Psychological Interventions In Mental Health Nursing
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These include psychotherapy interventions, such as cognitive behavioural therapy , family therapy , and less commonly other interventions, such as milieu therapy or psychodynamic approaches. These interventions can be applied to a broad range of problems including psychosis, depression, and anxiety. Nurses will work with people over a period of time and use psychological methods to teach the person psychological techniques that they can then use to aid recovery and help manage any future crisis in their mental health.
In practice, these interventions will be used often, in conjunction with psychiatric medications. Psychosocial interventions are based on evidence-based practice , and therefore the techniques tend to follow set guidelines based upon what has been demonstrated to be effective by nursing research.
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There has been some criticism [10] that evidence based practice is focused primarily on quantitative research and should reflect also a more qualitative research approach that seeks to understand the meaning of people's experience. The basis of this approach is to look at mental illness or distress from the perspective of a spiritual crisis. Spiritual interventions focus on developing a sense of meaning, purpose, and hope for the person in their current life experience. This may be a religious or non-religious experience depending on the individual's own spirituality.
Spiritual interventions, along with psychosocial interventions, emphasize the importance of engagement, however, spiritual interventions focus more on caring and 'being with' the person during their time of crisis, rather than intervening and trying and 'fix' the problem. Spiritual interventions tend to be based on qualitative research and share some similarities with the humanistic approach to psychotherapy.
As with other areas of nursing practice , psychiatric mental health nursing works within nursing models , utilising nursing care plans , and seeks to care for the whole person. However, the emphasis of mental health nursing is on the development of a therapeutic alliance. The most important duty of a psychiatric nurse is to maintain a positive therapeutic relationship with patients in a clinical setting.
The fundamental elements of mental health care revolve around the interpersonal relations and interactions established between professionals and clients. Caring for people with mental illnesses demands an intensified presence and a strong desire to be supportive.
Understanding and empathy from psychiatric nurses reinforces a positive psychological balance for patients. Conveying an understanding is important because it provides patients with a sense of importance. When subjected to fierce personal attacks, the psychiatric nurse retained the desire and ability to understand the patient.
The ability to quickly empathise with unfortunate situations proves essential. Involvedness is also required when patients expect nursing staff to understand even when they are unable to express their needs verbally. Individualised care becomes important when nurses need to get to know the patient. To lives this knowledge the psychiatric nurse must see patients as individual people with lives beyond their mental illness.

Seeing people as individuals with lives beyond their mental illness is imperative in making patients feel valued and respected. Psychiatric nurses spoke of the potential to 'bend the rules', which required an interpretation of the unit rules, and the ability to evaluate the risks associated with bending them.
Successful therapeutic relationships between nurses and patients need to have positive support. Different methods of providing patients with support include many active responses. In order to make patients feel more comfortable, the patient care providers make themselves more approachable, therefore more readily open to multiple levels of personal connections.
Psychological Interventions In Mental Health Nursing - Smith, Grahame - Google Книги
Utilisation of the quality of time spent with the patient proves to be beneficial. By being available for a proper amount of time, patients open up and disclose personal stories, which enable nurses to understand the meaning behind each story. The act of being genuine must come from within and be expressed by nurses without reluctance. Genuineness requires the nurse to be natural or authentic in their interactions with the patient. Schafer and Peternelj-Taylor [18] believe that a nurses 'genuineness' is determined through the level of consistency displayed between their verbal and non-verbal behaviour.
Similarly, Scanlon [25] found that genuineness was expressed by fulfilling intended tasks. Self-disclosure proves to be the key to being open and honest. Patients would not trust nurses who fail in complying with what they say or promise. For a successful therapeutic relationship to form, a beneficial co-dependency between the nurse and patient must be established. While patients need nurses to support their recovery, psychiatric nurses need patients to develop skills and experience. Equal interactions are established when nurses talk to patients one-on-one.
Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Nursing
Participating in activities that do not make one person more dominant over the other, such as talking about a mutual interest or getting lunch together strengthen the levels of equality shared between professionals and patients. This can also create the "illusion of choice"; giving the patient options, even if limited or confined within structure. To develop a quality therapeutic relationship, nurses need to make patients feel respected and important. Boundaries are essential for protecting both the patient and the nurse, and maintaining a functional therapeutic relationship.
Limit setting helps to shield the patient from embarrassing behaviour, [29] and instills the patient with feelings of safety and containment. Psychiatric nurses recognise personal vulnerability in order to develop professionally. The more self-aware, the more knowledge on how to approach interactions with patients nurses have.
Psychological Interventions in Mental Health Nursing
The registered psychiatric nurse is a distinct nursing profession in all of the four western provinces. Such nurses carry the designation " RPN ". In Eastern Canada, an Americanized system of psychiatric nursing is followed. Registered Psychiatric Nurses can also work in all three of the territories in Canada; although, the registration process to work in the territories varies as the psychiatric nurses must be licensed by one of the four provinces. In Ireland , mental health nurses undergo a 4-year honors degree training programme. Nurses that trained under the diploma course in Ireland can do a post graduation course to bring their status from diploma to degree.
Mental Health Nurses in New Zealand require a diploma or degree in nursing. All nurses are now trained in both general and mental health, as part of their three-year degree training programme. Mental health nurses are often requested to complete a graduate diploma or a post graduate certificate in mental health, if they are employed by a District Health Board. This gives additional training that is specific to working with people with mental health issues. In Sweden , to become a registered psychiatric nurse one must first become a registered nurse which requires a BSc.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing three years of full-time study, higher education credits. Master of Science thesis.