
Bouddhisme et Islam: Le choix du dialogue (French Edition)

Rather, there must be endless combinations of reflection and action and, above all, the kind of larger collective adaptation we have been discussing. At the same time, we must remain aware of persisting genocidal arrangements and expressioms of genocidal mentality. Nor can we wait for a new Gandhi or Saint Joan to deliver us. Rather, each of us must join in a vast project — political, ethical, psychological — on behalf of perpetuating and nurturing our humanity.

We must become the healers, not killers, of our species. Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law. Sanremo, September San Remo, , Bruxelles, Bruylant, , pp. I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share. Although I have found my own Buddhist religion helpful in generating love and compassion, even for those we consider our enemies, I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion.

With the ever growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into the other. Both science and the teachings of the Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things. This understanding is crucial if we are to take positive and decisive action on the pressing global concern with the environment.

I believe all religions pursue the same goals, that of cultivating human goodness and bringing happiness to all human beings. Though the means might appear different the ends are the same. As we enter the final decade of this century I am optimistic that the ancient values that have sustained mankind are today reaffirming themselves to prepare us for a kinder, happier twenty-first century. Oxford, Oxford University Press, , p. Seeking Justice in the Shadows of War. Cambridge, Polity, , p. Utrecht, European Centre for Conflict Prevention, , p.

Precisely, he is one in the unity which is love. He is undivided in himself because he is open to all. He is open to all because the one love that is the source of all, the form of all, and the end of all is one in him and in all. Conversations Intimes avec le Bouddha, New York, Ballantine Books, , p. It is that kind of choice we are in right now. It involves a psychological awakening to the unconscious impulses that are at work inside us and in our civilization. It is a psychological and spiritual education that has to occur as well as an intellectual one.

Bible, Evangile et Coran, entre conflit et dialogue, Paris, Lessius, , p. We can only speak of war as a cultural function so long as it is waged within a sphere whose members regard each other as equals or antagonists with equal rights ; in other words its cultural function depends on its play-quality. In such circumstances, war loses its play-quality altogether and can only remain withi the bounds of civilization in so far as the parties to it accept certain limitations for the sake of their own honour.

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A Study of the Play-Element in Culture. Boston, Beacon Press, , pp. Essai sur la fonction sociale du jeu, Paris, Gallimard, , p. Half a Loaf or Simply Pie in the Sky? Rosenne, Nijhoff, Dordrecht, , pp.

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Paris, Fayard, , p. Introduction by the Dalai Lama. Disponible en ligne sur: Ainsi, dans le Mahabharata. Paris, Pocket, , Disponible en ligne: Existe-t-il des normes juridiques pour les rapports entre les nations qui forment la famille humaine? Et, si elles existent, sont-elles efficaces? Saint-Augustin, Saint-Maurice, , pp. Lettre encyclique Fides et ratio.

Paris, Bayard-Fleurus-Cerf, , p. An Essay on Spiritual Renewal. Assen, Van Gorcum, , p. Why then such an ambitious for this chapter? For this simple reason, that cooperation between religions has become an absolute for survival in our pluralist, highly interdependent world.

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, , p. Le volume collectif issu de ce projet Gaibian Zhongguo zongjiao de wushinian Le partage alimentaire mongol de Sandrine Ruhlmann. Multi-Disciplinary Approaches offers nine case studies from several academic In this period of economic crisis and Le carnet de recherche des membres du GSRL est en ligne! From Yoga to Kabbalah: Looking for insights into the Polarisations politiques et confessionnelles.

Bozzo et Pierre-Jean Luizard dir. Fang Ling, Goossaert Vincent dir. Milani, Alexandro, La Galizia orientale.

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