Other phonological processes are applied in informal situations due to socio-linguistic factors such as age, social class, and education.
Sound deletion in particular phonological environments are not done randomly by the speaker, but by necessity to retain semantic comprehension. Allophonic choices within phonemes make up the dialect for a particular area. Presents an art activity where students learn about Cubism and color mixing. Explains that the students create camouflaged animals after learning about the work, "Female Torso" Pablo Picasso. Includes directions for how to create the pictures and states that the assignment can be used with students of all ages.
Hispaania tuntumad arhitektid, disainerid, kunstnikud. To investigate how Spanish - and English-speaking adults interpret verbal probability expressions presented in Spanish and English eg, posiblemente and possibly, respectively.
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Several terms that are regarded as cognates in English and Spanish elicited significantly different likelihood ratings. Several language equivalencies were also identified. These findings provide the first reported evaluation of Spanish likelihood terms for use in risk communications directed towards monolingual and bilingual Spanish speakers. Radiation protection training programmes Spanish approach. Radiation Protection Programmes are being considered the best way to promote safety culture and to spread and propagate European basic safety standards.
It is widely accepted that training is an important tool to upgrade competence for radiation exposed workers. The Spanish Radiation Protection Education and Training Programmes provide a solid and integrated educational model, which takes into account the variety of applied fields, the different levels of responsibilities, the technological and methodological advances, as well as the international tendencies.
The needs for a specialised training on Radiation Protection RP for exposed workers appears into the Spanish regulation in National initial training programmes are well established since Individual certifications, based on personal licences are required for exposed workers.
The Spanish regulation also includes continuous and on the job RP training. The educational programmes are being continuously updating and improving. To achieve Radiation Protection objectives, new technological media for educational methods and material are taking into account. Nevertheless, Spanish RP education and training model has to be improved in some aspects. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the situation and the future needs to be considered in order to complete the RP training processes.
The Literary Independence of Spanish America. This topic goes beyond the temporal framework or the periodization of the wars of independence; instead, it covers the entire nineteenth century and part of the twentieth, and appears discontinuously and non-simultaneously in the different nations. The path followed by Spanish American literature was filled with vicissitudes,manifestations, and regressions of diverse types.
Full Text Available The main objective of this article is to present a broad description of Spanish scientific journals. The results were obtained from a survey distributed to 1, editors of Spanish scientific journals included in Dulcinea database edition. As specific objectives, the study aimed to characterize scientific journals and to analyze the particularities of a set of parameters that make up the economic, strategic and operational dimensions of the journals in the period studied. The results show that the funding model of the Spanish scientific journals depends mainly on institutional support, that many journals lack a stable organizational structure and rely heavily on volunteer work, and that the debate on the limitations and difficulties affecting the development of open access remains open.
Crucial times for Spanish physical oceanography. Full Text Available The field of physical oceanography has undergone exponential growth in Spain during the last few decades. From a handful of self-taught researchers in the late s there are now several hundred physical oceanographers distributed in some 20 Spanish institutions, and many more working overseas. The facilities and human resources are excellent but the alarming decrease in public investment in science due to the economic crisis must lead the Spanish physical oceanography community to define its current priorities.
In this introductory paper to EOF1 we revise our history and where we are now, and suggest that progress in the near future will rely on our intelligence to sustain and enhance human capital, partnership and society-oriented research. Spanish program of advanced Nuclear Power Plants. The energy Spanish Plan is promoting some actions within the area of advanced reactors. Electrical sector utilities and industrial partners supported by the Administration have organized an steering committee. The european project on advanced plants has the following Spanish contribution: Technology transfer in the Spanish nuclear programme.
The paper describes the process of technology transfer under the Spanish nuclear programme and its three generations of nuclear power plants during the last 20 years, with special reference to the nine new plants equipped with Westinghouse pressurized water reactors and the rising level of national involvement in these stations. It deals with the development of Westinghouse Nuclear's organization in Spain, referring to its staff and to the manufacturers who supply equipment for the programme, going into particular detail where problems of quality assurance are concerned.
In conclusion, it summarizes the present capacity of Spanish industry in various areas connected with the design, manufacture and construction of nuclear power plants. Lexical Borrowings in Spanish: Function, Length, Genealogy and Chronology. A study reveals that lexical borrowing in Spanish , from a variety of languages including Latin, French, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Provencal, and Catalan, accounts for 41 percent of the basic Spanish vocabulary, with variation in source according to historical period.
Intrapreneurship in the Spanish context: The objective of this article is to examine the influence of internal and external environmental factors on intrapreneurship in the Spanish context, considering differences among regions. Methodologically, the study applies logistic regression and uses data from the Spanish Global Entrepreneurship.
Remarks on the elaboration of an English— Spanish Spanish word-combination dictionary examined here, some concluding remarks are made with regard to the educational implications of this kind of dictionary primarily aimed at intermediate- to advanced-level Spanish -speaking EFL learners. Discussion of the Spanish indeterminate reflexive construction, the impersonal reflexive, finds that prototype theory allows this subjectless Spanish construction to be included within the category of generally subject-bearing indeterminates in Romance languages.
The problems affecting the reception, adjustment, and placement of Spanish -speaking students into the Toronto school system are discussed, and include immigration patterns, Spanish values, and the Latin American school. El idioma espanol en el mundo The Spanish Language in the World. Language Planning in the Spanish -Speaking World. Reviews diffusion and promotion of the Spanish language from the first Spanish colonizers in the Americas to the present.
Describes the situation of Spanish within Spain as a form of internal colonialization and reviews language policies. Analyzes present-day institutional efforts at maintaining language co-existence within different autonomous…. The Bracken Basic Concept Scale BBCS was translated into Spanish , and 32 preschool and primary age bilingual children were assessed in a counter-balanced format with the English and newly translated Spanish forms to assess the adequacy of the translation. The Spanish program at UNC Charlotte is timely and responsive because it is designed to meet documented societal job market needs in today's and tomorrow's global village and economy by providing graduates with strong specialties in English- Spanish translating and in business Spanish.
It is integrative in that it does so while maintaining its…. Performance Guides to Spanish Texts. This performance guide is the result of work conducted at the University of Virginia's National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, , on " Spanish Literature in Performance," in which 25 secondary school Spanish teachers studied Spanish texts from the perspective of classroom performance to deepen knowledge of the texts and…. In this dissertation I discuss several aspects of the syntax, semantics and discourse properties of what I call Spanish verbless clauses -i.
Spanish PredNP "muy listo este tio" "very intelligent this guy", Spanish PP complement clause "me sorprende lo caro del piso" "it amazes me how expensive this…. Analysis of recordings of spontaneous speech of native speakers of Quechua speaking Spanish as a second language reveals that, using verbal morphological resources of Spanish , they have grammaticalized an epistemic marking system resembling that of Quechua. Sources of this process in both Quechua and Spanish are analyzed.
Profiles of an Acquisition Generation: Nontraditional Heritage Speakers of Spanish. Though definitions vary, the literature on heritage speakers of Spanish identifies two primary attributes: This article profiles four Anglo college students who grew up in bilingual or Spanish -dominant communities in the Southwest who self-identified as Spanish heritage speakers, citing….
This research study is based on the analysis of speech in three Spanish conversation classes. What is the ratio of English and Spanish spoken in class? Is classroom speech more predominant in students or the instructor? And, are teachers' beliefs in regards to the use of English and Spanish consistent with their classroom…. Plant Nutrition in Spanish Secondary Textbooks. In this paper, the authors analyse the conceptual contents related to plant nutrition in the widely-used school texts of six Spanish publishers.
An analysis dossier was elaborated based on the epistemological and pedagogical study of this subject. The publishers deal with the issue of plant nutrition at three different levels multicellular,…. Library Service to the Spanish Speaking. This manual was developed to formalize Inglewood Public Library's existing policies and programs regarding library services to the Spanish speaking, and to define future program goals. The introduction discusses why such services have been initiated, why the manual was developed, and the potential benefits the manual has for library….
Children's Literature Studytour of Spanish America. Describes a tour of several Spanish American countries to study the children's literature and culture. Discussion focuses on the children's literature found in theatrical performances, government-sponsored magazines, schools, and libraries. Also discussed are the writers and illustrators who create for children. This article features the Spanish Popular Universities, which are defined as "a project of cultural development that acts in the municipality, whose objective is to promote social participation, education, training, and culture in order to improve life quality" Federation of Popular Education Universities, A century of history of….
The spanish radiotherapy park: The present article has as objective to provide a general overview on the spanish radiotherapy park, presenting how was its start and evolution until the current state. Considering only the units of teletherapy and the accelerators. Actually in Spain there is 28 units of Cobalt therapy, in functioning during the last two decades, being advised a rapid substitution to accelerators.
Temporal Analysis of English and Spanish Narratives. In order to ascertain the effect of different demands on cognitive processes as reflected in speech rate, pause and hesitation phenomena, 90 young men, 45 native speakers of English U. Prosodic Perception Problems in Spanish Dyslexia. The aim of this study was to investigate the prosody abilities on top of phonological and visual abilities in children with dyslexia in Spanish that can be considered a syllable-timed language. The performances on prosodic tasks prosodic perception, rise-time perception , phonological tasks phonological awareness, rapid naming, verbal working….
Reading Difficulties in Spanish Adults with Dyslexia. Recent studies show that dyslexia persists into adulthood, even in highly educated and well-read people. The main characteristic that adults with dyslexia present is a low speed when reading. In Spanish , a shallow orthographic system, no studies about adults with dyslexia are available; and it is possible that the consistency of the orthographic….
A study examined eight business Spanish textbooks for cultural content by looking at commonly appearing cultural topics and themes, presentation of cultural information, activities and techniques used to promote cultural understanding, and incorporation of authentic materials. The texts were evenly divided among beginning, intermediate, and…. Moroccan Children and Arabic in Spanish Schools.
This paper discusses classical Arabic as a minority language for Moroccan children in Spanish schools. It highlights programs of "education des langues et cultures d'origine" ELCO , which specifically target these students. Dascalu, Mihai; Jacovina, Matthew E. In this paper, we outline several challenges that arose during the development process, specifically focusing on the algorithms that drive the feedback.
English- Spanish Verbatim Translation Exam. The report is divided into eight sections. Section 1 describes the need for the test,…. The external dimension of the Spanish transition. Full Text Available The author intends to go beyond the unanimous opinion that the processes of political transition must be explained, almost exclusively, in terms of national forces and calculations.
In the case of the Spanish transition he intends to demonstrate how thestrategies of the national actors crown, government and parties were moulded largely by the pressure of regulations and structures drawn up outside its frontiers. The Spanish transition did not offer a threat to the alliance system from the beginning and with which the result was practically guaranteed.
The European governments for their part, worried least about security and more about the political dimension pressurizing the regime and supporting the leaders of the democratic opposition more and more. The European institutions, withtheir veto, ended up legitimizing the Spanish process of democratization while the different Internationals came together and helped their coreligionists in Spain.
Their political and diplomatic pressure were complemented, with the paradigm in the case of PSOE, with the contribution of means and resources by the political foundations, largely German, whose highly visible participation did not lessen the credibiity of those it protected. Spanish is Numero Uno for "Project Bright. The children were bussed to a central point and permitted to study whatever they wished; Spanish was the first subject selected.
Spanish for Agricultural Purposes: This manual, part of a one-semester course for North American agriculture specialists preparing to work in Latin America, is built around specimens of agricultural writing in Spanish. The manual contains 12 lessons on general agriculture, sugar production, grain production, geography, forestry, animal husbandry, soy bean production, agricultural…. Bosnian, Russian, Spanish , Nuer. Topics covered include a variety of birth control methods: Genetic structure of Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus Considering the high hydrological connectivity of this region and the species pelagic life history, retention of larvae, different migration route and different spawning season may Spanish Translations for Welding.
The transparency masters are on such topics as oxyacetylene welding; oxyacetylene welding equipment; welding safety; different types of welds; braze welding; cutting torches; cutting with a torch; protective equipment; arc…. Technical Efficiency of the Spanish Dairy. This chapter uses DEA to measure the technical efficiency of a sample of Spanish dairy processing firms over the period — Differences in technical efficiency between firms of different sizes and between firms that operated in international markets versus those that were not are tested. Migration of radiostrontium in Spanish soils.
In this paper, we have studied the strontium migration occurs in the main Spanish soils and has obtained a tool that is able to reproduce. This would have established the depth distribution profiles of the activity of that isotope presents the soil, thereby obtaining a graphical representation of the current radiological situation of the ground. The first is an extensive alphabetical checklist of sign messages, listed in English with translations in Spanish. Some basic traffic and speed limit rules are included. The second volume, in Spanish -to-English form, is a pocket version designed for American….
Becoming " Spanish Learners": This article explores the interactional co-construction of identities among two first-grade students learning Spanish as a third language in a Spanish -English dual language classroom. Drawing on ethnographic and interactional data, the article focuses on a single interaction between these two " Spanish learners" and two of their…. The Power of Belief: Results suggest that there is a link between Spanish teacher efficacy and students' scores on the exams. That is, the higher one's belief about his or her….
Opinion of Spanish Consumers on Hydrosustainable Pistachios. Fruits and vegetables cultivated under controlled deficit irrigation CDI are called hydrosustainable hydroSOS products and have its own personality and are environmentally-friendly. Focus groups helped in classifying key farming, sensory, and health concepts associated with CDI-grown pistachios. Besides, focus groups also helped in stating that a logo was needed for these special foods, and that a hydroSOS index is also essential to certify that the products have been controlled by a control board.
Conjoint analysis was used to check which attributes could be helpful in promoting CDI-grown pistachios among Spanish consumers in a 1st step toward the European Union EU market. It was clearly proved that the main silo of properties driving the attention of Spanish consumers was that related to health. The most important attributes for pistachios were "product of Spain," "rich in antioxidant," and "crunchy"; this finding was clearly related to the popularity of regional foods, the preoccupation of European consumers for their health, and the joy related to the crunchiness of toasted nuts, respectively.
Finally, it is important to highlight that in general Spanish consumers were willing to pay an extra amount of 1. These earnings will be essential to convince Spanish farmers to implement CDI strategies and have a sustainable and environmental-friendly use of the irrigation water. Ten years of the Spanish Virtual Observatory. The main objective of the Virtual Observatory VO is to guarantee an easy and efficient access and analysis of the information hosted in astronomical archives.
The Spanish Virtual Observatory SVO is a project that was born in with the goal of promoting and coordinating the VO-related activities at national level. In this paper I will describe the most important results obtained by the Spanish Virtual Observatory in its first ten years of life as well as the future lines of work. An investigation into Spanish EFL learners' anxiety.
Full Text Available This research article reports the results of a study designed to measure and analyse Spanish students' perceived anxiety when learning and using EFL inside the classroom. This article first includes a review of the literature on foreign language anxiety. Then it describes the participants of the investigation and the research methodology procedures.
This is followed by the presentation and discussion of the results and, finally, the conclusions derived from this study. The resulting data revealed interesting information about the anxiety levels present among Spanish EFL learners. While relatively high levels of speaking anxiety have been identified, somewhat lower levels of listening anxiety associated with error correction, by contrast, have also been found. More specifically, the results suggested that the level of listening anxiety seems to slightly increase when error correction is somehow involved in the process.
A geologic and geochemical investigation and a survey of mines and prospects were conducted to evaluate the mineral-resource potential of the Spanish Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, in south-central Colorado. Anomalous gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc concentrations in rocks and in stream sediments from drainage basins in the vicinity of the old mines and prospects on West Spanish Peak indicate a substantiated mineral-resource potential for base and precious metals in the area surrounding this peak; however, the mineralized veins are sparse, small in size, and generally low in grade.
There is a possibility that coal may underlie the study area, but it would be at great depth and it is unlikely that it would have survived the intense igneous activity in the area. There is little likelihood for the occurrence of oil and gas because of the lack of structural traps and the igneous activity. Westinghouse support for Spanish nuclear industry. One of the major commitments Westinghouse has with the nuclear industry is to provide to the utilities the support necessary to have their nuclear units operating at optimum levels of availability and safety.
This article outlines the organization the Energy Systems Business Unit of Westinghouse has in place to fulfill this commitment and describes the evolution of the support Westinghouse is providing to the operation o f the Spanish Nuclear Power plants. In this document we can find a statistical evaluation for the wind energy generation from each spanish wind farm referred to going on with the work that has been carried out since , by initiative of the Wind Energy Division from Renewable Energy Institute.
Interrelations between grammaticalization and phraseology in Spanish. Full Text Available This paper shows the relationships between phraseology and grammaticalization in Spanish. According to a functional view of grammaticalization see E. Traugott, we analyse some phraseological units: Subjectification, intersubjectification or Invited Inferencing Theory of Semantic Change can explain diachronic and phraseological evolution of these units.
Spanish urological schools We researched the start of urological specialisation in Spain, from the end of the 19th century to the institution of the education system resident medical intern to learn about the centres and individuals who created the urological teaching units and training schools in which the first Spanish urologists specialised their training. We extracted the references from books on the history of urology, from periodic urological publications and from the posters on history submitted to the congresses of the Spanish Urological Association and filled in the data and dates with the Historical Dictionary of Spanish Urologists.
There are 30 urological specialization centres, 8 with official accreditation recognised by the corresponding ministry but whose official status is unknown. These centres are in the urology departments of large Spanish hospitals, university clinic hospitals and in private schools directed by notable urologists. There are 14 main centres, corresponding chronologically to the following cities: Urological training in Spain from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century was well-established, both in officially accredited centres and in the urology departments of the main hospitals, in university clinic hospitals and in private schools and clinics.
The training was directed by experienced urologists who ensured proper teaching and training, a method that persisted until the institution of the resident medical intern system in Psychosocial impact of malocclusion in Spanish adolescents. To evaluate the psychosocial impact of malocclusion, determine its relationship with the severity of malocclusion, and assess the influence of gender and social class on this relationship in adolescents. Psychosocial impact was measured through a self-rated Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aes Familial chondrocalcinosis in the Spanish population.
We have found in our clinic a The clinical and radiological characteristics of these familial chondrocalcinosis patients were similar to those of the Chiloes with familial chondrocalcinosis previously reported. No significant clinical or radiological differences were detected between our sporadic and familial chondrocalcinosis patients. Our findings support the hypothesis that the Chiloes familial chondrocalcinosis was carried to Chile by Spanish immigrants.
Entrepreneurship is linked to the perception of opportunities, to orientation, to attitudes, to the fear of failure and to entrepreneurial motivations. Entrepreneurial orientation is a fundamental construct for understanding the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. What is more, it is multidimensional and has attracted considerable attention from researchers in recent years. Momentos que se dejan escapar con facilidad y que dejamo. Scolari, Hacer clic Link para descargar: En el Seminario, clase 11, Lacan se pregunta: Lacan, Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoan.
Parafraseando a Trotsky, podemos decir que la vida de pueblos e individuos tienen una dosis de fatalidad. Tiempo y sociedad, La transparencia del mal.
Machine Art in the Twentieth Century. From Faktura to Factography. Un primer acercamiento a la Srta. Claudicar tiene dos acepciones: A lo largo de la obra la Srta. Como se ve este es todo un programa. El montaje en Eisenstein4. Tres lecturas al modo de Glas. Gilberto Freyre, a ONU e o apartheid sul-africano. Novidades, Lisboa, 18 de fevereiro, Um brasileiro em terras portuguesas. Mais sobre o caso do major Boxer. O Cruzeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 23 jan. Editora da UnB, Gilberto Freyre y el lusotropicalismo: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Immuable et changeant, le lusotropicalisme au Portugal.
Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian, v. O ovo de Colombo Gilbertino. O imperador das ideias: Editora da Unesp, Ser otro sin dejar de ser uno mismo: As duas faces da moeda: Editora da UFSC, Editora da UFRJ, a. We argue that the work has become a denunciation and at the same time a judgment about the greedy past of foreign peoples in relation to the Amazon.
Arthur Reis consistently spoke in favor of the Portuguese and Luso Brazilians in their struggles to defend the region, considering them as true heroes. In this sense, the facts related to these actions are analyzed as relevant data for an objective historical research. Futuro no qual estariam os grandes perigos sobre ela REIS , p.
Mas Arthur Reis fez a seguinte ressalva: Perspectiva, ainda de acordo com Lademe Correia de Souza, que o aproximou mais de Varnhagen do que de Capistrano de Abreu, historiador que passou a adotar novos preceitos na tentativa de ultrapassar o determinismo evolucionista. Gilberto Freyre , p. Carlos Guilherme Mota , p. Devo prestar um depoimento. Modelo que reservou para a. De acordo com ele, em Acesso em 23 mai. Mameluco, paulista e cavaleiro da ordem de cristo In: Usos do passado, 12, , Rio de Janeiro.
Senado Federal; Conselho Editorial, Como governei o Amazonas. O Brasil das Letras. A Zona Franca de Manaus e o capitalismo no Brasil. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 23 mai. No artigo buscam desenvolver-se dois argumentos. The aim of the present article is to provide an evaluation of the historiography on the Portuguese empire as produced in Portugal in the twentieth century. Mas nem por sombras se julgue que a universidade dos anos , nos seus centros de maior dinamismo, se reduzia a Coimbra. A Idade do Ouro do Brasil. Companhia Editora Nacional, [].
Realidades e desvarios africanos. Por ordem da Universidade, Os deveres dos governadores: O progresso de Angola continua: The Oldest Alliance Faces a Crisis. Views of a Revolt. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Os donos do poder: Editora Globo, []. Decreto de 1 de Dezembro de Cultural and Political Factors, Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. A Reply to Sr. I, 3, Rio de Janeiro, , p. Percursos da modernidade em Angola: Annaes do Municipio de Mossamedes, Sep.
Instituto Nacional do Livro, O Ocidente e o futuro. Instituto de Altos Estudos Militares. The objective of this text is to analyze a number of questions that have been important for the Brazilian and Portuguese historiographical production on the theme of the democratic transition. It discusses how the history-studies have been dealing with the social memory related to the authoritarian experience in both countries, and examines different interpretations that question the meaning of the changes that happened as a consequence of the democratic transition.
There will be no place for an intercalation of authors, with some more modern as a replacement for others, more ancient ones; instead, the text draws attention to a debate that, marked by the present time, is still far from exhausted. Cabe aqui o registro de duas delas: As perguntas geralmente seguem o mesmo script, a saber: Como bem nos alerta Carlos Fico, os historiadores ingressaram tarde nos estudos sobre o regime militar, por volta dos anos FICO , p.
Comecemos por Zilda Iokoi. Para lidar com tudo isso, tomemos por base um dos melhores estudos da lavra de historiadores sobre o tema em tela: O autor, ao mesmo tempo, registra que:. Era, em outras palavras, mais urbano que seu antecessor. Este Portugal dos anos mantinha-se presente quarenta anos depois. O novo ministro utilizava-se de um discurso que fazia corar os segmentos mais conservadores. Aproximou-se, ainda que com reservas, da Europa ocidental. Esta literatura e os valores nela contidos teria chegado a Portugal.
Ou haveria entre eles sinceros e insinceros? Por este motivo, e assim como Cruzeiro, critica os diversos revisionismos que tentam tirar-lhe esta marca ROSAS a, p. Um novo tempo que surgia. Por projetos que tanto se aproximavam quanto divergiam. Por este motivo, o olhar e o comportamento sobre a data inaugural, o 25 de Abril, foram alterados de acordo com a conjuntura. Editora Universidade de Coimbra, , p.
O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 29 mar. Montly Review Press, Entre o fomento e o condicionamento: Journal of Democracy, vol. Un homme, une voix? Historie du suffrage universel. Esfera dos Livros, Ditadura militar, esquerdas e sociedade. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, Crise da ditadura militar e o processo de abertura militar no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, O que resta da ditadura: Estado Novo, Estados Novos.
This article focuses on the institutional conditions for the internationalization of Portuguese historiography in the past 20 years. Its aim is to explain why the international historiographical community still has a limited knowledge about the Portuguese historical reality, and about the work carried out by Portuguese historians. The second part of this article discusses the subsequent evolution of the Portuguese historiographical milieu, emphasizing the areas in which its internationalization has been more successful.
Do mesmo modo, assinalaram que a maioria das. Almeida da Brown University. Por um lado, existe aquela que assenta em iniciativas mais ou menos individuais e que se concretiza em contactos com. Tal acontece porque Cfr. Payne ou Stuart Woolf. No entanto, a maneira como estudaram estes temas foi bem diferente das abordagens predominantes em Portugal. The Portuguese oceanic expansion, Cambridge University Press, From periphery to centre: Is there a trend towards internationalization in Portuguese historiography?
The internationalization of Portuguese historiography: The wealth and poverty of nations: The present article revolves around the interest in contemporary history from ancient writers to humanist historians. Its objective, which forms part of a broader purpose devoted to elucidating the characteristics of the so-called History of the Present, is to examine the forms this interest has traditionally adopted. In this way, we put for consideration the following hypothesis: Nevertheless, the long-standing doctrine of history as memory of events for centuries had prevented historians from facing paradoxes that result from the interest in contemporary past; in other words, how can historians confront the political uses, memories and demands of public opinion to deal with the recent past without jeopardizing historical truth?
However, as various authors have pointed out, the History of the Present, understood in this sense, is not exactly an invention of recent historians, given that interest in witnessing close events dates back to Antiquity KOSELLECK , p. In this article, I shall discuss the following hypothesis: Nevertheless, the long-standing doctrine of history as memory of events, which extends as far as the sixteenth century, for centuries prevented that task from being the subject of discussion. With these stories, Herodotus intended to demonstrate that the Medean wars would have largely contributed to shaping Greek identity: Rather he makes his presence felt with his broad curiosity, together with numerous observations, opinions, references to trips and visits to places, from which he makes descriptions of customs, geographical features, monuments and stories, relating what he regards more useful and relevant to narrative purposes, whether believable or not MEISTER , p.
The Medean wars had been events that dated back at least two generations prior to the epoch of the author, and had ended in BC when he was still practically a child. Apart from news from Homer and storytellers, lists of Egyptians kings, and several inscriptions and maps, the bulk of the sources Herodotus used to transmit information is composed of family memories, mainland political traditions e.
Because of his work as a storyteller, Herodotus never needed to expound on those sources. Not only did Herodotus address an audience unconcerned with the origins of such information; people who heard him did not likely take too much interest in knowing whether he had been an eyewitness of the facts he related.
As specialists point out, Herodotus preferred to give priority to the heard, even to hearsay, rather than to the seen as an eyewitness. News from logographers, storytellers and historians such as Herodotus, Hellanicus of Lesbos and Philistos of Syracuse — these, coeval with Thucydides — several treaties of peace, in addition to charts and inscriptions, likely compose the bulk of these sources GOMME , v. In his Histories, through the topic of enslavement, Herodotus had already warned his audience of the consequences of disunity for Greek people, who were caught by the Persian invasion.
But servitude, although important, is a topic blended into many others, and Herodotus only clearly mentions it about ten times. Once again, Thucydides, who lived the period of the Athenian hegemony and was a witness of temptations to subjugate other city-states, is much more forthright. For Thucydides, Athenian imperialism had resulted in a still more pitiful loss of freedom than that caused by the Persians, servitude much. Contemporary history in the Roman era From the outset, the record of events through lists, Commentarii, Annales Maximi, elogia, etc.
As in classical Greece, to Romans both historiography and memory were also associated with rhetoric taking part in this art — and through it, with the possibility of addressing audiences interested in politics, moral and contemporary military feats, or of pleasing people who sought amusement.
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Lucian of Samosata, for instance, in his treatise on The Way to Write History AD , the only work of this genre surviving from Antiquity, not only considers history as a written activity but still sees it as an account of events to be heard. Rhetoricians had long been associating memory with historiography, and had considerations on the relationship between history and memory dating back to Greek philosophers.
To the philosopher of Stagira, remembering was a psych activity through which images of things are brought to mind, but the way in which rhetoricians and poets organized these images, and their purposes, clearly differed from that of historians. In this way, Aristotle presents the process of thinking and writing history divided into two strands that are to maintain ambiguous and complex relations for centuries.
In practice, this need to elucidate causes was only followed as long as these could aid the orator to better communicate with his audience, since the idea of cause itself had limited importance for Roman historians. Yet for political and cultural reasons, this kind of historiography was mainly devoted to keeping the memory of certain contemporary events alive. Even the history of Rome Ab Urbe Condita by Livy a model for the national histories emerging during the Renaissance period was intended to show and remember recent events. But to tell the story of the most recent years BC , the author devoted a total of 92 books, all of them lost, which is more than half of the books that comprise the entire work MELLOR , p.
This is also the reason why Tacitus, for instance, takes care to distinguish the Annales, written to refer to a period prior to Emperor August, from the Historiae. Tacitus could not simply start with a naked account of events.
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Another example to prove that narrating contemporary events was reckoned to be a perilous, although inevitable, activity is illustrated by the poet Horace. Thus, in one of the Odes devoted to a friend, the writer of tragedies Gaius Asinius Pollio, Horace encourages his friend to continue preparing a history of the war between Caesar and Pompey a History that has been lost. It is nevertheless interesting to observe that the most important Roman historians avoided writing history while they were on duty. This may be considered as a statement of impartiality, but also as a sign that historical knowledge, far from the modern concept of accuracy, had rather to do to with the importance of public life and memory.
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This passage also makes it possible to understand why the relationship between history and politics remained largely ambiguous in the ancient world. Since political institutions were not directly concerned with encouraging historiography as a rhetoric and dramatic genre, the interest shown by rhetoricians never served to elucidate the status of political history.
But there was never a unique criterion to develop this premise. However, this feature, rather than seen as. The poetic and rhetorical use of the past invented by the Greeks and Romans by no means disappeared despite the fact that since the fourth century, with Christian historiography, the writing of history was increasingly sheltered in monasteries and abbeys. But the narration of histories and the record of deeds were guided by new necessities and topics. Moreover, themes and genres from Christianity, particularly ecclesiastic history, were endowed with an edifying purpose and evangelical message provided with a long-standing commemorative character; or remained in the service of both the ecclesiastic and the temporal power.
Only Byzantine writers kept untouched the tradition of secular historiography handed down by classical historians. In the sixth century, Procopius of Caesarea, who fought side by side with General Belisarius the wars of Emperor Justinian against the Persians, Vandals and Ostrogoths from onward, to recover the Roman Empire, wrote, for example, a History of the Wars circa AD followed by a Secret History circa It is true that, unlike ancient models, Christian historiography was connected with theological and eschatological patterns from the doctrine of the Bible and Fathers of the Church.
However, this concern with eschatology did not prevent authors from being concerned with their own epoch, as it did not deter them from. With this interest in recent events, Eusebius attempted to explain that the Edict of Milan AD had brought a great opportunity, a turning point, for the Christian Church. But universal history was only one possible topic among others.
The medieval genre of ecclesiastical history became thus the spotlight for authors who attempted to retain memory by writing on new themes in keeping with new times: The Decem libros historiarum AD by Bishop Gregory of Tours is, for instance, a record of miracles, persecutions, lives of saints, and heresies befallen to the Merovingian Kingdom used in pastoral activity and compiled to prevent them from falling into oblivion.
Despite the long-standing interest in telling stories, the heritage of classical writers was not the cultural aspect that concerned medieval historians the most. Not surprisingly, medieval intellectuals found in chronicles the most common way to establish memories, which turned this genre into the most popular form of historiography for centuries BREISACH , p. Whatever explanation is accepted for the differences between chronicle and history, the predominance of the former would demonstrate that the account of events set in chronological order had become an essential task by the MiddleAges.
These writers, with a lifelong learning and a knowledge of Greek-Roman historians, went beyond the task of mere chroniclers and were well aware of it in some cases they also wrote chronicles. Chronicles could register natural phenomena, record successions and genealogies of kings, their deeds, lives of saints and bishops, and even heroic poems. In fact, to medieval authors the memory of events in chronicles and other genres was to identify itself with the events themselves, without giving leeway of any kind for any abstraction similar to modern historiographic concepts.
Nor did the existence of written and oral sources suppose any contradiction to medieval authors.
When subsequently talking about the types of history, Isidore uses a twofold criterion: To show interest in contemporary memory and in its ways of recording it, medieval authors used various expressions: Inspired by the idea of solidarity of the ages of the world and by the Book of the Prophet Daniel, this doctrine was to constitute the basis for the most important attempts to establish chronologies of universal history during the Middle-Ages. And yet, the search for new turning points to help examine the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries had necessarily resulted in the abandonment, even in the criticism, of that medieval idea.
The fall of the House of Medici in Florence in and the resulting republican government had aroused unexpected concern with the history of the city. Commissioned by Cardinal Guilio of Medici, Machiavelli used the work to approach the Medicis, who had returned to the government of the city in History, written in twenty books between and , would become a much more controversial book because of the closeness to the facts it describes. Guicciardini wrote when he retired as governor and commander-in-chief of the Papal territories, covering the period from to the death in of Clement VII, for whom he had been working for many years.
He was engaged in this task, as a defender of the Emperor, from practically all his public life, between and , the year of his death. However, the political stimulus was, in both cases, the same: The method and prestige of these books can help us understand the possibilities and limits of this kind of historiography. The works still retain elements of the long-standing idea of contemporary history. On the other hand, Guicciardini introduced his History as being intended to avoid oblivion, as traditional historians did.
In fact, the moment when chronicles became national in scope, as a part of propaganda devoted to defending chancelleries, was the sixteenth century, a golden age for chroniclers, authors in the service of monarchs, popes and other patrons, who had turned into humanist writers TATE , p. Yet Guicciardini did not escape from. In fact, both Giovio and Guicciardini were involved, without having wished it, in the early scene of national stereotypes, favored by the emerging national identities.

This monumental narrative of the wars of religion, which begins with the death of Francis I in , is the foremost History produced by French Humanism. However, both his Catholicism and his claims of impartiality were to no avail, at least in his own epoch: In a period, such as the Baroque, when reputation was hugely important for chancelleries — with political topics such as the importance of persuasion and dissimulation — the possibility of going deeply into the causes and mechanisms of power had become crucial.
Universidad de Valladolid, A History of English Church and people. Method for the easy Comprehension of History. University of Chicago Press, Translation by Edmond Courbaud. Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance. Historia Moderna, Universidad de Salamanca, v. Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: