Der Kurator im Zeitalter der neuen Medienkunst (German Edition)
She is an adjunct lecturer at the University of Florida and has developed curriculum, courses and books for O'Reilly, DataCamp and more.

Katharine has worked at large and small companies as a developer, data scientist and technical manager since first using Python in An avid supporter of diversity in technology, she helped found the first PyLadies chapter in Los Angeles, California in Her current research and work interests include ethical machine learning, data privacy and automation of data workflows and information security. Artificial Intelligence AI has been called everything from a god to the new electricity, but is there merit to these evaluations?
AI and machine learning are actively used in many systems we value today, but these models and algorithms are not infallible. AI security, adversarial learning, data privacy and security in an era of big data and machine learning are hot topics of research and debate within the data science community. What type of future can we see where privacy, security and the benefits of AI can coexist?
Or are there more dangers and harms ahead? Aber Modelle und Algorithmen sind nicht unfehlbar. Oder kommen nur weitere Gefahren und weiteres Unheil auf uns zu? Martin Hellman is best known for his role in inventing public key cryptography, the technology that enables secure Internet transactions. He has authored over seventy technical papers, twelve US patents and a number of foreign equivalents. His many honors include election to the National Academy of Engineering and receiving jointly with his colleague Whit Diffie the million dollar ACM Turing Award, the top prize in computer science.
His most recent project is a book, jointly written with his wife Dorothie, A New Map for Relationships: His keynote talk on the importance and the difficulty of making ethical decisions is based on personal experiences related in the book and in which his wife plays a key role.
A free PDF is available at http: You can read the interview with Martin on our blog here. As computers and computing become more pervasive in our lives, ethical decision making is becoming ever more important in computer science. This talk hopes to help computer scientists rise to that challenge. It does so first by demonstrating how easily we fool ourselves, using a personal example where I did that when confronted with the inadequate bit key size of the Data Encryption Standard DES. The resolution of my dilemma demonstrates the value of getting input from outside parties and of lowering the bar for what constitutes unethical behavior.
Watch the interview with Peter Weibel here on our blog. Our civilization is, from writing to music, built on a two-dimensional notation.
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- Der Kurator im Zeitalter der neuen Medienkunst.
Digital techniques allow us for the first time a three-dimensional notation. The relation between objects and words, objects and images has been irreversible. In the digital world the relation between words and data, images and data, sounds and data are reversible and with 3D printing even objects can be made by data.
This lecture will show the new horizon of the human with surprising examples. Unsere Zivilisation ist von der Schrift bis zur Musik auf zweidimensionale Notation aufgebaut. Zum ersten Mal erlauben uns digitale Techniken nun eine dreidimensionale Notation. Bernd Lintermann works as an artist and scientist in the field of real time computer graphics with a strong focus on interactive and generative systems. His body of work spans more than twenty years and includes prints, interactive installations and stage performances.
He worked with immersive environments like the CAVE TM , and developed hardware and software for dome projection and panoramic projection environments. He is presently engaged in consumer hardware based augmented and virtual reality to provide access to digital contents for a larger public. He has published various scientific papers including SIGGRAPH and is the co-founder of the company Greenworks which distributes his software development Xfrog, a procedural organic modelling and animation system.
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- MenschSein mit Algorithmen | Being Human with Algorithms.
Watch the interview with Bernd Lintermann here on our blog. The three interactive installations, which are presented in a short introduction, thematize tendencies of global digitization and its relationships to humans. In Alphabet Space , the visitor can use a single three-dimensional object to display all 26 letters of the alphabet through a transformation from space to surface and write texts by movement in space.
Are You an Author?
Three Phases of Digitization refer to the virtualization of knowledge. Visitors browse through empty books, the contents of which only become visible in a holographic display. CODE mirrors the viewer as geometric data sets, as internet personas and presents him shaped by technical and genetic codes. This is the theoretical foundation of the sound synthesizer.
general public: Events Einzelansicht
Soon after Fourier Hermann von Helmholtz - invented around the first acoustic-mechanical resonator, which could analyze and synthesize sound phenomena. The first Proto-Synthesizer was constructed. The scientific world view is since then kind of musically influenced.
Today we are in the epoch of mobile communication, wireless lan, bluetooth, RFID, where we are surrounded by digital media technology, which becomes more and more smaller and invisible. The important point is that they are still ubiquitous due to wireless telecommunication technology, which became a main part of our everyday life. This means that our everyday life is traversed by invisible electro magnetic waves and oscillations. Our research partner, the AktiveArchive project contributed its expertise in the areas of documentation, conservation and restoration of electronic art and discussed solutions for the restoration of net-based works Tabea Lurk.
A number of different economies can be applied to the issue of the relationship between net-based art and the art market: The text section closes with the answers of the 17 international artists to the questionnaire sent out by the OOA research project. Publication of the research contributions is available in four formats. The decision towards this variety is linked to the object of investigation of our research project in the field of online culture: We want to test established and new publication formats for their benefits for research publications.
Rachel Mader University of Berne , Prof. Peter Schneemann University of Berne , Dr. Die Entscheidung zu dieser Vielfalt hat mit dem Untersuchungsgegenstand unseres Forschungsprojekts im Bereich der Online-Kultur zu tun: They can act as artists, curators and producers. Visitors to the exhibition are central as users, as emancipated consumers. YOU are the content in this exhibition! YOU are a part of the universe: YOU are the user of the world and part of the world, and with that a participant in the world.
Whoever is a part of the world also bears some responsibility for the world, of which they are a part. Through their participation, the YOU, the user, has the chance to change the world. In the most technologically advanced environments and installations, the most recent state of the art of participation, pARTicipation, is being shown. That reinforces that tendency, which becomes established in the spirit of the enlightenment for democracy, for untrammelled access to education for all and for the creativity of all. In the global context of the information and communication society, the Biacs3 will make a new map of Global Art, World Art, addressing the specific aspect of media, environment and technology.
Under the title youniverse, the Biennial of Seville will show how contemporary art worldwide has changed through the influence of media, technology, science and architecture by fostering one main goal: The creations of the selected artists approximately works will revolve around mobility, individualisation through technologies, quantum physics, nanotechnology, hydraulic engineering, architecture and the environment.
One aspect will be to show that technology as man-made nature can help to solve our problems with natural environments. The other aspect will be the democratization of art.
The audience, rather than the artists, is the star. Spain , Immaterial museum.
Sandra Kuberski
Andrei Ujica Rumania , Out of the Present, Antonio Barrese Italia , Zeus playing, Italia , No-Stop-City, Bas Princen Holland , Birdwatchers, Bose Krishnamachari India , Ghost: Catherine Ikam France , Yoona 1, Claude Parent France , Oblique Potentialism. Spain , Media-Tic Building, Coop Himmelb l au Austria , Villa Rosa, France , Ex — lles, Italia , Animal Pharm, Emergent Architecture Tom Wiscombe.
France , Chair model, Gianni Pettena Italia , Wearable Chairs, Gregor Eichinger Austria , Urbar, installation. Gonzalo Puch Spain , Sin titulo, Hiraki Sawa Japan , Eight Minutes, Holland , Cell Phone Disco, France , Maison H, Portrait to Smile Once a Year, Jones Partners Architecture Wes Jones. Juan Carlos Robles Spain , Volker, Germany , Metropol Parasol, USA , Inversabrane, Manolo Bautista Spain , Diamond Motel. Martin Walde Austria , Production Limits.
Masaki Fujihata Japan , Beyond Pages, USA , Beast, Spain , Plaza de las Libertades. Michael Sailstorfer Germany , Sternschnuppe, Holland , Pavillon H2O, Oh Yong-Seok Korea , Drama, Oliver van der Berg Germany , Kameras, Holland , Portals, Madrid, Spain , Civil Registry Office, A Light Rain, Holland , Luma2solator, Caja de sombras 2. Rosalie Germany , Helios, France , Dusty relief, Bangkok, France , Akousmaflore, USA , Spoorg, Shilpa Gupta India , Untitled, Stephan von Huene EE.
SunMyoung Choi Korea , Evidence of the invisible 1. Tim Macmillan Germany , Ferment. Tom Kovac Australia , Visualising the virtual concourse, Wolfgang Munch Germany , Bubbles, Ai Ran Kang Korea , Digital book. Dave Griffiths UK , Aljazari, Eli Gur Arie Israel , Untitled, Monitored Feeding Station, Eugenio Ampudia Spain , En Juego, Kim Shin-il Korea , Water. Sangkyoon Noh Korea , One End. What are You Looking for. WAYLF — me — pink. Media art is one of the most exciting experimental fields to emerge in contemporary art in recent years—and yet its innovations have been sparsely documented.
Media Arts Zurich, the third yearbook published by the Department New Media at the newly founded Zurich University of the Arts, seeks to fill this gap, offering an illuminating overview of the Swiss media art scene of the past decade. This book examines the varying approaches, techniques, and strategies of acclaimed media artists as well as the public reception of their work.
Accompanied by a companion DVD in PAL format and lavish illustrations, this volume presents thirteen individual artists and groups in the context of their backgrounds, exhibitions, and the state of European media art. Two essays by art and media historians here position these Swiss media artists in the international art world and document the first ten years and visions for the future of the media art program at the Zurich University of the Arts and its predecessor, the School of Art and Design Zurich.
Richly illustrated and deeply informed, Media Arts Zurich points the way to a new European avant-garde. This is a lavish product, designed to help promote talented work and also, therefore, the school through a combination of short descriptive texts, lots of pictures and a DVD. This yearbook provides an opportunity to survey new media from a generational standpoint, and raises questions about whether there are any commonalities among this young Swiss group. One immediate answer to this focuses on the idea of the choices of specific medias. Moreover, we are presented with works that look at the technical limits and possibilities of various media, and which explore their relationship with social environments and rules.
And both are simply on the right track. The media arts in the age of their post-modern condition Inke Arns. I am quite exited to run WoW in korean hangul letter system. Recently, the outlook of Seoul is rapidly changing. What is changing is not only outlook, but our daily life is also changed. It is no longer surprise thing or imagination to watch TV or talk with friends face to face.
Many art works are installed on the street, overpasses. People can enjoy art in the park. However, take the different perspective, and ask to ourselves. Furthermore, what is purpose of art in that sense? It is not used in negative way which is stealing personal information without permission, either. Rather it is right to say that this word is chosen in the metaphorical context: This project is consists of two parts.