A Matter of Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 1)
I'm not sure I even understand them myself. Other than that, this is a good book all in all. If you haven't tried reading Steampunk yet, this is a good book to start with. Just make sure you have some dictionary handy beside you. I'm giving A Matter of Temperance 4 stars for the wonderful adventure and the new world it has shown me. I definitely recommend this to Steampunk fans and to those who want to try the said genre. It's a book worth reading! Seeing the 'new' old world the author creates is always fun and A Matter of Temperance did not disappoint.
It's an interesting combination, since you get to see both characters view of events and things aren't always exactly the same. It's neat to see two different perspectives on the same space of time. I like both Ichabod and Persephone.

They are fun and smart characters. I also liked a lot of the people the met on the journey. The story itself is super fast paced. Which is great because it keeps the pages turning, but I think it is also part of the stories faults. Everything is going soooo fast that some things, such as extra characters that the heroes meet on the way,seem to barely get a passing glance. I liked a lot of these characters, even though they were only on the page a few moments. I think they could have had a bit more page time and helped keep the story from feeling so rushed. I think that was the only problem I really had with the book overall.
Even the detailed descriptions of the different technology felt rushed. Plus at one point it felt as if part of a scene must be missing because it was going by so fast. I have to say though that despite the novels break neck speed, I did enjoy the ride. As I said before I enjoyed all the characters, even the ones that I didn't get a large amount of time with. The main characters are just plain fun, and the supporting characters are memorable.
Honestly it reminded me of a great movie with lots of cameos by famous stars. I also love the world building that the author has done. Seriously, Temperance's world is amazing. The author has a fine eye for technological detail as well as amazing descriptive abilities. I really felt as if I could just step onto the page, although since most of the time they are fighting evil creatures from another dimension I probably would hesitate to do so.
I can't wait to start reading A World of InTemperance. I hope that I get to see more of the characters that were introduced in this book, as well as more of Ichabod and Persephone's world. A Matter of Temperance is set in the late 's, where a fateful comet has just passed Earth, leaving people with weird talents and powers. Ichabod Temperance is young inventor from America, who has invented a pair of goggles called the "Green Beauties.
Meanwhile, Miss Persephone Plumtartt has gained special powers, while the comet passed the Earth- during an accident in her father's factory. Persephone Plumtartt can't underst A Matter of Temperance is set in the late 's, where a fateful comet has just passed Earth, leaving people with weird talents and powers. Persephone Plumtartt can't understand these sudden powers she has gained, what will she do with them? In a rush of fate, one night, Ichabod sees Persephone running from an invisible creature, and manages to save her. The two protagonists in the novel have to save the world from evil- while trying to stay out of danger themselves!
They have to fight off demonic monsters and get to the root of all evil.. This book didn't lack imagination- it is well thought out and very punchy. I really loved how there is two points of view, making it very interesting to see two different opinions of the same events. The chapters are written very well, I liked how some of them were short- making you ferociously turn the pages to see what happened next. A Matter Of Temperance is a light hearted novel, while you read about Ichabod and Persephone saving the world, you can clearly see the chemistry between them, and how they are both falling for each other..
Ichabod always seemed to be there at the right time; very happy to protect Persephone from any wicked. However, some of the writing was very wordy, and it did become hard to follow the plot, and some of the inventions were very complicated! A Matter Of Temperance isn't something I would normally pick up- I'm not the biggest fan of steampunk.
But if you are a fan of steampunk, this is a good read! I am a steampunk fantatic! I love all things steampunk and enjoy reading a good book that throws in a good bit of steampunk action.
See a Problem?
Matter of Temperance is the beginning of the journey of Icabod Temperance Icky and Persephone, and though it is part of a series, I can confidently say you can read it and any of the others as solo reads. However, I would suggest you read them all, as each is brilliant and they create a fab overall story, when read together.
In this book, we see the e My Thoughts: In this book, we see the emergence of Icky, as we will know him for the rest of the series. He is a an American abroad, as he is making his way to England. However, even this excellent tinker can find himself in trouble. As a comet changes the world, we see Icky become himself, Persephone gain powers and the true emergence of the steampunk world.
Persephone must use her powers to defeat an evil, and we soon find Icky teaming up with her, and the two create a brilliant steampunk duo, fighting off the evil in the world. I loved the amount of steampunk that was in this book. The beginning of the book gave us loads of information, creating the world we were in, Icky and Persephone, so that we knew who they were, before finding out who they are I think this was essential.
We got to know things, to see just how much they changed. The pace of the book was swift, but it really worked. The details were still in the book, and we had depth of character, but it moved quick to match the urgency behind the fight they were in. Overall, this is a brilliant first book to a grand steampunk series. It only gets better as you go along. The writing style is fast and different, but it fits the steampunk genre and the fight. I loved it and think my steampunk readers will as well!
Ichabod Temperance is a young man with a brilliant mind and a gentlemanly manner that includes doing anything to save a lady. In , he sets across the Atlantic to England on a voyage that will change his life even more than the comet that dashed Earth with its tail and bestowed greater intelligence on some people. Even animals became self-aware. England has been suffering from vicious ghost attacks. Ichabod saves a lovely young lady from one of these horrifying creatures and discovers she is Ichabod Temperance is a young man with a brilliant mind and a gentlemanly manner that includes doing anything to save a lady.
Ichabod saves a lovely young lady from one of these horrifying creatures and discovers she is Persephone Plumtartt, the daughter of a well known inventor. The monsters seem intent on her, and Ichabod cannot leave a lady in danger. The pair soon discover they are at the center of something much bigger than random ghost attacks and begin a quest to save Earth from an evil greater than any imagining.
- For the Love of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance.
- For the Love of Temperance.
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What a wonderfully quirky and cheeky steampunk tale. The world pulled me in and hooked me.
A Matter of Temperance by Ichabod Temperance
The romance of the Victorian age with advanced steampunk technology and people with super intelligence. It has all the charm with the fanciful dress, etiquette, and manners of speech.
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The tongue-in-cheek names for people and places had me giggling. Even with the light-heartedness, there is a dark edge. The monsters have a Lovecraftian flavor and the villains have no mercy. The cast of characters is large and varied. Ichabod's voice is young and filled with wonder. I loved his eagerness, southern charm, and sense of chivalry. Persephone is a strong and clever young woman, a proper role model for all steampunk girls. The plot is fast-paced and exciting. Never a dull moment!
The Measure of Temperance
This is a fantastic start to the Adventures of Ichabod Temperance series. I will definitely be picking up the next books. Both are indie fiction and entertaining reads but I think Discovering Aberration was the more satisfying of the two. Ichabod Temperance undertakes a fantastical adventure when he first rescues one Persephone Plumtartt from clutches of an invisible otherworldly monster.
Our hero has a knack for this kind of chivalry as he continues to repeat the feat, firstly across A Matter of Temperance was recommended to me by Amazon because I enjoyed another steampunk novel, S C Barrus' Discovering Aberration. Our hero has a knack for this kind of chivalry as he continues to repeat the feat, firstly across a slightly-geographically-redesigned Europe, and then across the rest of the world. We read his story from two viewpoints, both his and also Miss Plumtartt's.
Unfortunately their characters are not strongly defined so as the chapters rush past, I didn't always know which one was narrating. It doesn't really matter as this book is all about action. Villains are cartoonish and allies are named but not created as defined people. On reflection, this is disappointing as I would have cared more about the quest had more words been expended on character rather than fighting. I liked the initial inventions which are perfectly steampunk, however as the book goes along, more and more items are invented but not described so imagining what the author means is tricky.
Also the perils are often suprisingly easily despatched and occasionally seem thrown in for no apparent reason - why were the sirens included? For me, A Matter of Temperance felt unfinished. It is a fun fast-paced romp but needs more explanation of the whys and wherefores in order to really reward the reader.
Yet, after a couple chapters, I decided that it did work here. The chapters are short and punchy, and written in Present Tense, which gives a very excited pacing. Like he would use! Ichabod being an Alabama boy in England was also amusing, both from his accent mixing and the change of stereotypes in the racist Englishman! Nonstop is a good word to describe the story. It gets a little too much so towards the middle, but it picks you back up. The humor was corny at points magically delicious, really? Not to mention, the Siberian tigers?
Ultimately, I call this book monstrously amusing, quirky, charming, and just a hell of a lot fun. I was gifted my copy direct from the author. And I thank them for the opportunity. Ichabod Temperance races across the Atlantic in a steam boat to hand deliver his latest invention. Persephone Plumtartt is the daughter of a previous recipient of his inventions.
Together they fight the ghost her father pulled forth before he died. I liked the IDEA of this book, that a comet released the inner scientist of a huge amount I was gifted my copy direct from the author. I liked the IDEA of this book, that a comet released the inner scientist of a huge amount of people all at once. I didn't like the way it's told. It's told in the first person, present tense, and it flips between the two characters.
Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Ichabod Temperance Goodreads Author. Oh, yes, Ma'am, Miss Plumtartt, Ma'am, it's just that since we find ourselves stranded on this voodoo-drenched Carribean island, I thought it might be a good idea to practice acting like a mobile corpse, cause it's looking like we are up to our armpits in dead folks walking. My suspicion is that they're wanting to snack o.. My suspicion is that they're wanting to snack on our gray matter.
Temperance, for I fear that if you, I, and our compatriots are not successful on this escapade, the entire planet could be threatened by cadaver cataclysm, eh hem? This here adventure is full of scary circumstances, Ma'am, and that's a fact! Paperback , pages. The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance 6. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Measure of Temperance , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Measure of Temperance.
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Zombies, voodoo, the island of San Monique and the year of the great awakening; what has our quirky little hero gotten himself into now? It started as a visit to the Reverend Dolomite, a colorful man o Zombies, voodoo, the island of San Monique and the year of the great awakening; what has our quirky little hero gotten himself into now? It started as a visit to the Reverend Dolomite, a colorful man of the cloth who will go anywhere, to spread the word of goodness, and lust, I mean love. The thriving city of Los Angelos is about to become a boiling cauldron of trouble on many levels and our clueless Ichabod is too busy with the calculations of a new invention to notice, until it may be too late.
Is it possible that Miss Plumtartt is feeling neglected by Mr. Who is this handsome, charming and worldly gentleman that seems to be sweeping her off her feet? Has Ichabod lost her to another? Skul-Bizarre has some black magic up his sleeve, a secluded island to perform his dastardly deeds unnoticed and some zombie-like minions to do his bidding. Are Ichabod and Persephone prepared for what comes next? Will they outwit, outlast and outplay this dark entity or will they become his prisoners, lost to the world and rescue? This is serious stuff here, but Ichabod Temperance knows how to turn a phrase, alliterate and be just plain silly at times and his humor is what keeps each scene trying to dance off the page.
I do admit to sadness when Miss Persephone seems to have found a new suitor. Ever wonder what sound effects really sound like? Ichabod spells it out and I found myself repeating these words over and over until I thought I had the sound just right. Temperance brings his adventure to life with the imagination of a true wordsmith. November 21, Publisher: GoldenBear Creative Works Genre: Steampunk Fantasy Print Length: Yes, I enjoyed this episode of Ichabod and Miss Temperance's as well as the rest. I do feel the need to mention something in this review that I haven't mentioned before.
All of the books in The Adventure of Ichabod Temperance series are stand alone. I think it became more apparent with this one than any of the rest, which is why it occurs to mention it now. The adventures in this 'episode' are more centered on a few characters we have met before. March 28, Genre: Steampunk Fantasy Print Length: May 22, Barb Taub rated it really liked it.
I like to start series reviews with the claim that this book can be read as a standalone. But this one really shouldn't be. In fact, although I received Book 9 as a review copy, after reading the first few pages I went back and bought Book 1. Not only is the backstory important, but the "Ichabod Temperance" writing style is unique and requires adjustments. In looking back over my notes, the very first thing I wrote for Book 1 is: Those Muses are getting a bit long in the tooth, and I think that Calliope called a newcomer, Terry Pratchett, in as pinch-hitter.
It's not so much a case of show vs tell. Observations—every last damn one of them—are in the often-stilted form of thoughts or dialog. Instead of saying, "The king stood before them dressed in This gives them an archaic feel that takes some getting used to. But if you make it past the blatant info dump lightly masquerading as dialog, you're in for a treat. We hear how the Revelatory Comet passed through the atmosphere in But unlike Halley's comet that captured the attention of the world in , this one actually changed many people.
Its wake left some with extraordinary abilities, some magical and some in the form of gadget and engineering skills. One of those people is Ichabod Temperance, who is transformed from a simple Alabama farm boy to a gadget wizard. He's heading for England to deliver his invention—the Green Beauties goggles—to super scientist, Professor Plumtartt, whose premier contribution to the post-comet world is the creation of a virtually infinite energy source.
Plumtartt's Sol Furnace is the solution to the "steam just can't produce enough energy" intrinsic problem of Victorian steampunk worlds. But before Ichabod arrives, the professor is killed and his daughter, Persephone, is altered by an experiment gone terribly wrong, releasing a demonic evil on the world.
Arriving in London, Ichabod uses his goggles to save Persephone, and together they embark on a journey that will take them around the world in order to save it. That journey continues in one form or another through the rest of the series. And along the way, much as with Terry Pratchett in his epic Discworld series, there is simply no pun too low, no social reference too topical, and no literary one off limits.
If Captain Hale could, I bet he and his crew would be willing to see us through our coming adventures. I can still see him, back there on the deck of his ship. Impulsively, Captain Hale and I call to one another. In creating Ichabod and Persephone's steampunk world, the author must have had a shopping list with every conceivable genre trope. I think he crossed off each of them. Goggles, bowler, corsets, lethal parasol?
Airships, automatons, astonishing weapons with peculiar acronyms? Kraken, Leviathan, cephalopods of every imaginable variety? Gadget Genius and Aristocratic Lady of Adventure? Meet Ichabod Temperance and Persephone Plumtartt. Ichabod has created a machine designed to tunnel through the earth to create a shortcut for the financial giant, Mr.
Morganstern Baron of Industry. But thanks to Morganstern's cost-cutting on construction, the machine goes wrong, plunging them into an internal world of magic. Here there be dragons, literally. Each section is narrated in turn by gee-shucks Ichabod, the quixotic Alabama farmboy, and primly proper Miss Persephone Plumtartt, the Victorian British aristocrat.
A Journey of Temperance
Their differing voices are critically important, especially because almost all details continue to be delivered via their internal monologues and external dialog exchanges. The pace is always the same, a rocketing scramble from one adventure to another, rescuing each other using a combination of Ichabod's inventions and Persephone's pluck. The characters don't so much develop as they exercise their abilities in new ways with each situation.