
101 Ways to Soothe a Crying Baby

It works best after you've calmed him with the other S's. It's a vicious cycle: A colicky baby is usually a poor sleeper—and the more exhausted she gets, the more she cries and the harder she is to soothe. To help both of you get more shut-eye, create calming bedtime habits, says Pamela High, M. Start with a warm bath, then play relaxing music. Make nighttime feedings "all business. Simply feed and change her, then quickly put her back to sleep. To help baby sleep better at night, don't let her nap for more than three hours at a time in the day, even if it means waking her.

The thought of giving up cheese and ice cream might be hard to stomach.

  1. Tom Price:Gossip from an Australian Outback Mining Town.
  2. 6 Genius Ways to Instantly Soothe a Crying Baby.
  3. For 0-3 Months.

But with breastfeeding moms, these sacrifices can make a huge difference; some studies show that colicky babies improve dramatically when the mother removes cow's milk from her diet. It's worth trying for a week or so, especially if you have a family history of milk allergies or intolerance.

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Nursing moms need 1, to 1, milligrams of calcium daily, so take a supplement. Hillary Mizia, of Golden, Colorado, noticed a big change in her 6-week-old son Miles after she cut out dairy.

  • Colic, Crying, And the PURPLE Period for Fussy Infants;
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  • Over the course of his first year, she tested her theory by periodically eating a meal that included dairy. Within a day or two, "we would have a very sad baby," she says. If you've tried just about everything and your baby is still screaming at the top of her lungs, she may have an underlying problem. Up to half of newborns experience reflux, a condition in which baby's last meal comes back up from her stomach into her esophagus—and often through her mouth and onto your favorite top.

    In most cases, symptoms are mild; you can ease them by keeping feedings small and burping her frequently every few minutes instead of once at the end. However, infants who spit up often, persistently refuse food, and don't gain weight might have severe reflux.

    • Best Ways to Soothe a Crying Baby!
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    • Your doctor can prescribe medicine, such as children's Zantac or Prevacid, that keeps stomach acid from backing up or blocks its production altogether. Mother Nature can be a baby's best friend. The whoosh of the wind or the rustling of leaves might remind her of similar noises she heard inside the womb—or simply distract her. Stephanie Gurnsey Higgins, of Richmond, used to take her colicky daughter for neighborhood walks. The outings "helped calm us both down," she says. Fresh air is bound to work wonders for you, too. With any luck, you'll bump into the kindly grandma who will tell you how beautiful your baby is.

      When friends and family ask what they can do, suggest they come over and watch the baby. Now is the time to call in favors; research shows that very anxious moms are more likely to have colicky babies. Post a plea on Facebook or have a girlfriend send out a group email to summon the troops. Don't even think about feeling bad: Looking for support doesn't mean you're weak, ineffective, or pathetic. It's smart to recognize your needs and accept assistance—and wouldn't you do the same for a good friend?

      Finding time for yourself will help calm your nerves and prevent you from having a major meltdown. If your unhappiness feels more like depression, though, see a doctor colic is also more likely to pop up in babies of depressed moms. When you can't stop the tears despite all your efforts, give yourself permission to leave your baby alone in a safe place such as her crib for five to ten minutes, Dr. Then take a deep breath and grab a snack, collapse on your bed or text your partner and tell him to get home, pronto.

      It's key to take a break before you grow too frustrated, as your baby may sense your I-can't-take-it-anymore vibe and become even more upset. Stepping away could actually help break the cycle. Call NHS Direct or , depending on your area, see nhsdirect.

      Swaddle your Baby

      Then compare it with your own forehead, to see if he has a fever. If your baby's unexplained crying has left you tearing your hair out the experts might help. Watch our video to help you cope with your baby's colic and crying. Trying for a baby? Work out when you're most fertile to increase your chances of getting pregnant with our easy-to-use ovulation calculator.

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      6 Genius Ways to Instantly Soothe a Crying Baby | Parents

      Each issue is jam packed with REAL advice from mums just like you. Home Baby Why is my baby crying? Why is my baby crying? Check him over Is he too hot or cold? Use your hands If your baby is crying fiercely in the late afternoon and evening, and draws his legs up to his chest, it could be colic. Try a new burp solution A gassy baby will be grouchy, so ease trapped wind by resting him on his tummy. Banish nightmares If your little one screams in the night, but still looks asleep when you go to him, it could be night terrors.

      Hannah Fox Hannah Fox. Related content by tag: Baby care Baby crying crying. Most popular articles in Why is my baby crying? Which Cry Is That? Coping With Colic And Crying If your baby's unexplained crying has left you tearing your hair out the experts might help. Ovulation calculator Trying for a baby?