Liloca, the distracted ant
Friz the Bee's Royal Twins. Miss Muffet, or What Came After. Mario and the Tarantula. The wings of friendship.

Hide and Seek Volume 2. Noodleheads See the Future. Police Officers Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Dinosaurs Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Insects Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Firefighters Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Snakes Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Bats Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Weather Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Green Wilma, Frog in Space. Garbage and Recycling Scholastic Reader, Level 2. Noodleheads Find Something Fishy. No Jumping on the Bed 25th Anniversary Edition. Castles Scholastic Reader, Level 2. No More Water in the Tub! Vincent Paints His House.
How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Her friends still hoped she was not dead. And raised lier in surprise; Tlien laid her gently on the bed, For death had closed her eyes. The golden howl had scarcely hroke, The s riiigs of lite iiiidtme, IJefore her ransomed spii-it took Its mansion near Hie Tlirone. The aged and venerable by him are treated with contemi t. W'itli us there is no alternative than eitiier submit to his exactions or hurl him from his throne. W'lto can saftdv rcl ' upon he word ol' a drunkard?
Wa all know that losses,. We have not known him long and therefore cannot contrast his [jresent condition with what he once was. We know nothing but as he now is. His grotes jue appearance nuiy cause a smile, or excite in us a feeling of pity. We pass along to attend to our own l u-iness and trouble ourselves with no further thought about him.
We will tind one who wa. Once this unhappy man could go home aflcr havinir spent the day chcerfidly and indust I'iou. Now that being to whom he once swore et ernal attachment ,! Inlempei'ance is the direct and natural result of what is called the moderate — the teiu erate use of ardent spirits. All the drunkaids have comic foilh from amongst those who advocate; and onc! It is always a gradual progress.
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No man intends to be intenij crate when he coni- nienees his career of driukini;: Thus it is they deeeixc themselves. Thousands and hundreds of thousands of our fellow-I eings have already become tlu' victims of intemi erance. All this talk about moderate use, tempi-rale u. What would now be thoii-hl of a man who profess,. AVluj iKjw ill jiir country talk. My prayer is, and 1 tru. The cnIIs of ihtem[ eiance are wo lit subjects for laughtei'; ami sonu! We rail on the aged and the young, the father, the son, th" mother and dauijhter. Although I am somewhat advanced in lile, and have been in the lirsl two me.
I have entered the Held, ;md am resolved never to de. Teinpi-raiicu men unite; conic forward — Then the victory is tJiir own; Endless glory will c iii- ust Inl labors c-rown. Lenu'U to seek a home here, in the then Western wilderness, and he acted accordinL: U'l s of I hat evil i usl il ut ion strengthened its inlluence in the Illinois count ry or territory, and then K'ev. The lii-l llaptist Chureh.
Hadgeley; the con- stituent meinhers were IJev. I lowcNcr, t he meeting occui'red, and many of I'rof. Lewis Lenien's histori al contri- hutions and pioneer facts were puhlished in the news- pa ci-. The next I aptist, Church, l. It wa- organized in l. S 2, but there were no foinial icco. Joseph Cliaiice was iiiodeialor, ami Kev. IJcnja- iiiiQ Ogle was clrrk. At that time that church was iiu "tinii" of the New Design liaptist Church, in Monroe County, and the style of their minutes ran: The third l a[ tist Church organized in Illinois by tlu!
In the eonstdnlion of i'. In iIk' canvass pi-e- ceding the i'lccli Mi, lli -ough let ters, ageiil s andeNcry Inunnalde means possible, hey reached cNcry dis- trict in the Illinois T. One of the nienihers of the church was among the successful anti-slavery candidates, and everywhere his party had won the majority. There was mighty rejoicing in liethel Church when she realized that her hrave stand for human rights had carried the State; and when the constitutional convention met in , it completed the great act that nuule Illinois a free State.
Douglas, Al rahaui Liiu'olu, S Uiator Lyman Trum- bull, and other great statesmen, and the historians of the iia[ tist denom'nation also conlirm that fart ; among whom are Kev. KUen Denny, of N'incenncs, Ind. Lemeu that his pi-rsonal intei'csts, as well a. Denny athls that when Mr.
Lemen suffered a cuitail- nu'ul of half his rights in the distribution of bounty lands, afterward made, that it was on account of his lirm and uuyieldiug oi p sitiou to the introduction of. The [ ioneer Li-meus, in coninnm with nnmkind, were not free fi'oni the imperfections incident to human natuie: Leinen,at the re ]iiest of Mi". Thegratitmle of the family is diu' and is cheer- fully accorded to Mr. The nuitlcr came hefoie the House again and a special comnntlce under Mr. At the ni'xl scs,-. S7, which forl id slavery. And here the long and fruitless struggle for the introduction of slavery in Ihe Norlhwe.
Xor is this doctrini. The produtd of the union of two sueh families, ueeording to the laws of heredity, night to be strongly imbued with the religious senti- ment, and with all the other tdtributes mentioned; ami as the Lemen family of JUinoi. Not that they are with- out the evil propensities c-omnu. Of course, among the several hundreds of deseend- ants of Kev.
But we only nioiition tliis fact to illustrate the grand truth ah-eady so well cstahli. The truth is, when the ireal Master gave His iospel of Christianity to men He estahjished a system that not only prepares them for future happiness, hut which is also a shield and refuge agaiu. But on the other hand, the family have inherited a strongly maiked will power, and this is a safeguard and a help ill the cause of well-doing. Truth, honesty, courage, the love of country, the love or affection of the sexes, and ordinary family pride, with all other virtues esteemed and cherished by mankind, were i resent in the parent stocks, and have descended to the Lemen family in as large a degree as are i ossessed by most families, with, of course, about the usual per cent, of exceptions.
As to natural affection, oi' love, the family li '-. Tliere is a pleasant family traclitiou that Kev. Of the children of Kev,. Aiiioiii; oilier ineiii- bers of the family who were orareNery u'ood writers, Avere Judge 'yrus Ij. Lenicn, det;cased, also Mrs. As indicating the capabilities of sex eral members of the family as writers or speakers, we will here insert a circular letter each, from the pens of the late Pev. S Ai; AcniKisi'ics oi' iiii; i. In LSI] the Lord was i leased gra- ciously to move the mind. Vbuighty iod smiled propitiously on our elTort.
It is the cause of o[ pre. And will a Jod of e pial justice rest piietly in his pavilion when "justice has fallen asleep and judg- ment gone away backwards? Woe uuto him that buildeth his house by uiirighteousuess, ami his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbors' service witlu ut Nvagcs, and giveth him not for his work ,Ier. We struggle f n' lil crly! Thus llie enemy l eiug diiveii like: I Written by Kiev. Mosks Lhmkn iii 18;n. Superstition and ignorance had plunged i almost the whole world into an abyss of darkness and woe, wretchedness, and in he name of religious wars depopulated heeardi.
Ivcligion yielded only a I'. I'xd at leiiglh IIk; ;ireal. The glcjoni of iuiioiaiice and l ar- l ari. The Savior reproM-d the Serihi's and I'hari- si'es for iheir Idiiidnes- and slupidily, who could dis- cern in the faci' of the sky the tokens of fail' or fold weather, or in the vine and the tig tree, the neiir ap- proach of spring, hut could not sim; the onu-iis that preceded the rise of His glorious kingdom, the down- fall of theii- own nati ui.
V of llic various relioious U'n iiiiii: Missi8sii i i in a -oodly degree will he taught its glorious contents.
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Muh as the chuivh has iu! David, in lefcrencc to this lime, says: Sects, parties and names will no more divide the world. Bigotry, superstition and prejudice will sink in the sea of oblivion, and all opposition to pious effort and religious truth will cease. Kingdom will war against kingdom, aiul dieadful revolutions arise, both in church and State; tears may fall like rain, and seas of blood uuiy run, but the great work mustand will goon. All tyrrany and oppression nuist cease, and the church be cleansed from all pollution. Let us join with the prophet in the huni le prayer: Hut before this happy union can be brought about, and the church enjoy her promised rest, rottenness must be rooted out of the church and i ollutiou out of Zion.
One or two of tln'sc we will mention, as tin; most intole. Such slavery has in it a soiiiul at which every principle of humanity revolts. It presents a state of degradation and niiseiy unknown cn en in the rigid code of military lisci[ line, or the most despotic government of luiro[ e. Ours is the hoastt'd land of liberty, jet this monster stalks through it, making the life, liberty and hai piness of the unoffending African his i re3'. He comes to a land of inilk and honey, but he comes to tlrink the bitter cuj of oi pression. He comes to a laiulof Bibles, but the laws of Christians doom him to ignorance, and make it a crime to teach him to read the word of their J od.
He comes to a land of gospel light, but what must be his opinion of such Christian acts. Thus brought to the destined i ort, now set up as sheep to be sold, where Christian, Pagan or Tuik may have him for silver or gohl, while at the same time he beholds his wife antl childien disposed of in like numner, while their cries and lamentations denote the anguish of I ,i This brutal i ractice has broken more hearts, heggaix-d more fannlies and cost more lives than the American revolution. Much has already been said o.
Let the President in his message, the judge from the bench, the politician from the stump, the minister from the pulpit and the editor fi-om the; picss, all unitis in raisiug the warning voice. Let leading men in every neighl orhoo l laise their buildings and I'cap their lields without the mcjrning bitters or the evening sling. Let the professors of reli-ion quit the use of it inany. Letchurehes exclude from their fellowship.
AVe will now clo. Lemen, of lAIorgantield, Ky. The address was made May 25, 18i , in the Presbyterian Church at Shawneetown,' It is as follows: It is as right and as sacred to man as the tie that binds Jiim to life it. Vet how few have a true conception of Its Kh'a? It behooves the j. Their very lives dejjend upon the dissemination of knowledge among the masses; for the government is just what the peo- le are.
If they are intelligent, upright and hon- est, then will the government be strong, vigorous and enduring. The histoiy of all the past has already i roven that liberty does not put into the lands of ignorance — freedom. Lemen, of Jollinsvillc, III. There are eeitain elements which enter into the structure uf the physical organism, which, when acted upon by the peculiar chemical or molecular properties of that organism, will [ ro- liicc i igmcnt, which is capal l! Lcmen, of Pinckney- ville, It is, therefore, of inllnite importance that a.
I f he course in our fre! Lemen, of Council liluffs, la. If the nuisses ai-e honest, intelligent and patriotic, our goN'ernnu'ul will be sti'ong, secure and beiu'licenl. To always l e secure, the peoi le must rule in fact as well as in theory. Our downfall will never come except by the fault, folly or corruption of our own i eoi le, and in that event all the armies and navies of the world would not avail to save us. Hj i'7; "i ;-. Cook, of Kdwardsville, Miss Lenu'u is a daughter of I'l'ofessor Clarence J.
The extract is as follows: The siuiKieh had slied its crimson crown, I'aded tlie maple's golden glow, The leaves were lying dead and brown, Tlu' anUnnn winds whispered of snow. On some his wintry rays the sun had yet not shed. I lingeretl beside a new made grave, That hid from sight a tace— young, tender and true. Whose smile was my joy; whobe eyes sweet and brave Looked lovingly into mine when South -winds blew. Your boy is risen he is not lu;re. On the bosom of the Father be rests his head. The message 1 heed; I look above. And strive to enter the " numsions of heaven," Where I shall find the son I love, Who left me here, as a boy of seven.
ISot in tiie ehureh-yard gray and o. Lenieii, of Cairo, Where'er you find a woe-worn one, No matter what iii. Speak kindly then, Oii! Spcalv kiiuily to your lillow-iiuii ill evi'ry grade of lite; Speak always kindly, husband, w lieu You're si eaking to jour wife; Speak kindly, woman, to the man You have chosen for your lord ; Kindly, children, sister, brother, Kindly si eak you to eacli olhei', Kiiully speak to father, mother, Kind be every spoken word.
Cook, of Kdwanls- ville, Swift as the weavers' shuttles lly. And ending here life's weary round. Clair Comity; I his latter dimch is now called Hetliel Church. He lied in St. David Badgley and Kev. They were men of large influence and were suc- cessful laborers in their. This sentiment was probably intensiHed by the logical results of that grand achievement of the Baptists in 17SS , which preceded this period but a few years.
The K'ichland Creek T. To this declaration a [jortion oC the church objected, and several church conlercnces were sui - seijuently called to comproinisc the dif'i'erencc! Clair County, in a l eautiful and fertile farmini: It was constituted Deeeinher 10, ISOii.
The hirlh of Lethel Chui di was among the lirst notes in the contest whi di ended at Appomattox more than half a century late -; and as some of the early mem- l. He died at a ripe old age, esteemed by all who knew him. From ISdl hi is-j:. Peek pi'cachin- the dedicatory. Moses Lenien, their brother, was pastor. Clair County, Illinois, at an early day. Several of his mini tcrial and other associates had visited him, and but a short lime be- fore his death he reached his hand to Pev. Andereek, leorge Steele and ,1. Tluiy were noble men and wiuuen, whose memoiies it were well to end alm in gralilmh'.
Through these long years she contril uted with a libeial hand autl sincere puipose to the in- terests of Bethel Church, wlule she was a gem-rous su portei' of the cause of religion generally, and none, more justly than she, was esteemed for their piel y and benevolence.
Iose[ h Bemen, ,buue. Jk'eille, and the [jresent clerk is Oscar Lemen. Ordinarly, wliiui the [: Bethel Church is now the oldest liapli. The linancial strength of the nuMubership generally is considerable, and in addition to meeting the obligaticMis of nuiiulaining the church, they con- tribute of their means to a liberal extent in other religious missions.
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The strength of the duireh at this time, danuary, l. Usually a Sunday-school is conducted at the ciuirch, at hours when worship is not in [ r gr ,'s,s, and the interests of the childri'n ai'e thus looked after. At this time the Sunday-school is under the control of F. In their music, cougregation: We have given the scene where I he early nieinbers of Hcthel Ohurch hibored ; it is i roi er to name tlie s[ jt wliere they rest.
The chureh has a evmetery near the northern limits of their land, neatly enclosed and taken care of; many of the early laborers of the church are interred elsewhere, but a huge number of them rest here; and if the Christian's hope is not a myth, and his Jiible an idle legenil — and they cei'tainly are not — they have joined that throng whose faith made the toils of this life, with death and the grave, but ste s in their progress lo a hapi ier sphere and ble-sed immortality; they have gone to that I'eward which iod has [ ronMsed the faithful.
The history of a work is always of interest and iiiiporluuce to the friends of that work. While, from a limnau. It is all of tlu; Lord.
Liloca, a formiga distraída
In llu' spring of ISS:. The poor wife, with l al e in arms, and live liltle childicn, standinjjj aiouiid the colliii, was a siiilit never to lie fcji'Liotten. Her ohU-st child was only I'lescn. The hahe had to he lel't in the care of this little one iluring the day. Tiie little sister prohahly did the hesl she could, hut was too y jung to i r j[jerlv care for the hahc. Twd souls ucme on hcf. Ill the fall of I. We had no thought of making further use of them. I5ut when the lecture was concluded we felt iin[ ressed that we ought to give it a practical turn f jr the widow, as winter was a[ proaching and we knew her to he in great need.
So we vvere greatly I 1 'nfii! K Li'oiiblcd ill iniiul. After Ik' liad received it he said: He came art und daily, and eai'h morning wrote up the work, because he took a s[ ecial ride in it, haNing suirgested it. While this work was at its height, about the mid- dle of l ecend er, KS. S2, a drunken man staggered into the ch. There is no hope for me! Soon we IkuI uioiethan we could afford to board out. The ehildren ranire in age from infancy n[ to fourteen years. Lemen, and a uraiul- son of Kev.
Al that day ihe. In the prayer meetinus lie! Vt the age of si. In the- s riugof IS? Dui'ing this visit, on the -Jd of May, 1. To them live chihiren wfri' hoin. Theii' children are 'hristians and are aelivcdy and earuestly eugaged in the work of the OrphanLie. During the years he was jjraet icing law and con- ducting his jjaper his heart was not satisfied.
At the dose of the x'cond yc-ar td' his pastoratt;, he founde theChrislian llonui rphanage. Two years later he resigned the pastor- ate, and since that time has devoted himself to the care of homeless children, often pieaidiing here and there, as time and strength permits. On January 11, ISll,. She was a failhful wife, a loving mother, and strongly devoted lo her religion and church, ever ready to lend a hel[ ii!
Although her early education was juile meager she was an except ionahly iulelligiuit woman. In the summer of l. INT surrouinled hy loving rliildien and lirand-childi'cn. Wn hi-t words were, '-Oh the happy facL's. There were horn of this union two ihildreii, X. Ella and Thomas ,leffer. Si;; , and dit'd August 2. I'], liowler einhraccd the I'. She was iinitrd in the holy honds of niatrimony l. I'ost, d" Chieago, III. Harvey King, of O'Fallon, Jll. One of the many pleaMire trip, that Mr. He being a soldier Mieli scenes hroiiuht vividly l aek his soldier life.
Sdl, at the early age of l i years and two months. I iu ;k M'Iik'ai.. His death u'curred June Ht. Lyon, oldest daughter of dames H. They h;id one son, W. Mower-, who now lives at Deiand, Kla. The wife dying there in lcS,sU, the father and son removed to Didand, Fla. She was a faith fid wife, molherand -isjcr; a good neigh- bor and a consistent Christian.
Clair Countj, Illinois, and partially educated there. Louis Albert Lyon, the y jun,i: Catliai iiie Iamikmi l. Lyon, and they settled on their farm in IJidue Prairie, when; they reared their fa mi I,. Theirtdiildren were Mary M. MadiM n County, Illinois, near C' dlin,s- vdle. His father was K'ohert '. Lemen was on tin- iioard of Health from ISS? Lemen Is always a very busy nuin; he has also l een [diysieian to the. S ;5, She is the youuuest chihl of h'ev. Moses Leiueu, and at th! He has ail ii. Sohjcski, who ooni- iiiaiided the notable Tolisli uprisin-;- in ISH;. The wife of ien.
They were then taken to iaiacia. Shelter was then sought in Kngland, but sorrow hroke the young mother's heart, and she died in the fall of Ceneral Iv-copodo's diiid'-of-st aff. S7 he has occupied the lecture Iatforni, speaking on temperance and litei'ary subjects. Lydia iertrude Sohie-ki, horn in Salem, She was educated in Ahiiira '.. John Sohicski, the well-kiujwn teni M ranei' uator. S iu ;KAriii Ai.. Slie Wiis converted at au eailv auu and united with the IJaptist Church. Long and valued service he gave ids conntiy in hei' time of need. Denny, nee Lemen, was horn in St. Mair County, Illinois, April S, ;'..
Denny, hitc of tlu-: Tlicri' were horn to tlicni eiuht children: Mai-y Putnam and Carrie Conant. Kllen Dcnnj' has been i rominent in social and literary circles, and a National leader in the tem- perance reform. Iler hiishand is one of the political loaders in the Stale of Indiana, and a staunch Re- l ul lican. Ik-njamin and Mary Lenicn of Salcni, She was married to John C. Wibel in June, 1. Soon afterward he beeunie editor of the. She is the grand-daughter of lie v. There are many heautifid traits of character ami some ael,-.
Wihid that should he mentioned, hut which, in a short biography, must m-eessaiily be omitted: Louis Medical College, St.
Louis, under the [ rcceplorshi[ of I'rof. Louis — a large Union Military lIos[ ital, witli Pi'of. Ilodgen as ranking sui'geon. Xcvy soon after locating al ln. S74, located in Denver, Colo.
Full text of "Doctors' Trial Transcripts"
His annual ad- dress before the latter society attracted witle-s read and favorable comment, and for the lirst time in the history of the society, it was oi'dcred that a lai'ge nund. He boasted some- what, at the time of the purchase, of having' one uf the most perfect instruments West of the Mis. It was a Ilartnack. He enjoyed a large and successful piactic. J st,- h I. Ik'n- jamin Oiile, his lirandniol iin's l. He weni lo I'ike's i'e. Missouri Com- promise," when the entire country was shaken from center to circumferent: Louis, he stood upon his mail car and wased his hand.
The murmur of indignation was heard from hundreds of foes, and curses were luMipcd upon the man that: Ml his leisure hours were dcNoted to ait, exemplify- ing the fact that true genius will lind a way to mani- fest itself. Sf , to Miss Mariau M. Hock, of Waterloo, His mother was Calhaiine Leinen, second laughter of IJev. Clair - ntnly, Illinois, duly 20, 1. Louis Metlical, wlun'e he graduated March, iMi.
Lemen was lM rn near Belhel Church, in St. After marriage he removed from Si. Clair 'oanty to Madison County, where he bought a fai ni and lived on it sixteen years. His healtii became so poor that he i! A son and a dauufhter survive him. Louis, May ti, l. In her ei-liteenlli year, she en- tered Monlieelh.
Seminary a- a pu[ il. Mckinley Da-liiell uas Ix. In l S7;i, when the. She has live daughters and two sons married, and one daughtei' and two sons single;. Lemen, a son d' Janie,-, II. Lenuui aird Catharine i. Missouri, his rank to date fiom. After his return from the army, Mr. Lemen was united in imirria-c in l-siil, with. Thechief cause in the train of ill. Webb, ollici- aling, after which the remains were buried in Hcthel.
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A loving mother and faithful Christian woman, Mrs. Laura Lucinda riinim, a dauuhler of. She united with the r. Mhool at Shurtlelf Colh-,ue, I pper Alton, As a maiden, wife, mother, Christian and friend. I'liinni, husl and d' Laura L. He felt Ihat he had a call to the nuni-trv. In the mean- time he friMpu'id ly preached, and in ]'S7. Mptisl Chuirh at Cilra. His ehildren aii', Claia L. S7, and four children were horn to them, naimdv: Lciiini, wa-- hoi'ii aL tlu'ir roidencc near O'Kallon, ill. Shook, ui Maridi Hi, l. W'lu'n the last summons came he peacefully [ assed to that rest which awaits jod's faithful children.
March l j, ly-i-'i. She re- eeived a eomiiion scIiocjI e. The remains were hroughl to Bethel Chui'ch, St. Clair County, Illinois, whcMc. Of their three children who are dead, Mmx Ma- hiddah I. Charles 'I'rmnan was boiii August 12, 1? The Lizard War Battle Bugs 1. Tale of Jake and the Pesky Flies. Chester Cricket's New Home. Felix Takes the Stage. Story Time For Kids. Precious and the Green, Ugly, Stick Bug! The Amazing Adventures of Ant-Man.
Eternity and the Ant. Inch and Roly Make a Wish. Flying Floris, Spiderling Chronicles. Anansi and the Tug o' War. Will You Be My Friend? Squirt Saves The Day. Story of a Cockroach. How to write a great review.