Indefinitely Idled
Bruce Mansfield Power Plant idled indefinitely; 340 workers to remain
From through , approximately 3 million metric tons of virgin polyethylene PE production capacity are slated to come online in North America, Morales told Recycling Today in late Most of the additions will occur on the U. In , Morales said to expect imports of virgin material into North America to continue as domestic demand grows steadily.
Export demand also will show growth for the year. He predicted potential delays on new investments in capacity in light of feedstock uncertainty, which could raise the floor on virgin prices. Morales said margins will be historically good but will not quite support reinvestment. Morales added that IHS analysts generally have been adding 36 months to the projected completion date for announced projects.
While Morales said more PE will be arriving, it will have less of an impact on global prices and margins than previous forecasts predicted. He said this would be good news for recycled material.
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Regarding PP investments in North America, Morales said the material is treated as a byproduct in many cases, supporting the PE or the refining business. He said that while margins were good, they are not at reinvestment levels. No new PP greenfield capacity in North America will be realized until the end of the decade at the earliest, Morales said, adding that that would lead to higher prices in the meantime, which would be good news for recycled PP. She said a clear correlation exists between virgin PP pricing and recycled PP demand, adding that when virgin prices increase, recycled PP demand increases.
However, as new virgin capacity came online in , lowering pricing for this material, she said, it displaced recycled PP demand. Nearly 1 million tons, or 28 percent, of recycled PP demand were displaced in Fu said China has three grades of recycled plastics, with Grade One being characterized by the highest quality and pricing. Prime substitution occurs first with this grade.
In , the region was home to nine PET resin producers. That number has declined to four. Of the PET that is recycled in the United States, bottles account for 82 percent, while thermoforms account for 14 percent, Maddox said. He predicted that virgin PET prices would remain low for the foreseeable future because of excess capacity throughout the supply chain and low oil prices. Maddox also said little growth has occurred in recycled PET demand because of the weak economy and the minimal investment made in PET packaging innovation relative to other packaging materials.
As examples he offered food-contact packaging, opaque and colored PET used in the dairy industry and the use barrier solutions and full shrink wrap labels. He added that thermoforms are a bright spot for PET, potentially replacing styrenes in food packaging applications for meat and poultry. Plastics Recycling will be Feb.

Avery Dennison , headquartered in Glendale, California, has introduced its CleanFlake Portfolio of labeling solutions, which the company says improves yield in the polyethylene terephthalate PET recycling process while offering the shelf appeal that pressure-sensitive labels are known for. The company says pressure-sensitive labels can limit PET recyclability into food-grade rPET because of adhesive contamination.
CleanFlake technology, however, is designed to cleanly separate in reaction to the caustic bath, leaving no adhesive residue on the PET flake, according to Avery Dennison. The CleanFlake solution is compatible with the existing value chain, the company says, and is available for PET bottles and thermoform containers. More information is available at http: According to the U. The seven-count indictment alleges charges of conspiracy, obstruction of a federal investigation, the making of false statements, violations of the federal Clean Air Act and negligent endangerment.
The indictment alleges that in January , workers at the foundry were ordered to assist in the refurbishment of a heat-treat oven that contained dangerous amounts of chrysotile asbestos. Proper asbestos abatement procedures were not implemented by the corporation or its managers. Workers were provided with inadequate safety equipment and were not told that the material they were removing contained asbestos. This contaminated material was then hauled away to a landfill by unsuspecting trash collectors, the indictment reads.
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