You Cant Come In Here!: Book 2 (Creepover)
Emily Hunter loves hanging out with her new neighbours. From their decked-out chill-out room to their almost-professional guitar playing, Drew and Vicky Strig are super cool. The only bummer is that Drew and Vicky are homeschooled and Emily's other friends haven't got to know them yet.
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So Emily comes up with a plan for everyone to meet - a big party and sleepover at her house! But as Emily gets ready for the party, she begins to wonder about Drew and Vicky. They won't let Emily into certain rooms in their house. And a wolf howls on their lawn every night. Is it only Emily's overactive imagination or are the new neighbours more than just a little strange. Ready For A Scare?: The Show Must Go On!: The World According to Anna. This one definitely had a way creepier ending than the first one!
Like the end of the first one was open to interpretation but this one definitely wasn't and it was spooky. Overall, I really enjoyed the story and I'm sure the kids that it is targeted to would love it!

Oct 17, Katejay rated it really liked it. Not scary but a fun read!! Nov 23, Dona rated it it was amazing. Feb 17, Eric Desmarais rated it liked it. Well written if a little predictable.
Feb 15, Der Her rated it really liked it. The genre of this book is a mystery. This book was a mystery because the main character keeps hearing a howl and a wolf when the new neighbor came and lived in the other side of the street. The main character in this book is Emily. The conflict in this book is that Emily keeps seeing and hearing the wolf howling on the street when the new neighbor moved into the old house.
The conflict was scary so it made me want to read more of the book.
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Emily saw the wolf when into the new neighbor house and there were two teenagers in the house called Vicky and Drew. I like how the author gave the name to the characters. Emily was scary that the wolf might eat Vicky and Drew. They said Emily might be dreaming. I like this book! Wanneer Femke nieuwe buren krijgt, kan ze niet blijer zijn. Eindelijk wonen er kinderen in de straat met wie ze kan rondhangen!
Daan en Iris, de twee kinderen van de nieuwe buren, blijken nog supercool te zijn ook, met hun speelkamer vol gitaren en spelletjes. Het enige nadeel is dat ze thuisonderwijs krijgen, en dat betekent dat Femke haar nieuwe vrienden helemaal niet voor kan stellen aan haar klasgenootjes.
Dus bedenkt Femke een plan: Maar het wordt een feest met griezelige gevolgen… Femkes nieuwe buren blijken namelijk een beetje vreemd. Allereerst krijgen ze natuurlijk thuisonderwijs, wat al een beetje raar is, maar daarnaast krijgt Femke de ouders van Daan en Iris nooit te zien en blijkt er ook een kamer in hun huis te zijn waar Femke absoluut niet mag komen.
En wat doet die enge wolf met zijn bebloede bek midden in de nacht in de tuin van Daan en Iris? Langzaam maar zeker komt Femke er achter dat er iets goed mis is. Is haar verbeelding op hol geslagen en wordt ze gek, of houden Daan en Iris iets voor haar achter? Lees de hele recensie hier: Feb 08, Jan rated it really liked it Shelves: Emily really likes the neighbors across the street, Vicki and Drew. Yes, they are sort of weird and their house is practically falling down, but the are so much fun. But when a strange wolf starts appearing in the neighborhood, Emily starts to suspect that something odd it going on.
I really enjoyed this middle grade book. It is just creepy enough. I think it would give a tween boy or girl a few good chills. And because this is a newer series, the technology is up to date unlike reprints of some Emily really likes the neighbors across the street, Vicki and Drew. And because this is a newer series, the technology is up to date unlike reprints of some older series.
Oct 11, Miss Donnamaria added it. Emily lives in a very nice quiet neighborhood. Besides the old creepy house. Vicky and Drew are nothing like Emily. They are very Gothic and also they are homed school. I think this book is very good in my opinion. I think this because i like how the characters are different but they are still friends.
Creepover You Can't Come in Here Number 2 in Series Night P. J. 1907411240
Also, I like how Book Review Title: Also, I like how this book has a lot of action and adventure in it. Even though the characters don't look like they have anything in common they actually do. I would recommend this book to people who like action, drama and friendship all in one because this is what this book is about and also it does sometimes gives you the chills Jul 17, Mehsi rated it liked it Shelves: I read this book in Dutch since I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it in English , so I will be using the Dutch names in this review.
Femke was a really interesting character, I loved that she loved horror stories, that she loved creepy things. Daan and Iris, I already had my suspicions about them, even before everything spiralled into doom and despair and creepiness. And I was right about them all. They were 2 really creepy kids? I really had goosebumps through quite a few parts of the books yeah, goosebumps! The ending was the best part, I didn't expect it like that, it makes you wonder about quite a few things too.
While I enjoyed this one, I am not going to buy it for my collection. I just feel this one doesn't fit with the others. Review first posted at http: Dec 14, Jessica Ong rated it liked it Shelves: Emily loves being over at her new friends house across the street. As for there totally awesome Rec room to there amazing gatair playing.
But Drew and Vicky wouldn't let Emily into some of the rooms and for some strange reason there w as always a howling wolf on there front lawn howling every night. So Emily had an idea to invite her school friends and drew and Vicky over for a sleep over Why I picked up this book I picked up this book because I have enjoyed the whole series and want to finish the Emily loves being over at her new friends house across the street.
So Emily had an idea to invite her school friends and drew and Vicky over for a sleep over Why I picked up this book I picked up this book because I have enjoyed the whole series and want to finish the whole series by Christmas Why I finished this book So I could finish the whole series by Christmas and because the whole series are very interesting and make you want to read on.
Who I recommend this book to I recommend this boo to my moms friends daughter because she told me about this series and that's what got me started and she hasn't read the whole series. In this second book of thrill series Creepover, we find a lead protagonist, Emily being a good doer and attempting to befriend her new neighbors, who are home schooled. So, what does any intelligent girl to do? This story is not a horror, thriller that would keep a middle schooler up at night from terror. The story is fast-paced, entertaining and fun to predict.
At the end, everyone is friends and the weird happens are sort-of explained away, but there is still a thread of suspense.
You Can't Come in Here! | Book by P.J. Night | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
Apr 05, Sreshtha Bose added it. I know i am spoiling the book, but I have to say the end. It issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 31, Sam Williamson rated it liked it.
Kind of disappointing and dry even for a book of this genre for this age level. I was hoping for something a little more fun than the standard fare spooky neighbor plot And all of the characters were just truly awful and written terribly. It was reasonably well paced and read smoothly but I just couldn't stand anyone or anything in it. Still, good for a fast dad when your attention span is shot. Jul 24, Savana rated it it was amazing. This book was a very intresting book to read. I really enjoyed it.
I liked it so much I couldnt put it down. The end had a very intresting twist to it that I did not expect and I like that about books. I like when things happen that you do not expect. If you read this book you should read the epilogue because it has the twist in it lol. So you should definently check this book out.
I know you will love it. Sep 17, Crush The rated it it was amazing. Jul 04, Rosalie rated it liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. A basic vampire story with a bit of a twist. The ending was obvious from the start and the characters were very interesting overall. I find it rather odd that the parents did not want to meet the new family sooner and that Emily did not realize she never see her friends parents or that the voices always said the same thing.
It was still mostly enjoyable to read. Mar 21, tori campbell rated it really liked it Shelves: Emily finds soon out in this batty tale! I love this story. Jan 08, Taylor added it Shelves: I think everyone should read it is amazing it is just so good who ever reads this you can have a good scare once in a while.