The Life and Death of an Unknown Celebrity
Regardless, Don meant everything to me. Partly because I was disowned at a young age and crazed the stable family portrayed on My Three Sons. But also because of his achievements, which I also wanted to achieve. I use to fantasize about being a fine musician and working with Don in the studio or on stage. None of this came to fruition and I therefore never met him or his lovely wife Tin Cole, who is also a gifted performer. But I felt deep connection to him ever since I first saw him on television. Thank you Don Grady.
You will always be deeply admired and missed. I would feel so much better knowing that someone at least tried to help him. For me it was Andy Whitfield… wow, so young, gone so fast and right after becoming a huge star with his role as Spartacus. I was deeply hurt and I could not understand why, I obviously never met him, after reading the article I realized I identified so much because he looks very much like my x-boyfriend, Andy being so much more handsome, but he reminded me of him.
I started watching the first season and when I learned Andy was gone I broke into tears. I was shocked at my reaction, but I understand a little better now. I still feel so much empathy for this family, he was so young, strong, looked healthy and poof, gone at Reminder to seize the day, live life to the fullest everyday. I hope they are well and I hope they know they will be with him again one day. Gone but never forgotten. Same, Jerry Lewis the comedy legend… that hit me hard. You feel grateful and tremendously sad to have experienced their entertainment at the same time….
Just the article I needed. His life was full of bad luck and tragic destiny. Everything about me and him Is unbelievable strange. I struggle with depresion since I have been alone all my life as he felt he was. Also I have terrible fears and doctors made me an adict of tranquilizers and antidepresants, just like him. I am alone sorounded by cold people who I have to be cautious all the time and I really think that Rory never had a real friend except Mark Feltham and others just used him and abandoned when he needed them most.
I was very beautiful and not at all fat till I started with medicines, and just like Rory I gained lot of weight with pills. Rory was an an angel but I am not but I kind of good person who helps in whatever I can. I could continue but just the mentioned is hard to believe But I have to mention that very unnatural things have happened to me related to Rory which are totally strange not to say frightening. But I have no fear. I know he had a powerful presence and that still exists in my life.
Which I put my hand in my heart and pulled out a bright force that was Love and showed it to the demond, who was sucked strongly out from there. Others I see a besutiful young man from the distancy whom I feel is Rory. I cry a lot. English Is not my language. This is a really interesting article that explains a lot. My father died aged 36 in His music was pivotal in helping me through the grieving process.
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When he died Bowie I felt my whole world had collapsed. I could understand why but it makes perfect sense, it still pains me even now, some days harder than others. Still a feeling of disbelief. He was 12 years older than I and about 3 or 4 income tax brackets higher than mine! I lived in Oklahoma while he traveled the world. I had virtually no friends while he was more popular than Elvis or the Beatles! In my loneliness he became a brother to replace one who was nothing more than a monster to me.
Yea he was something like an imaginary friend, but I really needed it. He was one man I thought was the most gentle , safe and real on this whole planet! I loved you in my heart. God bless you and keep you safe. I have been saddened by untimely deaths, both in my personal life and in the celebrity world. I was deeply saddened by the loss of Michael Jackson and George Michael, whose music I grew up listening to.
These are people whose lives I followed in the media as I also lived my own. Yes, I know them very well. Each and every loss saddens me. I recognize that death is a part of life and that the older we become, the more losses we will witness. I have recently lost my own brother to suicide, so this cause of unnecessary death causes me great sorrow and despair.
Talented people who could have offered the word even more, if they had lived. It goes to show you that you never really know what one is going through on the inside. Please come back, is what I want to say to all of those beautiful souls. I hope that at least they are at peace now.
We are none the better for it though. I am deeply wounded by the loss of such wonderful people, both common and celebrity. Although sometimes the pain of my own loss seems hard to bear, I know I can make it through. Life is precious, and I want to live. Those I love or admire will always be a part of me, celebrity or no celebrity.
It all feels so unreal. For most celebrities, I am not moved to that degree because I never knew them personally. However, I grew up with Christina Grimmie and she never felt like a celebrity to me, but a close friend that I related to a personal level. What pains me the most is that she never had the chance to live life fully the way she deserved. Jonghyun ,Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson are the ones that hit me most and Anthony and Kate spade but Freddie and jonghyun hit me the most.
For me I have two deaths that have hit me so hard. The first one is Robin Williams and his suicide. Just reminds you that even the happiest seemig people can hide their true feelings. The second is Paul Walker, just such a beautiful person, did tons of charity and had just been starting to reconnect with his daughter. For some reason or other the two Celebrity crushes that have impacted me the most are Heath Ledger, whom died in his sleep at such a young age and Scott Hutchinson from one of my favorite groups. In the case of Ledger, there was an added layer, I had a crush on him when he passed on.
However, dying in your sleep, a car crash, suicide, these are things that break from the normal course of nature, and make is ever more aware of our own vulnerability. In the case of Ledger, I had a crush on him, I grown with him, seen such amazing potential in him and had wanted to see him flourish in life, win is Oscars, continue to work on other projects as I aged. Then his life was cut short when he never woke up from sleep And thus though we are aware that death can happen at every corner, we normally do not believe it is and this death made us see that it truly can be the case.
And while I personally do not have depression, I know friends that do. And seeing just how fragile they can be, and how within a matter of hours they can just switch from wanting life to completely disassociating themselves with life, and breaking the overall psyche to always try to save your own life and fear death; it breaks your heart. Because you realize that you are fallible and can develop depression from several situations occurring and impacting you, as well.
And that you are not permanent. The loss of that talent as well, and potential for it to grow. With Bowie, I did feel but it was a different sort of feeling. The reason why I felt was because I was listening to his album with a group of friends when fifteen minutes later, we found out he had passed away. The sheer coincidence is what got us all there. Firstly the brilliant guitarist and fellow Yorkshireman Steve Clark Def Leppard who died over 27 years ago. Always my favourite member of this awesome rock band, was absolutely shellshocked and devastated when he suddenly passed away.
Still miss n grieve for him to this day…. Fast forward to October last year and the world is forced to say goodbye to the late great Tom Petty….. His loss hit me so very hard.. Loved his music for years, he helped n inspired so many of us…And like Steve, he came from a tough working class background, had a hard childhood and very difficult relationship with his father as I have too myself.. I am 31 and this is the very first time the death of an artist has truly hit me. I began listening to Avicii several years ago and he was a fantastic artist. Since finding out about his death I have been finding myself upset, sad, and confused why.
I myself find drinking as a coping mechanism in this world when I do not feel like being myself around many people. My biggest fear im an only child in a small family is who do I have when everyone passes away… just me? Shitty feeling I know. Some times i wish i die first. Also i find myself drinking to feel better about my life, i dont seem to fut any place and things i do dont END Well.
I am crazy in Love with Rory Gallagher and i know that i chose him because he Is a good person to Love. I Just read about depression when you dont get Love and care from anybody and this Is my problem. So i fell in Love with Rory to have Love in my life and to relate to someone who had similar problems to mine and Rory did.
But it hurts too much also. But this doesnt mean i will quit on him by being reasonabke. I can listen to his music anytime, his music is truly amazing, he is a truly amazing person. So when he saw Avicii had died, he was sad too. Avicii will never be forgotten, his music will always be listened to and enjoyed. So it is Avicii he was the first one that introduced me to world of EDM [Electronics Dance Music] I love his song so much i can listen to him all day and night long and when i heard that he passed away i was like are you making jokes out of me??? It is a huge loss for world of Music.
I still feel sad for what happened and i know it is just an artist but he was talented at what he was doing. He died with things he loved to do so making music…Rest in peace Avicii. After quickly googling his name I had for sure found out he died. I broke down for a good 10mins, I had just been listening to some of his songs the other day. And now suddenly he was gone. Instagram…suddenly a bunch of Alan Rickman photos were being posted, and my heart broke. I was pretty heartbroken about Paul, he was only like I told some people about how much I miss her, but they kept shoving off my sadness for two reasons: The one you mentioned, about people finding it ridiculous that celebrities can be mourned over.
I had seen a good couple of her films prior to her passing, and following it, I decided to watch most of her filmography. I just find myself grieving so bad, playing the songs in the films she appeared in over and over again, and thinking of nothing but her. She was extremely beautiful, and was a celebrity crush of mine. Thing is this musician managed to break through my suicidal ways and make me learn how to accept myself as someone worth living through her goofy and bubbly personality.
I also had a comfort song of hers that would lift any mood even if no one else could. Listening to his interviews, his house videos with his kids, and even the lyrics to his songs that he composed BY HIMSELF , i could just see what an amazing, honest and talented man he was.
The music world will never be the same. Michael, i love you, rip. I am grieving the loss of actress Sridevi. I am grieving her loss too, I am devastated by her death. I was always familiar with her life and seeing her pass is absolutely heartbreaking. I am a huge fan of David Cassidy. I was 14 when i saw on him on the partridge family and i fell in love with him. I had his pictures on the my wall. When he died it was like losing a first love. He made a huge impact on my life and if i would have gotten the chance i would have thanked him.
I was picked on a lot in school by boys and girls. His music at that time in my life was comforting and inspirational. I am here for Jonghyun. I struggle with suicidal thoughts and he had been such an inspiration to keep going. He made me believe there are good people in this world after all. I remember going to the bathroom to cry during a test and having to make almost all of it up the next day. They still said I was doing it for attention though. I cried myself to sleep that night, and the next few nights after that. I just wanted a sign he was okay. However, I cried at first listen to Before Our Spring, but now it feels like a warm hug from Jonghyun himself when he sings.
I feel guilty for not talking about him more. I regret not talking about him to all my friends like I did other groups when I really took time to support and love him. I miss him too much. Thank you for posting this. His character Ernest was a huge positive influence on my life. OK so there are many people here.. So I am very new to this korean drama and kpop stuffs.. I have heard only groups.. I have heard shinee songs in bof and I have even seem onew in dots..
I just miss him and the worst part I became his fan when he is no more in this world not at least physically… But I know his soul is here and he loves us alot. I was a shawol for only a fairly short time although I still am and will always be , only from the beginning of , and throughout these two years I fell in love with the most amazing and kind person whom now took his own life away. The worst part is that whenever I would feel sad the first thing I did was to play either SHINee or She Is and let my negative emotions be washed away.
If I tried talking about it I would probably get some nasty comments about how I should be over it already, a month is too much grieving for someone you never met etc. Odin if that makes me angry sometimes.

At least for me it helps. I keep crying and wanting to be alone.
9 Reasons It Is Not Crazy To Grieve A Celebrity Death - What's Your Grief
Ive never been like this before. Ive been a strong Shawol since , my room is full of drawings of the members and posters and all of their albums which family in Korea bought me. SHINee makes up my childhood memories.. Jonghyun was the most beautiful soul this planet had.
An absolute inspiration who never ever deserved this. I have so many reminders of SHINee everywhere I go due to how big I got into their fandom…and now, its almost been a month since that day I felt myself crumble, and many fans are getting over it, excepting it and cheering up, i just seem to be getting worse.. This has affected me so deeply.
His personality and interests were so similar to mine, and he has been the only man to ever connect with me in such a way. When I heard about his death, I literally felt like my world was collapsing. After slowly getting to know him through interviews, videos, etc, he became not only my idol, but my inspiration too. He made me want to get out of bed in the morning when my world was gradually falling apart around me. He helped me sleep, eat, and even leave my house on occasion. In all honesty, my depression has never been worse.
In fact, I felt so broken that, for the first seven days or so, I felt like killing myself too. I wanted the pain to stop so badly that I even wrote a suicide letter and started getting things ready. I hope whoever is reading this will feel better soon.
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I did feel really bad about David Bowie, but it was David Cassidy that had me searching the internet for grieving buddies. I asked my counselor if I was crazy and she assured me that I was not. I do find, however, that most people are not willing to admit that they grieve celebrities. Too many people want to judge.
Thank you for this article. I need to get up, dust myself off and enjoy my life. I guess I just need to accept that my heart is going to ache for a while rather than trying to fix it. He was my ultimate bias. I feel so many emotions. I just want him back, I want to do everything over. I wanna be where he is.
I wanna go to him and be happy. I started reading Harry Potter in 3rd grade, they were the first long books I ever finished. I had a shitty childhood and I always felt attached to Snape, because of him similar sad life. And of course, watching the movies brought me to Alan Rickman. As I got older I started watching him more. He is still my favourite celebrity and always will be. I am getting to this article a bit later and for a very different celebrity who was more an idol or a man to look up to for me. Altough I did love Bowie.
Yes, a kpop star. Kim Jonghyun literally had the heart of a puppy. He was so loyal to the people he cared about. But he struggled with depression.. Now he will never struggle or hurt again. And while I never had the honor of meeting him in person, every performance video I watched felt personal.
He had more talent packed into his pinky than I will ever have in my entire body. I looked up to him so so much and could only dream of singing that well. I wish with all my heart that I could tell him he was wrong but he never even saw my face. So this article has helped me so much. Thank you for helping me. I felt crazy but I have been crying all day. I still have dried tears on my face, possibly about to be replaced with fresh ones.
Comforting to see another person also read this article for Jonghyun…. Sorry for my previous comment it was an error. Rest in Peace Jonghyun. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making me smile almost instantly, thank you for guiding me through the tough times with your beautiful music. I am also here because of him. Right now I have to go to school and I think I will burst out crying. And I never had someone I know or love die. This is the first time.
He was my favorite Korean Idol, i loved him so much. Hearing his voice was a huge pleasure. I lost my appetite. My throat became sore. I have never felt such a hopeless sadness before, not even when my two dogs or Grandma and grandpa died. Jonghyun and SHINee have been such an influence in my life. Even though I loved him with all my heart I wish I could go back in time and appreciate him more.
He was such an inspiration to us all, to the world. Rest In Peace Jonghyun. It was only when I read up on it that I recognised his face and I suddenly felt devastated by his death. Reading more and more about him makes it harder to accept because he was quite literally an angel on earth and for his sake I truly hope there is a heaven because one of its brothers has come home. I have this little shield to protect me from the world, this world is too cruel. It has hurt me many times to learn about some horrible things people have done and are doing at the moment everywhere around the world.
But like I said my little shield kept me at least somewhat safe. I only let my friends I have two friends close but not too close. Now there is this little complication with the shield: Things like music, movies and games. I live through these things. At some point, I got into kpop. Now as we all kpop fans know there are many things that come with listening to kpop. It fit like a glove. I could feel happy and sad with them and I felt connected to reality. So, as I told earlier I have this shield, this filter. To feel something, I let exactly two groups of people in from kpop. I got hooked on these people.
They are captivating for many reasons. But for me, the people who I related most I got most involved with. These people are of course the people who are struggling like me. And I love Yoongi. Their music I relate to on another level. The sad lyrics and stories, their personalities.
They are like two suns I admire. Of course, when I learned that Yoongi has been struggling with depression and possibly even suicidal thoughts I hoped with all my heart he would get all the happiness in the world. I was super into all his solo stuff. I never did anything like talk with other fans or get involved in the same way other fans did.
I always look at these people from far away, I never got involved closely. The 18 of December I open my phone. I scroll down the social media page as always. Suddenly something pops up that has me re reading it many times over. I never realized he was hurting so much. My sun has gone away. The world is too cruel. You got past my shield and now it hurts too much. I now see that. It feels like there is more but you can never quite get it.
Normal life that is. Losing you hurts too much. My personal life is collapsing in the background too. You always pushed me forward and made me at least try. I suddenly see how much you were hurting. In your songs you screamed for help, no one came, no one could get to you. No one could understand you. Now I see how you asked people to read your book about a boy who had to deal with vicious depression.
You were asking for someone to listen to your story and help you. Now I see how in the end of the episode you start crying for no apparent reason, it was supposed to be a variety show…. Were you hurting even then? What about when you were alone in the dark at night? How much pain did you have inside you? Why did the world hurt you so? Why did it give you this pain to deal with?
How am I supposed to go on now? You tried to help other people, you asked others to send you their stories. You made song about those stories. I want to sleep and never wake up. After all I realized you were in the dark with me. Now even you are gone. It is just hard, it was 2 days before my exam I woke up and received that news from a friend. It is not just some exams because it is for my cpa module.
It hurts a lot for me. I feel like I lose a part of my life in losing our Jonghyun. I am relieved that there are really people everywhere in the world who feels the same way.
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Dreaming of you, and it gives me feelings that she is close. Tomorrow is Steve Irwin Day and I follow both of his kids on social media and saw their posts about it and openly broke down. I can be scrolling on Facebook and see his picture and I start sobbing. All my childhood I grew up watching his tv show and wanting to be just like him. I wanted to grow up and move to Australia and work at his zoo with him. I even had a pet snake named after him for a few years. I played it cool in front of everyone but once I got into the shower that morning I laid on the time floor and sobbed. I tried the whole 3 hour drive him and for the next fews days.
I remember sitting in class in 7th grade and my teacher brought it up and I needed to be excused from class I was crying so uncontrollably. I never knew him but I saw him as a father figure and wanted to be just like him. He was my Michael Jordan. Here I am typing this and crying all the while. Thanks for letting me vent. For me there has only been one celebrity death that has made me feel so upset and depressed even to this day. I follow his loved one on social media just so I can see posts of him. He was one in a million.
Rest in pace angel! Wow, thank you for this article. It makes me so proud to be Canadian. Some of his songs make me emotional to begin with, but hearing them now that he is gone makes them harder to bear. Thanks so much for this article. I feel like such an idiot because I cannot stop crying over Tom Petty.
I feel physically sick. Your words have helped a little. I wrote you a very long reply. Before I could fill in my information though somehow I lost it. You are not alone. You can love a person without knowing them fully. I have good days and then some days the breath is taken from me and all I do is cry.
I can honestly say I can relate and your feelings a valid. I can honestly say I can relate and your feelings are valid. I feel the same way about Tom Petty. I am 40 and he was my favorite starting in my childhood. I am remembering different songs of his and they represented a different time in my life. I have listened to his Sirius station nonstop and have exposed my 4 and 6 year olds to his music they love it. I was also devestated with Prince. It seems like the true artists of a generation are leaving. Everything these days is so hyped prepackaged and instant.
I totally get the mourning of a legend. His music and concerts have been a HUGE part of those 36 years! I just hope the pain of losing him eventually subsides. He was so young…I thought for sure we had another 20 years of music…R. I never reacted to a celebrity death in such away. All deaths are sad because of their friends and family they leave behind. But Chester for me was what this article was about. His music was like a personal tour in my brain.
I never felt alone because Chester sang the words that I needed to express. I got into his music in my early 20s my kids grew up listening to his music. I watched him grow from hybrid theory to one more light…his humor, his humbleness, and of course his talent. I never thought of topic 4 but that hit the nail on the head. I related a lot with Chester a lot of his songs were about depression or dying in some way.
I have tried countless times to end my life to just to fail and often times after failing and getting back up it was chesters voice that got me through those dark times. I have nothing to give the world just another waist of space.. Thank you for writing this. It is all so true. I feel like people are judging me over my grief and thinking that I should just get over it. I could be completely making it all up in my head, who knows.
I feel the same Debra. Chester was such a caring amazing person. We need to stay strong and learn how to overcome our demons for him! He will always be a light within all who love him! With Troy, I try to tell myself, yes grieving for what the loss means to me they helped me through my 1st serious depression and I got to see them in concert twice that I will now cherish forever.
George Michael… I still cry sometimes when I hear his music… And sometimes his music makes me feel better. I also am grieving the loss of george michael. I first heard him when I was 14 years old and feel like I know him as a long time childhood friend. I never met him nor went to his concert but I listen to his music. I cried over George like losing a dear friend. His song A Different Corner Makes me feel emotional. George was the same age as me as we were both born in He was too young to die. I am still grieving over Chester. I think I might for a while.
She and I both struggle with severe anxiety and depression. He was my age- even born the same month 5 days after me , so I kind of feel connection there too. We are both very sensitive and wear our heart on our sleeve. I wish I could get over it, but celebrity or not, grief has its own time table. I have a hard time with change. This is a lot to process. Mourners of Chester, there are some great Facebook groups out there. Your grief about Chester helps me a lot. I thought people who were morning celebrities deaths were silly. I spent the day mourning the death of Sam Shepard. In my youth I idolize him.
I was terribly jealous of Jessica Lang. His plays inthalled me. His acting was very good but his playwright skills are tremendous. Fool for Love was like an anthem for me. With his death ended my youth, my struggles in the theatre and caused me to revisit a life long passion I poured everything I had into it for many years. I had hoped attending an Ivy league school would have been a chance meeting with Mr Shepard. Due to ongoing health issues I nevervamounted to more than attending a fine school.
Mr Shepard passing brought all that back and then I felt so old. An American great gone and so is my youth, gone. Today i,m feeling sad and drained. I hope tomorrow will be better and one day be able to open one of Mr Shepard plays and languish in his raw beauty of an American Western experience. I have been grieving Chesters death since that morning. I felt something was off. I woke up grouchy and headed into work. I still had not been notified by my family of his passing. So, I cleared my phone and like always, jumped onto Facebook to clear my notifications.
And then it begins. With out any warning. I thought it was a bad joke. Miss information on their part. I clocked out and went to the break room. Looked at article after article. A coworker saw how upset I was, that he helped me find a news provider who broke the news first. It said ABC England.
My phone was blowing up by then. My Facebook full of messages. My nieces, my husband, my concert buddy from my high school and a few of my close friends as well trying to reach out to me. For the first couple of nights I would wake up thinking it was just a bad dream. But now I just cry and cry! My heart is broken.
I feel like a piece of me has died. Honestly I just want to stop feeling like shit! His music helped me through a shitty teenage life that I had!! I had been at the low point in my life where everything seemed as if it would be better for everyone if I ceased to exist. Of course I went through heavy counseling. Trying to get my head on straight. It took a good while but of course it still lives inside of me. My depression is not accompanied by suicidal thoughts anymore. I have been okay for a good while now. Every so often, i do have my self inflicting episodes where I over think shit in my head.
So I try to relax and leave that alone by being with my little girl whom means the world to me. So on that note, I close this. Thanks to Chester Bennington for helping me thought it with his beautiful voice and messages. I had a friend with out him even knowing it: I will miss you forever. And I hope to meet you once again. You indeed were my hero! You are deff not alone! I have dealt with depression ever since I was a kid, shitty childhood you name it.
I went to counseling weekly not that long ago and was put on antidepressants but stopped taking them in april because I was feeling better. As soon as I heard about Chester I spiraled back into it, I cant stop watching videos, interviews, one more light is on repeat, Ive cried. His infectious smile, the way he treated people, and talked about his problems I just had such a huge relation.
I feel like I just lost a really close friend and that feels crazy to say because I only met him once back in It hurts so much to know that he was going through so much pain and that no one was able to help him. Like ppl have said on here already, i feel like I lost a buddy of mine. I was in my late teens early 20s when I fell in love with their music. I lost a piece of my growing up when I heard of his death. Then again, his family is hurting so much more. I feel so bad for his kids and wife and the thought of how those kids will be in the future saddens me as well.
And for his family and friends, I hope one day they will fine peace. LP was a big part of my teen years when my brother and I used to endlessly play Hybrid Theory and Meteora. The only consolation in all of this is that Chester may have finally attained the peace that he so badly yearned for during his life. I had a panic attack earlier today when I saw a headline about the call and I had to go to the loo to cry over the dedication the band did. I guess I feel like I myself lost part of my battle when he lost his.
I had tickets to see their show in Las Vegas in September. My sister called me and as soon as she told me the news I just started crying. I can only imagine the true pain his wife, children, family, and friends must be dealing with. I last saw them in and had a wonderful time, but I did not keep up on L. My husband texted me while I was at work in disbelief and I immediately took to the internet. I cried for another hour with their music on shuffle. I read more articles being released. I feel so hurt, I keep crying 4 days later.
I want to scream. I also became afraid for my other favorite artists with rather dark music. Trent Reznor, Marilyn Manson… idk where they are at in their lives but like Chester, appearances can be decieving. I live in Bolivia and when they went to Peru I had the chance to finally go to a concert, but my parents said that the flight and the hotel and everything was too expensive and of course I understood and thought that there would be another chance in the future.
Usually a case of listen to their music for a bit and then get on with things. I mean what is that all about? Like a big, 32 year old baby. Thanks for writing this article.
The Life and Death of an Unknown Celebrity
If it helps, we are the same age and I have been doing very similar things. I have been googling why I feel so impacted by this. It is nice to know I am not alone as I feel like I cannot be truly honest about this with my friends. I also happen to work in the mental health field and am in school for counseling so it feels extra personal. I was in high school and experiencing typical teen angst and their music really fit me. I have a lot of memories associated with their music. I have followed them over the years. Praying for his family and friends.
It seems so strange to feel this way about it. I struggle with depression, and going to concerts is one of the few things I can do where I feel truly happy. I saw LP a few times, and was really looking forward to seeing them next week. Just a month ago I was hit by serious depression and was considering to end it all, but I snapped out of it. Ironically, I popped their first CD in my car before heading to work. Mental illness always seems to be brushed under the carpet. Even I am afraid to tell people how I feel… I hope Chester has found peace, and his loved ones can cope for the best.
Maybe a handful to some but enough to show how much of an impact he and Linkin Park made. When I first heard the news, I was glib. But I also feel like we owe it to him to keep going, because of the strength he gave us to continue, because of the raw emotion weaved into everything he touched. Still, I feel like a chunk of myself has been ripped up.
Recently, I listened to some of their music, and in my mind, I could visualise Chester as he was during my very first gig so far away but still in the same room as me, the euphoria I felt at such a thought all that time ago hit me like a sledgehammer.
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The memory is still so visceral, and it brought back more and more. Examining my grief, I know that my reaction shows that Chester was good at what he did. Reaching out, touching people with his music, exposing his pain to terrible scrutiny but being bold enough to do so in the first place. And this is the first time that someone who was so integral to who I was as a teenager and who I am now, even if I failed to realise it, has passed away, and in such a tragic way.
I hope everyone who drops by the page, whether for Chester, or David, or Chris, or anyone who was important to them for any reason, I hope you all found the comfort you needed, I hope that you have support or will seek it. I hope everyone who knew the departed knows they can reach out, too. I had a surprisingly strong reaction to it which I found strange because over the past few years, I actually lost interest in Linkin Park. I was a big fan when I was a teen and I was dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts. I felt a deep connection to their music. It helped me feel less alone and it helped ease my pain.
Without realizing it, their music actually shaped me as a person and made me who I am today. Its also a probably good idea to not drink or do drugs if your mentally ill and going through something particularly hard. Mental illness clearly needs to be a more critical priority in our society and there needs to be more vigilance in keeping the mentally ill safe. At any rate, he will always be a legend.
He did a great service by empowering many lives. Reading this made me feel less bad about my feelings that I have had over the worlds loss of this amazing man. This man touched so many, and like me got so many through such hard times in our lives. I will continue to morn the death of my hero, and I hope someone else feeling the way I do feels this and knows they are not alone, because he was an amazing man, that touched so many, and will be remembered. The music was like a theme song to all of thoights, pains and emotions.
I discovered the root of all my demons and my life has drastically changed since I found Jesus in He was truly a deeply poetic, incredibly talented and beautiful soul. Chester, my prayers go out to he and his loved ones. Like a couple of others Chester Benningtons death has led me here. Been a fan for over 15 words and their music has been an indescribable comfort in my life.
Beyond devastated he was my absolute idol. RIP Chester, perhaps it was a crazy moment of despair, maybe it would have passed if you had somebody there with you. Too late now though and I join thousands of L. Reading this made me feel less alone, and comes at a comfort knowing realizing that so many others were so touched, and I know Chester knows that as well.
Darren is currently reading. The Life and Death of an Unknown Celebrity. Sep 16, Darren is now friends with Tom Tolkien. Dec 01, It is a true story about losing my wife to breast cancer in when our children were 6 and 3 and it's brutally honest. My second book just released The Sugar Monsters is a children's bedtime book that encourages children to brush their teeth. I also love reading books to my two beautiful children Darren Sep 17, Darren is now following Malena and Ali Bunn.
Aug 14, Aug 01, Darren rated a book it was amazing. Darren rated a book really liked it. May 06, It takes the reader on a journey which is a veritable roller-coaster of emotio May 02, It is divided by genres, and includes folders for writing resources, book websit This group is dedicated to connecting readers with Goodreads authors.
Feel free to invite some friends to join our Round Table community! Search for a book to add a reference. Mar 03, Thank you for the friendship Darren! Hope it will blossom and fruitful for both of us. May 20, Hi Darren, Thanks so much!