Ones Company: A Journey to China in 1933
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Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — One's Company by Peter Fleming. A Journey to China in by Peter Fleming. Catching all the fascination and humour of travel in out-of-the-way places, One's Company is Peter Fleming's account of his journey through Russia and Manchuria to China when he was Special Correspondent to The Times in the s. Fleming spent seven months with the 'object of investigating the Communist situation in South China' at a time when, as far as he knew, 'no prev Catching all the fascination and humour of travel in out-of-the-way places, One's Company is Peter Fleming's account of his journey through Russia and Manchuria to China when he was Special Correspondent to The Times in the s.
Fleming spent seven months with the 'object of investigating the Communist situation in South China' at a time when, as far as he knew, 'no previous journey had been made to the anti-communist front by a foreigner', and on its publication in , One's Company won widespread critical acclaim. Packed with classic incidents - brake-failure on the Trans-Siberian Express, the Eton Boating Song singing lesson in Manchuria - One's Company was among the forerunners of a whole new approach to travel writing.
Paperback , pages. Published July 1st by Pimlico first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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To ask other readers questions about One's Company , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Apr 16, Chrissie rated it it was ok Shelves: This is Peter Fleming 's, the brother of Ian Fleming 's, account of his seven months of travel through Russia and Manchuria to China in In China he traveled to the anti-communist front, claiming to be the first foreigner to have done this.
He did not speak Chinese and no accompanying interpreter traveled with him, although for portions of the trip he met up with others who helped interpret.
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He crosses Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, but very little mention is made of the train ride, other than criticizing the porters, the food and fellow travelers. I found his manner pretentious, opinionated, pompous, arrogant and scornful of others. He holds discriminatory racial and religious views and criticizes other nationalities. His manner annoyed me from the start.
As the travels progressed into Manchuria and China, there is less of this, but then he draws himself as a star comedian, juggling between flippancy and irony. His jokes failed to make me laugh. I found the prose wordy. His travels in Manchuria were interesting. Life out in the countryside after Japanese occupation is well drawn.

One gets a feel for the atmosphere. His travels in China are drawn to excite, but very little happens and little of importance is said. All information of political content is gathered into one short chapter at the beginning of this part of his journey. He had a very short meeting with Chiang Kai-Shek; he is given permission to approach the front between the Communists and the Nationalists.
He is impressed by the presence of the man, his lack of ostentation. The book is light, both in tone and in content.
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There is so much missing. See what's been added to the collection in the current 1 2 3 4 5 6 weeks months years. Cite this Email this Add to favourites Print this page. Catalogue Persistent Identifier https: You must be logged in to Tag Records. In the Library Request this item to view in the Library's reading rooms using your library card. Details Collect From Order a copy Copyright or permission restrictions may apply.
We will contact you if necessary. To learn more about Copies Direct watch this short online video. How do I find a book? I disliked the writing style, which I found pretentious quoting french phrases at me always pisses me off, as I am shite at languages, and yes, I agree there were only a couple , it was overly wordy, and it just didn't hold my attention.
So I battled through it, but just didn't enjoy the battle. So, this goes back in the shelf, and I will read it again one day. Fleming is the consummate travel writer, able to present a series of unusual experiences as if they were commonplace whilst sketching the ordinary, everyday as if it were miraculous. Apr 09, Gabi Coatsworth rated it it was amazing Shelves: I had no idea that Ian Fleming had a younger brother. Peter Fleming writes of his travels to Manchuria and China in with such wit that I found myself laughing out loud at times.
And the funniest passages are reserved for the Brits and other non-Chinese he meets along the way.
The book is so unique that it's still in print. He runs into a young Mao, and Chiang Kai Shek, but his observation of daily life among bandits and Communists is what makes the book memorable. If you like travel, and yo I had no idea that Ian Fleming had a younger brother. If you like travel, and you enjoy a PG Wodehouse sensibility, you'll love this book. A classic travel tale, as Fleming crosses Russia and Manchuria for China in Some interesting observations in the years leading up to WWII, as well as before the communists took over China.
On a side note: I found Fleming's observations about the lost explorer Colonel Fawcett and his "strange immortality" fascinating.
One's Company - A Journey to China, in 1933 (Paperback, New ed)
At that time, Fawcett had been "lost" for only 8 years, yet here we are 92 years later, with another film about Fawcett on the horizon. Feb 10, Philip rated it it was amazing Shelves: The lesser known and only slightly less satisfying prequel to Fleming's uber-classic "News From Tartary. More than anyone else I can think of Peter Fleming makes me feel like my life has been a complete failure Jun 04, Ian Chapman rated it it was amazing.
Humorously written, in an upper-class style without being too pompous. The two brief interviews, with Pu Yi and Chiang Kai Shek, are of historical interest, as is his description of the Japanese army slightly dissipating in Manchuria. David Shaw-Parker is a masterful narrator.
One's Company : A Journey to China In by Peter Fleming (, MP3 CD, Unabridged) | eBay
This is an intriguing story and a fascinating time. I sometimes had a hard time following it. I should have had my atlas by my side. Dec 05, Kate rated it really liked it. David Hamaty rated it it was amazing Nov 01, Vena rated it really liked it Feb 19, Nicholas Page rated it it was ok Jul 09, Paul Goodman rated it really liked it Sep 15, Andrew rated it it was amazing Jul 30, Sam rated it really liked it Jun 03, Ann Barrett rated it really liked it Jan 16, Gary rated it really liked it Apr 22,